Hot air balloon training. Collection of psychological games and exercises

Sections: School psychological service

When moving to the senior level, problems may arise: several groups have developed in the class, conflicts constantly occur, students cannot find a “common language”, it is impossible to hold a collective event - which can lead to difficulties in the further process of schooling and in the possibility of personal self-realization in the school environment. Therefore, it is important to create psychologically comfortable conditions for the development of intra-group relations, where special attention must be paid to the rapid establishment of positive relations between children, mastering the techniques and skills of effective interpersonal communication.

  1. create conditions for the organization and rallying of the children's team,
  2. development of the skill of constructive group interaction (the ability to listen and understand the other, to establish cooperation), regardless of the variety of manifestations of their individuality;
  3. development of the skill of making a collective decision;
  4. reduce the level of anxiety, emotional stress.

The expected psychological result is the creation of a favorable psychological climate and the acquisition by each participant of the experience of joint decision-making and interaction, the realization of their importance in the team, the creation of positive relationships between peers.

Plot built on the basis of an unusual journey. Students are invited to travel in a hot air balloon, during which a disaster occurs, and they find themselves on a desert island. The children are left alone.

Time for play and discussion 1.5 - 2 hours.

Participants: 10th grade students (15 years old); 10 - 15 people; 1 person acts as a “leader” (psychologist); The class teacher acts as an “observer”.

The class teacher can use the skills acquired by students to build their work with children on the organization of collective activities.

Stage 1. Introduction to the game.

  1. game mood,
  2. awakening interest,
  3. creating a playful atmosphere.

Material: Indoors, tables are arranged in the center in a circle shape. The chairs are arranged in a semicircle. On the table are tablets with the names of the cities whose representatives are present on the stage. Department for the leader. Each participant has a badge with the name and city.

Moderator: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! A few months ago, a unique balloon trip around the Earth was announced. Qualifying rounds were held in all cities. We have brought you here because you are the winners of the casting for an incredible journey - you are the best of the best. You have to fly around the earth in a hot air balloon. You will stop at designated places and explore the sights. So, good luck.

Stage 2. Unforeseen disaster.

  1. development of the ability to quickly make the best decision,
  2. defend your point of view.

Material: Slides with sights of some countries, sheets with a list of items (according to the number of participants).

Leading: Our journey has begun. You have already visited Greece - the Acropolis of Athens. In Italy - the Colosseum, the Cathedral and St. Peter's Square in Rome. France - Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame Cathedral. England - the famous Bik Bon - slides are shown in the course of the enumeration (the set of slides can be any). Your path lies to the shores of America, across the Atlantic Ocean. It is still far to fly, but a hole has formed in the ball, and it begins to slowly fall. The fall has slowed down since the release of the ballast, but there is a need to lighten the ball by throwing other objects.

Participants are offered a list of:

  • First aid kit - 25 kg.
  • Compass - 2 kg.
  • Canned food - 25 kg.
  • Spyglass - 1 kg.
  • Shotgun and cartridges - 25 kg.
  • Sweets - 20 kg.
  • Sleeping bags - 30 kg.
  • Rocket launcher and flares - 10 kg.
  • Tents - 20 kg.
  • Oxygen cylinder - 50 kg.
  • Cards - 5 kg.
  • Bottle with drinking water - 20 kg.
  • Inflatable boat - 25 kg.
  • Video camera - 5 kg.
  • Video cassettes - 3 kg.
  • Tape recorder - 3 kg.

Task: Decide what to throw away and in what order. First, everyone thinks for himself, then together you need to find a single solution and write it down.

Terms of execution: everyone must speak, the decision is made by unanimous vote. With one abstention, the proposal is cancelled. The decision must be made on the entire list of items.

Host: Remember, the time of the fall of the ball is unknown, but the speed of the fall increases.

Stage 3 “Presentation of individuality”.

Tasks: development of the desire to understand the individual differences of others.

Host: Despite all your efforts, the balloon still fell on one of the islands in the Atlantic Ocean. You miraculously escaped, and besides, you managed to send a “SOS” signal. True, it is not known when they will start looking for you and when they will find you. It's time to get to know each other better.

Task: participants take turns calling their names and their inherent personal qualities, the names of which begin with one of the letters of their own name (both positive and negative qualities).

Stage 4 “How to live on the island”.

  1. show the inevitability of conflict,
  2. develop the skills of constructive solution of situations by making a collective decision,
  3. developing a sense of responsibility.

Material: sheets with a list of issues to be resolved; paper; pens; markers.

Host: So, you ended up on a desert island with rich vegetation and wildlife, including poisonous plants and predatory animals. The second day went by, but there was no help. There is a need to organize the living space, the distribution of roles between you and the adoption of rules for living together.

Task: You are given sheets with a list of questions that need to be discussed. The result of the discussion will be a "Code" of 10 rules that would ensure your survival.


  1. Who will do what?
  2. Who will be responsible for what?
  3. How will decisions be made?
  4. Who will lead?
  5. How will food be distributed (equally; by labor contribution; give more to the strong to work better, or to the weak to survive)?
  6. How to deal with those who break the rules?

Stage 5 “Joint actions”.

Tasks: development of the ability to negotiate with each other, the ability to act together.

Material: bag, 2 straws, 2 sheets of paper, plastic cup, some tape and thread, raw egg.

Moderator: It's time to try to work together.

Task: it is necessary to pack a raw egg using the proposed set so that it does not break when it falls.

Completion condition: all participants discuss how this can be done and choose 1 person who will perform the task. (Checking the quality of the task - a person stands on a chair and throws a packed egg).

Stage 6 "How many of me."

Tasks: to show that each person performs different “roles”, in different situations can behave differently.

Material: paper, pencil, scissors.

Host: A few days on the island behind. Help is near. What did everyone learn about themselves during their stay on the island?

Task: a sheet of paper is folded several times, after which the silhouette of one person is cut out. Having unfolded a sheet of paper, students receive either individual figures of a person, or a ribbon of them.

Students are invited to write on each of the figures received, “What can I be?” and “What wishes would you have for each of these little men?”.

How the world is changing! And how I change myself!
I have only one name,
In fact, what is called me,
I'm not alone. There are many of us, I am alive!

N. Zabolotsky.

Stage 7 "Back home". Discussion.

Tasks: development of the ability to distinguish one's feelings, experiences, to assess the situation.

  1. What feelings did you experience during the game?
  2. What turned out to be difficult? Why?
  3. What did you like? What didn't you like?

This is a very well-known, one might say - traditional group (team) game, showing group cohesion (or lack thereof), the presence and nature of leadership in the group, and also how small considerations of personal gain can obscure large, important goals - up to the need to survive .. .

The version of "Catastrophe" proposed here has several differences from its traditional version: namely:

· the game is connected with the next one - "Desert Island", which makes it more exciting in terms of scenarios;

· the list of things to be ranked has been changed a bit - it is worked out for the next game "Desert Island" and makes the choice more difficult and exciting. However, a more neutral-standard version of the list of things is also given - then the game is calmer and not so sharp.

Catastrophe can also be played with one team, without splitting into several teams, but if the number of players turns out to be more than twenty, this is no longer practical. In our opinion, let's say a group of 32 people should be divided into four teams of 8 people. The breakdown can be according to any principle, but we usually form "idea-thematic" groups according to the following procedure:

– Who is the Deepest-Wise in our group? And the most kind-hearted-compassionate? And the hard worker-Hard worker? And the most Wild Barbarian? - Choose these Leaders.

· It is possible that these Leaders are selected separately among boys and girls. Then the team will be formed around a core of two Leaders, a guy and a girl.

Now these Leaders around themselves, calling one person at a time, form teams of Hardworking Workers, Humanists-Hearted, Barbarians and Wise Men. So four teams were formed, sat down in four closed m-groups.

· As a rule, holding hands and closing your eyes, feeling only the hands of friends. And then the subsequent introductory setting begins as with the usual relaxation formulas, subtle sensitivity, later moving on to the theme of “Balloon Flight”.

Lyrical setting-introductory (exit to the Theme):

How nice to be among friends! Each team is now in a basket of a balloon that was given to you (for example, by the United Nations Youth Committee). You rise above the ground, you can no longer see the faces of people under you, houses become like children's cubes, roads turn into strings - and you fly under the clouds. You are flying over cities and forests, the wind is strong, and now you are already over the sea - apparently, this is the Atlantic Ocean. The ocean is restless, you can see the white lambs of the waves from above - but what do you care about this, your balloon confidently carries you into the distance. But what is it? Here a small dot appears on the horizon, and this dot is approaching! It's a giant eagle and it's looking at you with unkind eyes! It makes a circle after a circle around you, then suddenly soars up our ball, disappears from your field of vision - and suddenly you hear a scream, scratching something sharp on the fabric, blows - and hissing. You have a rifle, one of you shoots at random - and the eagle, losing blood, on its wide wings begins to slowly slide to the side and down. But your ball is also starting to lose height. The basket of the balloon can float on the water, but if a storm comes, he will turn it over. In the distance, in the direction of the wind - several islands, apparently uninhabited. There is a chance to escape if you lighten the ball, freeing yourself from not the most necessary things - and fly to the islands. But what to throw away? Keep in mind that some things may come in handy to survive on these uninhabited islands, and no one knows how long you will have to live there. It is difficult to say something about the climate in these latitudes: it is warm now, but it is not known what kind of winter it will be.

Everyone opened their eyes and found themselves in their group, not forgetting the environment in which you are.

So, everyone will now receive a list of things in the balloon's basket, and make their own ranking: in what order will you throw things out in order to fly to the island. The first number marks what you decide to throw out first, the second number - in the second, the seventeenth number - what you will throw out last. Work strictly on your own, you can’t discuss any issues with neighbors. You have exactly 10 minutes for the whole job.

List of things in the gondola of the ball: Cans, bowls, mugs, spoons - 7 kg; Rocket launcher with a set of signal rockets - 6 kg; A selection of useful books about everything - 22 kg; Canned meat - 20 kg; Axes, knives, shovel - 12 kg; Canister with drinking water - 20 l; Bandages, cotton wool, peroxide, brilliant green - 5 kg; Rifle with a supply of cartridges - 30 kg; Condoms and other contraception - 2 kg; Imported chocolate - 10 kg; Gold, diamonds - 4 kg; Very large dog - 55 kg; Fishing tackle - 1 kg; Toilet mirror, awl, soap and shampoo - 3 kg; Warm clothes and blankets - 50 kg; Salt, sugar, a set of multivitamins - 9 kg; Medical alcohol - 10 l

· Additionally, in this development we give another list of things: more standard and not tied to the next game "Desert Island".

10 minutes of individual work.

After everyone has made their own - individual - ranking, a task is given for working in teams: "Death has surrounded you from all sides, the only hope is to fly to the island and survive on it. If you don't throw anything away, you will fall and drown in the sea. then - you will die on the island of hunger or die defenselessly. Moreover, if you throw everything away at once: this is tantamount to death. Everyone has made their individual ranking, but you are all in teams, and each team must now develop its own common decision, but not by voting on the majority votes, but by consensus, that is, by general, unanimous consent. If at least one person is against, a decision is not made. At the same time, do not waste time: you can die, you have at least 20, no more than 30 minutes. Earlier it was decided - you have more things will remain. When you finish the work, you will sum up its results, in particular, find out whose individual decision will be closest to the group as a whole. How to calculate this, I will explain later, it is not difficult. And then we will find out whose individual decision was the wisest - or who is better everyone knows how to convince others."

30 minutes of team work.

Very often in groups there are energetic but stupid altercations, during which no decisions can be made. Then the host should "stop the passage of time" and correct their brains: "Everyone has closed their eyes. The passage of time has stopped, you are just observing the situation from the side. A perforated balloon hangs over the sea. The blue sea is restless, they will easily turn over the basket, and big hungry sharks are impatiently waiting this moment. And there are conversations in the basket, and the more they go on, the lower the basket falls ... I wonder if these people can still survive? And who does it depend on? ... Time turns on again! We work!"

Those m-groups that worked out the solution earlier rank the winners of the discussion. It is done like this. Everyone has his ranking list, and there is a group-wide ranking list. For each item, you need to calculate the MODULAR DIFFERENCE. That is, if according to item 1 (Kana, circles ...) Vasya has a ranking of 3 (he decides to throw it out as the third number), and the group put it in 5th place, then for this item the difference is two (5 - 3 = 2). If Vasya had this point in the 5th place, and the group in the 2nd place, the difference would be “three” (and not minus three, because the modulus of the difference is always taken). Adding this difference between the individual and the general solution for each item, it is easy to determine how far Vasya's decision turned out to be from the general group one, and to compare whose solution turned out to be closer to the general group one - Vasino's or Petino's.

If the group failed to complete the task ahead of schedule, this ranking of the winners can be completely painlessly skipped. This, of course, is very interesting for the players, but, in our opinion, it is a little-needed thing. If possible, it is worth discussing with the group: what, in their opinion, is more important: the ability to prove exactly YOUR RIGHTNESS - or to work in general for the SALVATION OF THE GROUP?

· Theoretically, it is very easy to imagine a tactic when Vasya can quickly "crush" the whole group under him. He simply states: “Friends! Here is my decision, and I invite everyone to accept it. The fact is that the decision on the condition of the problem should be taken only unanimously, and I will not accept any amendments to my decision. I'm quite ready to die, and you probably want to live. And you will stay alive only if you accept my decision without a fight...” Question: should Vasya be considered a communication genius?

And what is really important is to discuss the course of the past discussion and the contribution of everyone to it. “What was the overall strategy? Who contributed what (give feedback on each). Ranking: Who saved us and vice versa (WHO WOULD YOU FLY WITH?) - according to the style of discussion and work.

This must be given 10 minutes. If you skip this moment, then for the guys everything that happened will turn out to be only an exciting, but not a psychological game. Only an ADVENTURE, but not a LESSON OF LIFE.

Standard set (not tied to the game "Desert Island"):

Cans, bowls, mugs, spoons 9 kg
6 kg
2 kg
Canned meat 20 kg
Axes, knives, shovel 12 kg
Drinking water canister 20 l
7 kg
Rifle with ammo 30 kg
imported chocolate 10 kg
Gold, diamonds 25 kg
Very big dog 55 kg
Fishing gear 1 kg
3 kg
9 kg
Medical alcohol 10 l
List of things in the balloon basket:
Cans, bowls, mugs, spoons 9 kg
Rocket launcher with set. signal missiles 6 kg
Set of geographical maps and compass 2 kg
Canned meat 20 kg
Axes, knives, shovel 12 kg
Drinking water canister 20 l
Bandages, cotton wool, peroxide, brilliant green 7 kg
Rifle with ammo 30 kg
imported chocolate 10 kg
Gold, diamonds 25 kg
Very big dog 55 kg
Fishing gear 1 kg
Dressing mirror, awl, soap and shampoo 3 kg
Salt, sugar, multivitamin set 9 kg
Medical alcohol 10 l

List of things focused on the game “Desert Island”

List of things in the balloon basket:
Cans, bowls, mugs, spoons 7 kg
6 kg
22 kg
Canned meat 20 kg
Axes, knives, shovel 12 kg
Drinking water canister 20 l
Bandages, cotton wool, peroxide, brilliant green 5 kg
Rifle with ammo 30 kg
2 kg
imported chocolate 10 kg
Gold, diamonds 4 kg
Very big dog 55 kg
Fishing gear 1 kg
Dressing mirror, awl, soap and shampoo 3 kg
Warm clothes and blankets 50 kg
Salt, sugar, multivitamin set 9 kg
Medical alcohol 10 l
List of things in the balloon basket:
Cans, bowls, mugs, spoons 7 kg
Rocket launcher with a set of flares 6 kg
A selection of useful books about everything 22 kg
Canned meat 20 kg
Axes, knives, shovel 12 kg
Drinking water canister 20 l
Bandages, cotton wool, peroxide, brilliant green 5 kg
Rifle with ammo 30 kg
Condoms and other contraception 2 kg
imported chocolate 10 kg
Gold, diamonds 4 kg
Very big dog 55 kg
Fishing gear 1 kg
Dressing mirror, awl, soap and shampoo 3 kg
Warm clothes and blankets 50 kg
Salt, sugar, multivitamin set 9 kg
Medical alcohol 10 l

Desert Island

With the right attitude, this game can be big and can give a lot. She can:

Diagnose the relationship between team members, identify leaders, likes and dislikes,

· show the personal qualities of the players, usually hidden in everyday contacts (courage and wisdom, cruelty and irresponsibility, creativity and stubbornness, pep and unexpected tediousness);

· to visually show how the laws of human society are built (invented), what is accidental in them, and what is born by the requirements of life itself;

To acquaint with the realities of completely adult life.

The game can run on its own, but getting used to it is faster and better if it comes as a continuation of the game "Crash in a balloon". We present this option.

The game is best played in a group (team) of 7 to 15 people. We usually play in parallel four teams of 7-9 people (Workers, Barbarians, Wise Men and Humanists).

Game instructions:

"With the help of the Lord God, you almost safely escaped and ended up on a Desert Island ..." (read further - see Appendix).

You are not completely empty-handed, you have things - the last third from the list of your ranking (whoever has half before) plus a lighter with a supply of liquid gas.

You are not required to implement your group's Symbols. You have gathered under the sign of the Sages, but now live as real as you are. Play is a way to get to know each other better in discussion - and life. Make your life-discussion alive and bright.

Start the GAME, leave 10 minutes for discussion of the results of the game-work and feedback for each.

· In "Desert Island" we usually play in two stages. The first time - as if a trial game, is arranged immediately after the "Catastrophe ..." and does not last long. But during this time, everyone enters into its atmosphere and for the next time, for the second playing of the "Island", they turn out to be well mentally prepared.

Based on the results of the first stage of the game, it is worth discussing which teams were able to make the game interesting and which were not. In particular, it is worth pointing out that not interested if you like players:

- busy only with business, not psychology. You are discussing for half an hour whether there will be goats on the island, and you will not take an interest in the soul of the one who agreed to be the executioner. What is behind your choices-decisions? What psychology?

- do not share your experiences during the game. The accepted life on the Island is already weighing on someone, but he sits, endures and is silent.

- you throw all decisions on the Leader-Senior. "There will be a problem - the Elder will solve it." Let decide now! How would you decide in the place of the Elder?

- walk away from problems. It is necessary to divide into families - not hee-hee, but share!

Continuation of the game in the Desert Island: the game is restarted, possibly with a small update of the composition of the teams and with more time. Before the game, it is worth recalling the main settings that make the Game interesting - and warning about the importance of resolving the issue of power.

It is worth warning that power can be seized. For example, one strong person negotiates with another strong one, entices the waverers to his side - and suppresses the fragmented opposition, dictating his own conditions to it. Ordinary fascism.

Another danger is the burdensome democracy of the Soviets, where every petty issue is decided on the hour and everyone has their own opinion.

First discussion in m-groups: What is your goal for Life on the Island? What do you want to teach yourself? Will there be individual assignments? - 5 minutes. - and reports.

Optional task: "Get ready to advertise your island and your life!"

The GAME goes on for an indefinite amount of time (from an hour to two) until one or two teams definitely run out of it.

During the game-discussion every 15 minutes. it is worth doing a REFLEXION point by point (for this, distribute a cheat sheet with questions to each team):

– friendly, kind, cheerful atmosphere? Who creates heat, and who is a conflict or a bore?

– constructiveness? Do you decide quickly, efficiently, strongly? Who creates an empty chatter or a viscous swamp?

- Dynamics, sharpness of the plot? Do you create difficult, sharp situations-plots? Who?

Who is out of discussion? Why?

At the end of the Game 10 minutes of discussion and feedback for each. What did I give for life on the Island? Is it a lot?

What Community would you go to if your Community perished? - To the Barbarians? Hard workers? Wise men? Humanists? Choice applause.

A game

By the will of fate, you ended up on a DESERT ISLAND. It has a rich flora and fauna, but life is full of dangers: poisonous plants, a short cold in winter, there may be visits from cannibals from neighboring islands. It is possible to hold out as a close-knit group, but alone it is almost impossible. In the next 20 years, you will not be able to return to normal life, to your native land. Your task is to create conditions for yourself in which you could survive. Understand the seriousness and tragedy of what happened, especially since during such a period people sometimes go wild, anger and fights to the death flare up behind irritability. There is no place for entertainment, chatter and giggles - you need to eat and you need to survive. Set yourself up accordingly - and watch yourself: how will you manifest yourself in this life?

You must master the island, organize a household on it. To do this, make a map of the island on a piece of paper and indicate what is where on it.

Who will be your leader? What leverage does he have?

You need to establish a social life: outline priorities, distribute functions, roles, responsibilities, etc. What are the sanctions for non-performance or poor performance of duties? If you have a "Dragonfly and Ant" situation, what will the Ants say to the Dragonfly? And if he is one Ant, and all are Dragonflies?

Will you invent your own laws or will you accept any religion where the laws of community life are already defined? And if among you unbelievers someone is a believer and spends time building a chapel and praying, instead of working in the garden or fighting along with everyone, how then?

How will you solve the distribution problem? All equally? by labor contribution? more weak and sick? (and it turns out to be more profitable for you to be weak and sick?) more strong, because they are more useful? And if someone compassionate decides to feed the lazy person whom everyone decided not to feed?

Does your community make decisions by majority vote? But can men, if they are in the majority, decide about the life of women?

The limits of the power of your Community, can it interfere in someone's private life? Does a person have the right not to listen to anyone and live in his own way? And if he is evil and harmful? (Hemp grows on the island, and one of you became a drug addict, does not work, steals and pees in cabbage soup).

Is it possible for you to split into two colonies? What to do if one group begins to dictate its terms to another, weaker one? If someone wants to live separately, does he have the right to a separate piece of the island of his own? For part of the property? On what? (You have two axes for the whole community, he took one himself - otherwise, he says, I won’t survive. What are your actions?)

What is the punishment for rape? jealousy murder? theft? arson? Do you have something for which the death penalty is due? Who then will be the executioner?

Do you have privacy of personal property? Does the community have the right to requisition something (a hut or things) from someone in case of urgent need? And if he does not give up and fights?

In a hot climate: will you still keep up appearances and require at least a minimum of clothing, or is it allowed to go without?

Does every man have the right to have a woman sometime so as not to get mad? How can he exercise this right? Who would like to hide their sex activities? And who would allow sex to be open?

Will you have a "Swedish family"? Polygamy-polyandry? Couples? Who with whom? What laws about jealousy will you adopt? In what ideology will you raise your children?

If in the first years you cannot afford the birth of a child (there are few of you, and every employee counts), what to do with the risk of becoming pregnant without the possibility of an abortion? The fate of the child is determined by the parents, the community or the mother? Does a couple have the right to have children if it is then up to others to feed the children?

Does anyone have the right to lead a life that makes him weak, sickly, and a burden to others?

According to the results of your decisions: Do you now have offended, dissatisfied, lonely people? Can you do something to help them?

When you get comfortable: will you have days off, holidays? What, when? How will you arrange them? What other rituals would you like to follow?


You are given complete freedom of action within the framework of the task. Choose a chronicler to write down everything you decide to keep a "chronicle of life". And try to keep your life alive and rich. Maybe you will be able to not only survive, but also create an Earthly Paradise? - Forward!

Am I the owner?

This game is a self-confidence training. The main mechanism is a role-playing game like acting, and the motive is the situation of team competition, the situation of "challenge". This is a very strong motive, and where a person passes in front of himself and leads one on one in front of him, a group of peers in a situation of team rivalry from the weakest in a few minutes “squeezes” the maximum out of what is possible.

Questions of the presenter: “What is the Master for you? And the Non-Master?” In the process of group responses, the formation of common meanings takes place.

· They usually answer by type: this is a strong, self-confident person, he does not expect assessments, but is ready to evaluate himself; he is not anxious; does not flicker and does not fawn; allows himself to be liberated and calm, can dispose of and give permission to others.

So. one of the main features of the "Boss" is self-confidence. Who is sure of himself, stand up!

· Congratulate the one who got up first or in the strongest way, and let the rest sit down.

I believe that you are the Master, but show it to others. Do or say something, organize something - so that everyone understands that you are the Master here. Please!

· The Strong usually succeed, and not bad. It can be anything: for example, a calm order: “Andrey, please close the window, the girls are cold!” The facilitator can comment on what has been done, paying attention first of all to successful moments.

- Wonderful! But it was my opinion, and now let the group give you an assessment. Make it so that you are appreciated!

· Oddly enough, it usually performs worse. The player "forgets" that he is the Master, and hesitantly disposes of the initiative given to him. Discuss this briefly.

Okay, now, as the Owner, transfer your authority: appoint the next one ("You will be the Owner!" - from the applicants. The applicant must pronounce some phrase (or, for example, just name himself) so that everyone feels - this was said by a person, feeling in this situation and this room as the owner.All members of the group express their feelings with a hand with a finger up (he speaks like a master, a self-confident person) or down (he spoke like a dependent person, not self-confident).

· This is done several times so that the whole group understands how it is: "demonstrate that I am the Master!"

Ahead is a team game, and everyone must split into teams. Of course, this can be done in any way, but we make it into a fun and active game.

So, the breakdown into 4 teams through the game: "Group by ...!" Everyone walks in a circle to the music, at the command "Group by N!" all are combined into (twos, fours, threes - what will be called). Warning: "Whoever stays out (twos, fours, etc.) will get a phantom! Your task is to be in the m-group!" So, let's go! And now... into the group of 3!

· Wild dash, all (almost) instantly in threes. Work on those who are outside.

We go ... In a group - 4 each! by 5! by (so much so that everyone is divided into four teams)!

So, four teams were formed, let's call them Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta. Each team has two tasks:

find a weakling (or weaklings, you can both a guy and a girl) in the neighboring team, and at the same time

prepare to refute the accusation against their Weaklings. "Refutation" can be both words and deeds, but deeds are better. It’s worth pointing out right away that you can “refute” both by staying among your own, surrounded by your team, and by moving into the environment of the team that accuses you. The latter is obviously more difficult, and is only suitable for truly confident people.

Preparation - 5 minutes.

Game: The team calls the neighbors Weaklings, they refute - with their reactions and their actions.

· The facilitator comments and highlights the strengths of the Weaklings.

Usually the Game itself (proof "I am the Master" is played in turn: one group challenges the other, the accused proves his Strength, discussion; then the Accusers themselves become the Accused from the side of the next team, etc. But sometimes, in large competitions (and this game works great at Young Businessmen competitions) to save time it can be run in all groups at the same time.In this case, each team needs to be assigned Judges (distinguished from other - neutral - teams).

Enter beautifully

This is a small exercise for the guys, which makes sense both in itself and as a means to create a warm and beautiful atmosphere.

Chairs are arranged in a circle, all the guys go out of the circle, the girls sit down through the chair. The guys should: enter the circle in turn, greet all the girls, go up to one, get down on one knee, kiss the hand given, ask permission to sit next to them, sit down.

· The facilitator comments on what everyone has done, noting both successful and fun parodying less successful.

Artistry competition

Please stand up, the girls change to one row of chairs, the guys - to another, opposite them. An ARTISTRY COMPETITION is announced under the slogan "Of course we are better - although you are certainly beautiful!" Who will be the captain of the girls team? Team captain guys?

Training lesson for high school students "Let's learn to communicate"

Purpose of the training : development of competence in communication, training in the use of verbal and non-verbal means of communication.

Training plan

1. Exercise - activator "Yes, we don't say no"

2. Greeting. Introductory conversation.

3. Exercise "Bus"

4. Exercise "I see the difference"

5. Exercise "Blow off steam"

6. Exercise "Broken phone"

7. Exercise "Balloon"

8. Reflection.

Exercise "Yes - no we do not say"

Communication skills are communication skills, the ability to listen, express your point of view, come to a compromise solution, argue and defend your position.

Communication skills include:
Description of behavior, i.e. report about the observed without evaluation and without attributing motives.
Feeling communication is a clear message about your inner state. Feelings are expressed by body movements, actions, words.
Active listening is the ability to listen carefully to your partner and understand their point of view.
Empathy is an adequate representation of what is happening in the inner world of another person.

In addition to the described communication skills, you will need business communication skills in your future work, such as:
Establishing contact;
Orientation in the problem;
Arguing your point of view, defending your interests;
Decision-making skills, finding a compromise.

Establishing contact.
In order to establish good contact, it is important to arrange the interlocutor to yourself, to arouse his trust, interest in yourself. To do this, we have non-verbal and verbal means.
Non-verbal - smile, eye contact, organization of communication space (distance) ...
Verbal - compliments, "ritual" phrases (what a nice weather).

Lesson progress:
Exercise "BUS"
Two volunteers are selected who sit in the center of the circle.
Situation: you are riding a bus, suddenly you see a person in the oncoming bus whom you have not seen for a long time. You want to arrange a meeting with him at a certain place and at a certain time. At your disposal - one minute, while the buses are at the traffic lights.

After non-verbal playback, the participants of the training share information about how they understood each other.

Behavior Description
"Describing behavior" means reporting the observed specific actions of other people without judgment. It is the ability to observe and report one's observations without judgment.
For example: “Lena, you are a slob” is an insult, an assessment.
“Lena, you didn’t make your bed” is a description of the behavior.

One volunteer will be outside the door for a while. The rest of the training participants are divided into two groups according to some selected feature. The sign must be visually visible (for example, the color of outerwear). The two formed groups sit down in different places of the room in order to be designated in space. The returning participant will have to determine on what basis the group was divided into two parts.

Feeling communication
Feelings are most often conveyed indirectly, through non-verbal behavior. Therefore, human trust is required.

Blow off steam exercise
Instruction: “Now you will have such an opportunity. Each of you can tell the others what is bothering him or what he is angry about. Please refer to the specific person. For example: “Ivan Ivanovich, I am offended when you say that women cannot master computer work” or “Maria Petrovna, I lose my temper when you, in front of everyone, make comments to me about the duty of my class.” Do not make excuses for those who will complain. Just listen carefully to everything they have to say. Each of you will have a turn to blow off steam.
If any of you have absolutely nothing to complain about, then you can simply say: “I haven’t boiled anything yet and I don’t need to blow off steam.

Active listening
Active listening involves a person taking responsibility for what they hear. Listening helps to understand how similar your opinions, interests, goals are with your interlocutor. Often people seek to talk over others, and not to listen and understand the other. Such a position prevents them from reaching an agreement.


The first version of the game.
5 people participate, the rest are observers.
Four people are asked to leave the room, warning that they will be called one at a time to pass on information. The text is read to the first participant:
“When cosmonaut Leonov first went into outer space, he broke away from the ship and began to return, and could not do anything, because in outer space he had nothing to push off from. Then, he still caught the cable, but then he ran into a new problem: his spacesuit
in outer space swelled up, and he could not squeeze back into the ship. He did it by force."
After that, the host calls the second participant to the audience, and asks the first to convey the information that he remembered. Then the second passes to the third, and so on. The information of the latter is compared with the original text. During the transfer of information, the remaining participants of the training register who missed the information, distorted, brought their own. The results are discussed in the group of participants.

The second version of the game.
You select five people from the hall, four of them leave the room. Give the fifth text: “My father had 3 sons. The older son was smart, the middle one was so-so, the younger son was out of his mind.” He must show this text without words to the fourth person, then to the third, that to the second, and then to the first. Then, starting with the very last person, you ask what the text of the story was about.

Exercise "Balloon"
Instruction : “I ask everyone to sit in a large circle and listen carefully to the information. Imagine that you are the crew of a scientific expedition that is returning in a balloon after performing scientific research. You have carried out aerial photography of uninhabited islands. All work has been completed successfully. close, fly over the ocean and to the ground 500 - 550 km. The unexpected happened - for unknown reasons, a hole formed in the shell of the balloon through which the gas filling the shell comes out. The balloon begins to rapidly decline. All bags of ballast (sand) are thrown overboard, which were stored for this occasion in the balloon gondola. For a while, the fall slowed down, but did not stop. Here is a list of items and things that remained in the balloon basket:





First aid kit with medicines

5 kg

Compass hydraulic

6 kg

Canned meat and fish


Sextant for locating by the stars

5 kg

Rifle with scope and ammo

25 kg

Sweets different

20 kg

Sleeping bags (one for each crew member)

Rocket launcher with a set of flares

8 kg

Tent 10-seater


oxygen bottle


Set of geographical maps

25 kg

Drinking water canister


Transistor radio

3 kg

Boat rubber inflatable

25 kg

After 5 minutes, the ball began to fall with the same, very high speed. The entire crew gathered in the center of the basket in order to discuss the situation. You need to decide what and in what order to throw overboard.
Your task is to decide what and in what sequence should be thrown away. But first, make this decision yourself. To do this, you need to take a sheet of paper, rewrite the list of objects and things, and then, on the right side next to each item, put a serial number corresponding to the significance of the item, arguing something like this: "I will put a set of cards in the first place, since it is not needed at all, on the second is an oxygen tank, the third is sweets, etc.”
When determining the significance of objects and things, i.e. order in which you will get rid of them, you need to keep in mind that everything is thrown away, not a part, i.e. all candy, not half. When you make an individual decision, you need to gather in the center (in a circle) and begin to develop a group decision, guided by the following rules:
1) any member of the crew can express their opinion;
2) the number of statements of one person is not limited;
3) the decision is made when all the crew members without exception vote for it;
4) if at least one person objects to the adoption of this decision, it is not accepted, and the group must look for another way out;
5) decisions must be made in relation to the entire list of objects and things.
The time available to the crew is unknown. How long will the fall continue? It largely depends on how quickly you make decisions. If the crew unanimously votes to eject an item, it is considered ejected, and this may slow down the fall of the ball.
I wish you successful work. The main thing is to stay alive. If you can't agree, you will break. Remember this!"
Lead recommendations. It is necessary to explain all the rules to the participants in great detail and describe the situation in which the crew found themselves. In this case, you can show your own imagination, based on the characteristics of the composition of the group. It is necessary to answer all questions, but not suggest a way out of the situation. It must be found by the students themselves. During the work, the host does not interfere in the discussion process and does not answer questions from the participants, but only monitors the implementation of the rules, especially voting.
Time for the game: 20 - 25 minutes. But you can also increase the time if the group is very sluggishly involved in the discussion, especially at the initial stage. You can reduce the time to 17 - 18 minutes if she is immediately very actively involved in the work. If the group managed to make all 15 decisions with a 100% vote, the participants should be congratulated and asked to think about the reasons for successfully coming out of such a critical situation.
If they could not make all 15 decisions in the allotted time, then the host announces that the crew has crashed and asks to think about the reasons that led to this disaster. An analysis of the results and the course of the game can be carried out immediately after it is over, it can also be done in the next lesson, giving the opportunity to more deeply understand the reasons for success or failure, analyze mistakes and try to come to a common opinion.

Participants answer the questions:
1. What new things did you learn during the training.
2. What acquired skills can be used in their teaching activities.
3. What new teachers would like to hear from the psychologist at the next training.

(development of collective decision-making skills, sociometry)

The guys are invited to imagine that they are all flying in a balloon, which suddenly begins to crash. For salvation, it is necessary to gradually throw things away in order to fly to the island. An important condition: the choice of the order of throwing out things is carried out jointly, with the consent of all team members. Rescue time is 20 minutes.

List of things:

Gold, jewels 100gr.

Cauldrons, bowls, mugs, spoons 1 kg.

Rocket launcher with signal rockets 5 kg.

Useful books about all 12 kg.

Canned food 10 kg.

Axes, knives, shovels 15 kg.

Drinking water 10 l.

First aid kit 3 kg.

Rifle with 10 kg ammo.

Chocolate 7 kg.

Very large dog 50 kg.

Fishing tackle 0.5 kg.

Soap, shampoo, mirror 2kg.

Warm clothes and sleeping bags 50 kg.

Salt, sugar, vitamins 4 kg.

Ropes, ropes 10 kg.

Alcohol 10 l.

In addition, you can continue this game by designating a task - to choose the order in which the team members jump out in order to prevent a catastrophe.

5. Control "Know how to say" no "

(development of skills of insisting on one’s own, the ability to say “no”)

The teenager must, with reason, defend his opinion under group pressure, not agree to the persuasion, proposals of the other guys. Situations: try drugs, drink for a meeting, go to a disco before exams, etc.

6.Exercise "Connecting Thread" (team building)

With the help of a ball of threads and naming the positive qualities of each other in a circle, a “web” is formed between the guys, the unwinding of which occurs with the help of wishes.

7. Reflection.

Lesson #8 "Leader and Trust"

The purpose of the lesson is development of skills and abilities necessary for confident behavior and effective interaction. Developing the ability to maintain friendly relations with others.


Calling by name, to whom we are addressing, we say the phrase: “Hello, leader!”

    Warm-up exercise "Fu-fu"

The facilitator calls the name of the participant. On the sides, those sitting bring the nearest hand from the named one to their ear, wave and say “fuy”, the named one does this with both hands and says “fuu-fuu” and calls the next player. The pace is accelerating.

    Informing. The title of the law The leader must be in trust.

The leader must know not only where he is going, but also to work effectively with people. To do this, he must have cordiality, enthusiasm, perceive the interests and needs of others. Therefore, the leader needs to be trustworthy.

How to gain trust? What does it mean to be in trust? (children's answers)

To do this, the leader must help people achieve success. Do everything for your team to achieve the goal. In large enterprises, this is education and training.

How can you help your team members as a commander? (children's answers)

The leader must trust himself to reliable people. Mutual trust is essential for common success. A person feels his importance if he is trusted with confidential information.

Recognize the merits of any member and be proud of the achievements of the entire team as a whole. There is a need for encouragement, encouragement, to pay tribute to the success of all employees.

A leader must be able to keep his word. To fulfill promises. Otherwise, there will be no trust from others.

The leader must be patient. You work with people, and people are all different, each person is an individual. Therefore, you cannot “put an end to” a person until you have exhausted all the possibilities for improving relations with him.

A leader must study people and understand them.

What is it for? (children's answers)

The leader needs this to know the abilities of each team member, then the leader will be able to distribute assignments based on the capabilities and abilities of each team member. This will help him to be confident in the correctness of the task.

A leader must be able to inspire others. How well the team performs its functions depends on its success.

In the course of the explanation, a silhouette of a person is drawn up on the board.

Conclusion: A successful team functions as a single organism. The success of a leader depends on the success of the team.

Reading fragments from Swindoll's observations.

“The geese leading the flock replace each other. When one of them gets tired, he changes places with the goose that flies on one of the flanks of the flock.

When one goose falls ill or is injured, two other geese leave the flock with him, accompanying him to provide him with help and protection. They stay with him until he can fly again.

Geese in a flock emit a characteristic goose call. Thus, they let the others know that they are still following the pack and that everything is fine with them. This cry attracts the attention of the leading geese.

The success of a leader also depends on his leadership style. We will introduce you to three types:

    A style in which rigidity reigns in everything: discipline, control. Here, autocracy and directive management is an authoritarian style of management.

    The style in which the team is involved in joint activities, the desire for collective management. In which mutual understanding and friendly relations reign, the democratic style of leadership.

    A style in which detachment from management, things are left to chance, freedom of action for subordinates is a conniving leadership style.

Task: determine which style which emotion is suitable for (on the board there are images of emotions by types of leadership styles)

    Group work.

Groups choose to work with one type of leadership style. It is necessary to write the positive aspects of the chosen style.


Everyone expresses their opinion. All proposed options are written down on a large sheet of drawing paper and the most acceptable ones are selected.

    Exercise "Blade"

All participants stand in a circle, tightly clinging to each other. Any of the participants, at will, stands in the center and sways in different directions. The group holds it with their hands. This continues for 1-2 minutes. After that, he talks about his feelings.


Lesson #9 "Keys to Success"

Purpose of the lesson - stimulation of self-motivation, the desire for self-improvement.

    Greeting "Hello, leader!".

    Exercise - warm-up "Elephant-palm-crocodile".

Participants stand in a circle. The host calls one of the words (elephant, palm crocodile) and at the same time calls one of the guys. The one who was named with the help of neighboring guys depicts what they called ( Elephant - the participant takes his nose with his left hand, and puts his right hand through his left; the neighboring guys depict ears. Palm - makes roots with his hands, and the neighbors represent the branches. Crocodile - makes a mouth with his hands, neighbors depict branches.) Then he calls the next participant and gives him a task.

    Informing: Leader's Law IX - The leader develops the abilities of the leader.

Each of us wants his dreams to come true. But in order to create a better dream, you must become better yourself.

Effective leaders recognize the fact that leadership development is a lifelong process. The main thing that distinguishes successful leaders is the ability to create and develop their skills. Conclusion - leaders are constantly learning.

Successful people are different self-discipline which allows them to develop the necessary qualities in themselves. They never rest on their laurels and are not at rest. Leadership development is a process that has no end.

Life can only change if a person changes himself.

Each leader creates his own style. In developing the qualities of a leader, it is very important to keep your vision of the future, your goals and dreams in front of your mind. People who know what they intend to do with their lives have a special attraction. They radiate positive energy and goodwill.

Tips for self-development:

Stay confident.

Reflect on your past successes as the basis for future victories.

Example: God invited the Israelites to remember how He ordered the waters of the Red Sea to part in order to add confidence to His people that they would receive the Promised Land.

Leaders develop a creative approach to a problem.

Leaders motivate themselves to take positive, goal-oriented actions.

Leaders are able to manage their mental state. Don't be afraid to ask for help. Think positive.

A leader knows how to communicate information effectively. Leaders are people who can talk to people. Work with your communication style.

Words are tools, and the more tools you have, the better you can get the job done.

Earl of Nightingale

    Your appearance should be your forte. Get yourself in order. Appearance should be your advantage, not a hindrance and a source of trouble. Which apple will you choose in the store - beautiful or battered? People are always looking for the best.

    How a leader behaves is very important. Your behavior tells people whether you are in control of the situation.

Set yourself up for success.

Leaders never stop learning. Example: A telling story is about a woman who has been a teacher for 25 years. After learning about a job that opened up the possibility of promotion, she submitted her application. But instead they hired a teacher who taught for only a year. To her question, "Why didn't they take her?", the director replied, "I'm sorry, but your professional experience is not 25 years. You have the experience of one year of work, repeated 25 times.” During her career, this teacher did not improve her experience in any way.

    The task is to draw up a portrait of a leader.

Participants first individually compile a verbal portrait of the leader. Then, together in the course of discussion, they come to a single portrait.

    Exercise "I-I-I".

Participants move in a circle as follows, they stomp first with their right foot, then with their left, then they make a small jump. These movements accompany the following phrase: I (stomping with the right foot) - THIS (stomping the left) NAME (jumping in place). You have 2 minutes to complete the task.


Lesson No. 10 "Choosing the Future"

Purpose of the lesson - consolidation of acquired ZUN, orientation to their use in everyday life.

    Greetings "Hello leader!"

    Warm-up exercise "Santiki-wrappers"

One member of the group goes out the door, at this time a leader is selected, at whose command different movements are performed in a circle with the words “santiki-candy wrappers, limpo-po”. The task of the other is to determine who is the leader in the circle.

    Informing :

X law of the leader - The leader exudes inspiring power.

Guys, what do the expressions “without you as without hands”, “you are my right hand” mean? What do you think, which finger on the right hand is the most necessary and important? Of course everyone! In the same way, a leader does not have the most or least important qualities, there are 5 main qualities that a leader must have: (in the course of explaining these qualities, a hand is drawn on the board, where the palm is the X law of the leader, and the fingers are the very qualities)

    The leader knows where he's going

All doors open to a man who knows where he is going.

    The leader is enthusiastic

Enthusiasm is like bubbles in lemonade.

    The leader shows determination.

A leader never backs down until he succeeds, reaches his goal (like a postage stamp that stays on a letter until it reaches the addressee).

    A leader knows how to work with people.

If a leader shows care, attention and love for people, they will easily forgive you for shortcomings. But if people understand that they are indifferent to you, they will be condemned by any of your actions.

    The leader looks to the future.

What do you think about the most - past, present, future?

If you live in the past, you will be prone to sadness, despondency. Live in the present - you will constantly be in a critical mood. Think about the future - your energy level rises, your attitude towards life is positive.

The core of leadership is energy, and energy usually begets energy. But the leader is not an energy vampire, but an energy emitter and converter.

But life is life. And even the most perfect machine tends to break down. The leader is not a perpetual motion machine, but a person, and sometimes his energy runs out. Then artistic abilities come to the rescue: you can’t show your mind, fall into despondency. Show optimism, and he will return again.

In conclusion, you can read the leader's poem for leaders:

If you can keep your head

high when around lose

heads, and they blame you for this ...

If you can handle

with success and failure...

If you can lightning fast

act, and know how to wait and not

tired of waiting...

If you can bet on

map all your victories, and

lose, and start all over again,

and never say a word

about your loss...

If you can force a heart

muscles and nerves serve you for a long time...

If you can complete one

a fast-flying minute

sixty seconds of meaning...

Then the earth and everything on it is yours!!!

    Exercise "Self-presentation" (self-disclosure)

Participants in a circle should complete the phrase: "No one knows that I ...".

    Exercise "Photo in the middle" (decision making skills)

In the center of the circle of children, you need to put their common photo (for example, from the first lesson) and announce that it will go to one and only person who can dispose of it as he wishes. After that, say nothing more. The group must independently make a decision, somehow get out of the problem situation. Discussion.

6. Exercise "Boat" (cohesion, group decision making)

The guys are invited to ride together on a boat (a sheet of paper or a piece of material). At the same time, they themselves must decide how to fit on it, who will be the helmsman, passenger, and oars. Discussion.

7. Exercise "Candle" (reflection, introspection)

A lighted candle is passed around the circle, and everyone expresses their opinion about the past classes: What did they like, what was missing, what did they learn, etc.

At the end of the entire School of Leaders program, we recommend tea party- as a benevolent end to the joint work.

Discussion rules:
  • Observe the order, do not interrupt the speaker.
  • Refrain from criticism.
  • Control your emotions, don't get personal.
  • Clearly justify your claims.
  • Maintain a friendly, open atmosphere in the group.
  • Record every moment that you managed to agree on.

Instructions for participants

The trainer gives each participant in the training an individual card and asks everyone not to look at it until his special signal. The card lists a number of items:
I Group
1 Compass
2 Flask with alcohol (5 l)
3 Raincoat-tent (1 pc.)
4 Chocolate packaging
5 Ammunition
6 Dog
7 Backpack with dry rations (1 pc.)
8 first aid kit
9 Mirror
10 Night-vision device
11 Weapon
12 Water (10 l.)
13 Bible
14 fishing tackle
15 Chest with things from home
16 Box of cigarettes

The trainer then gives an introductory instruction: “Imagine you are flying in a hot air balloon. The ball was damaged and began to fall. Ahead you see a desert island. You need to fly to it and survive. It is not known whether help will ever come and how long you will have to live on this island. The only way is to throw things out of the balloon in order to fly. You can't know how much you will have to throw away to fly, maybe everything, maybe 2-3 things will be enough. Now you will turn over your cards and see what your team took with them. Your task is to mark the order of things in this list, how you will throw them away (1 - what you throw away first, 2 - second, etc.).

The trainer determines the time for individual work (5-10 minutes is usually enough for any group). If the training participants start talking to each other, the trainer stops the negotiations and forbids discussing the list of things. The trainer checks that all participants have completed their individual lists, asks participants to wait for the rest if someone is late, and forbids talking to each other.

When all participants have done individual work, the trainer announces the beginning of a group discussion: “Now you will need to agree among yourself in what order you will throw things away. After all, you are all flying on the same balloon, and your task is to fly and survive. After you are ready, you will have to announce to me the order in which you will throw things away.

The trainer keeps complete silence during the group discussion and does not interfere in it. During a group discussion, the trainer records all his observations of the participants, writes down their phrases, records the course of the discussion in order to have material for further analysis.

After the group has agreed on the order of priority, the trainer listens and fixes this order. The trainer then organizes a discussion of this game and leads the group to the intended conclusions and goals for which it was held.

Necessary materials

  • Form with a list of items.
  • Camcorder.

Issues for discussion

  • What prevented you from reaching an agreement faster?
  • Who had strategies of behavior that differed from the general opinion?
  • What was the most heated debate about?