Are Sagittarius and Pisces Compatible? Pisces and Sagittarius - compatibility in love and marriage

It has long been noticed that the placement of stars and planets at the time of his birth has a strong influence on the character and fate of a person. The compatibility horoscope of signs is compiled taking into account these data, which allows you to answer the question with great accuracy whether the partners are suitable for each other.

This is especially important for lovers planning a wedding, because knowing the temperament of a loved one can avoid many problems. The compatibility of Pisces and Sagittarius raises doubts even among themselves, since it is sometimes difficult for lovers to understand each other because of different outlooks on life. However, using the tips of astrologers, such a union can be quite happy and harmonious.

Sagittarius and Pisces Compatibility in Love

From the first minutes of their acquaintance, Sagittarius and Pisces feel a strong attraction, which they simply cannot resist. Energetic and sociable Sagittarius will undoubtedly attract the attention of pensive and dreamy Pisces, which is quite difficult to sink into the soul. Both partners are sensual and romantic in love, so at first the relationship between them develops almost perfectly. Difficulties begin over time, when partners begin to realize that they want completely different things from life. Pisces dreams of a quiet family nest, while Sagittarius strives for active social activities.

Compatibility in a love relationship between Sagittarius and Pisces is ambiguous. Despite mutual sympathy, they have a lot of contradictions in their views and aspirations.

Sometimes the secrecy and feigned coldness of Pisces frightens a partner who begins to look for the reasons for such behavior of a loved one in himself. However, you just need to accept that this zodiac sign tends to fall into a melancholic mood. At such moments, representatives of the water element should simply be left alone with their thoughts. If Sagittarius and Pisces can cope with the "grinding" period and stay together, the horoscope promises them a fairly peaceful life together. Sagittarius can become a support and support for his partner, and he, in turn, will surround his loved one with care and tenderness.

Is marriage possible between Pisces and Sagittarius?

The compatibility of Pisces and Sagittarius in marriage is ambiguous and largely depends on the location of the Sun and Moon in the horoscopes of lovers, as well as on their age. Marrying in adulthood, representatives of these signs already have some experience and are ready to change their habits for the sake of family well-being. Young Sagittarius and Pisces are too emotional and unrestrained, so there will be much more problems in such a marriage. Representatives of the water element are sensitive to the feelings of a partner, so even during a quarrel they try to choose the right words. Sagittarians, like Taurus, are too quick-tempered and truthful, they tend to say whatever they think, without thinking about the feelings of the second half.

The tactlessness of Sagittarius is the reason for the separation of many couples. In addition, it is difficult for Pisces to share a loved one with others, because his sociability knows no bounds. Sagittarius can easily leave the other half in an unfamiliar company and communicate with old acquaintances all evening, without even thinking that she may feel uncomfortable. It is generally difficult for him to understand the mysterious nature of Pisces, and he considers frequent mood swings to be hypocrisy. Sexual relations in a couple also cannot be called ideal, since romantic Pisces do not share the activity and desire for experiments of their partner.

Pisces Woman and Sagittarius Man Compatibility

There are many contradictions in a pair of Sagittarius men and Pisces women, but such a union may well be happy. Their compatibility largely depends on the similarity of interests and beliefs, as well as on the benefits that each of the partners receives from this relationship. The Sagittarius man is excited and intrigued by the mystery and secrecy of a new acquaintance, he can listen to her languid arguments on philosophical topics for hours. In addition, women of this zodiac sign, especially those born in the year of the Horse, are endowed with a special charm and a rich inner world. However, the active Sagittarius will soon get bored with the constant conversations and dreaminess of Pisces, he is too fickle for this sensual sign.

Much in such a union depends on the wisdom of the woman. Change, intrigue and admire your lover - these are the key points of a happy family relationship between a Pisces woman and her fiery partner. Pisces needs to learn how to show their feelings, not just talk about them. Sagittarius men are inherently superficial, therefore they judge people by what they see, without delving into the inner world of a partner. To develop such a relationship, both spouses will have to sacrifice their own aspirations and take into account the wishes of the partner in all their decisions.

SAGITTARIUS + PISCES - Compatibility - Astrotypologist Dmitry Shimko

Compatibility Sagittarius Man and Pisces Woman

Pisces Man and Sagittarius Woman Compatibility

Pisces marriage compatibility with Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

Compatibility Horoscope - Sagittarius

Sagittarius Love Compatibility with Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

Compatibility Pisces Woman Man Sagittarius

Sagittarius Compatibility

According to the horoscope, Pisces and Sagittarius men in bed are also poorly compatible. She needs tenderness and sensitivity, while sex is a reason for pleasure for a partner. In order for the relationship between the Sagittarius man and the Pisces woman to become more harmonious, the compatibility horoscope advises adhering to the following rules:

  1. Pisces should not devote themselves entirely to relationships, new interests and hobbies will bring positive emotions into her life and make her partner more interesting.
  2. New family traditions will be the key to a happy marriage.
  3. Sagittarius man and Pisces woman have the opportunity to improve their compatibility if they become more attentive to each other's desires.
  4. Sagittarius should choose their expressions carefully in a conversation with their impressionable girlfriend, so as not to hurt her feelings.

Sagittarius Woman and Pisces Man Compatibility

According to the horoscope of the zodiac signs, the compatibility of the Sagittarius woman and the Pisces man is low. Relationships with this combination of signs basically end in a couple of months, leaving behind only pleasant memories. The Pisces guy and the Sagittarius girl usually immediately see the futility of such love relationships, therefore, over time, they opt for friendship. At the beginning of the relationship, the girl is captivated by the romance and reliability of the young man, but after a while it becomes clear that in real life this handsome dreamer cannot be relied upon.

He is used to living in the world of his fantasies, therefore it is difficult for him to cope with real problems. A significant role is played by the jealousy of the Pisces man, who will constantly pester his beloved with reproaches and showdowns. Friendship with the opposite sex for a sociable Sagittarius woman can be a real nightmare. Even an innocent photo with a worker found on social networks can provoke a huge scandal.

The leader in such an alliance is most often a more active partner, it is especially favorable for such a relationship if she was born in the year of the Dragon. It cannot be said that the wife is not happy with this state of affairs, but Sagittarius still will not miss the chance to reproach her husband for his irresponsibility and unwillingness to live a real life; sometimes such a family resembles the relationship between a boss and a delinquent subordinate. Constantly criticized, the Pisces man withdraws into himself and feels uncomfortable in such a relationship. Common goals and ideas, family business and children will help bring together such dissimilar partners. The Sagittarius woman and the Pisces man should allocate responsibilities at the very beginning of the relationship, then many domestic problems can be avoided.

Representatives of the zodiac signs Sagittarius and Pisces are ruled by different elements - Water and Fire. This fully explains the inconsistency of the natural characters of people. But at the same time, successful alliances often arise between Pisces and Sagittarius, if the partners are united by a common goal. Partners can and are able to work successfully for the benefit of the common cause. The most stable tandems are formed if the activities of partners are related to tourism, science, and archeology. Between representatives of these signs of the zodiac in successful tandems, confrontation never arises. They forget that they perceive the world around them differently and begin to support each other.

Sagittarius man and Pisces woman - compatibility

The unifying factor in the unions of the Sagittarius man and the Pisces woman is that partners value spiritual connection more than material goods. Representatives of these signs of the zodiac strive to learn everything new, like to travel, are fond of psychology and philosophy.

In a love relationship (compatibility in love 61%)

The compatibility of Sagittarius man and Pisces woman in a love relationship is not very high. But if sympathy arises between partners, then they immediately create a strong love tandem. It is mutual understanding and support.

Despite his straightforwardness, which scares off many, the Sagittarius man takes care of his partner with a naturally vulnerable character. This is due to the fact that he understands how important it is for him to have a good-natured and sincere person nearby, who is alien to betrayal.

A successful union will be when the partner understands and accepts the dreaminess of the partner. It is important that he does not require a practical attitude to life from his beloved. By having a more realistic partner nearby, the Pisces woman also becomes more practical.

But, nevertheless, many disagreements in tandem will be associated with the different rhythm of the life of lovers. The Sagittarius man is active, he is constantly on the move. And his partner strives for solitude and loneliness. But loving Sagittarius and Pisces always find compromises and provide each other with the necessary freedom.

In bed (compatibility in sex 87%)

The compatibility of Sagittarius man and Pisces woman in bed under certain circumstances can be ideal. The thing is that the representative of the Pisces zodiac sign is always ready to give leadership in the sexual sphere to her wonderful partner.

She gladly responds to all the wishes of a sensual and romantic Sagittarius man. In the bed of representatives of these zodiac signs, there is passion and tenderness. For a partner in such a tandem, the sincerity of the relationship is important. She feels any falsehood on a subconscious level. But, as a rule, this should not be feared, because lovers born under the sign of Sagittarius themselves do not tolerate hypocrisy.

The partner can be completely trusted. He knows how to create a romantic atmosphere and understands how to get the most pleasure in bed.

Married (compatibility in family life 53%)

Sagittarius and Pisces compatibility in marriage is not bad. But at the same time, spouses pay little attention to the everyday side of life. Getting into their house, others note that it looks far from family-like. If the marriage is concluded at a young age, then the spouses simply do not have enough time to do home improvement. They spend a lot of time on the road and are constantly busy with self-improvement.

As the spouses grow older, they come to understand the importance of arranging the family nest. Over time, a woman becomes more domestic. She increasingly begins to engage in household chores and, unexpectedly for herself, begins to enjoy it. A little time passes and a better hostess and a caring wife cannot be found. The husband understands and appreciates this.

But the husband, born under the sign of the zodiac Sagittarius, is unlikely to change. He will continue to lead an active lifestyle and become the main earner in the family. This will not disturb the family idyll until the spouse suspects him of infidelity. This is the reason for divorces in the families of representatives of these zodiac signs. In order to save the family, a woman will have to show patience and wisdom.

In friendship (compatibility in friendships 69%)

Representatives of these zodiac signs can become real and true friends. Especially often, friendly tandems are created by people belonging to different generations. And it does not matter at all whether a man or a woman is older. At any age, friends can find understanding and become real support for each other.

Friends born under these zodiac signs always have something to discuss and tell. As a rule, they do not rest in the same company. The increased activity of a friend is not very suitable for a balanced and calm friend. But at the same time, they meet regularly and share their own impressions of events taking place in the world around them.

The Pisces girlfriend always takes care of herself, so the Sagittarius man is pleased that he has a beautiful companion next to him. He appreciates such friendship, but in a fit of feelings he can start flirting with a beauty. This can lead to a break in friendships on the part of a woman.

Business relations between representatives of these signs of the zodiac are not particularly successful. And friendship cannot help in this, rather, obligations to each other will only interfere with the solution of the tasks assigned to colleagues.

Pisces Man and Sagittarius Woman Compatibility

Despite her natural intemperance and extravagance, the Sagittarius woman behaves cautiously with the Pisces man, feeling on a subconscious level the whole depth of his inner world. This allows you to create harmonious unions. The Pisces man understands how emotional and unpredictable his partner is, but against the background of falling in love, he will strive to smooth out the conflicts that have begun, not allowing them to flare up.

In a love relationship (compatibility in love 55%)

The compatibility of Pisces man and Sagittarius woman in a love relationship is not high. Representatives of these signs of the zodiac approach each other gradually, but at the same time, it is difficult for them to build sincere and trusting relationships. There is always a distance between lovers in such a tandem.

A man, falling in love with a chosen one, shows wisdom. He accepts her activity and determination, but tactlessness and the desire to criticize everything that happens around him are unpleasant to him.

At the beginning of a relationship, he will try to re-educate his partner, but he will soon realize that this is useless. A break will follow soon. And even if the young lady Sagittarius tries to restore relations, she will not succeed.

But it also happens that a girl in love quickly realizes that next to her is exactly the person she needs. In this case, the love relationship will be harmonious, as the partner will restrain herself from criticism. A woman against the background of love becomes more emotional and sensual, she begins to understand the whole depth of the spiritual world of her chosen one. Over time, partners can become one, but, unfortunately, this does not happen often, and this is not confirmed by the high compatibility of Pisces and Sagittarius in love.

In bed (compatibility in sex 77%)

The compatibility of Pisces and Sagittarius in bed is good. With a successful combination of circumstances, an intimate life can become ideal. But this will only happen if the partner can make her partner understand how important sex is in her life.

By nature, the Pisces man is very sensual, but he does not always show passion in bed, because spiritual intimacy is much more important for him. Therefore, in order to develop a harmonious relationship with a partner in bed, the companion should be more active.

For her part, the Sagittarius woman in the intimate sphere should be careful. She needs to show understanding, remembering the vulnerability of a man. You need to give him some time so that he can feel confident in himself.

Married (compatibility in family life 50%)

The compatibility of Pisces man and Sagittarius woman in marriage is low. This indicates that representatives of these zodiac signs rarely create family unions. Poor compatibility focuses on the fact that, living in the same family, Pisces and Sagittarius do not get closer, and there is always a distance between them.

Prosperous family tandems can only be if the spouses can get closer spiritually. Much in the family depends on the woman. She should be more patient and accept her husband as he is by nature.

The unifying factor for the spouses is a common cause. Conditionally, such a marriage can be concluded by calculation. This means that all the forces of the spouses will be thrown to achieve a common goal, so they will not have time for any nit-picking with each other.

Spouses never frankly with each other. This is due to the fact that they look differently at the world around them and the events taking place in it, there is simply no point in discussing it. What seems like a stupid pastime to a wife is important to a husband. And the faster the spouse learns to restrain himself from criticism, the longer the family union will be able to maintain.

In friendship (compatibility in friendship 70%)

Friendly relations can develop successfully if the representatives of the zodiac sign Sagittarius and Pisces have common interests. As a rule, love never arises with sincere friendship, so the second half of people should not worry. If partners are truly friends, then they can teach each other a lot. A girlfriend under the influence of a sensible man will become less impulsive, and Pisces' friend will be able to get rid of illusions.

Only with a successful friendship, business relations between representatives of these signs of the zodiac can develop successfully. Otherwise, working together, friends can harm the common cause.

The Sagittarius woman by nature has an optimistic character, so it seems to her that she can achieve everything in life quickly and easily. But when winning the heart of the mysterious Pisces man, the beauty often has difficulties. It is difficult for her to understand the taste preferences of the chosen one and to realize the full depth of his inner world.

In addition, the chosen one is secretive, he never shows his real attitude towards people. Therefore, it is difficult for a woman to understand how correctly she behaves and whether her chosen one likes her behavior. Pisces man may seem soft and compliant, but this absolutely does not affect the decision to continue the relationship.

In order to please a Pisces man, you need to make it clear to him that you accept his deep spiritual world and you are interested in his dreams and fantasies. It should be noted that it is not easy for a critical woman born under the sign of the zodiac Sagittarius to do this. It is necessary to spend as much time as possible in conversations with the chosen one, demonstrating your intelligence. It should also be emphasized that intimacy plays an important role in relationships. The Pisces companion likes all thoughtful and intimate conversations that touch on the philosophical aspects of life.

How can a Pisces man conquer a Sagittarius woman?

The desire to conquer the heart of the chosen one, born under the sign of Sagittarius, does not often occur in a Pisces man. Firstly, the chosen ones rarely cross paths in life, and secondly, an eccentric and active beauty can rarely attract the attention of a sensible and balanced man, with a closed character.

But if love woke up in the soul of a representative of the Pisces zodiac sign, then he first needs to carefully look at his chosen one, determine her hobbies and try to become interested in them. It is very good to talk with the beauty on various topics as often as possible. She is always distinguished by a developed intellect and will easily support any conversation. This method will allow her to understand the depth of the inner world of the man who cares for her.

The Sagittarius woman is indifferent to gifts, it is more important for her to study the world and travel a lot. Therefore, it is good if there is an opportunity to invite her to different places and offer interesting adventures. And most importantly, it is necessary to make it clear to the chosen one that no one is going to limit her freedom. She must make sure that there will be equal relations with the chosen one, and he will always listen to her opinion.

> Sagittarius and Pisces Compatibility

This combination can hardly be called successful, since Sagittarius and Pisces have different worldviews. Their goals are different, and their temperaments do not allow them to get along normally. The Fiery Sagittarius does not understand why the water Pisces thinks so petty and even petty. In turn, Pisces believes that he sees an empty person in front of him, pointlessly wasting precious time. In addition, the sign is touchy and easily hurt, while Sagittarius always seems indifferent and speaks directly. They are able to spoil the relationship even because they never become an obstacle for any other couple.

Sagittarius and Pisces Love Compatibility

In love, they are shrouded in a thin erotic haze, but this does not save them. At first, passion can drag them headlong, and they will believe that sex was unforgettable and perhaps even the best in life. But with each new time, they are more and more deeply imbued with a partner and understand that between them lies an abyss that cannot be crossed the first time. Pisces is incredibly shy, and Sagittarius is prone to melancholy, so they don’t even worry about the feelings of a loved one. If he sees a game in front of him, he simply leaves.

This is a rare combination, whose attitude ends rather badly. In most cases, people converge because of personal interest. They belong to fire and water, and such destructive elements are not able to exist in the world.

They are not in a hurry and in communication they probe the ground in order to find common features. Most likely, they will be their interest in philosophy, religion and eternal questions about the meaning of life and death. They respect the spiritual world and strive in every possible way to reach a new level. However, for her, these are the needs of the soul, and for him, the mind, since he is very curious. The guy perceives everything as a game that can be continued, as it favorably affects his existence.

This is an active love tandem. They travel a lot and love tourism. Humor will bring a calm atmosphere into the relationship. Usually friends do not see the reason why they are still together. It is also difficult to immediately distinguish the leader, the victim and the follower.

If they compete for the right to be in charge, then the prize changes hands. Helps in this his assertiveness and her cunning. Sometimes they get tired of the war and feel like resting alone to replenish their strength. The horoscope advises them to be more loyal to their partner and appreciate dignity. Then they will not wallow in boredom and will be able to strengthen the love union.

This is an unfortunate combination that has minimal chances for a happy marriage. They are ready to join hands only if they are connected by a powerful idea that lies in a religious or mystical plane. If they look in different directions, then they are not even recommended to go on a first date.

In the household, he easily agrees to do dirty work. But in his heart he tries to manipulate his partner so that she does not even know and remains obedient. The girl will take the reins of power into her own hands with great pleasure, but she is annoyed by his inaction. Interestingly, throughout life, everyone will shower the second with promises, which in the end will turn out to be just empty words. She will be the first to take off her rose-colored glasses and force her husband to leave his fantasies. Feeling pressure from constant criticism, he will begin to get annoyed himself.

They will be very lucky if they come together through a commitment to spiritual quest. For the sake of the idea, they are ready to close their eyes to minor interference and minuses of the half, and over time they will feel the long-awaited unity. But more often than not, they are on the verge of complete collapse. To avoid an unpleasant scenario, they need to write down a clear list of duties and rules and try to keep their fragile world in balance.

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Pisces Articles

  • Peculiarities ;
  • Peculiarities ;
  • How ;
  • Who are Pisces most compatible with? ;
  • What to expect from

The compatibility of the zodiac signs of Sagittarius and Pisces depends on the two opposing elements to which they belong: fire and water. But two opposite characters tend to be attracted to each other.

The fire sign is ruled by the planet Jupiter. She personifies: dignity, courage, ambition, optimism. The Centaur considers all spheres of his activity from the philosophical point of view. He believes in tomorrow. In love, the fire sign is passionate and romantic. But the solar planet endows its patrons with negative qualities. Centaurs are prone to gluttony, love luxury.

Pisces is ruled by the planet Neptune. The water sign represents two fish swimming in different directions. People born under a water planet love mysticism, they have a well-developed intuition. Neptune endows its patrons with sensuality, dreaminess.

They have great imagination and creativity. Neptune has an adverse effect on people. Pisces often think on the edge between fantasy and reality. They are dissatisfied with their lives, often looking for a way out of the situation. The child of the planet Neptune is prone to depression and bad habits.

Negative sides in the union

If, nevertheless, if Pisces and Sagittarius crossed paths in life, they need to adapt to each other:

  1. The archer always knows what he wants from life, he accurately shoots his arrows. Pisces, on the other hand, often rush about in life, change professions, hobbies, or seek solace for their souls in solitude.
  2. Quiet Fish will get on the Centaur's nerves with his sociable nature and hypertrophied optimism.
  3. A water sign will not like the straightforwardness of Sagittarius, and a fiery sign will not like the evasiveness of Pisces speeches. He will take the verbal statements of the water for a lie. The centaur needs to understand that water people do not lie, but avoid the truth. They are very afraid of emotional losses for themselves and others.

Compatibility in love and marriage

Sagittarius man and Pisces woman

He can meet her while walking in the park. The water woman will sit on a bench, admiring the natural beauties. An archer will be attracted by a graceful, silent lady. In addition, she is an excellent listener and even knows how to empathize.

Nothing soothes the soul like another soul:

  1. But a sensitive Pisces woman can be shocked straightforwardness and rudeness of Sagittarius.
  2. If Sagittarius picks up the key to the subtle soul of the water lady, then the Fish will not have time to blink an eye, as it will be conquered by an ardent man Sagittarius.
  3. He'll try to keep by his side sensitive, attentive woman.
  4. But over time, she will realize that it is not so easy for her to find a common language with a fiery man. The son of Jupiter strives to occupy a high position in society, while Rybka loves to soar in the clouds.
  5. But if a woman is passionate about music, drawing and receives monetary fees for his work, as well as prestige in society, then a Jupiterian type man will like it.
  6. In addition, Sagittarius will successfully earn money, representatives of the solar sign know how to do this. The fish will like material well-being. She loves gifts, and the romantic Sagittarius will not stint on them.
  7. The couple, if desired, will find common ground with each other. Mutual passion for philosophy, charity will benefit the water-fire union.
  8. Children in marriage will strengthen relationships. Sagittarius will become a strict parent for their children. The fish is very kind to their children.

Sagittarius woman and Pisces man

She can meet him while jogging along the embankment, near the river. If, for example, an accident occurs, the athlete will twist her leg. Pisces man will rush to help an energetic woman. Before that, he stood on the sidelines and thoughtfully looked at the water.

An empathetic man transports the lady to the emergency room, and then home:

  1. At first, it will be difficult for a Sagittarius girl to understand the dual nature of a Pisces man. He is able to change something halfway or turn away from the intended goal. A water man likes to change professions, interests. Sagittarius always sees a goal in life. A woman Archer needs to learn to be tolerant of the changeable nature of her man. If verbal explosions bother the vulnerable Pisces, then at one fine moment he will disappear without explaining anything.
  2. A slightly vulnerable water man can seek solace for his soul in solitude. He will do housework, find a quiet profession, such as a librarian. A quiet man will annoy an ardent woman, the marriage will break up.
  3. To achieve common harmony in the family, they must be united by a common goal. for which they are ready to endure and support each other. Having children will strengthen their marriage bonds.

Sexual Compatibility

At first, Sagittarius will find the appearance of fish seductive. They have blue eyes, delicate transparent skin, light, smooth movements. But the fire sign craves fast, passionate and even rough sex. The water one loves a long foreplay, gentle touches during bed comforts.

After sex, the fire sign cools down quickly, and may even fall asleep. The water sign loves intimate conversations in bed. To achieve sexual harmony, they will have to adapt to each other.

In business

In general, these two signs harmoniously complement each other:

  1. For example, the Centaur covers the whole picture, and Pisces sees small details well.
  2. The intuitive gift of the water sign will not allow Sagittarius to sign a crazy project or squander money.
  3. Strict Sagittarius, in turn, will not allow Pisces to dream during the working day.

in friendship

In childhood, these two zodiac signs are of little interest to each other. The hyperactive child Sagittarius is not interested in the quiet Pisces:

  1. Friendship between a fire and water sign is possible from adolescence when they begin to form a worldview. Water-fire guys both love long philosophical conversations.
  2. Traveling together will strengthen their friendships.
  3. But often friendly relations between them turn into love.
  4. If the family union between the Archer and Pisces does not work out, water-fiery guys will keep friendly bonds until old age.
  5. Sagittarius believes that Pisces are not adapted to anything and they need to be patronized. But he will be pleasantly surprised when his aquatic friend comes running to save him from the police. After all, the hot Centaur often gets into all sorts of bad stories. He will understand that his water friend is not so worthless and is able to concentrate at the right moment.
  6. The fire sign will pull out a friend Rybka going to the bottom if hypochondria overtakes him or he becomes addicted to drugs.
  7. Both partners will benefit from friendship. Sagittarius will become more tactful, and the watery will become more straightforward.

Percent Compatibility

Compatibility in% for Sagittarius woman, Pisces man:

  • Business - 75%;
  • Sex - 60%;
  • Marriage - 70%;
  • Love-75%;
  • Friendship 80%.

Compatibility in% for Pisces woman, Sagittarius man:

  • Business 75%;
  • Sex 60%;
  • Married 70%;
  • Love 70%;
  • Friendship 80%.

Percentage compatibility between two people is a relative concept. Our mutual relations depend not only on the zodiac constellations, but also on intellectual development and education. Our fate is in our hands.

Fiery Sagittarius sometimes do not understand why Pisces lovers have so much eccentricity and uncertainty in their heads. Such a couple can ignite a bright flame of feelings, but only on the condition that in a love relationship one of the partners learns to make concessions.

General characteristics

The union of these signs can be characterized as the union "Counselor-Patron". The adviser in this case is Sagittarius. It is they who take responsibility for making important decisions and find a way out of difficult situations.

Pisces are content with the role of the Patron. They act as a spiritual guide for Sagittarius, in every possible way contribute to finding peace of mind and balance.


The ninth sign of the zodiacal ring is distinguished by its curiosity, some irascibility and recklessness. Sagittarians are eager to open new horizons for themselves every day and to know the world from all its sides.

You can learn more about the character of Sagittarius in the video.

Representatives of this sign cannot sit still and are always ready for something new. They do not have a feeling of emptiness or despondency, since any Sagittarius knows how to have the most fun and usefully spend their leisure time.

Rarely praise loved ones and do not scatter compliments too much. In addition, despite their ostentatious ease and ease, Sagittarians are quite straightforward and do not skimp on truthful words (even if they are not always pleasant to the interlocutor).

Important! With their truth, Sagittarians are usually very afraid of offending their partner, but they cannot hide it in order to maintain a peaceful state.

Because of this straightforwardness, representatives of this sign are sometimes considered rude and tactless. But Sagittarians rarely understand that their words can bring pain to their opponent and cannot remain silent in a delicate situation.

Torture for Sagittarius can be monotony and boredom. If a “safe haven of family relationships” looms on the horizon, they will immediately “float away” in the opposite direction. Therefore, in order to protect relations with this sign, you should dilute them daily with fresh sensations and emotions.

Thanks to their craving for everything new and unknown, Sagittarians are excellent at learning. They are easily given the study of foreign languages, technical sciences. Sometimes the representatives of this sign may not have enough perseverance. But this shortcoming is more than compensated by the eternal craving for self-development.

Interesting to know! Sagittarians very quickly "light up", but also quickly "burn out". New hobbies of this sign often fail without receiving universal praise.

All representatives of this sign are very sociable. As a rule, among the friends of Sagittarius one can find completely diverse personalities - from a failed poet to a pragmatic chemist-technologist. At the same time, Sagittarians do not let anyone near them. Each of their buddies or friends should be an interesting conversationalist.


The element of water that rules Pisces makes them one of the most controversial and mysterious signs of the zodiac. They are quite unstable in their decisions and are often very illogical in their actions.

The variability of nature often makes it very difficult for Pisces to make adequate decisions in any of their areas of activity. Sometimes they are “carried away” and instead of weighing all the “pros” and “against”, they are led by emotions.

But sometimes it happens that it is the emotional component that allows Pisces to do the right thing. Astrologers note that representatives of this zodiac sign are quite sensitive and they have a stronger intuition than others.

You can learn more about changeable Pisces in the video below.

If you try to describe Pisces in one word, then this word will be dreamers. Everything mundane and having reasonable arguments is alien to them. The more ridiculous (and sometimes completely inexplicable) situations occur in the life of Pisces, the happier they will be.

Representatives of this sign are famous for their love of creativity. They often make excellent artists or writers. In addition to their ambiguous thinking, Pisces are quite diligent and used to bringing the work they have started to the end.

Important! If Pisces realize that they have been defeated in the creative field, they can close themselves in and protect themselves from others. To cheer them up and prevent such discouragement, you should periodically praise the fruits of their activities.

"Water" signs more than others do not accept the slightest manifestation of criticism. If Pisces begins to say that he or she is doing everything wrong, as it should be, the stubborn representative of this sign will be even more inspired and will do everything wrong out of spite.

If you do not want to quarrel with peaceful Pisces, do not criticize them. In turn, they will show loyalty to their partner. Due to their soft and pliable nature, representatives of this sign are more often silent than telling the bitter truth.

Astrologers note that a certain phlegm of Pisces often causes them to develop depressive states and other neurological and mental abnormalities. If the representatives of this sign have “favorable weather in the house”, it will be possible to avoid such troubles and get to know Pisces better.

love compatibility

Sometimes amorous relationships can develop with the most unexpected partners. The union of Pisces and Sagittarius is quite rare, but if the couple has already found a common language, then the relationship will be unforgettable.

He is a Pisces, she is a Sagittarius

Only the Sagittarius woman who longs for new relationships and romance can be inspired to have a relationship with vulnerable Pisces. There is no place for common sense in such a pair - she will always push her lover to do great things, and he will try not to fall into the mud with his face and fulfill all her instructions.

But lively and stubborn Sagittarius do not accept any apathy and windiness. Very soon they will get tired of the fact that Pisces, whatever one may say, are used to going with the flow, neatly folding their fins.

Important! The unwillingness of a man to make money repels Sagittarius as soon as all the romance and the “candy-bouquet period” are replaced by everyday life and everyday life.

But even despite all this, such a couple has excellent chances for a happy future. Due to her patience, the Sagittarius woman will wait until her chosen one "takes his head." At this time, the Pisces man will learn to be more down to earth and will draw a little perseverance and self-confidence from his soulmate.

He is Sagittarius, she is Pisces

In such a union, harmony and tranquility reign. The Sagittarius man is able to create a cozy life and surround his soulmate with warmth and care.

Interesting to know! He will take care of and protect the vulnerable Pisces woman from problems in every possible way. She will have the opportunity to feel like a “little girl” again, who does not need to make important decisions.

She, in turn, is able to diversify the routine everyday life of pragmatic Sagittarius with her aspirations, outlook on life and craving for everything new. The Pisces woman inspires her man to conquer new heights and motivates him to become even better.

In this relationship, each of the partners brings something of their own. Sagittarius keeps everything under control and solves any issues in a jiffy, without putting minor troubles on the fragile female shoulders. Pisces, on the other hand, add a little excitement and “fresh air” to the union, they try to make leisure as interesting and useful as possible.

The role of the "getter" lies entirely with Sagittarius. They do an excellent job of making money and deftly manage the family budget. It would be a big mistake to entrust this mission to the Pisces woman. Then it will be possible to forget about rational spending - financial planning is clearly not their forte.

Sagittarians do not always show their feelings to the fullest and it is very difficult to recognize their love. In the article "" you can study all the verbal and non-verbal signs of sympathy.

Relationships at work

Such different characters of Sagittarius and Pisces at work can be said in different ways. At best, this tandem will be a storehouse of new ideas and discoveries, and at worst, employees will not be able to agree among themselves and will try to "survive" each other from their homes.

He is a Pisces, she is a Sagittarius

The eccentric Pisces man rarely stays in one place, so he is ready to change jobs like gloves. If the authorities begin to put pressure on him, he immediately runs in search of a better option.

The Sagittarius woman, in turn, is accustomed to order in everything and is happy to take on even the most routine work. But if she is under the control of the incomprehensible and impulsive leader of Pisces, one should not expect fruitful work.

The same situation is in the case when managerial responsibilities fall on the shoulders of the Sagittarius woman. She will not be able to properly lead the Pisces, as they do not accept restrictions in their own actions.

Pisces are ready to generate new ideas that will benefit the entire company. But often these ideas are very abstract and rarely have practical application in everyday life. This alignment does not suit the mundane Sagittarius, so conflicts in the workplace cannot be avoided.

He is Sagittarius, she is Pisces

The Sagittarius boss is able to organize the most productive work in any team. The impulses of the Pisces woman to bring a little discord into the work schedule, he instantly stops and does not give her a chance to do something not according to plan.

Oddly enough, freedom-loving and emotional Pisces like this method of management. Sagittarians perfectly organize them and direct all the energy in the right direction. In such a tandem, there are rarely disagreements and quarrels, which leads to excellent results at work.

The ideological and inspired women of Pisces can “unload” Sagittarians by taking on some of their responsibilities. If such a lady clearly and understandably sets a task, she will gladly take it on. And if the business brings not only money, but also pleasure, then any work in the hands of Pisces will “boil”.

Things are much worse when a Pisces woman occupies a leadership position. She can rarely clearly articulate the task to her subordinates and is always worried that the result does not live up to expectations.

Interesting to know! Due to her emotionality, a Pisces woman can break down on her colleagues, reproach them for poor-quality work, but then she will definitely regret what she said.


Sagittarius and Pisces can have strong friendly ties. Both signs deeply appreciate such relationships, ready to help at any moment. But sometimes their views on life diverge, which can lead to minor disagreements.

He is a Pisces, she is a Sagittarius

The easy-going Pisces man is always ready to take off and rush off towards something new. They easily buy one-way tickets for travel, are fond of going to exhibitions, museums and theaters.

The Sagittarius woman is also not against learning new things, but she is used to following a carefully drawn up plan. Therefore, in the company of such a windy friend, he sometimes feels awkward, although he tries to adapt to him.

The friendship between these signs is often very strong, as both can sometimes make concessions. The most important thing in such a relationship is to know the measure in everything. The Sagittarius woman should not go overboard with worry and advice, and the Pisces man should not insist on his opinion when it comes to important issues.

He is Sagittarius, she is Pisces

Such friends are quite rare. A conservative Sagittarius man rarely looks for a girlfriend among the fair sex. But if the friendship between him and the Pisces woman did happen, then it can become quite strong.

Sagittarius will try to reason with the Pisces woman and "ground" her. On the contrary, she will try every day to discover new creative facets in the “dry” Sagittarius.

Interesting to know! They perfectly complement each other, always find topics for conversation.

Very often, friendships in such an alliance develop into romantic ones. It can be very difficult for Sagittarians to cross the line and “go to the next level,” so the Pisces woman sometimes takes responsibility for this.

If the “couple got together” and both are ready to change the status of “friend” to “my soulmate”, then the matter will most likely end in a happy marriage.