Cohesion training session. Game exercise "Confusion Exercise confusion for younger students

Instructions: Participants stand in a circle, close their eyes and extend their right hand in front of them. When they meet, their hands join. Then the participants extend their left arms and again look for a partner. Participants open their eyes. They must unravel without separating their hands. As a result, such options are possible, either a circle is formed, or several linked rings of people, or several independent circles or pairs. The game is stopped at the request of the participants.

Exercise "Last meeting"

Instruction. “Sit in a circle, close your eyes and imagine that the group has already finished. You are going home. Think about something that you have not yet said to the group, to any of the participants, but would very much like to say.

After 2-3 minutes, open your eyes and. say it!" The manager conducts a survey that has already become traditional

Then homework: “Describe your “kind manifestations” to someone close to you. What exactly did you do in relation to him, in what way did you help?

Don't forget the ritual of farewell to the group.


The purpose of this lesson is to consolidate the skills of self-disclosure, the game style of communication, further mastering the means of non-verbal communication, studying various styles of communication, moving on to the analysis of the negative aspects of the personality, retrospective self-observation, strengthening psychological penetration into the world of a significant other, as well as reflection after completing each task.

Approximate lesson content

The work of the group traditionally begins with the performance of greeting rituals, reflection of the past lesson and psychological warm-up:

"Hi, I'm glad to see you."

The group members turn to each other in turn, finishing this phrase: "Hello, it's nice to see you." It is necessary to say something good, pleasant, but always from the bottom of my heart, sincerely.

Checking homework

All participants talk about one of their “kind manifestations” in relation to any of the people around them, say what exactly this good deed consisted of, and be sure to focus on their feelings from this good deed.

Exercise "Life prospects"

Purpose: developing the ability to set goals and plan their achievement, develop the ability to make decisions and be responsible for your choice.

Instructions: In the previous exercise, you talked about your desires. In fact, it was about a multitude of goals that can be realized. To achieve the desired, it is necessary to streamline them, assess their degree of importance, plan the necessary actions and understand what personal resources will be needed for this.

Take a piece of paper, divide it into four columns and label them "My Goals", "Their Importance to Me", "My Actions", "My Resources". Consistently fill in the columns, start from the first and write down what you want right now, during the week, month, six months, year. Set more distant goals, for example, what you would like to achieve in five, ten years. In the second column, rate the list of your goals in terms of their importance to you, using a scale from 10 (most important) to 1 (least important). In the third column, indicate the actions that need to be taken to achieve each goal. In the fourth column, you need to write down your personal qualities, abilities, the resources that you need to achieve your goals.

Next, work is organized in pairs, where group members help each other to realize and accept the most important goal. The result of the work should be the formulation of a statement about the most important goal. A statement is a short statement about what a person wants. Then in the circle, everyone talks about their most important goal.

Exercise "Future"

Purpose: participants' awareness of their life prospects and the possibility of influencing personal characteristics on their life path.

Instructions: Close your eyes. Imagine yourself as far into the future as possible. Where are you at? What do you do? What are you? Who else is here besides you? Gradually open your eyes and return to the circle, ”(time 5-7 minutes)

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Training aimed at changing the collective mood

through art therapy methods

The collective mood is the emotional reactions of the collective to the phenomena of the objective world, occurring in a certain period of time. It has great contagiousness, impulsive power and dynamism. The phenomenon under consideration mobilizes or restrains the collective consciousness, determines the nature of the general opinion and interpersonal relations. Consequently, the mood of the team is interrelated emotional reactions and experiences that have a certain color, are characterized by greater or lesser intensity and tension. The degree of readiness of group members for certain actions depends on them.

Purpose of the training : changing the collective mood through group interaction; create a good psychological climate through cooperation and mutual assistance within the group. Increasing the tone of the group.

materials : balloon, paints, brushes, pencils, crayons, paper, water cups, colored paper, magazines, scissors, glue, felt-tip pens, markers.

1. Exercise "Ball" (7-10 min)

Target : Warming up, inclusion of all participants in the work. Increasing the tone of the group. Materials: balloon.

Instruction : All participants must be placed in a circle.

Psychologist: Hello guys! Today in class we will play with balloons. I propose to start with this balloon, - the leader holds one balloon in his hands. - Now we will pass it in a circle, but on one condition: you can do this using only your elbows (squeezing the ball with your elbows), you cannot help with brushes. So, we started. The second round the ball is passed only with the feet (squeezing the ball with the knees). Third circle: the ball is passed with the help of the head (the ball is pressed against the shoulder with the head).

2. Exercise "Boots".

Target : The exercise enhances the feeling of the group, the inclusion of all participants in the work, creates a positive emotional mood.


Everyone sits in a circle, take off their shoes and put them in the center. Mix and scatter to different ends of the class. Everyone stands up and holds hands.

Exercise : everyone should put on shoes without separating their hands. If the circle breaks, everything starts all over again.Issues for discussion:

Are you satisfied with how you performed the exercise, who helped you?

What did you experience doing the tasks?

3. Exercise "Pair drawing" (10-15 min)

Goals : development of self-regulation, arbitrariness of behavior, ability to work according to the rules, development of the ability of constructive interaction. The technique is carried out in pairs.

Necessary materials: paints, brushes, pencils, crayons, paper, water cups, colored paper, magazines, scissors, glue, felt-tip pens, markers. Progress of work: the group is divided into pairs, each pair is given a sheet of paper, a box of paints, pencils. Other materials can be kept on a separate table so that any child can come and grab what they need.

Instruction : “Now we will draw in pairs. Two people draw some kind of single composition or image on one sheet of paper. At the same time, there is a very important condition: you can’t agree in advance what kind of drawing it will be, you can’t talk in the process of work. In addition to paints and pencils, it is allowed to supplement the image with colored paper, use ready-made images from magazines, cutting and pasting them in addition to the composition. We start on the signal."

After the drawings are ready, a discussion and exhibition of works is held. You can choose the most harmonious, the most unusual or the most conflicting work and ask the authors questions about what helped them, how they acted, how they agreed on a non-verbal level what exactly they would draw, etc.

The negative experience of interaction in the process of pair drawing is also discussed.

4. Exercise "Line" (5-10 min.)

Target : team building. The exercise allows you to become aware of non-verbal means of establishing contact, to test them in the safe conditions of a group, to test your ability to establish contact in various situations, to understand that when establishing contact there are no universal means and rules, and first of all, you need to focus on the person with whom you interact.

Exercise progress : participants are lined up according to: growth; hair color; alphabet of names; leg size; zodiac sign, etc.

Instruction : “Now you have to line up in a row according to the color of your eyes, from the lightest to the darkest. When building, it is forbidden to talk. So let's get started." You have 2 minutes to build. Then it is proposed to line up according to the color of the hair, from the lightest to the darkest. The conditions are the same. The last task is the most difficult: line up in height with your eyes closed, without talking.

Issues for discussion:

  • What do you feel now?
  • What did you like the most?
  • Was it difficult for you to do the exercise?

Or instead of 4 exercises:

Exercise "Confusion". All the guys stand in a circle and raise their right hand. Now you need to take the hand of any of the participants, except for your neighbor. Without unclenching your hands, repeat also with the left. Now everyone is entangled in a ball. It is necessary to unravel this tangle, holding hands.

The Tale of Character Trees

In some amazing world, in a valley spread among high and impregnable mountains, in a magical forest, where amazing birds sing their marvelous songs... Trees-Characters grew. These were unusual trees. Their appearance was a reflection of the characters of people who lived far, far beyond the mountains. Each Tree-Character had four main branches from the trunk, and from them - many small ones. These four branches had their own names: Attitude towards people, Attitude towards business, Attitude towards oneself, Attitude towards things. For each Tree-Character, these branches had their own, unlike the others, their own characteristic feature. On one Tree-Character, the branch of Attitude towards people was straight and directed upwards, because it was a branch of Truthfulness, and on the other it was twisted with a ring of Lies. Somewhere the branch of the Attitude towards oneself defiantly stuck out with Self-love, somewhere it sagged to the ground from its Humiliation, and somewhere calmly and confidently rose to the sun as the embodiment of Dignity. The branches of the Attitude towards things on some Trees-Characters were twisted with Greed, and on others they showed their Generosity with an abundance of foliage. Very different Character Trees grew in this magical forest. Under some of the Characters, the ground cracked - they were so heavy, but the light Characters literally hovered in the air, barely clinging to the soil with their roots. There were Characters, entirely - from the roots to the crown - covered with needles, and therefore they were very prickly. And others resembled telegraph poles with barely visible processes - these were straight Characters. Even a chainsaw could not cut hard Characters, and soft Characters were so pliable that their trunks could easily be crushed like clay. Among them were very beautiful and ugly, tall and short, slender and creeping along the ground. The Trees-Characters were so different, because they grew on different soils, the sun warmed them differently, the wind blew differently, and the rain did not equally give moisture. But every person in life develops everything in different ways, right? Sometimes a fierce storm flew into the magical valley, furiously rushing at the Tree-Characters: some broke or uprooted, others bent to the ground, but could not break. There were those who did not bow even under the strongest hurricane wind and only proudly straightened their mighty branches - the branches of Attitude towards oneself, Attitude towards people, Attitude towards business and Attitude towards things. Each person in this magical forest has his own Character Tree, which in its appearance reflects its inherent character. Many people would like to go there, see what their Character Tree looks like. But no one can get into this magical forest...


Exercise-activator "Confusion" ( IIoption)

Participants standing in a circle close to each other with closedeyes, stretch their hands forward and grapple with those palmswe stumbled upon. Opening your eyes and not disengaging, it is necessaryunravel the resulting confusion.

Exercise-activator "Hands and knees"

Sitting in a circle, put your palms on the knees of your neighbors: right -on the left knee of the neighbor on the left, the left - on the right knee of the neighboron right. The players pass the clap from knee to knee (for thisone must carefully watch whose hand lies on the nextknee in a circle, and do not confuse the order of your cotton).When the rhythm of clapping is established, a complication can be suggested:two claps on one knee will indicate movement in generalmilitary side, that is, now the players need to keep track ofwhose hand is clapping on the knee, and the direction of the claps.

Exercise-activator "Typewriter"

An attempt to reproduce the typing process froma snatch from a well-known song or poem. Everytake turns pronouncing one letter of the word. Everything at the end of the wordstand up, at the punctuation mark - stomp their feet, at the end of the line -clap their hands. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game.

Exercise-activator "Orange"

Throwing the ball to each other, give any possible definitions for an orange. Exercise activates creativitythinking, attention, well supports work motivation.

Exercise-activator "Gift"

Everyone gives his neighbor on the right any "gift", that is,tells him what he would like to give him, having nowounded material resources. Exercise passes round.

Exercise-activator "Clock"

Participants (at least 12 people) sit in a circle. Between everythingmi playing sequentially, as if on a clock, are distributednumbers. The leader calls any time. The one whose number correspondscorresponds to the number of hours, must quickly clap your hands,and the one whose number corresponds to the number of minutes, say "bom."If the clock "shows" such a time when both hands areare on the same digit, for example, 12 hours exactly or 13 hours 5 minutesnut, then the same person first claps his hands, and then says "bom".

Exercise-activator "Animals"

Each participant names any animal, whiletalnye must remember who called which animal. Theneveryone remembers the rhythm that will accompany the performanceexercises: two hand claps, for each clap callingyour animal, and two blows with the palms on the knees, at the same timenaming another participant's animal.

The first player calls his animal twice, making two claps at the same time, and immediately (at the same pace twice) clapshimself on his knees, saying twice the name of that animal the player to whom he wants to pass the move. This player picks up the pace by clapping twice, saying the name twicehis animal and, clapping his knees, calls the next player.

The one who loses the rhythm begins to perform the same tasknie, but depicting only the sounds of his animal.

Exercise-activator "The wind blows ..."

Props.Requires a room with standing chairsand space for freedom of movement.

Number of participants. Any.


The host announces: "A strong wind blows and blows away all those...".Next, you need to name some sign. For example, those whoin black boots. As soon as the phrase ends, everyone who hasblack boots, should change to another chair. Host tootrying to sit in an empty seat. The one who didn't have enough spacebecomes the leader.

Exercise-activator "Crossing the river"

Props.A4 sheets of paper, one for each participantka. (Option - pieces of newspaper of different sizes).

Number of participants. Any (option - two teams).


On the floor (asphalt, earth), the leader marks the banks of the riverand says that a poisonous river flows between these banks. It must be crossed over the stones, the role of which is played by sheets of bumages. At the same time, the stones remain in place if there is a person standing on them.lovek (it doesn’t matter, one or two legs). Dummy for unosieve (the presenter removes the sheets himself). Option - possibly "surfacevayut" new. If a person stumbles and his foot is in the water,then the whole group starts from the beginning. Need to cross the rivertouching each other (options: a touch can be considered a touchclothes or only parts of the body). The group must crossto cross the river in full force.

Exercise-activator "Papa Abraham"

No props.

Number of participants. Anyone, everyone who is present at the notions.

Rules. Leader sings:

Papa Abraham

Raised children.

And his sons loved him.

The driver must leave the room or turn away. Without releasing their hands, the children "get entangled" in the circle, as best they can. The task of the driver is to untangle the children in the circle.

  • Functional exercise "Listen to the silence."
Target: the formation of arbitrary regulation of one's own activity, the development of auditory gnosis. I.p. - sitting on the floor. Close your eyes and consistently listen to the sounds on the street outside the window, then in the room, your breathing, heartbeat.

  • The game "Find flowers and stars."
Target: development of concentration, switching attention, fixing colors. On the table are flowers and stars cut out of cardboard. The child is invited to put the flowers on one side, put the stars on the other side and count them.

  • The game "Put it in order, what is first, what is next."
Target: development of concentration, switching attention. The child is offered 4 pictures, which depict, for example, the order of building a nest by a bird and other images. It is necessary to decompose in order what happened first, and what then.

  • The game "Who flies?".
Target: development of attention, the ability to highlight the main, essential features of objects. The psychologist names the words. If the named something or someone is able to fly, then the children clap their hands, if it does not fly, then they do not make any movements. List: eagle, snake, sofa, butterfly, chair, ram, swallow, plane, tree, seagull, house, sparrow, ant, mosquito, boat, iron, fly, table, dog, helicopter, carpet, piglet, dragonfly.

  • Functional exercise "Turtle".
Target: development of motor control. The instructor stands at one wall of the room, the players at the other. At the signal of the instructor, the children begin to slowly move towards the opposite wall, depicting little turtles. No one should stop and rush. After 2-3 minutes, the instructor gives a signal by which all participants stop. The one who is the last one wins. The exercise can be repeated several times.

  • Game "Sparrow fights".
Target: removal of aggression, anger. Children choose a mate for themselves and "turn" into pugnacious "sparrows" (squat, clasping their knees with their hands). "Sparrows" bounce sideways to each other, push. Which of the children falls or takes their hands off their knees is out of the game. "Fights" begin and end at the signal of an adult.

  • Noise boxes game.
Target: development of concentration of attention, auditory attention. The boxes contain: beads, flour, salt, buckwheat, sugar. The child is asked to identify by ear what is in the box.

  • The game "Name it in one word."
Target: development of concentration of attention, thinking. Children are invited to consider groups of pictures and name these groups in one word: furniture, transport, clothes, food, vegetables, fruits, pets, wild animals, toys, tools, etc.

  • The game "Fold Flowers"
Target: development of concentration, switching attention, fixing colors. Children are invited to fold the flowers: to a circle of a certain color, pick up petals of the same color.

  • Functional exercise "Cry in the desert".
Target: elimination of aggression and impulsivity. Participants sit in a circle, cross-legged "in Turkish", and at the signal of the instructor, they begin to shout loudly. In this case, it is necessary to lean forward, reaching the floor with your hands and forehead.

  • Functional exercise "What has disappeared?"
Target: development of concentration. I.p. - sitting on the floor. Objects are laid out in front of each child in turn. They are asked to carefully look at them and remember. Then the child closes his eyes, and the instructor removes one object. The task of the child is to name the missing object.

  • The game "Build a Christmas Tree".
Target: development of concentration, switching attention. The child is offered strips of different lengths. It is necessary to expand the strips in order (in ascending order) so that a Christmas tree is obtained. Then count the number of stripes on the Christmas tree.

  • The game "Count correctly."

  • The game "What's Hidden"
Target: development of concentration, switching attention. The picture shows images superimposed on each other. The child guesses what is shown.

  • The game "Forbidden movement".
Target: development of concentration, switching attention of an arbitrary sphere. Children stand facing the leader and repeat the hand movements that the leader shows. Then one movement is selected, which is prohibited from repeating. The one who repeats the forbidden movement is out of the game.

  • Functional exercise "Chopping wood."
Target: elimination of aggression. I.p. - standing. Each participant imagines that he is chopping wood from several chocks. He must pantomimically put the chock on the stump, raise the ax high above his head and lower it with force on the chock. Every time the ax is lowered, the child says loudly: “Ha!” Then put the next chock in front of you and chop again. After a few minutes, each participant says how many chocks he chopped.

  • The game "What is missing?".
Target: development of concentration of attention, perception. The picture shows objects that are missing some part, for example, the legs of a chair. The child names the missing part.

  • Task "Lacing".
Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of movements. Children are offered a “button” that needs to be “sewn on” (lace up).

  • Help the fish game.
Target: development of switching, concentration and concentration of attention, consolidation of knowledge about color. Instruction: "The fish (cut out of colored cardboard) are entangled in algae, you need to help them." Children lay out the fish by color, one side of the fish of the same color, the other side of the fish of a different color, etc.

  • Game "Repeat after me".
Target: development of voluntary attention. Under any counting rhyme, the leader rhythmically performs simple movements, for example, claps his hands, knees, stamps his foot, nods his head. Children imitate his movements.

  • The game "Who is stronger".
Target: removal of muscle tension, physical aggression. The children are given balloons. An adult offers to compete who will hit the ball harder and who will fly farther.

  • The game "Find in the room blue, white, black."
Target: development of switching, concentration and concentration of attention, consolidation of knowledge about color. Children are invited to carefully look around, find and name objects of blue, white, black.

  • Game "Hat of Invisibility".
Target: development of distribution, volume, concentration of attention. Within 3 seconds, you need to remember all the items collected under the hat, which rises for this time, and then list them.

Target: the development of thinking, the amount of attention, the perception of form, size, observation, the formation of the ability to compare, analyze. Children are offered a picture depicting objects and a sample. It is necessary to find an object similar to the model, show it and explain what the similarity is.

  • Communicative exercise "Wheelbarrow".
Target: teach children how to interact with peers, relieve psycho-emotional stress. Children are divided into pairs. One of the partners takes the “lying emphasis”, the other takes him by the legs and lifts him up. The first one starts moving on his hands, the second one follows him, supporting his legs and taking into account the speed of movement.

  • Game "Children's football".
Target: relieving muscle tension. Instead of a ball - a pillow. The players are divided into two teams. The adult is the judge. You can play with your hands and feet, the pillow can be kicked, thrown, taken away. The main goal is to score a goal. An adult monitors compliance with the rules: you can’t use your arms and legs if there is no pillow. Penalties are removed from the field.

  • Game "What has changed?".
Target: development of switching, attention span, memory. The host puts 3 to 7 toys in front of the children, gives a signal to close their eyes, and at this time removes one toy. Opening their eyes, the children must guess which toy is hidden.

  • Game "Submit Squares". There are several squares of different sizes in front of the child, it is necessary to put them on top of each other: put a smaller one on the largest square, then put even smaller ones, etc. down to the smallest square.

  • The game "Listen and perform." The facilitator calls several different movements once or twice, without showing them. Children must reproduce the movements in the same sequence in which they were named by the leader.

  • The game "Once upon a time there was a circle." Cards with geometric shapes are laid out in front of the children. Then the facilitator shows pictures of various objects, and the children determine what shape the object looks like.

  • Game Dwarfs and Giants. At the command "Dwarfs!" children squat, at the command "Giants!" get up. The leader performs the movements together with everyone. Commands are given at a different pace, in random order.

  • Game "Goldfish".
Target: development of speed of reaction, coordination of movements. Children stand in a circle, tightly pressed against each other with their shoulders, hips, legs, holding hands. This is a network. The adult is a goldfish. His task is to get out of the circle. And the task of the rest is not to release the fish.

  • Game "Collect the Cubes". Children are offered cubes. It is necessary to collect a picture from them, based on a sample picture.

  • The game "Find in the room red, green, yellow."
Target: development of switching, concentration and concentration of attention, consolidation of knowledge about color. Children are invited to carefully look around, find and name objects of red, green, yellow.

  • The game "Edible - inedible." The driver throws the ball, naming an object. Children should only catch the ball if the object is edible.

  • Tree game.
Target: development of self-regulation. Children are given instructions: “Stand up, put your feet shoulder-width apart, lower your arms freely along the body, close your eyes. Imagine that you are a tree. The legs-roots are strong and stable, they firmly go into the ground, and you feel confident and calm. The trunk-body is smooth and flexible, it sways slightly, but does not break. Branches-hands - freely sway along the trunk, leaves-fingers - easily rustle, slightly touching each other. The crown-head is clean and fresh. You are a beautiful powerful tree, you are confident and calm.

  • Archeology game.
Target: development of muscle control. An adult lowers his hand into a basin with sand or grains. The child carefully "digs out" his hand - makes archaeological excavations. In this case, you can not touch the hand. As soon as the child touches his palm, he immediately changes roles with an adult.

  • Game "Put it in order" Children are offered cards of the same color, but of a different shade. You need to sort them out in order.

  • Task "Find a thread to each of the balls."Target: development of switching, concentration and concentration of attention, consolidation of knowledge about color. The picture shows balls and threads of different colors. It is necessary to match the thread to the ball by color.

  • The game "Find on the field." The child is offered a playing field and cards with the image of various objects. It is necessary to find the corresponding picture on the field and close it with a card.

  • Task "Confusion". The picture shows animals: a hare, a cat, a dog, a pig, where the artist mixed up the parts of the body. For example, the dog ended up with a piglet's tail, and so on.

  • Task "Patches". Instructions: “There are holes on the rug. Help the mouse pick up the patches."

  • The game "Kicking".Target: reduction of aggressive manifestations and weakening of negative emotions. Participants are divided into pairs. One lies on the floor, the other stands opposite. On command, the standing child leans with his hands on the legs of the lying one bent at the knees. The lying child resists the "attack". Then the pairs switch places.

  • Task "Intertwined lines". Target: development of attention span.


  • Functional exercise "Dragon".
Target: development of motor control and skills of interaction with peers, removal of psycho-emotional stress. The players stand one behind the other, holding on to the waist in front of the one standing. The first child is the head of the dragon, the last is the tip of the tail. The first player tries to grab the last one - the dragon catches its tail. The rest of the children hold tightly to each other. If the dragon does not catch its tail (“does not bite” the tail), then another child takes the place of the dragon's head.

  • Cognitive exercise "Movement".
Target: formation of motor memory. The instructor offers the children several consecutive movements. Children try to repeat them as accurately as possible and in the same sequence. The exercise can be performed to music.

  • Ball game.
Target: development of self-regulation. Imagine that you are a balloon. Now you will pout. Take in more air with your open mouth, and now close your mouth and inflate your stomach, more, more. Well done! Now deflate! Open your mouth and slowly release the air with the sound "shhh". Fine". The exercise is repeated 3 times.

  • A game "Kicking out the dust."
Target: removal of muscle tension, physical aggression. Each participant gets a "dusty" pillow. He must, diligently pounding with his hands, thoroughly “clean” it.

  • Game "Forbidden number".
Target: overcoming motor automatism. Children stand in a circle and count aloud, taking turns saying the numbers. Before that, some number is selected that cannot be pronounced, instead of it, the playing child claps his hands the appropriate number of times.

  • The game "Calls".
Target: removal of verbal aggression. An adult invites children to quarrel with each other "vegetables and fruits". The participants in the game pass the ball around in a circle, while calling each other "fruit" or "vegetable" (these can be the names of trees, mushrooms, fish, flowers, etc.). Each appeal must necessarily begin with the words: "And you ...". In the final round, playing children always say something pleasant to their neighbor, for example: “And you are my joy!” Before starting the game, you should be warned that this is just a game and there is no need to be offended by each other.

  • Game "Repeat the move."
Target: relieving muscle tension. Children stand in a circle. To the music, one child goes into a circle and makes some kind of movement, the rest try to repeat it, then the child standing in the circle passes the baton to another.

  • Ear-nose game.
Target: development of interhemispheric interaction. At the command "Ear!" children should grab their ears, at the command “Nose!” - by the nose. The facilitator performs actions with the children on command.

  • The game "Direct score". The host throws the ball to the child and calls the number 1, the child catches the ball and continues the count - 2. Then he throws the ball to the next child, continuing the count - 3. He catches the ball, says - 4, etc.

  • Battle game. Children are given sheets of paper (newspapers). They make “shells” out of them, crushing them into a ball. Then the children are divided into two teams. At the signal of an adult, the children begin to throw them at each other.

  • Exercise "Put the buttons into groups." The child is invited to sort the buttons into groups: first by color, then by size and count their number.

  • The game "Count correctly."
Target: the formation of the ability to determine the amount by touch, the development of concentration, stability of attention. A card is placed in front of the child, on which a certain number of buttons are pasted. The child closes his eyes and tries to determine by touch how many buttons.

  • Game "Tender Hands".
Target: teach children how to interact with peers, develop a sense of empathy, teach them to understand their feelings and the feelings of others and talk about it, teach children to convey a given emotional state, the ability to work in a group, and relieve emotional stress. Children stand in a circle with their backs turned in a circle and stretch out their arms. An adult begins to convey some kind of emotional state in a circle (for example, joy), stroking the hands of children. Then all the children take turns saying what they felt. Then another leader is selected from the children, who can convey a different emotional state.

  • Task "Arrange in ascending order." Target: development of concentration, switching attention, the ability to compare, analyze. The picture shows ribbons of different lengths, apples of different sizes, clowns of different heights, vases of different thicknesses, children of different ages, and transport speeds.

  • Carousel game.

  • The game "What is missing?". The picture shows objects that are missing some part, for example, the legs of a chair. The child names the missing part.

  • Hatching game.
Target: relieving muscle tension. The children are given sheets of paper and pens. For one minute, children make lines with sweeping hand movements to rhythmic music, trying to throw out the accumulated energy and anger. Then these sheets are torn up and thrown away.

  • The game "Stubborn pillow".
Target: removal of general aggression, negativism, stubbornness. An adult prepares a “magic, stubborn pillow” and introduces the child to a fairy tale game: “The fairy sorceress gave us a pillow. This pillow is not simple, but magical. Children's stubbornness lives inside her. It is they who make us sometimes capricious and stubborn. Let's get rid of the stubbornness." The child beats the pillow with his fists with all his might, and the adult says: "Stronger, stronger ...". When the movements become slower, the game gradually stops. Then the adult offers to listen to the “stubborn ones” in the pillow: “Have all the stubborn ones come out and what are they doing?” The child puts his ear to the pillow and listens. "The stubborn ones got scared and are silent in the pillow."

  • Task "Find two identical objects."
Target: the development of thinking, the amount of attention, the perception of form, size, observation, the formation of the ability to compare, analyze. The child is offered a drawing depicting 5 objects, among which two are identical. Instruction: “Look carefully at this card and find two identical objects among all the drawn objects. Show these objects and explain how they are similar.

  • Exercise "Mountain from the shoulders."
Target: development of self-regulation and removal of psycho-emotional stress. “When you are very tired, it’s hard for you, you are irritated or you want to lie down, but you need to do something, throw off the“ mountain from your shoulders. Stand up, spread your legs wide, lift your shoulders, take them back and lower your shoulders, you will immediately feel better. It is recommended to do this exercise 5-6 times.

  • Exercise "Points".
Target: relieving muscle tension. The children are given sheets of paper and pens. For one minute, the children make dots, trying to throw out the accumulated energy and anger. Then these sheets are torn up and thrown away.

  • The game "Developing multi-colored loto." Children are given cards with the image of figures of different colors. The host takes out a voluminous multi-colored figure from the bag, the children carefully examine it and try to find the same one on their field.

  • Game "Find the same".
Target: development of concentration, switching attention. Before the child lay out pictures that depict various objects. Each object is depicted in three versions: the whole image, the contour of the image, the shaded picture. The child is asked to find all three versions of the same picture.

  • Flag Game. When the facilitator raises the red flag, the children should jump, the green one should clap their hands, the blue one should step in place.

  • The game "Tea couples".
Target: development of concentration, switching of attention, development of thought processes. The child is offered cards with cups and saucers, where he must compare the patterns of the drawings and arrange the devices in pairs.

  • The game "Little Ghost".
Target: to teach children in an acceptable form to throw out the accumulated anger. An adult invites children to play the role of little kind ghosts who want to play a little trick and scare each other a little. On cotton, children make such a movement with their hands: they raise their arms bent at the elbows, fingers spread out, while pronouncing the sound “U” in a terrible voice. If a quiet clap is heard, then the children pronounce this sound quietly, if it is loud, then loudly.

  • Eye movement exercise. I.p. - sitting on the floor. The head is fixed. The eyes look straight ahead. The development of eye movements begins in 4 main (up, down, right, left) and four auxiliary directions (diagonally); bringing the eyes to the center. Each of the movements is made first at arm's length, then at the distance of the elbow, and finally, near the bridge of the nose. Movements are made at a slow pace (3-7 seconds) with fixation in extreme positions; moreover, the retention should be equal in duration to the previous movement. When practicing oculomotor exercises, it is recommended to use any bright objects, small toys, etc. to attract the child's attention. At the beginning of mastering these exercises, the child must follow the object being moved by an adult, then move it independently, holding it first in the right, then in the left hand, and then with both hands together. Those areas in the child's field of vision where the "slip" of the gaze occurs should be given additional attention, "drawing" them several times until the hold becomes stable.

Target: creating a mood for joint work, reducing muscle and emotional stress.

Required material: musical accompaniment.

Duration: 5 minutes

Instruction: Guys, let's warm up a little, create a cheerful mood for ourselves and play the outdoor game "Confusion". Now we will stand close to each other, form a narrow circle, close our eyes and stretch our hands forward, and the volunteer host will connect our palms together. When the music starts to play, open your eyes and begin to unravel, but tearing your arms as you do so. You should get a circle or a line.(In case the participants fail to cope with the task, it is possible to separate the "confusion" in one place).

Issues for discussion:

· Did you like the game?

· What is your mood now?

· Now are you ready to start our lesson?

The main content of the lesson

Short conversation:

Target: development of the ability to consciously express one's emotions and feelings, development of emotional self-control skills.

Volunteer:Guys, let's talk about what emotions and feelings are, why and when we experience them, why we need them. If we successfully understand this topic together, then it will be easier for you to understand what your mood is and how it manifests itself.

- Guys, what do you think, what are emotions?

(Short-term emotional experiences).

- What are the emotions?

(They can be "positive" and "negative". All of them are necessary and useful, as they help a person to regulate his behavior).

- What are feelings?

(Prolonged emotional experiences, for example, joy, delight, resentment).

- What emotions and feelings do you know?

(Joy, sadness, resentment, surprise, guilt, interest, anger, disgust, fear, contempt, shame).

How do people express their emotions and feelings?

(With the help of words, facial expressions, intonation, gestures).

Art therapy exercise "Draw in a minute"

Target: development of skills of expression and definition of emotions and feelings, removal of emotional stress, formation of reflection skills.

Duration: 5 minutes

Required material: sheets A-4, colored pencils.

Instruction: Now let's start training to be aware of our mood, the easiest way to do this is to draw it.

Behind one draw your mood for a minute without drawing anything specific - use only lines, shapes, different colors. Has everyone finished drawing?(children's answers). Now pass your drawing to the neighbor on the right. Look closely at the picture that you have in your hands. Try to guess what mood is depicted on it. Who is ready to tell how he thinks what mood is depicted in the picture of his neighbor?

Issues for discussion:


· Was it easy to draw your mood on paper?

· Was it difficult to understand what mood your neighbor painted?

Game exercise "Web"

Target: removal of internal stress, search for a resource state.

Duration: 10 minutes

Required material: a ball of thread.

Instruction: Before continuing our lesson, let's play a little. This game will help us get to know each other better. To do this, we need to sit in a circle. Each of you now has the opportunity to talk a little about some of your favorite places. It could be a place you've been to or where you'd like to be. It is a place that makes you feel joy when you think about it.

Carrying out procedure: This game is started by the host. He takes a ball of thread and, having said about his favorite place, clamps the free end of the thread in his hand and throws the ball to any participant, agreeing with him before that with his “eyes” and telling him: “Now it’s your turn.”

Thus, all children are in the "web".

Thank you for sharing your favorite places that give you joy. And now, when we are united by this cobweb, we can close our eyes and imagine how the threads of this joy from each of your favorite places are transferred from participant to participant. And now, when we are sad, we can represent not only our favorite place, but also the favorite places of other guys that we liked. Now let's unravel the web.(Volunteer carefully untangles the cobweb).


- Do you like our web?

- Did you like talking about your favorite place?

- What new things did you learn about each other?

Game exercise "Broken phone"

Target: removal of emotional stress, group cohesion.

Duration: 10 minutes

Volunteer:And we have a game on schedule again! Did you know that laughter is very good for the body? Now we will play a game that will allow each of you to laugh heartily.

Instruction:Now we will sit down so that we get a row. From one end of our row, one participant will ask the neighbor a question, which he must pass on, without asking again the words he heard. From the other end, the participant in the series transmits the answer, and his neighbor does the same, i.e. passes the words he hears to the next. The participants, who are in the middle of the row, voice the question and answer that came to them along the chain.

Sample questions and answers:

1. “Who rustles in a mink? - mouse"

2. “Who loves porridge? - kids "

3. “Who tickled your favorite puppy? - Vsevolod Georgievich "

4. “What does an orange sun look like? - on a ripe orange"

5. “Who got the sauce on the shorts? - slovenly Pasha.

Psychogymnastic exercise "Mask"

Target: removal of emotional stress, development of the skill of non-verbal expression of emotions.

Duration: 5 minutes

Volunteer:Now that we have learned something about emotions and each other, let's try to apply this knowledge in a game exercise.

Instruction:Please sit in a circle. Please look at me to see what I'm doing. I'm trying to give my face a special expression, like this ( fix some expression on your face, slowly turn your head so that all participants have the opportunity to see your expression ). And then I turn to my neighbor on the left so that he can better see the expression on my face. He must exactly repeat this expression on his face. As soon as he succeeds, he should slowly turn his head to the left, passing the facial expression to the neighbor, and so on in a circle. When his face returns to the first participant, his neighbor comes up with a new one and the game continues.

Issues for discussion:

· Did you enjoy the exercise?

· What emotions did you experience?

· Was it difficult to understand and portray the emotion of another person?

Psycho-gymnastic exercise "Sound-feeling"

Target: removal of emotional stress, development of the ability to express one's emotions.

Duration: 5 minutes

Instruction: Let's hum, buzz, stomp and clap a little - this will help our emotions come out.

Now I will name different feelings, and we will show how often we experience these feelings. In order to show this, we will make different sounds. For example, to feel annoyed, we will buzz. Let's try to hum together!(All participants hum). If we rarely experience this feeling, we will buzz softly, if more often, then louder, if very often, then very loudly. Let's try! Further change feelings and the way of expressing their frequency(for example, joy - the word "Moo", sadness - stomp).

Issues for discussion:

· Did you like to buzz, hiss, hoot?

· Did you pay attention to what feelings we buzzed, hissed, stomped the loudest?

Exercise "Save the chick"

Target: Relieve emotional stress.

Duration: 10 minutes

Instruction: And finally, we will do one more very pleasant exercise. Imagine that you have a very small helpless chick in your hands. He wants to take off, but in order for him to succeed, he needs strength. In order for him to have strength, he needs to be warmed up a little. Stretch your arms palms up, imagine that your chick is warmed by the sun. It caresses him with its rays, touching every little feather. Little by little, the chick warms up. Now slowly bend your fingers, as if you are hiding a chick in your palms. We do it carefully, gently. Slowly breathe on it, warming it with your even, calm breathing. Gently place your palms on your chest, give the chick the goodness of your heart.

Now open your palms, and you will see how the chick has grown stronger. Now he is ready to take off. Raise your palms up. The chick took off happily. Smile at him and wish him a good journey! You can wave to him.

Issues for discussion:

· Did you enjoy the exercise?

· What emotions did you experience during this exercise?

Volunteer:Guys, today we had a very intense, pleasant lesson, we hope that you liked our games, and today we will part with you in good warm feelings.