Pig according to the horoscope - character and fate. Year of the Pig

The pig has few true friends, which is why it cherishes those who support it so much. With his friends, the pig usually maintains close bonds throughout his life. Pigs are especially sentimental: they constantly surprise their loved ones, give small presents, invite them on dates. She does not like to quarrel with her loved ones, so she will not argue and will agree on everything, even if they are wrong. The pig will avoid conflict situations in life, as it knows that it cannot withstand disputes. Even if she is definitely right, she will not defend her point of view.

The pig has a lively character, it is distinguished by conscientiousness, diligence in work. A pig can succeed in any work, she is a good worker. She is well versed in art: poetry, literature.

A pig can also set foot on a bad life path - fall into the mud, because it is still a pig.

As for the financial side of a pig's life, it is unlikely that a pig can get very rich. People born in the year of the pig will find where to earn money for food and clothing, but they are unlikely to have an excess amount of finance. A pig can get a good high-paying position, but if he makes every effort and all perseverance in achieving the goal. During life, a pig can use someone else's help, but most often this help will be selfless. As Eastern wisdom says, a pig is fattened only to make it fat for the holiday. Therefore, a pig should seriously think before accepting someone's help.

Do not trust the opposite sex too much. She will often be deceived, and her naivety can be rudely spat upon. The pig will often be loved, but even more often it will be laughed at. A pig woman needs to quickly start a family, because she will make an excellent mother. The best husband for a female pig is a cat, with him her life will be calm. A pig should avoid an alliance with a snake, as it risks falling into dependence on a snake.

The pig experiences disappointments in love easily. She usually does not see other people's shortcomings, so they do not unnerve her.

The pig is lucky in the game, but there is no competitive spirit in it, so it rarely wins, the pig does not like to risk its funds.

The pig never lies. Lies for her - a weapon of self-defense. She is unsophisticated, often clumsy in dealing with people, which brings her a lot of problems. She will always believe in what she is told and will do whatever is asked of her. But in order to convince the pig of anything, you need to make a lot of effort, the pig requires a lot of evidence.

The pig is a good and cheerful companion, you will not get bored with it. In some cases, the pig behaves loosely. The pig rarely expresses its dissatisfaction with people, but if it expresses it, then all at once and at the same time it cannot be stopped, since its indignation becomes very strong.

The pig strives to learn, devotes a lot of time to self-education. Attends various courses, reads a lot. She looks like an informed person in all matters, but this is not always the case, because the pig reads and studies everything that comes to her hand, without systematizing her knowledge. Subsequently, it turns out that the knowledge of the pig is somewhat superficial.

The pig is sensual and sexy, she likes to have a good time, loves the company of the opposite sex.

Often under a rustic appearance hides the strong personality of the pig. The pig is even capable of dominating people. At the same time, her power is so great that a depressed person cannot resist her.

Sometimes you might think that a pig doesn't know what it wants. She hesitates before making important decisions. In fact, the pig knows exactly what he is striving for, but likes to thoroughly weigh the pros and cons.

When choosing a life partner, a pig should avoid a snake that can strangle it. The goat will undividedly enjoy the kindness of the pig and sit on her neck.

As for the life path of a pig, her childhood will pass peacefully and calmly, the second phase of life can bring problems in love and married life. A timid pig will not ask for outside help, it will slowly but independently solve its problems and look for the right path. The main thing is not to withdraw into yourself. No one will guess about the experiences of the pig, since she will hide them deep in her heart.

Years of birth according to the sign Pig (Boar) - 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019

Male Pig (Boar) - personality trait

The Year of the Pig (Boar) completes the 12-year eastern cycle, so a man born this year absorbs both all the advantages and disadvantages inherent in all 12 signs.

The Pig Man (Boar) is the most honest and decent sign from the entire eastern horoscope. He is very conservative in his views and has a hard time accepting the latest technologies of the modern world. A man born in the year of the Pig (Boar) is also called a symbol of the passing time, because he is already born with many outdated views.

The Pig Man (Boar), as well as the Dog Man, is a champion of injustice, and any injustice is the most severe crime that requires punishment. True, the male Pig (Boar), unlike the male Dog, has a kind and resourceful heart.

He quickly forgives people for their mistakes, because he believes in the best and always tries to see only positive aspects in everything, and people as kind and good. You can even say that he idealizes people and attributes to them positive qualities that are not really there.

He is naive, trusting and endowed with the rarest virtue in our time - compassion and sympathy. That is why he is not capable of harsh conclusions and condemnation. He also avoids disputes, conflicts and tries to give in and please everyone. He often compromises, which is why many consider him weak and unscrupulous. He himself often suffers from this, since his tolerance and patience lead him to delusions. He can give shelter and food to a dangerous criminal, or, naively, he himself gets involved in a dangerous business.

Another trait inherent in the male Pig (Boar) is sensuality. He is sensitive both to people and to food. On the one hand, this is good, but on the other hand, the male Pig (Boar) needs to avoid "bad companies", since he can very easily become addicted to both drinking and drugs. And being a very gambling person, he can leave all his fortune in the casino.

Most men born in and love to be in society, but not in order to shine, as male Roosters or Dogs do, but in order to enjoy the brilliance of others or bask in the glory of their friend.

The Pig Man (Boar), with a large crowd of people, is laconic and tries to stay away, but when communicating with “eye to eye”, he manifests himself as an interesting and versatile interlocutor. He is much more cultured and smarter than he seems, but he does not know this himself and thinks that other people are much more educated than him. Such a sign is always a pleasant guest, the soul of the company, it is the best employee and friend, interlocutor. For him, no problems are terrible, and various cataclysms for him are the little things of life.

The Pig Man (Boar), before making any decision, carefully weighs all the pros and cons. He often believes that other people will perform this or that task better than him, so he rarely takes the initiative in his own hands and tries to rely on other people in everything.

Because of this, many friends of the male Pig (Boar) sincerely believe that he is not adapted to life and cannot survive without outside help. However, this is not the case. A man born in the year of the Pig (Boar) is a completely strong and independent person, and understands many things better than anyone else.

The Pig Man (Boar) is a wonderful listener and comforter. He will do everything possible to help a person in trouble, and, if necessary, will connect his acquaintances. Many men born this year consider it their destiny to be an ascetic of charity, to engage in selfless charitable work for the benefit of their environment.

In addition, the male Pig (Boar) has a highly developed sense of inner tact. He will never step on a "sore spot" and "won't pour salt on the wound", he will not allow sarcasm, criticism, because he firmly believes in the possibility of evolution of each person and does not finish off the lying person. It is worth noting that the male Pig (Boar) himself never asks for help, because he considers this a manifestation of weakness. He can even hide his disastrous financial situation from his relatives, in order not to hurt their souls. If he has problems in the family, then none of those around him will guess about his experiences.

The Pig Man (Boar) is a representative of the eastern horoscope, which is truly striking in its positive qualities. Decency, openness and transparency of intentions always put him in a favorable light, both before employers and before the fair sex.

The Pig Man (Boar) is certainly a strong personality. He has great inner strength and is a powerful energy donor. You can even say that it is a kind of guarantor of health for relatives and friends. And this often becomes the cause of the diseases of the male Pig (Boar), since he does not waste his energy on the needs of others.

Man of the Year Pig (Boar) - career

A man born in the year of the Pig (Boar) understands that well-being and prosperity can only be achieved through one's own work. And he works hard, putting all his strength, energy and soul into everything he does. He is not afraid of difficult tasks, takes on a lot, and, as a rule, achieves his goals. The Pig Man (Boar) always knows what he wants and gets what he wants in full, because he is not used to dreaming about “heavenly pies”. True, before making a decision, he hesitates for a long time, weighing all his pros and cons.

In the team, he is valued as a hardworking, honest and responsible employee, respected for his reliability and straightforwardness. He has a peaceful and balanced character, thanks to which he becomes a "favorite" among colleagues. Many turn to him for help, as he never refuses anyone and even abandons personal affairs, just to help a friend. True, he himself never seeks advice or help, as he considers this a manifestation of weakness.

The male Pig (Boar) has great willpower and independence of character, and these traits help him go through his far from cloudless life path. The area of ​​​​professional interests of a man born in the year of the Pig (Boar) lies in the field of finance, jurisprudence, and the humanities.

In general, he will be able to find himself in any business, as long as it is connected either with the search for truth, or with ensuring his financial independence. It is worth noting that the family of the male Pig (Boar) plays a big role in making money. The fact is that he can work effectively only if he has a good rear. This gives him additional strength, because it is important for him that any of him and his children do not need anything.

Many men born in the year of the Pig (Boar) are able to take a leadership position, but to become a real leader or make a dizzying career, he lacks ambition and certainty. He also finds it difficult to compromise with his conscience. He is alien to dexterity, cunning, behind-the-scenes games, self-promotion and he tries to make his career as clean as possible.

But if a career does not require deals with conscience, then he achieves major successes in his professional activity as quickly as possible and with minimal energy expenditure.

It is also worth noting that the male Pig (Boar) acts especially effectively when circumstances drive him into a corner, or very strict frames are placed in front of him. Therefore, the male Pig (Boar) needs to artificially create barriers or restrictions so that he does not have the opportunity to relax and enjoy life too much.

The fact is that a man born in the year of the Pig (Boar) is by nature a little lazy and inhibited. For professional success, he must be constantly pushed, teased, and even punished. And it is precisely such tactics that will help him develop ambition and more actively take up work. Of course, education also plays a big role here.

If a male Pig (Boar) has been taught to work since childhood and is not afraid of difficulties, then in professional life it will be easier for him. Also, it is worth noting that failures and job changes act on the male Pig (Boar) like saving rain during a summer drought. They help him to bring all the accumulated experience and knowledge to a higher new level.

Often fate sends the male Pig (Boar) various conflicts and the most difficult partners. Thanks to this, he does not withdraw into himself, ceases to be so gullible and, no matter what, goes to his goal and achieves his goal. And, as a rule, after all the trials and troubles, he gets everything that almost every man dreams of, regardless of what sign of the eastern horoscope he was born under - money, fame and success.

In the chair of the chief, the male Pig (Boar) behaves actively and energetically. A distinctive feature is that he is very accessible to his employees, and, moreover, he himself is keenly interested in their opinion on this or that occasion. He is respected, as he will always understand and tolerate any problem, and if necessary, he will help. Moreover, he does not distinguish himself from the team and very often performs any work along with his subordinates. He forgives a lot of his employees, but expects the same attitude from them.

The Pig Man (Boar) is a conservative in everything, including at work. This, of course, is a minus. He does not dare to introduce new equipment or modern technologies into his production, which naturally delays his success. For professional success and growth, a man born in the year of the Pig (Boar) needs partners born in the years of the Tiger, Dragon, Horse, Rooster or Rat. They will help him keep up with the times and make innovative decisions faster.

Male horoscope Pig (Boar) - love and family

A man born in the year of the Pig (Boar) attracts women like a magnet. And no wonder. After all, he is the most gallant, he is a courteous gentleman from the entire eastern horoscope. He is a sensitive, compassionate person. On his shoulder, you can cry out all your problems, while never judging, and will not criticize.

This man has enough energy to create a strong and friendly family. He does not show despotism, rarely raises his voice, and wins with his tenderness. No woman can resist this charming man. He is a gentle lover and a delightful partner. He tends to idealize everything, including his wife, so he often lives in his imaginary beautiful world.

In love, as in life, the male Pig (Boar) captivates with his honesty and sincerity. He does not cheat, does not dissemble, does not maintain relationships for the sake of any benefit. If he is in love, he talks about it openly. In a love relationship, he always strives to create a family, a lasting union. His reserves of tenderness and warmth are simply huge, and the instinct for protection and guardianship is very developed. He is happy to take care of someone, and even more than that, he needs a person nearby to whom he could give his love.

A man born in the year of the Pig (Boar), in women and in relationships, appreciates, above all, sincerity. Naturally, he expects the same from the woman of his dreams.

And the ideal of a woman for a male Pig (Boar) is a modest, honest woman, with a pronounced maternal instinct. Careerists and women who value personal freedom do not attract him. Also, he will not allow a woman to manipulate. Despite his gentleness and complaisance, he and only he can be the head of the family.

For a male Pig (Boar), it is important that his woman is well-groomed and beautiful, because he needs to show off her in front of his friends and colleagues. What to do, such is his nature.

For the sake of his family, the male Pig (Boar) is ready for a lot, even for self-sacrifice. In general, everything that this man does is for the benefit of the family. With a good rear, he is even able to achieve very good material well-being.

It gives him pleasure to present his beloved with expensive gifts and make various pleasant surprises. Next to this man, a woman will always feel safe, because he can stand up for the family and protect her from all troubles.

To win the heart of a male Pig (Boar), it is important to pay attention to him and remember that he loves countryside vacations and delicious food. Therefore, women who believe that the way to a man's heart lies through his stomach, in this case are absolutely right. He also needs a romantic atmosphere in everything that surrounds him. Therefore, a captivating smile, a soft neckline, a bewitching look, a candlelit dinner - all this will not leave indifferent a man born in the year of the Pig (Boar).

And he tries with all his might to save the family, even if there has been no love for a long time. For the sake of preserving the family, he is ready to adapt, to compromise, and at the same time spares neither strength nor energy. And if he is abandoned, he suffers so much and noticeably that women immediately appear next to him, who want to console him and take advantage of the situation to get closer to him.

It is worth noting that the male Pig (Boar) loves his wife with rather possessive love, and is afraid that no one will steal the main treasure of his life. Therefore, sometimes he becomes so jealous that he arranges scenes and scandals from scratch.

But in everyday life together, the male Pig (Boar) is mostly affectionate, attentive, caring, patient and, moreover, a very hardworking partner. He is a good owner and is able to do a lot in his house with his own hands, whether it is a major overhaul or restoration of furniture.

Of course, the Pig (Boar) man has his shortcomings, but according to the eastern horoscope, he is one of the best spouses for most women.

Pig (Boar) according to the Eastern horoscope belongs to the animals of the Yin group. The sign of the Pig (Boar) is the twelfth in the eastern zodiac. It is generally accepted that he controls the time interval from 21.00 to 23.00 hours. Autumn is considered to be a particularly lucky season for this sign, and the apogee period falls on November. If we correlate the European Zodiac and the Eastern one, then the boar will correspond to Scorpio. Water is the fixed element of the Pig (boar). Field and blue colors bring prosperity, happiness and good luck to them. Among flowers and plants, Boars are able to provide luck in all endeavors - acacia, hazel and lavender. Favorable countries for people of this sign to live are Denmark, Pakistan, Malaysia, Israel, Argentina, Burma, Brazil.

Years of the sign of the Pig (Boar) in our century

  • 1911 January 30 - element of the year metal
  • 1923 February 16 - element of the year water
  • February 4, 1935 - element of the year tree
  • January 22, 1947 - the element of the year is fire
  • 1959 February 8 - element of the year earth
  • 1971 January 27 - element of the year metal
  • 1983 February 13 - element of the year water
  • 1995 January 31 - element of the year tree
  • February 18, 2007 - the element of the year is fire
  • February 5, 2019 - element of the year earth

The following famous people were born under the sign of the Pig (Boar)

Oliver Cromwell, Vladimir Nabokov, Georges Pompidou, Mark Bernes, Steven Spielberg, Fred Astor, Cagliostro, Francoise Sagan, Melvin Calvin, Albert Osborne, Alain Delon, Todor Zhivkov, Marcel Marceau, Joseph Balsamo, Hector Berlioz, Dalai Lama, Mikhail Tal , Modest Mussorgsky, Maurice Ravel, Van Dyck, Thomas Mann, Velazquez, Ralph Waldow, John Mackenroe, John Ellington, Prosper Merimee, Rasul Gamzatov, Herve Bazin, Boris Pokrovsky, Lavrenty Beria, Jean Paul Marat, Arkady Raikin, Otto von Bismarck, Albert Schweitzer, Blaise Pascal, Max Rothschild, George Rockefeller, Ronald Reagan, Gerald Ford, Paul Cezanne, Bernard Law Montgomery, Elton John, Saddam Hussein, Alfred Hitchcock, John Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Carl Jung, Emerson.

In the countries of the East, the Boar (Pig) is considered to be the owner of the court, a symbol of passion, naivety and pleasures. At the same time, it is often difficult to recognize who is currently in front of you a noble boar or an ordinary piggy bank. Ferocity and debauchery are the hallmarks of the boar. Before them, you can only feel helpless and unarmed, his presence excites the imagination, and his wealth attracts and delights. More often than not, the boar is wild and elusive, which is why it is solitary. This beast is able to be both wild and unbridled, eating acorns and trampling crops and fields, and maybe a tame pig used to live in abundance in a warm barn.

Pigs (Boars) are divided into black and white and a large number of various legends are composed about them. Moreover, the boar is everywhere depicted as a loner. In druidic myths, the boar contains great spiritual power, and hunting these animals is fraught with mortal risk and terribly dangerous, since the hunter is not chasing the animal, but the earthly incarnation of the spirit.

According to Christian beliefs, the Pig (Boar) has a bad reputation due to the fact that this image is identified with a demon that is possessed by lust. But in China, the Boar is the personification of courage, nobility and prosperity.

In Japan, the supreme god of war was depicted in the form of a Boar. There was even a legend about him in verse - somehow a priest of one of the gods decided to kill the emperor and seize the throne. But in order to carry out his plan, he needed to kill the guard. But the guard was able to escape - he hid in a herd of grazing wild boars, who, seeing the priest, put him to flight.

In Celtic beliefs, the boar plays one of the main roles. This happened due to the fact that the main occupation of the Celts was just hunting for wild boars. According to one of the myths, the Celtic people fled from their enemies to the islands, where, in order not to die of hunger, they had to slaughter seven pigs, and the next morning, they miraculously came to life again.

There is another legend, the main character in it is the White Boar, who, according to popular belief, knew the way to a beautiful country, and everyone who wanted to get there was chasing him. But the White Boar knew how to stand up for himself, he took the form of a beautiful Virgin and led the hunters into the forest, where they were overtaken by a terrible death.

A boar is always a lonely person in the middle of a vast farm. European peoples, as a rule, have little idea of ​​the true purpose of the Boar and its depth of essence, so they see it as a fat pig, which the only thing it can do is wallow in slurry for days on end. The French even have a custom - they hunt these animals in late autumn, so that the meat of this wild animal would be on the tables at the celebration of the new year. At the same time, one can see a sacred connection between European cuisine and the Chinese horoscope - a wild boar must be killed in the old year, so that luck would smile in the new one and prosperity would come.

But there is one thing - the boar is still a pig, and having once known the charm of a dirty, but such a wonderful puddle, the boar will no longer be able to get away from it and will remain floundering in it for life.


New Year is not the best time for the birth of Pigs (Boars), they can simply be eaten for this holiday as a treat. Pigs will be happy in life only if their birthday does not fall on traditional holidays. Their childhood, as a rule, is quite happy and calm, and passes under the care and patronage of relatives and relatives. Youth for boars is a time of emotional upheaval and difficulties. The first half of life can be characterized as calm and even, but in the second half various difficulties and problems fall out. By nature, as already mentioned, Boars are loners, as a result of which they are very secretive by nature, and they simply will not guess to ask for help, preferring to do everything on their own. At the same time, others may not be aware of what kind of hell the life of the Pig (Boars) has turned into.

In maturity, for these animals, there comes a time of family difficulties, therefore it is very important to achieve stability, trust and love in marital relations, if this can be done, then old age will be calm and prosperous.


People born under the sign of the Pigs (Boars) are quite good-natured and peaceful people who avoid unrest, they often see a calm and prosperous life as the ultimate goal of their path. That is why if you create the conditions for an unbearable life, you can bring the Boars to complete seclusion. They love luxury and a beautiful life, which is why they are materialists to the bone. According to Chinese astrology, Boars are the most conscientious animals that represent honesty and justice. In fact, they are altruists with a lot of emotions, feelings and experiences, constantly thinking about the harmony and essence of being. Often quite optimistic about themselves and those around them.

Pigs (Boars) people are always gallant gentlemen and courteous men. They try to follow their own code of honor under any circumstances. But if brought to them, they can become dangerous predators. If the prey, in their opinion, is too weak, they devour it without hesitation. While remaining very trusting and naive. Sometimes their naivety is perceived by others as obvious stupidity. The roots of their gullibility lie in the desire to see only the good in a person, while not noticing the negative qualities. We can say that they live in their own world, which they are always ready to rush to protect if necessary.

One of the brightest virtuous traits in Boars is their ability, despite the vileness of the world around them, to show sympathy and empathy, never labeling a person and not drawing categorical conclusions.

People under the sign of the Pig (Boar) frankly despise disputes and conflicts, trying to avoid them in every possible way. They are always open to negotiations and compromises. That is why they are considered weak, but they, frankly, do not care. They believe that always and everywhere you can find something good, although sometimes this attitude can lead to confusion and subsequent disappointment in those around you.

The boar is even able to take pity on the criminal, giving him shelter and protection. In their struggle for justice, they can reach extreme fanaticism, and at such moments they are dangerous to the people around them. But with all this, they have a kind and sensitive heart. They are simply created to bring good and make the world a better place. They are able to easily understand a new situation for them and adapt to it. Boars love noisy companies and are very sociable people, but they do not tolerate show-off and excessive pathos. Very often, the Pig prefers to remain silent than to speak out and be misunderstood, so in public they are increasingly silent, although in tête-à-tête conversations they are able to chat incessantly and turn out to be pleasant and cheerful interlocutors.

With its craving for knowledge, the Pig (Boar) is very similar to the Monkey. He reads a lot, but, as a rule, randomly, according to the principle, if only he liked it. Therefore, at first glance, they can give the impression of very smart and versatile people, but upon closer inspection it turns out that their knowledge is rather superficial. Often they try to do several things at the same time, which is why they cannot fully understand the whole essence of the idea and delve into it completely.

The boar is very easy to deceive, and he knows about it and takes it calmly. Although there are times when Boars eventually get tired of being gullible dupes and become overly suspicious and incredulous. Sometimes their weaknesses play into their hands, and the Chinese sages are sure that the boar is a cunning animal that can wait a long time, thereby lulling the enemy's vigilance.

People under the sign of the Pig (Boar) are able to become good friends, always ready to help their neighbor, but they are completely unprepared to meet with anger and betrayal. Burned once, these animals will forget how to trust, and will rather leave a loved one forever than be able to forgive him.

Such people do not have a tendency to compete, due to which they always remain impartial. At the same time, they are often not sure that they are doing the right thing and will doubt to the last, constantly asking themselves the question - is it necessary? They lie only if it is necessary to protect themselves or their loved ones. Despite their sharp minds, they are easily deceived, especially in financial matters. Any of their words Boars are always ready to confirm with facts and real actions. They are heavy on the rise, but if they decide and set a goal for themselves, they will go ahead to it and they can no longer be stopped.

Years of birth according to the sign Pig (Boar) - 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019

Woman Pig (Boar) - personality trait

The Year of the Pig (Boar) completes the 12-year eastern cycle, so a woman born this year absorbs both all the advantages and disadvantages inherent in all 12 signs.

The Pig Woman (Boar) has a very pleasant appearance, complaisant, good-natured character. She will always come to the rescue and becomes a faithful friend, both for women and men.

A woman born in the year of the Pig (Boar) is loved by everyone because she is helpful, polite, friendly, touching, calm and has a fantastic charm. The Pig Woman (Boar) often resembles a child with her behavior, because she knows how to enjoy everything around, is cheerful and cheerful, has a positive attitude towards each person individually and to the world as a whole. Her friendliness attracts people, and if you become her friend or friend, then you can count on her support all your life.

The Pig Woman (Boar) is the most honest and scrupulous of all the representatives of the eastern horoscope. She has some, as it seems to many, outdated outlook on life. She professes altruism, tolerance, patience, forgiveness, is quite optimistic and believes in the original virtue of each person, in humanity, kindness and spiritual kinship of each person.

She is not afraid of difficult problems and takes on a lot. If she does something, then she puts all her strength into it and fulfills her duty one hundred percent - both to the team and to the family. The Pig Woman (Boar) is gullible and does not know how to be cunning.

She always believes what she hears, so hypocritical and dodgy people often use her gullibility and naivety. Also a woman born in, abuse and disputes. She always tries to smooth out sharp corners in a relationship and gives in, even if she believes that the interlocutor is wrong.

But it is worth remembering that an outwardly peaceful and calm female Pig (Boar) can go ahead if she or her loved ones are hurt. If necessary, the female Pig (Boar) will dig a hole for any enemy, into which he will safely fall. In this regard, this woman can act with such power that is not characteristic of any sign of the eastern horoscope. True, if a person admits his mistake, then the female Pig (Boar) will easily forgive him.

In general, she is not vindictive, never holds a grudge, and her trust is easy to restore. In her soul there is a lot of sympathy and understanding of human weaknesses. She is ready to justify everyone and gladly helps others, even when, in an objective opinion, this person does not deserve such an attitude towards herself. These are very tolerant women, and you can be sure that they will never condemn anyone or point fingers contemptuously.

The Pig Woman (Boar) really likes to help others, but when she has problems, she can show character and refuse help. It will take time for her to learn how to share her troubles.

In life, the female Pig (Boar) is used to trusting her intuition, and she has more mystical thinking than rational and rational. She loves to learn, constantly reads and absorbs new knowledge like a sponge. True, her knowledge is not systematic and superficial.

The Pig Woman (Boar) is very sensitive and loves to enjoy life. In her gullibility, she can easily be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Therefore, she should avoid communicating with "bad" companies. She can easily become addicted to alcohol or drugs, and then her personality will manifest itself in the most unattractive form. She will become uncultured, will take liberties and lead a depraved lifestyle.

Fortunately, most women born in the year of the Pig (Boar) are attracted to good company, but not to shine like the Rooster woman or the Dog woman, but to bask and enjoy the brilliance of others.

If you look at it as a whole, then the eastern horoscope says that a woman born in the year of the Pig (Boar) will have a rather easy life. She always and in everything is lucky, of course, largely due to her optimistic outlook on life.

Woman of the Year of the Pig (Boar) - love and family

A woman born in the year of the Pig (Boar) is distinguished by a soft, complaisant character, pleasant appearance and good nature. We can safely say that the female Pig (Boar) is one of the best candidates for a wife for most men. She does not like to argue and unquestioningly recognizes the authority of her husband.

And closed. She hides her true feelings and prefers to remain passive until she is sure that the man loves her too. In love, the female Pig (Boar) does not know how to dissemble, use cunning, but she knows how to talk with a partner. For her, there are no vicious relationships, and love is something ideal. This is a romantic who needs to be looked after, pampered.

Most women born in the year of the Pig (Boar) tend to idealism in feelings and romance in thoughts. They try to perceive only the joy of contacts, sensual pleasures and the positive aspects of life. Therefore, when problems arise and their castle in the air collapses, the female Pig (Boar) may despair and become depressed for a while.

This woman is pure, compassionate and generous, so she is an excellent target for less noble people. Her close friends are aware of this and anticipate her disappointments but cannot prevent them. Decision making, including in the area of ​​relationships, is not her forte, because she often hesitates too long, has great doubts that she made a good choice. At the same time, she never cancels her word, and it is impossible to convince her, therefore it is better to abandon this idea right away.

For a woman born under the sign of the Pig (Boar), love is associated, first of all, with marriage, she is interested in a long relationship, which, like in romantic films, must certainly end with a joint trip to the altar.

The Pig Woman (Boar) is a wonderful hostess. For her, the house is her quiet haven, where you can create harmony, warmth and comfort. She is a homebody for whom family and home are the most important values ​​in life.

In a man, a woman born in the year of the Pig (Boar) appreciates, above all, reliability, devotion, security and a sense of humor. Gloomy, peevish and greedy men can never win her heart. Looking at a man, a female Pig (Boar) always subconsciously looks to see if he is suitable for the role of a father for her future children. Therefore, men who even hide the fact that children annoy them and they are not going to start them yet are deprived of a chance for reciprocity.

If a man can win her heart, which, according to the eastern horoscope, always takes time, then the female Pig (Boar) will be his ally in the most difficult moments of life until the very end. She is perhaps the only one who in fact, and not in words, can sincerely help and be friends even with former lovers.

The Pig Woman (Boar) does not like not only disputes, but also competition. If she feels that someone else is “hunting” for her chosen one, then she will simply leave the battlefield. Naturally, this is not always good, because in this way she may miss a good chance for happiness in her personal life.

A woman born in the year of the Pig (Boar) has an incredible supply of patience, she has a large supply of good nature, compassion, and it is difficult to piss her off. For the sake of the family and children, she is ready to do anything, even self-sacrifice. She will adapt to any situation, will be able to give in everywhere and will make any compromises.

For an absolutely happy life, the female Pig (Boar) needs land and the opportunity to work on it. Without communication with wildlife, it will quickly wither away. This woman loves flowers, and can grow a magnificent crop in the most infertile soil. And this is only her inherent dignity.

The Pig Woman (Boar) tends to idealize everything, she lives in her reality, and sings of the joy of life and feelings. Therefore, she is a very tender lover and a delightful wife. It's very easy to make her happy. And if there is a need to make a gift, then she will be delighted with the smallest trinket. Most important for her is attention and knowing that she is remembered. Especially the female Pig (Boar) will be happy if she is invited for a country walk or a picnic.

By the way, advice for men who are afraid to start relationships with women: chat with a female Pig (Boar) for therapeutic purposes (just don't deceive her). This is a beautiful, always smiling and cheerful woman with whom you can have a great free time.

Her innate goodwill, "correctness", as well as her tolerant attitude towards the mistakes of others, have a calming effect on everyone.

Horoscope of a woman Pig (Boar) - career

Behind the plausible and calm appearance of the female Pig (Boar), there is an inner strength that will certainly affect the professional sphere. A woman born in the year of the Pig (Boar) often occupies leadership positions, but she lacks the will, ambition and determination to become a true leader or make a dizzying career.

She cannot compromise with her conscience, she is alien to dexterity, cunning and self-promotion. But if her career does not require transactions with her conscience, then she very quickly and at minimal cost achieves major successes in her professional activities.

The female Pig (Boar) strives for the goal in a noble way. As a rule, she is unsophisticated and recognizes only direct paths in life. If she makes a decision, then nothing will stop her, but at first he weighs all the pros and cons for a long time. She is well aware that well-being can only be achieved through tireless work. She always knows what he wants, and since she wants only the possible, she gets it in full.

In the role of the boss, the female Pig (Boar) is active and energetic, and, unlike most bosses, is very accessible to her subordinates and even herself is interested in their opinion on any issue. Having rolled up her sleeves, she will always work on an equal footing with everyone. Such a person forgives a lot to his subordinates, but expects the same tolerance from them, to her miscalculations and shortcomings.

She is generous and decisive, does not keep her subordinates in constant fear, like a Dragon boss, and does not manipulate them like Monkeys. The Pig Boss (Boar), on the contrary, is trying to create a friendly, relaxed atmosphere in the office.

The Pig Woman (Boar) is not afraid of difficult problems, and takes on a lot. If she does something, she puts all her strength, energy, warmth into it. True, it is worth noting that the Pig (Boar) is lazy and inert by nature, therefore, for the most part, education plays a role here. If a female Pig (Boar) was taught from childhood to work and not give in to difficulties, then professionally it will be easier for her.

According to the eastern horoscope, the female Pig (Boar) most often prefers to do the same thing. And whatever she does, she will be able to achieve success everywhere thanks to her ability to process information, phenomenal memory, unique intuition, observation and an outstanding mind.

In addition, he has good taste, so she can succeed in those areas of activity where fantasy and imagination are required. If she wants, she can even make crosswords professionally, which she solves with pleasure in her leisure hours.

The Pig Woman (Boar) loves to eat well, so she can become an excellent chef and restaurant owner. Also, very suitable professions for a female Pig (Boar) are a doctor, scientist, architect, filmmaker, writer, poet, singer.

The female Pig (Boar) has a subtle, kind soul. She is helpful and scrupulous to the extreme. You can safely do business with her, because she will never deceive her partners. In general, both the partner and the female Pig (Boar) employee are of great value to any company and never suffer from a lack of work.

In general, we can say that the female Pig (Boar) was created not for a career, but for a family. She has typical feminine virtues, including sensitivity, sacrifice, thriftiness, the happiness of motherhood and love of children.

She would be very happy to do only household chores, take care of the garden, take care of her husband and children, be able to lean against a strong male shoulder. Then she will forget about work, and will enjoy a quiet life in her quiet family haven.

People born in the year of the Pig are distinguished by courage and a tendency to sacrifice their own interests for the benefit of other people. Among their qualities are such as: honesty, conscientiousness, attentiveness and respect for those they value. Close people and friends know firsthand about the character and disposition of the Boar, which can be called truly chivalrous. Manifestations of gallantry and helpfulness, a rare subtlety of nature and scrupulousness taken to the extreme - this is an incomplete portrait of a representative of this sign of the Chinese Zodiac.

Year of the Pig (Boar) - what years: 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031.

Character traits

A person born in the year of the Pig has intelligence, but he is not able to apply it when faced with hypocrisy and flattery. Those born this year are characterized by excessive demands on themselves, those around them and close people, the lack of desire to compromise. The boar tries to give convincing arguments and facts, while at times showing unprecedented credulity, listening to the opinion of his interlocutor.

We can talk about the presence of empathy in the Pig, the desire for good relations with other people and an attempt to avoid misunderstandings and contentious situations. The representative of this sign can be trusted, he shows unprecedented tolerance for the shortcomings of other people. The boar can afford to lie only in case of self-defense or the desire to protect a loved one from negative information.

Those born in the year of the Pig are distinguished by a developed sense of duty and responsibility. Having made a decision, such a person follows it to the end, investing strength and energy in the intended business. It is worth noting that the Boar has few friends, but for the sake of them he is ready for many actions, including pretending to change his point of view on a controversial issue.

A person born in the year of the Boar, from infancy, shows a desire for independence and his own security. The Pig values ​​its own personal boundaries and provides a similar opportunity to other people without interfering in their affairs and decisions. Most often, such a person is distinguished by excellent physical health, and the desire to live in harmony with the outside world allows us to talk about the presence of peace of mind and life satisfaction.

The most acceptable professions for representatives of this sign of the eastern zodiac combine the enthusiasm for the work done, the specifics of the task and the desire for compromise. Due to the presence of excellent artistic taste and heightened sensitivity, they are able to find their calling in the world of poetry and literature.

Speaking of material wealth, it is worth noting that the Pig is able to find sources of income, which will not require much effort from her. The first third of the life of a person born this year is characterized by relative calm and the ability to follow the plans. The second third can be characterized by family problems, from which the Pig will find a way out on its own, not wanting to burden other people with its problems.

The relationship of the Pig with other signs

Rat and Pig. An excellent relationship can develop with the Rat if she can give in to the Boar the right to be the main one in their relationship and try to restrain her aggressive impulses. Speaking of friendship, we can say that this way of relationship is possible for people who love noisy companies and wild fun. Business relationships are possible, but can be a source of frustration. It should be borne in mind that the Rat can take advantage of the Boar's ability to do business and deceive his partner.

Bull and Pig. Representatives of these signs are often united by idle interests and passive recreation. The Boar will seek adventure on the side, as it will not receive the necessary emotions from the Ox, which is fraught with relationship problems. Friendship is possible under the condition of infrequent meetings. Business contacts will allow both sides of the tandem to prove themselves and be useful to each other.

Tiger and Pig. Relationships are possible if the Tiger is capable of meeting the needs of the Boar, including sexual ones. Friendship between these signs is based on understanding and respect for each other, and business relationships are unlikely.

Rabbit and Pig. A long marriage is possible subject to the Rabbit's consent to the hobbies and sexual fantasies that the "second half" is prone to. Friendships can take place in the presence of close communication, common goals or themes. A business union of representatives of these signs of the eastern zodiac will be able to make a good profit and achieve heights in business.

Dragon and Pig. The likelihood of building excellent marital relationships is almost zero. The desire of the noble Pig to serve a loved one will not be appreciated by the Dragon. At the same time, they can make great friends.

Snake and Pig. In married life, the Snake will influence the partner, which will be the reason for the Boar to hurt his own pride. It will also not be possible to build friendly relations, just like business ones. The snake, by virtue of its nature, can harm a partner who does not experience difficulties in material terms.

Horse and Pig. In a marital relationship, there will be no mutual understanding due to the inability of the Pig to give the necessary emotions and passion to a partner who will only take care of his needs. Lack of agreement leads to the inability to build both business and friendly ties.

Goat and Pig. A wonderful marital union, in which recognition, mutual respect and compatibility of temperaments will reign. Friendship is possible, considering how much joy can be received by representatives of both signs during ordinary conversations. Friendly relations between partners can be quite strong, and business ties can be promising and doomed to receive prosperity.

Monkey and Pig. Relations between representatives of these signs will be built on trust and mutual understanding. Partners have similar interests, a similar sense of humor and the ability to help each other in difficult situations. Friendships are lasting. In terms of business relations, one cannot speak of difficulties.

Rooster and Pig. A marital partnership is possible if the Pig provides the Rooster with the necessary material benefits. Too noisy Rooster frightens the Boar, which is why friendship between them is excluded. It is worth noting that building a business relationship is unlikely due to the Boar's distrust of the Rooster's ability to make a profit.

Dog and Pig. Relationships have the right to exist if one of the partners does not try to suppress the other with his intellect, but begins to show respect. Friendship is possible for a long time. The Boar is able to give the Dog peace of mind, relieving excessive anxiety. At the same time, building business relationships is not the best prospect.

Pig-Pig. A marital relationship is quite possible if one of the partners makes concessions, which will contribute to favorable family relationships. Friendships, like business relationships, will be aimed at the long term.

Suitable professions for a sign representative

What profession is able to reveal all the talents of the Boar? Often, representatives of this sign of the Chinese Zodiac are attracted by the world of art, the desire to create beauty and create masterpieces in the field of literature and cinema. But, as the eastern horoscope assures, their greatest talent is financial, which will allow them to achieve fame, honor and prosperity.