(Composed by

The ability to speak confidently and competently greatly simplifies a person’s life and helps in work. Public speaking is an integral part of journalism and pedagogy. Mastering the art of oratory is a prerequisite for a person who decides to connect his life with politics, business, social activities.

"Eristics, or the Art of Winning Disputes"

Arthur Schopenhauer

In matters of rhetoric, it will not be superfluous to turn to the advice of the classics. The German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer was a reserved and suspicious person. But this did not prevent him from being fluent in five foreign languages ​​and being a witty speaker. Schopenhauer was famous for his ability to win in any disputes.

In his book, the philosopher analyzes eristics as the science of the correct conduct of disputes and considers the main methods of demagogy. The author lists more than thirty tricks to help confuse the opponent and make him make a mistake. The philosopher pays attention to both logical and psychological techniques. Schopenhauer's work has not lost its relevance even after almost two hundred years.

"Antique Oratory"

Andrey Kozarzhevsky

The ancient Greeks were famous for their eloquence. In ancient Greece, politicians and philosophers spoke as well as poets and tragedians. Judicial speeches of that time are the object of literary criticism along with poems and poems.

Andrey Kozarzhevsky, a specialist in the field of classical philology, dedicated the book to the orators of the classical era. The work considers and analyzes the works and speeches of Aristotle, Plato, Demosthenes, Cicero.

"How to Build Self-Confidence and Influence People by Speaking in Public"

Dale Carnegie

Dale Carnegie is one of the most famous psychologists of the 20th century. His books and essays have become world bestsellers. How to Build Self-Confidence and Influence People by Speaking in Public was Carnegie's last work and crowning achievement. In this book, the author shares his own method, which has been developed and improved over decades.

According to Carnegie, even an insecure person can learn eloquence. The main thing is not to give up after failures. The author cites the example of Jean Jaures, Lloyd George and Mark Twain, who failed their first public speeches, but later became outstanding speakers.

Carnegie gives advice on dealing with the main enemy of public speaking - excitement. The author talks about the development of self-confidence, shares the secrets of persuasiveness. Carnegie devoted separate chapters to how to compose a successful speech.

"Speak and Rule: Oratory for Everyone"

Victoria Borisova, Dmitry Aksyonov

Hundreds of books have been written about public speaking and proper communication with clients. But Victoria Borisova and Dmitry Aksyonov assure that in the 21st century, the standard methods of working as a sales assistant no longer work. The authors see the main problems in falseness and behavior “like a robot”.

In Speak and Conquer: Oratory for Everyone, the authors share the secrets of communication, with an emphasis on maintaining sincerity. In their opinion, communication between the seller and the buyer, boss and subordinates, parents and children should be natural. The authors teach to replace verbal surrogates with full-fledged live communication.

The book is distinguished by the presence of practical tasks that develop beautiful and clear speech.

"Oratory. Pretend to be a connoisseur"

Chris Steward, Michael Wilkinson

Sooner or later, everyone faces the need to deliver a public speech. This can happen during school, at a wedding or birthday. The authors addressed the book to people who need to limit themselves to only one speech.

Chris Steward and Michael Wilkinson talk about the correct structure of speech, give advice on the correct use of quotes and attract the attention of a distracted audience. The authors give recommendations for memorizing prepared speech. Separate chapters are devoted to ways to deal with excitement and interference that interfere with performance.

The book is written with humor, is not oversaturated with technical terminology and is suitable for readers of all ages and professions.

"Oratory and business communication"

Olga Baeva

Olga Baeva, a teacher of oratory and founder of the School of Business Communication, shares her own methodology for developing oratory skills in the book. The manual examines the secrets of successful speech, gives advice on developing self-confidence and overcoming barriers in communication. The author devoted separate chapters to the culture of the dispute. Unlike other professional speakers, Olga Baeva considers it necessary to be able to listen, which is important for business communication.

The reader who has read the book will learn to speak competently, convincingly and interestingly.

“The psychology of persuasion. 50 proven ways to be persuasive

Robert Cialdini, Noah Goldstein, Steve Martin

The authors of the book are well-known American psychologists and teachers Robert Cialdini, Noah Goldstein and Steve Martin. Experts analyzed all their knowledge and experience, fitting the main ideas into one small book.

The manual is written in a convenient question-and-answer format. The reader receives theoretical information combined with actionable advice. The authors devoted the book to the psychological foundations of communication. Having become acquainted with the work "Psychology of Persuasion", the reader will not only learn the techniques, but also understand the very mechanism of communication.

"Master class of oratory"

Rudolf Steiner

The book contains six lectures given by the Austrian scientist-philosopher Rudolf Steiner. The lecturer explains to students the theoretical foundations of rhetoric, pays attention to the correct construction of public speech. The author teaches how to start and end a speech correctly, shares the secrets of successful improvisation. Rudolf Steiner talks about methods of working with an audience of different compositions.

There is a thesis with which I completely agree:

A successful person is a speaker.

  • Because speech is an important tool of a MODERN SUCCESSFUL person.
  • Each of you is sure buys a mobile phone With the maximum number of useful functions: so he can not only call, but also take pictures, shoot videos. So? And it doesn't feel like overkill anymore.
  • Every employer wants to hire employees with the maximum number of useful features . Skill protrude, do presentations, reportsuseful employee function, agree?

Is public speaking easy to learn?

There are different types of people enrolling in my Public Speaking courses. Both confident people and insecure people. But after a while, they are already good speakers.

And absolutely.

That's why I know that speaking is easy to learn. Any person with any data.

Do not believe those people who will tell you that it is difficult to learn rhetoric.

  • It's as hard and easy as learning how to ride a bike, swim or cook in the kitchen.
  • For a long time he believed his friends that only a select few can learn to play the guitar. I believed until I was 18. And then I bought a guitar and a month later I was playing quite tolerably. After another half a year, he was one of the best in his hostel.

And I also heard that the orator needs some kind of innate data and abilities. For example, charisma or self confidence

Yes, they won't interfere.

It's all good. But most often people come to me without these qualities. But... they do their homework, do the exercises... And they get excellent results in oratory.

Acquiring at the same time and charisma and confidence

Need data. But others. At least a slight sense of pride and a little self-discipline.

It is also useful to remember that laziness is not the most important thing in life.

Is it possible to learn oratory from a self-instruction manual?

A famous proverb says that a donkey can be led to water, but no shaitan will make him drink.

No matter who teaches us, no matter how they teach, we learn ourselves. And from how much we need knowledge, so we learn.

In any training there are two main elements: theory And practice

Without theories You can learn, but it's difficult. Theory helps to acquire knowledge faster, and to master faster practice. Without practices(without lessons and exercises) learning is even more difficult. Knowledge without practices- Just gossip, which gradually are forgotten. alternately receiving knowledge and fixing them on practice, we learn any skills.

Later, when the skill is acquired, we do not remember the knowledge, and we do not control our actions - we just do it.

Public speaking is not an easy skill.

Mastering rhetoric requires practical exercises related to speaking in front of other people.

  • Can do exercises alone, in front of a mirror.
  • You can - exercises before video camera.

But in this case, it is useful to periodically find the practice of speaking, at work, at meetings, at parties.

One way to organize a practice is to gather a group of friends who are also interested in mastering public speaking for free and learning together.

So often it happens. Friends or colleagues who want to learn public speaking lessons for free are being interviewed. There are always those who want to learn rhetoric. And after the first meeting, rumors about useful leisure bring unfamiliar people. And all the lessons and exercises in this book can be done together.

Can be trained together with a friend.

Do practice exercises together.
And, alternately, to be a demanding teacher and a talented student.

Very welcome to collect family evenings and exercise with the family.

This is an interesting and useful family leisure activity. You will see - lessons in public speaking will appeal to all members of your family.

But if you, nevertheless, will be rhetoric do it yourself- it is also good. After all, many practical exercises can be done independently.

So where do you start?

1. Theory.

2. Practice.

Lesson #1

Let's start with a simple exercise. Read any of these parables:

Stand in front of a mirror and say any of them in your own words.

If you are already doing well in front of the mirror, turn on the camcorder.

A webcam, for example, or a video camera on a smartphone.

When it turns out well, tell this parable to one of your friends.

Next time you can do the same with any story(news) from the Internet.

Here is an example.

  • The most ordinary story told by the most ordinary person:

I think it is useful to learn oratory once, so that you can use it all your life.

However, the preface dragged on - it's time to move on to the next chapters.

The impression that a person makes on others, already in the first minutes of acquaintance, can completely change his future. Career, financial situation, relationships with friends and personal life depend on the ability to clearly and distinctly express one's thoughts, the ability to hear and listen, to convince and negotiate.

Rhetoric and oratory

Oratory is not just the ability to speak a lot and beautifully. A good speaker must master the basics of psychology and acting, philosophy and analytics. Its main goal is not just to convey certain information to the interlocutor, but also to arouse interest among the audience, to encourage listeners to perform certain actions.

10 basic rules of rhetoric

In rhetoric, 10 components are distinguished that affect the quality of speech and underlie oratory.


You should not present your own beliefs as an indisputable truth. The speech of the speaker must be unbiased, and the information truthful;



Clarity is the ability to explain complex things in simple terms, to present information in a form understandable to the interlocutor;


Using as examples of real life situations, comparisons and comparisons, causes the listener to associate with familiar, well-known things. The feelings and emotions that arise at the same time simplify the perception of information and make speech more memorable;


The main idea of ​​what was said should be easily caught and quickly remembered;


The interlocutor needs to be captivated, interested, and, while maintaining intrigue and increasing the degree of tension, gradually bring him to the climax of the story;


A non-standard approach and a fresh look at the situation increase the audience's interest in the speaker and his speech;


The listener should not be loaded with an abundance of difficult-to-perceive terms and formulations, they must be alternated with simple and understandable information;

comic effect

Humor smooths out sharp corners, evokes the audience's disposition, and performances diluted with a good joke or appropriate witticism are better remembered;


You should not make pathos and lofty speeches, but at the same time, what has been said should not seem vulgar or vulgar. The choice of storytelling style depends on its content and the target audience for which the speech is intended.

But it is also the key to success in life. After all, a person who has the skills of oratory, a priori, has a much greater chance of becoming an outstanding personality, a famous figure, an influential person, a celebrity, etc. And if this does not interest you, then, in any case, the ability to express yourself eloquently and convincingly will always serve you well and come in handy in any life situation.

Of course, today there is a very large number of various materials on the topic of oratory, such as video and audio lessons, lectures and courses, Internet portals (for example, a website), etc., and rhetoric in general is one of the compulsory subjects in educational programs of some educational institutions. But, be that as it may, the most common way to obtain any information are books, even if in electronic form. And the article presented to your attention is devoted specifically to books on the subject we are studying in this course. Below we look at some of the most interesting, most popular and effective public speaking books that are sure to please anyone interested in developing their public speaking skills.

This book on rhetoric was written by the German professor of Bremen University X. Lemmermann almost in the middle of the last century. The book is intended as a systematic introduction to modern rhetoric for the unenlightened reader without special philological and linguistic education. Heinz Lemmermann is trying to popularize the key concepts and principles of rhetoric that are necessary for each of us. The textbook is suitable for both adults and schoolchildren, and in it everyone can master the course of rhetoric offered by the author and learn how to speak clearly and convincingly in public.

As we can see, a fairly large number of books are devoted to the topic of oratory, rhetoric and other related issues today, each of which is interesting and unique in its own way, and each of which provides the most useful information necessary for study. This speaks to the importance of how important it is to have a good theoretical base and knowledge. And this is really important. But, along with this, we must not forget that, in addition to theory, there is practice, which also plays a crucial role.

Therefore, study books on public speaking and absorb new knowledge, but remember that all this knowledge must be confirmed by experience. So, use everything you learn in your daily life.

We wish you success in mastering the skills of public speaking!

Not every person can calmly speak to the public. Well, when this is not needed. But some professions require a person to work systematically with the public. Vocalists, presenters, politicians, teachers and representatives of other public professions are forced to conduct a constant dialogue with the crowd. The audience psychologically influences the speaker, but he also influences her. To be confident in public, to know how to convince people and to correctly present the necessary information, it is important to learn the art of speech.

It is difficult for beginner speakers to confidently present information to a large number of people. The expectant looks discourage the most self-assured novice speaker. Keeping up in public is a science that is set out in books on rhetoric, oratory.

O. Bolsunov's book "Oratory for Beginners" is popular due to the detailed consideration of the mistakes that speakers make in their speeches. It analyzes the text to give people what errors it contains. The author of the book considers the negative characteristics of the speaker, and he also helps:

  • learn to behave correctly when reading a speech;
  • draws attention to gestures;
  • defines rules that help avoid speaker errors;
  • considers the causes of failed performances and how to prevent them.

Boris Timofeev considers lexical errors in his speech in his book “Do we speak correctly?”. Here, in an accessible language, it explains how to interact with the public and not make mistakes in speech.

These two books are a useful combination when working through the mistakes of the speaker's behavior and speech.

Books with techniques and exercises

A few centuries before our era, Greek philosophers paid special attention to oratory. Great commanders and emperors organized competition evenings, where everyone read poetry, prose or told a story. So they learned to avoid mistakes in speech, to feel confident in front of a large audience. We can only speculate exactly how they trained, but such activities are still relevant today.

A useful tool for the development of speech, teaching oratory is the book on rhetoric by Heinz Lemmermann “Textbook of rhetoric. Speech training with exercises. A German professor wrote it back in the middle of the last century. It lays out the basics of rhetoric in an understandable language even for the most unenlightened reader in this field. The author highlighted the principles and concepts of oratory. This textbook is unique in that it is suitable for different age categories, from a schoolboy to an accomplished person in advanced years. Here the professor emphasizes that it is important to perform the written exercises every day, then a person will achieve significant success.

The book highlights:

  • how to prepare for a presentation;
  • speech preparation techniques are given;
  • texting exercises.

Carsten Bredemeyer's book "Black Rhetoric" contains effective exercises that help you negotiate, convince people. Here, using examples, readers learn the correct formulation of questions, verbal and reasoned techniques that allow them to achieve their goal in a speech. The author emphasizes that negotiating or presenting information is really an oratory that needs to be mastered.

Speakers who want to effectively communicate and present information, it is important to study the book "The Genius of Communication" by D. V. Aksenov. Here not only the basics of rhetoric are considered, but also the psychological aspects of communication. The book is written in a humorous style, which contributes to its quick and high-quality study. It covers the processes:

  • calibration;
  • adjustments;
  • personal editing;
  • manipulation and countermanipulation;
  • thinking in communication.

The rhetoric course with a selection of exercises “Learning to speak in public” by Vladimir Shakhidzhanyan is popular. When studying and working through this course, a person acquires important skills in communicating with a large audience:

  • a feeling of freedom during speeches in front of an audience, a person feels “at ease” and there is not a shadow of doubt or stiffness in his voice and body movements;
  • confidence in conducting a dialogue is an important skill for public people who are constantly negotiating, solving a lot of problems in front of people;
  • clarity and clarity in the formulation of thoughts - this skill is especially important for speakers, because people listening to them must understand and be aware of what actions or thoughts he calls them to and what he wants to achieve from them.

Scientific presentation of rhetoric, work on the correctness of vocabulary

Volkov's book "Course of Russian rhetoric" is distinguished by a distinctive scientific approach and presentation of the material. It is indispensable for students of higher educational institutions, as it was written on the basis of lectures given by the author at the universities of the Moscow State Academy of Arts and Moscow State University. It contains the following information:

  • how language is related to speech and culture;
  • the history of the emergence of rhetoric;
  • problems of the audience listening to the speaker;
  • principles and laws of logic;
  • rules for pronouncing oratorical speech;
  • basics of dialogue;
  • examples showing the construction of a text for the speaker, the analysis of this text.

This textbook contains a lot of scientific information, therefore it is presented in a professional language. It is not recommended to use it for beginners in this field, as it is difficult for them to navigate in terms and scientific concepts. In addition, the book does not contain practical exercises on teaching the skill of attracting people's attention with your speech.

Another guide to the scientific world of communication is the book by L. A. Vvedenskaya "Culture of Speech". A speaker should not only look beautiful and neat - these are the first 5 minutes of success, but also correctly express their thoughts - this is 100% of the success of the report. It is more pleasant to perceive literate speech with the necessary arrangement of pauses, without errors in words and additions in the form of "uh", "uh-uh", "i-i-i".

  • facial expressions;
  • literary language in reports;
  • gestures;
  • pauses in conversation and so on.

The book is distinguished by meaningful and useful information about what speech etiquette is, why it should be present in communication, what are the norms of the literary language, what are the qualities of speech (clearness, richness, expressiveness, diversity, and others).

Psychological moments of non-verbal communication

Rhetoric, psychology, logic - these and other sciences originated from philosophy, which studies the influence of people on each other. These areas of scientific knowledge do not exist separately from each other. To reach the hearts of people, it is important not only to pronounce the correct Russian words in the right case and declension. For this, the psychological component of conveying information is important. Words do not convey emotion, feeling and a call to action.

Most books on rhetoric are accompanied by the psychological foundations of non-verbal communication. They are important for the speaker to present information, to better perceive it, and also to understand the interlocutor.

Allan and Barbara Pease's Body Language is indispensable in understanding other people by their behavior. Based on the information received about the feelings and sensations of the interlocutor during the dialogue, the speaker draws a conclusion about the correctness of his words or their correction. In communication, it is easier to influence the perception of a person if you understand him. The book provides information:

  • what is receptivity, intuition;
  • about gestures when communicating;
  • human communication zones;
  • transmission of information through the hands, feet and other parts of the body;
  • the meaning of views;
  • protective barriers;
  • the importance of using accessories in communication.

Having studied the principles of understanding by the movement of the body, the speaker learns to understand the interlocutor, his thoughts regarding the information received, sincerity and truthfulness in communication.

Sergei Shipunov in his book "Charismatic Orator" also highlights the psychological problems of communication and influencing the public. The author pays special attention to the energy of speech, the construction and delivery of metamessages to people's consciousness, emphasizes the importance of simplicity and openness of the speaker. It is important for every public person to represent naturalness and simplicity, people feel falseness, and not everyone will follow a false speaker. The author examines in depth the causes of fear of the audience. The book also outlines psychotherapeutic principles if a person has a strong fear of speaking. This work is useful for studying not only public people, but also students, even schoolchildren who are afraid to speak in front of the teacher and the class, although they know the answer to the question.

The best books that are important for every speaker

  • N. N. Kokhtev "Rhetoric"; Kokhtev in his book helps to form the correct speech, analyze the texts of famous speakers, answers questions on rhetoric, provides information in a concise and accessible way for students in grades 8-11. It is also used for self-education.
  • O. Marchenko “Fundamentals of eloquence. Rhetoric as the science and art of persuasion. Tutorial"; Marchenko pays attention to the practical aspects of rhetoric, provides methodological recommendations for achieving the artistic and expressive possibilities of speech action.
  • Aristotle "Rhetoric". The book of Aristotle is the base of every person who wants to speak in public.

These works provide important information that every speaker should know in theory and practice.

In books on oratory, it is important to highlight the aspects that you want to learn. If you have problems with the lexical presentation of the text, you need to read books about correct Russian speech. With the development of fear in the public or the desire to influence it more, it is necessary to study the psychological component of rhetoric.