Tattoo with positive energy. Tattoo charms for men and their meaning: talismans that have come down to us through the centuries

A rose tattooed in a conspicuous place is a sign that you are happy in love. Traditionally, this rose is red or pink. A black rose means the loss of a loved one, and a rose with an abundance of thorns means unhappy love.

2. Butterfly

The most wonderful transformation in nature occurs precisely with butterflies: from a caterpillar to a beautiful fluttering creature. A butterfly tattoo indicates that a person is ready for serious work on himself and changes that will lead him to his dream.


3. Sakura

A tattoo in the form of a sakura flower in Japan is interpreted unambiguously: you are free and open to new relationships. Sakura is a symbol of sexuality and emancipation, inner strength and fortitude.

4. Ladybug

All over the world, the ladybug symbolizes good luck. Such a tattoo is suitable for those who hope for the best and ... want to get rich: in terms of symbolism, a ladybug attracts money.

5. Angel wings

This amulet tattoo: it is believed that in this way you attract the attention of a guardian angel, who will now always be with you.

6. Lotus

A sacred flower means that you are under the protection of higher powers and have direct contact with the Universe. An excellent choice for fans of Buddhism and supporters of the theory of reincarnation.

7. Hummingbird

A rare version of the tattoo, symbolizing perseverance, incredible vitality and the ability to endure any blows of fate.

8. Hearts

Contrary to the seemingly obvious meaning, a heart tattoo means youth, naivety, spiritual purity, innocence and sincerity.

9. Stars

Five-pointed stars mean inner harmony, unity with nature and its elements, in particular, many connoisseurs of symbolism make tattoos of four five-pointed stars as a sign of the four elements: water, fire, air and earth.

10. Sun and moon

The sun is a symbol of a man, the moon is a symbol of a woman. A double tattoo symbolizes unity, addition, harmony, which its owner strives for.

11. Dandelion

A dandelion with flying "umbrellas" is a symbol of the transience of life, such a tattoo indicates that a person appreciates every moment of his life.

12. Arrows and Arrows

Only forward! A tattoo in the form of an arrow or arrow speaks of determination and ambition.

13. Anchor

Constancy, stability, reliability: the anchor symbolizes a self-confident person who knows exactly what he wants.

14. Giraffe

An exotic option that symbolizes the desire of the owner of such a tattoo to reach all conceivable heights.

15. Snowflake

Just as there are no two identical snowflakes in the world, the owner of such a tattoo emphasizes her individuality and uniqueness.

16. Key

Curiosity and spontaneity - this is the secret meaning of a tattoo in the form of a key. All doors will open before such a person!

17. Dragonfly

Grace, fragility and elusiveness: the dragonfly will give out a subtle nature in you.

18. Diamond

Persistence, versatility and high self-esteem: for such girls, a diamond is an ideal choice.

19. Swallow

This bird was of particular importance for sailors: you see a swallow - it’s not far to the ground. The symbolism of this tattoo is similar to the original: the swallow means hope, affection for loved ones and a good soul.

20. Crown

Born Leaders! However, in addition to ambition, the crown symbolizes self-control and a high degree of responsibility.

21. Frog

Frogs live both in water and on land, and in oriental symbolism they mean high adaptability and good luck.

22. Cherry

A single berry is considered a symbol of purity and purity, and a steam room is considered a strong attachment to a partner.

23. Compass

In the sea of ​​\u200b\u200blife currents, this person will choose the most correct path to the goal. Courage, a passion for adventure and self-confidence - this is what a compass tattoo means.

24. Clover

The almost unnatural four-leaf clover is a symbol of faith in miracles, the supernatural and magic.

Many have been asking for a long time to write an article about tattoos, but somehow their hands did not reach. And now I received an unexpected, but much explaining continuation, which should be covered within the framework of a hanging request. Let me remind you that the reader's cat died in the apartment where her husband's grandmother had died before. Here is the continuation of the correspondence:

There is certainly something to think about. We have no problems in mutual understanding with my husband, in this regard we love each other very much, there are no quarrels either. But here's the problem with animals. For 5 years, a lot of rented apartments have been changed - 4 pieces. My grandmother already has the 5th apartment. In one, my pet rat died right the day before moving to another apartment. In the last apartment, before my grandmother, the fish did not take root - they tried to launch 2 times, they died in the morning ...

There is still apparently a moment - I do tattoos. and I do them at home (((Many different people come. Pain. Of course, a lot of negative accumulates in the apartment

then it complicates things even more!

1. the number of people who come with their zoo and leave it safely in the apartment, especially if there is pain and blood.

2. blood is used in magical rituals for a reason, it has a huge energy potential, opens portals and is a tribute to the spirits. for example, sometimes, if a person "accidentally" cuts himself, he gave a small ransom either to get energy from the bottom, or to get around this or that problematic situation. not always, of course, but often it happens

Thieves do not just have their own subculture with their own symbols, language and traditional rites, crownings, etc. In fact, these are the same initiations / involtations that are used in Freemasonry or the army, and each initiation is an unconscious (or not entirely clear to the wearer) permission to connect the controlling entity. Yakuza tattoos are a direct sharing of spirits. But protective or not, it already depends on the behavior of the adept.

The same applies to orders, for example. They are also a kind of portals, connecting to the egregor of the army (war), power and state:

Are the inverted pentagrams in the center and on the right visible to everyone?

Where do we usually wear orders? That's right, on the chest, or rather on the heart. Attached the order to the heart and pump yourself anahata energy as much as you like. Yes, and pour in the necessary settings there, block it for the most I don’t want. And how many petals do anahata have? It is generally accepted that there are 12 (in fact, there are an immeasurably many of them, the more multidimensional the chakra, the more petals). That is, if you now hang a portal with 5-6 rays there, then the anahata loses its strength, is grounded, blocked.

Do not forget about such stars that every Soviet schoolboy had to wear (and for bad behavior he could lose an asterisk, and with it the respect of others, i.e. the egregor of the state put the adept out of the door):

There is, of course, another explanation:

Magic pentacle. The magic pentacle is a round disk or an inscribed circle with a five-pointed star. It is also called the Star of Solomon. The star is an important and powerful magical symbol of divine power. In accordance with various interpretations, it represents God or man, as well as the four primary elements of nature, five senses, five wounds inflicted on Christ on the cross, as well as five points of the human body with limbs scattered in different directions: head, arms, legs. Magicians embroider five-pointed stars on their robes and draw them inside and outside the magic circle used during ceremonies and rituals. As an amulet, the star protects wizards from attacks by demons and spirits, as a talisman it allows them to communicate with demons and command them.(yeah, command ... if the strong man hawt. and if not?)

Inverted star. The sacred symbol of witchcraft, which is often misunderstood due to associations of an inverted five-pointed star, with one point opucene down and the other two raised up, with hell. If in the normal position the five-pointed star represents God or a deity, then the inverted one usually represents Satan. In the 19th century, Eliphas Levi erroneously described an inverted star as representing the horns of a lustful goat, a member of witches' covens. "This is a lustful goat that attacks paradise with its horns. This sign is hated by the initiates of the highest rank, even at the sabbats," Levy wrote in "Keys to the Sacraments". From here

Magic symbols are found everywhere and you should not be afraid of them. If a person is aware, he can remove the influence or it simply does not affect him. However, if there is no sufficient awareness / luminosity, the egregor turns on with all the consequences.

4. any artist is a portal worker, through his work a connection is made to his worlds. tattoo artists are not just portal-workers, but magicians who had extensive experience as conductors in the past, otherwise they would not have the skills to do it now (there is no experience gained "previously"). any creation is a portal, and a tattoo is even more so, since it is tied to blood. mages are usually not very "light", again, if only because they often have to draw skulls, runes and other magical symbols, in which neither they nor their clients are particularly versed.

again, we will not equate everyone with the same brush, there are those who perfectly understand what they draw. for example, a man went to Thailand, decided to get himself a tattoo there, came to the master, he did it. the man returned home, he began to have problems in life. goes to the sens, and he says to him:
"the master didn’t just fill you with a picture, but he put a curse / spirit on you, such as revenge on an annoying tourist or just . go back, demand that you interrupt now"

5. Many healers and healers, especially those working according to old traditions in the villages, refuse to work with tattooed people, because they believe that a person deliberately gave himself (part or all of his soul) to the service of one or another force.

6. many tattoos close energy centers - chakras. if a tattoo is made on the heart, for example, an eagle or a scorpion, this living creature really comes to life on a thin one, as it is recharged. block can work strong enough, sometimes control personality. Of course, any living creature can be reprogrammed, but who even thinks about such possibilities?

so if I were you, I would seriously consider stopping taking people home, at the very least. and clean up. capitally so. And don't forget about protection.

Of course, tattoos were originally also used as amulets, but nowadays everything is turned upside down and few people really understand their magical properties. If it is possible and even, then reflashing a picture or a master (an adept of an egregor) is as easy as shelling pears.

In any case, a tattoo is not just a distinctive symbol, but a figurative and very powerful magic. In theory, a "good" tattoo should enhance the strengths of the character and dull the weak. But the question is, who decides which side is which, the carrier, the master or the egregore? Everything is individual and the less a person understands the meaning, the more the meaning takes a person into circulation (since we do not build our own reality, someone does it for us, yeah).

As with all other aspects of life, the thoughtless use of someone else's, especially fashionable and hyped symbolism is fraught, because within the framework of energy exchange, new symbols are equivalent to new energy in your field, which can include or exclude certain aspects from your life. After tattooing, loss or acquisition of character traits, emotional states, acquaintances, areas of activity, material possessions, etc. is possible.

In other words, there is a direct reprogramming of the subconscious, subtle bodies, DNA and the series of events.
On this topic: / /

So is it worth getting or removing tattoos?

It all depends on you, gentlemen, free will is paramount.

It is highly not advised to apply other people's drawings, especially with incomprehensible symbols. It is better to invest your own soul and choose a pure master.

If you already have a tattoo, you can change it: see compatibility, talk with it in meditation, reprogram it if necessary, pacify it.

In any case, remember that:

Some believe that by putting a certain symbol on their body (or hanging an icon on a torpedo, in a house / office), they will become happy, rich, protected and successful. this is wrong. everyone has different genetics, energy systems and levels of natural/ancestral protections that are (in)compatible with many symbols and archetypes. don't forget about it
If in one culture a sign can have the meaning of protection, in another it is completely contraindicated or has the opposite meaning. for example, what would a perfectly acceptable cross for a Christian be for a Muslim? or a six-pointed star (also a frank portal, by the way).
on this topic: / / / / / / /

The tattoo has a deep psychoenergetic meaning, it brings new vibrations into your body, changing the flow of energies, often through. with a strong desire, you can take a photo of your aura before and after application (of course, not only the tattoo will be responsible for the changes), or visit a friend of the sense. but it is best to look at yourself and the tattoo in meditation for compatibility even before.

Hypothetically, a tattoo can reveal your potential and there are people who testify to this, but then again, each case is individual. if you are not sure about your compatibility, meaning or are afraid of it, it is better not to apply anything. you can try a temporary tattoo and see the effect.

The higher your luminosity and awareness, the less influence you have. however, if the energy of the tattoo is out of tune with yours, it can make a big difference. for example, it is better not to apply the symbols of thieves in law just like that, especially to peaceful and law-abiding citizens.

If we want to minimize the influence, we do not forget about during the application, we carefully check the semantic meaning, if we did not invest ourselves in the drawing

The tattoo "seals" the state in which you are at the time of application. if there is a lot of pain, doubts and fears, it is better not to go, or concentrate on positive emotions.

If the tattoo hurts, aches, pulls, pay attention to its location, energy center, organ and the symbolism itself. perhaps she is trying to "tell" you something, warn, give a sign

If you yourself are a tattoo artist, study the esoteric meaning of your creations, check your channels and connections, do not forget about protection + regular cleanings.

From the comments:

A tattoo is a magical act, the signature on the body works like a birthmark. Any spot on the body is an indicator of problems ...
You need to know your horoscope well so as not to turn on the marker on some kind of "Cross of Fate" or "stumbling lot".
Especially harmfula tattoo on the neck, since a birthmark in the neck area indicates that a person will not die by his natural death ...
Also, the right and left sides of the body in men and women indicate different things, for women the left is favorable, there are protecting birth moles, and the right, on the contrary, speaks of birth karma ...
The fewer moles, the less karmic debts a person has ..


In this article, we will take a closer look at the meaning of amulets tattoos. Our ancestors knowingly invested in them a certain meaning.

Our ancestors decorated their bodies for a reason - the patterns told about belonging to a particular tribe, estate, about important events in a person's life. And, of course, they served as powerful amulets. In each such protective badge a special meaning was hidden. Let's try to figure them out.

Slavic amulets tattoos and their meanings

Slavic gods are a fairly popular amulet, chosen in tattoo shops. Previously, it was believed that their images are able to protect a person from any trouble. But for this it is worthwhile to thoroughly understand the interpretation of such images:

Veles- Responsible for ensuring that the land was fertile. As for people, it was believed that it was Veles who would grant them knowledge from the field of agriculture and medicine. He is able to provide prosperity, material well-being.

IMPORTANT: If you look at this symbol in a broad sense, then it can be interpreted as a return of a person to his origins. In Slavic mythology, Veles was considered an extremely important deity, because he set the world in motion. Our ancestors thought that it was he who created the day and night, the seasons, sorrow and joy - in a word, all those phenomena of which our life consists.

Such a symbol of the god Veles can be depicted as a tattoo amulet As a tattoo, you can also apply the seal of Veles, which looks like a bear's paw.

Perun- God thunder, lightning, military courage. The landowners did not particularly revere him, but for the princes and combatants, the worship of Perun was of great importance. Given that Rus' experienced a lot of bloodshed, they often turned to this god. At present, the image of Perun can give a person strength.

Tattoo-Perun, which rewards its owner with powers

Svarog- a heavenly deity and, as our ancestors believed, the father of all living beings, gods. Svarog protects all living things, governs life. Acted as powerful amulet, hiding imposing power, oh uniting the human, otherworldly and divine. Worth it for those who want it bring harmony into your life, minimize chaos.

Here is an image of Svarog can be applied as a talisman-tattoo.

Dazhdbog- was god of the sun, heat, fertility. He helped not only plowmen in growing a good harvest, but also the princes in making the right decisions. Not for nothing, therefore, was ranked among one of the most revered patrons. Such a tattoo will include exclusively light energy.

A rune that can be applied as a tattoo as a designation of Dazhdbog

Yarilo- was the son of Veles, was in charge spring warmth, fertility. It is believed that the image of this deity is able to reward the owner life force, helps to be reborn for something new.

IMPORTANT: The Slavs considered Yarilo the patron of the most reckless feelings. If you are familiar with feelings that defy reason, and you want to gain control over them, you should definitely pay attention to the image of Yarilo.

Image of god Yarilo for tattoo

Makosh- it was believed that it was she who held in her hands the canvas of the world, into which destinies were woven. Takes care of the family hearth, embodies femininity, motherhood. The Slavs were sure that it contained earth energy.

Picture for a tattoo in the form of the goddess-amulet Makosh

Stribog- also a fairly significant deity to whom the wind obeyed. Stribog is warlike, he always comes to the aid in the battle with the dark forces.

Picture for a tattoo with Stribog

Charm tattoos for men

Kolyadnik- a very common amulet that men have worn since childhood. It was believed that it helps to be lucky in battle, bestows wisdom. Wherein Wisdom still comes first, after all, only a fool is always, as the ancestors reasoned, ready for a fight. God Kolyada tirelessly monitors the renewal of the world, changes it for the better.

IMPORTANT: Women did not wear such a talisman, but there were small exceptions. So, a girl could put on a carol to give herself courage and confidence. But even a short wearing was not encouraged, so the carol is rightfully considered a truly masculine sign.

Male tattoo amulet Kolyadnik

Svarog Square- another purely masculine symbol. He patronizes those representatives of the stronger sex who busy with physical labor, especially blacksmithing. It helps to show ingenuity in work, to put all the effort into the process.

Male tattoo square Svarog

Valkyrie- an amulet related to the most ancient. Most often applied to armor, as it helped the soldiers to keep in battle honor, nobility, wisdom, justice. Such qualities contributed to the fact that the soldiers managed to protect their family. Valkyrie is aggression, but aggression in the name of salvation.

IMPORTANT: Ancestors advised applying such an image to that young man who, in all situations, got into a fight, unable to control himself. Valkyrie got rid of excess anger.

Tattoo for men in the form of a talisman-Valkyrie

solar cross, also called Celtic cross, often in one form or another carved on shields and swords. People were sure that this amulet would help in the terrible moments of battles. It even got to the point that the soldiers thought that it was impossible to cut the shield decorated with the sign. The same applies to tattoos - the Celtic cross gives the owner courage, perseverance, faith in their work.

Men's tattoo amulet Solar cross

Tattoos for girls: amulets

Ladinets- has always been considered a talisman of love and happiness, a protector from various adversities. No wonder the woman called her husband “okay”, and he called her “okay”. Lada in Slavic mythology served as the patroness beauty and love. No wonder such an amulet was given to a girl from the age of three. From that age until marriage, he helped develop feminine traits in her, become a real enviable bride.

IMPORTANT: The rays must certainly be broken to the right, but rotate to the left - our ancestors recognized this direction as truly feminine, emotional. It contributed to the fact that a woman could fully reveal her potential.

Sketch for a female tattoo amulet Ladinets

Star of Lada- primordially feminine symbolism, protecting not only the health of a woman, but also her child, facilitating pregnancy and childbirth. It was believed that a girl from a young age should wear such a talisman, because he promises longevity. In addition, the image balances character giving him kindness, calmness, prudence.

Image for female tattoo Star of Lada

Bereginya- an image with powerful female energy. It promises prosperity, fertility. It was believed that if the owner of Beregini lives in accordance with her conscience and honors her ancestors, her fate will turn out well, and there will always be prosperity in the house.

Here is an image that can be used for a female tattoo Bereginya

Svitovit- embodies harmonious universe, the victory of light over darkness. Especially suitable for creative minds as an expression of the combination of the heavenly with the earthly. They loved to wear Svitovit and b pregnant women, who believed that he would save the unborn child from the negative impact of outside forces.

Image for female tattoo-Svitovit

Ladybug- may well be considered a talisman for the fair sex, as it embodies motherhood, fertility. In addition, this insect evokes positive emotions in everyone, without exception, protecting its mistress from negative ones. The inhabitants of Scandinavia were convinced that such a talisman attracts true love.

IMPORTANT: There is a myth according to which the wife of the god of thunder cheated on him and was turned into a ladybug. However, perhaps this is the only negative meaning of this symbol.

Charm tattoos: amulets and talismans and their meaning

Star- one of the ancient universal amulets that was called make life more successful. It was not for nothing that when a star fell, it was customary to make a wish, because it acted as a kind of magnet to attract good luck. It is especially worth applying such a tattoo to a person in whose life there is a lot of negativity and hopeless situations.

Grasshopper— enjoyed respect in a large number of countries. Real talisman for people of creative professions. However, it can also lead to others good luck, longevity and wealth. The Japanese were especially convinced of this - they even often took an insect in a miniature cage with them.

Scarab - a symbol that the ancient Egyptians saw incarnation of an immortal soul. It is believed that such a tattoo helps a person understand his soul, bring it back to life after difficult experiences. We can safely say that the scarab contains the wisdom of the world.

Bee- a powerful talisman that will provide longevity and diligence. Moreover, thanks to such diligence, a person will be able to acquire and wisdom needed in life. It was previously believed that it was this insect that brought the blessing of the gods to people.

Spider- oddly enough, this tattoo will serve as a wonderful amulet that can protect its owner from the negative from the outside, diseases. Pay particular attention to this picture. creative people- it will give diligence and inspiration. The seven legs of the spider symbolize cyclicity of the universe, harmony.

IMPORTANT: It is desirable to depict an insect with a web - it often acted as the embodiment of a guiding thread that helps a person. The inhabitants of India perceived the web as an image of order.

Elk- perfect choice for strong-willed men for which complexity is not a problem. Purposefulness, however, also needs its amulet - and it is the elk will achieve what you want with a minimum of trouble. As our ancestors believed, the image of this animal will allow improve health.

Pelican- a person who dreams of changing the world for the better cannot do without such a talisman. Pelican will make undertakings successful, help to develop, look for more and more new ways to improve oneself.

Tattoos-amulets from the evil eye and damage

Black Sun- a fairly common amulet among the Slavs and Scandinavians. For quite a long time, the wearing of the symbol was the prerogative of the priests, but in troubled times they allowed ordinary people to do this. It was believed that the Black Sun multiplies the energy thanks to the connection with the ancestors. It is believed that this amulet is very powerful, which means that he is able to cope with any evil eye.

IMPORTANT: Despite the power of the image, it must be used with great care, as it also imposes a huge responsibility. A person who has applied such a tattoo is obliged to live according to his conscience, honor his ancestors, and be guided by reason when making decisions. Only then, as the priests believed, would the amulet be able to save.

Evil Eye Tattoo Black Sun

Fern flower- it was believed that this image embodies in yourself the power of light, life energy, which is able to defeat any evil eye, ailment or damage. It is also called Perunov color, and he makes even the wildest dreams come true. Our ancestors were convinced that this amulet could purify the human soul to awaken the powers hidden in it.

Wrist tattoo Perunov color

Cross- has always been considered a fairly effective amulet against damage and the evil eye. It is recommended to apply a similar image either on the back or on the chest area. Especially the cross is useful strong women who may have many detractors.

Buddha- The Thais considered the image of this deity to be a reliable amulet against the evil eye. The person became invulnerable to everything related to evil forces. He aiming for the light, and the light will protect from any damage.

Lunnitsa- this talisman from the evil eye was worn exclusively representatives of the fair sex. Young women were considered to be the most susceptible to the evil eye, so they were especially recommended to wear a moonlight. Damage to infertility- this also did not have to be feared, as well as attraction to an unpleasant man.

Eye in the pyramid- one of the most common amulets of this type. Its roots originate from Ancient Egypt. It was believed that such an all-seeing eye brings its owner light, wisdom, power. It was understood that this eye belongs to a god who watches over a person.

Tattoo from the evil eye Eye in the pyramid

Charm Tattoos: Eye of Horus

Eye of Horus- a fairly common tattoo motif, which is the embodiment of the ancient Egyptian god Ra. It was believed that this sign would give its owner vigilance, vigilance, protects from everything negative. In addition, the person gets the ability to notice what is going on in the soul of others which, in turn, also helps to avoid trouble.

The convenience of such a tattoo is that it can be applied to people of any gender, age and occupation. Even the character in this case does not matter.

IMPORTANT: As for the color scheme, it is preferable to use green and blue shades. Of course, you can also make a regular black and white tattoo.

Preferred places of decoration These are the back, lower back, wrists and ankle.

It was believed that right eye- a symbol of the masculine principle, the sun. The left eye associated with the Moon, that is, with passive energy and the feminine.

Eye of Horus tattoo.

Buddhist tattoo amulets

Ohm- a popular amulet, as it helps to gain calmness, prudence. Om, according to beliefs, is the sound from which the creation of the world began, which means that it can keep you out of trouble. It is believed that even in hopeless situations, the image is capable of give a person strength, help find a way out.

IMPORTANT: It should be noted that a tattoo with a similar symbol should be applied exclusively to the upper body.

Buddhist tattoo-amulet in the form of the sound Om

Mandala- it is believed that it has the structure of the universe. Capable protect, strengthen spiritual integrity, protect from earthly fuss. According to the principle of the mandala, even altars, temples, cities were built.

Tattoo-amulet Mandala

Bodhisattva- a creature that strives to comprehend the ideas of Buddhism in order to save the world around it. Naturally, such an image can often be found as a talisman.

Tattoo-amulet Bodhisattva

Lotus- helps the person remove obstacles to self-knowledge, self-improvement, on the way to high goals. It is believed that the lotus awakens wisdom, helps to harmoniously combine the light and dark sides. This image contributes with the preservation of purity, spirituality in a person.

Indian tattoo amulets

dream Catcher- one of the most famous and revered Indian symbols to this day. The Indians were convinced that the intricate weaving of threads stops all evil spirits who want to penetrate the consciousness of a sleeping person. Negative thoughts, the evil eye should also get tangled in the amulet.

IMPORTANT: It is advisable to apply a tattoo on the shoulder, neck or back - in places closest to the head.

Kokopelli- one of the main deities revered by the Indian tribes. It was believed that Kokopelli travels in human form with a flute when one season replaces another. This being is extremely positive, it brings people wealth, protects during childbirth. Especially favored by adventurous people.

Tattoo-amulet in the form of Kokopelli

Indian face- initially applied by the representatives of these tribes themselves, mainly the leaders. There is still debate about what exactly such an image used to mean. Most researchers tend to think that this amulet in matters of the heart and prosperity.

totem animals acted as a fairly frequent motive that told others about the personal qualities of a person. So, wolf symbolizes loyalty, good intuition and perseverance. Coyote- Embodiment of cunning bull- willingness to take risks bear- courage and strength eagle- power and ability to notice everything.

Feather- the Indians perceived the pen as sign of rebirth, eternal life. Only the most important people were honored to wear this image, since the pen helps to establish contact with the gods. Eagle feathers help to adopt the courage of a bird, its strength and lightning speed.

Rune tattoos: impact on life

Rune tattoos are quite popular, but this category of images should be treated with particular care. Some runes have powerful energy that can literally change lives. And it is not at all necessary that these changes will mean wealth that has fallen from heaven or unearthly love.

IMPORTANT: It is believed that some runes can affect the subconscious so much that the effect may be completely unexpected. The energy of a person with such a tattoo is quite capable of changing, so before going to the salon, you need to properly familiarize yourself with the meaning of the selected pattern.

Our ancestors had no doubt that by activating some energy processes, man owes the universe something to return in return. And not necessarily this will happen right there - even after several years, the influence of the image does not weaken.

However, you should not be afraid to apply runes on yourself at all - you just need to understand the intricacies. So, each rune consists of three interconnected parts- directly the rune itself, the sign-form and sound. Separately, they will not give any effect. Also do not make up words from runes- each icon in itself carries a meaning and a special energy.

Slavic tattoos: amulets-runes

World- is the first of the rune series. It serves as a symbol union of man and god that is, it says that a person is a creator. Such a tattoo can give a person the impulse of creativity, the desire for knowledge, will help to fully reveal your "I". At the same time, the image organizes the inner world.

Tattoo in the form of a rune-amulet World

Overcome-grass- the Slavs did not know the best protection against disease. According to their beliefs, all ailments were sent to a person by the forces of evil. What better way to deal with them than a double sign of fire? The body, utensils, armor, weapons - quite often one could meet Grass-Odolen here.

Slavic tattoo amulet Odolen-grass

Rainbow- symbolizes the road, passing along which, man tries to reconcile the forces of order and chaos. At the same time, the road means not just moving somewhere, but a special state of searching for the “golden mean”. Rune helps, if desired, to stabilize any situation, to get help in the journey.

IMPORTANT: Rainbow helps well those people who live according to the motto "Do what you want - and be what will be."

Rune Tattoo Rainbow

Krada- embodies fire, creativity. Fire means creative - a divine spark that helps to realize what was conceived. But any implementation implies disclosure, which Krada contributes to. She cleanses a person’s thoughts from everything unnecessary, superficial.

This rune of Krada can be applied as a tattoo

Wind- rune inspiration, will, ascent, creative impulse. A person with such an image gets the opportunity explore yourself as best you can. He finds the truth and follows it.

Such an image of the Wind rune can be applied in the form of a tattoo

Lelya- the embodiment of the energy of water, which flows vividly in springs and streams. The Slavs were sure that this rune awakens intuition in a person. Lelya also embodies bloom, spring, joy.

IMPORTANT: If a person wants to apply a charm of love, then there is no better option than Lelya. Moreover, love refers to a greater degree of spiritual and emotional, rather than physical affection.

An example of a tattoo with runes-amulets of the Slavs. Top three runes - Lelya

Rune Tattoo Scandinavian

Kenhealth rune, can bring healing, protect from any harm. Moreover, it can bring stability in friendship and love. Counts an excellent talisman for artists as it promotes the release of creativity.

Such a Scandinavian rune Ken can be applied as a tattoo

Maine- Helps the owner of the image to the fullest realize your potential. The rune comes to the aid of those who do not yet know what they want from life, which path to choose. Moreover, the amulet even contributes to the fact that surrounding people become more friendly- perhaps because the owner of the tattoo is learning to live in harmony with the world.

Tattoo amulet in the form of the Scandinavian rune Man

jera- promotes fulfillment of desires. The icon itself symbolizes the harvest, that is, the favorable completion of any business. Rune capable give a good mood, give strength.

IMPORTANT: Nevertheless, it is recommended to remember that there will be no manna from heaven - it is important to personally make efforts for a favorable outcome. The rune tells us about the full cycle, in which the harvest is only the result. And tillage, sowing is also an important part of the cycle.

The Scandinavian rune Jera can be applied as a tattoo

Horn (Thurisaz)- Not only attracts success in business and love, but also protects from the evil eye. Especially useful for those who have made an impressive number of enemies - the rune weakens their impact. Turisaz like pushes a person to be in the right place at the right time.

Such a rune-Thurisaz can be depicted as a tattoo

Ur (Uruz)attracts pleasant changes in the life of the owner, promotes health. The rune is interesting because allows a person to find something where only ashes remain. It unites, as the Scandinavians believed, the subtle and physical worlds, it is a fusion of male and female principles.

Tattoo amulet in the form of the Scandinavian rune Ur

Technological progress and a change in beliefs have led to the fact that we forgot about many of the meanings of images. Meanwhile, it is not for nothing that people from ancient times created entire sets of rules regarding where to place signs, when and to whom. Therefore, it is extremely important, before enlisting the help of a particular amulet, to carefully study its interpretation and the nuances of application.

Magical tattoos are tattoos that can affect the life of their owner. They are quite varied. Before you make yourself such a tattoo, you need to carefully study their true meaning. These are not things to joke around with.

Magician with long claws

Features of magical tattoos

Most of the modern tattoos with magical properties originated in antiquity. Such images were applied to their bodies by the ancient Aztecs and Celts. This category can also include images of zodiac signs, Buddhist symbols, Slavic symbols. Such images are applied for the purpose of protection, the help of higher powers. This is a kind of mark and amulet. Magic tattoos, photos of which you will find in any tattoo parlor, are very fond of representatives of informal associations.

Did you know? The most "tattooed" person lives in Scotland. Almost the entire surface of his body is tattooed in the form of a leopard skin. Free space is left only inside the auricles and between the fingers.

Can magical tattoos, the meaning of which is often discussed on esoteric forums, really affect a person's life? In real life, such cases do occur. Therefore, an unknown inscription or hieroglyph cannot be applied to your body. First you need to know their real meaning. Each image has its own energy, so you need to be very careful when choosing them. However, most experts are inclined to believe that any tattoo can affect the life of its owner only if he himself believes in its magical properties.

For a very long time I doubted whether to put a tattoo in the form of a rune on my body. But then I consulted with a local shaman, and he picked up a suitable drawing for me. My life has changed for the better.

Svetlana, Lyubertsy

In the modern world, magical tattoos are very popular. However, psychics do not advise getting carried away by drawing such drawings on your body.

Bird, mountain-eye in a magical tattoo

Types of magical tattoos

The most popular magical tattoos are:

  • mandala
  • pentagram

Infinity sign

The infinity sign is both simple and ingenious. On the one hand, it is a mathematical symbol, and on the other hand, it is a symbol with a deep magical meaning. This sign means innumerability and eternity of being. Oddly enough, these images are endowed with magical properties by people working in the field of science. At the same time, the sign of infinity has far from mathematical roots.

Magic sign of infinity

This symbol was first used in Tibetan engravings. He symbolized a snake that bites its own tail. According to legend, the snake tried to eat itself. But due to the fact that he grew up, he could not do it. This process went on forever. Over time, it was used as a symbol of the natural connection of beginning and end.

As a rule, young guys and girls inflict the sign of infinity on themselves. Sometimes it is used by lovers to emphasize that their love is endless. The best place to apply such a tattoo is the wrist. It is here that she looks most harmonious.

I have been eyeing the infinity tattoo for a long time. Made a month ago. Was very satisfied.

Olga, Krasnoyarsk.


Runes represent the magical alphabet of Northern and Central Europe. They are fraught with a special symbolic meaning, so scientists have been studying them for several centuries in a row. Each rune consists of three elements: sign (form), sound (song) and rune (mysterious law). The components of each symbol cannot exist on their own. They complement each other. By the way, magic tattoos, sketches of which magicians and sorcerers can make, are often applied to the wrist, shoulders or back.

Variant of the image of magical runes on the back

Another variation of the image of the runes on the leg

Today, runes have exclusively magical functions:

  • divination
  • witchcraft
  • creation of amulets and talismans

For this purpose, tattoos in the form of runes are applied.

Rune tattoos are a very strong talisman and amulet


The mandala is a diagram made up of iconographic images and highly intricate designs. It originated in Buddhist mythology. Buddhists considered it a sacred symbol, since all Buddhist saints were depicted on it.

Magic mandala made on the leg

The mandala on the calf is already a different shape, but the magical meaning of this tattoo does not change.

Advice. Before applying any magical tattoo, consult with a person who is directly related to magic.

The most popular place to get a pentagram tattoo is on the wrist.


Pentagram made on the back of a girl

The pentagram is one of the most mysterious symbols that originated in Mesopotamia 4,000 years ago. It is an image in the form of a five-pointed star. There is an opinion that this is a peculiar scheme of the movement of Venus. The pentagram can bring both positive and negative changes in life to its owner. This will depend on how you position the top of the five-pointed star. Today, the pentagram symbolizes leadership, prosperity, superiority, youth, health, spirituality of nature.

Video: the master fills the mandala tattoo

Sketches of magical tattoos

About tattoos.

I constantly see how on vacation, in different countries, in different hotels, people have fun with tattoos. This is a more common type of "fun", which is used not only by adults, but also applied to their children ...

Magician and explorer says:

"Mankind at all times faced with mysticism, which is on the verge of the material world and the spiritual world. For more than five years I have been removing tattoos, and every year I realize more and more that the signs on the body are inextricably linked with the Spiritual World, or World X, as I call it. It is not for nothing that all world religions to one degree or another forbid a person to stuff tattoos on his body.

“Do not decorate your bodies with drawings and writings,” says the Bible. And it has a real mystical meaning.

The fact is that, by getting a tattoo on his body, a person, as it were, puts on himself the “seal of the Devil” - a kind of energy label that can radically change both a person’s earthly life and his post-mortal existence. I recommend that interested readers familiarize themselves with the Tibetan Book of the Dead, as well as with such a monument of Christian culture as the Ordeal of St. Theodora. During the transition of the border of the Worlds, a number of dangers and obstacles await the soul, and a tattoo made during life is a spiritual mark, a beacon that additionally attracts these same troubles. Accordingly, life after death can become much more deplorable with a tattoo than without it. This is not about the tattoo itself - particles of ink hammered under the skin, but about the information label that remains after applying the tattoo to the body.

The two worlds interact very closely and penetrate each other, so any changes in the material World necessarily cause changes in World X. By drawing a picture on the body, a person thereby concludes an agreement with completely unkind forces.

The result of the manifestation of this contract may be the illusion of rare luck, material well-being in a given period of time. However, I do not know people who managed to take even a grain of gold, a cent or a kopeck with them to the afterlife. But the state of the Soul is very important, because it lives forever, because in World X the concept of time is simply absent. So is it worth creating eternal problems for the sake of a brief illusion of material well-being? The tattoo can be removed, which means breaking the "contract". The dark forces are not at all pleased with this, and strange things begin to happen to a person.

Circumstances develop in such a way that the patient begins to postpone the operation - urgent business matters arise, money runs out, illnesses and injuries appear. There are about two hundred such cases when a person decided to remove the drawing, but then life turned him around so that there was no time left for the procedure, in my practice there are about two hundred, i.e. almost every other case. But this is only the first line of defense of the Dark Ones. If a person still shows perseverance, he is destined for more severe tests. For example, seven of my patients who began to regularly remove their tattoos in small fragments lost one or both parents. About fifteen people divorced, and they postponed the procedure to an indefinite future. Five people became seriously ill and also stopped the operation. Two more people are missing. Scary? Maybe you shouldn't remove tattoos at all?

My experience shows that this conclusion is wrong! If mystical forces go to such harsh influences to keep a person from removing a tattoo, then you can imagine what awaits those who succumbed to these forces and did not remove their tattoos? Apparently, something awaits them, in comparison with which, even the biggest earthly hardships will seem like minor troubles. For my part, I want to note that I fulfilled my moral duty by telling the truth. And then you decide how to manage your life now and after death. Forewarned means protected! Remember that arguments such as ignorance are not accepted in World-X."

I completely agree with the author of these lines.... And I personally know healers who immediately refuse to heal patients who have tattoos on their bodies === not because of their impotence, inability, selfishness, but according to the law of magic == the result will be zero .

The harm of the tattoo is explained by the esoteric.

The tattoo itself is done on the skin, the skin refers to the Svadhisthana chakra, which in turn is responsible for the etheric body of a person.

That is, in fact, you make yourself a tattoo immediately on the physical and etheric bodies.

If you later remove it from your skin, how will you remove it from your ethereal shell??? such operations have not yet been invented.

That is, if you have made changes to the etheric body (made a tattoo), then the emanation of the symbol that you have stuffed and its archetypal, as well as egregor value, will eventually be stitched into your vital body, then into the astral body, etc.

That is why those cases are not rare when the owners of certain tattoos are tormented by nightmares, they become drug addicts and commit suicide, etc. and so on.

Remember- even if you just prick a dot or dash for yourself - it's still a symbol and it means something (EVERYTHING MEANS SOMETHING).

2. Place of the tattoo.

Tattoos are the lot of the first three castes. Magicians don't do that. The rest of the castes make them for themselves, some for the sake of luxury, some for the sake of showing off. It is no secret that each zone of the human body is responsible for a separate part of health, character and well-being in general.

So think - if you fill the hell knows what, the hell knows where, then what will you get in the end ??? That's right - who knows what.

3. Master.

When the master stuffs, in addition to a simple thought-form not conscious, he also carries out the stuffing. And in general ... here are your emotions, the work of the master of his thought and all this in the aggregate - a carbon monoxide mixture is obtained.

Although the Master Tattoo plays only a third-rate role in the meaning of the tattoo, he must at least be competent and know the basics of magic, the energy of the human body and symbology. And those stoned, stoned, painted and pierced ... who sit in my tattoo parlors and I can’t turn my tongue to call the Master. They themselves have already been corrupted by their own craft.

You can make yourself any kind of tattoos, but KNOW that any sign or symbol is a gate ... And there and back!!! Would you like your body to have a kind of gate through which energy flows not only to you, but also from you.

And one more thing, if after some time you want to reduce the tattoo. So what are you going to do? Rip off the skin or burn it?

And all this information affects the rituals performed with such patients. Village magicians require tattoos to be removed before their work.

Only rare Mages can work with the tattooed. But it takes a lot more effort than working with those who do not and never had tattoos.

Therefore, before you put at least one dot on your body, at least one puncture, think a thousand times about who to turn to when you urgently need the help of the Magician.

Be prudent!


Tattoo on the body of a woman- the same as a rotten tooth in the mouth, spit in a conspicuous place, a fungus on the nails or a hickey on the neck.

The owners of such tattoos are now indignant, reading this text, because they are angry with themselves for the stupidity that allowed them to acquire an ugly mark, and every extra reminder causes a storm of indignation, indicating, however, that stupidity has not been completely cured.

A tattoo should indicate that a person belongs to a certain social group: either you are from the criminal world (like a member of the mafia in Japan), or from the porn industry, or you are a Papuan.

Girls who paint on themselves do not belong to any of these groups and they cannot really explain the meaning of their own tattoos, as well as clearly tell about the motives that forced them to look for a staker.

Babonki most of all require from others responsibility, maturity in actions and seriousness, however, the owner of wearable graphics can easily be caught in a deficiency of each of these three qualities.

But the most important thing is the complete absence of aesthetic education, a sense of taste, harmony and measure, which would never allow a girl to disfigure her delicate body with extraneous garbage.

We, men, look at a woman with a tattoo and understand: here is an unfortunate fool without brains and understanding of her place in life!

Sergei Stillavin