Problem child, or how to find a son. How to find a son in The Forest, in the latest version it is possible! The forest how to find a son v 0.37

Children are the greatest happiness that we have. When they disappear, it's terrible. At the moment, there are 103,000 children on the national wanted list. According to statistics, one child goes missing every half an hour, and very often forever.

Why do children go missing

Children go missing for a variety of reasons:

  • Due to an oversight of the parents, they leave the house.
  • Because of the negative situation at home, they run away.
  • Because of resentment against parents or relatives.
  • The reason may be a thirst for adventure.
  • They might just get lost.
  • May be stolen by a criminal.

According to the official data of the volunteer organization, ten percent of the children who are lost, unfortunately, die, but a large percentage of the children are alive and healthy, and this cannot but rejoice.

We will tell you in detail how to find your son, because in such cases, the main thing is to know exactly the algorithm of actions, not to panic and act wisely.

Search system

Consider how to find a son. The very first hours are decisive in such a situation. We need to organize the search as soon as possible. The sooner this is done, the sooner the child will be found.

To get started you need:

  • Pull yourself together and call the police to describe the situation.
  • Then write a statement about the disappearance of your child. The district police officer must accept your application, no matter how long the child is absent. A relative or friend can also apply. There is no need to wait for the parents. In addition to the police, you should definitely contact a volunteer organization. This movement is widespread in Russia, and its members never refuse to help. You can also start looking for your child yourself:
    • go to the places where your child most often visited;
    • turn to people with a request: help find your son. Ask if anyone saw him or just saw something suspicious. It is likely that adults have seen your son and at least roughly know what he did and where he went. This will greatly help restore the logical chain, and understand exactly where he disappeared.

How to prevent tragedy

Absolutely all adults should understand that it is much easier to prevent a tragedy in advance than to run around screaming in a panic later: help find your son, and bite your elbows in an attempt to correct the situation. It won't help. With children, it is imperative to deal with such situations. This can be done in the form of a game, acting out situations and practicing the necessary skills. Then you will be sure that even if your child gets into such a situation, he will be able to cope with it without any problems. Focus and do the right thing.

Where are the most lost children?

Children get lost, both in the city and in the forest. The city itself, with its bustle, can twist a child in such a way that he himself does not understand where he is. Children must be introduced to the area so that they are well oriented at least in their area. When you take a child to a garden or school, pay attention to the surrounding houses, various buildings, trees and institutions, so that in case of an unforeseen situation, he can orient himself in the area.

You can come up with a game, for example, with a treasure. Hide the treasure away from home or in the forest if you can go there. And ask the child to find it, it will serve as a good experience and training for him. Watch him, but pretend that he is alone in this territory. Try to make sure that your child does not have a feeling of fear in an unfamiliar area.

Stick to these recommendations, and you will be able not to lose your children. And if this still happened, then do not panic and follow the algorithm of actions in such situations, which we offer you. Give your child more time and attention so that he never wants to leave home and leave you.

The Forest is an open world horror game. In the story, you and your son Timmy get into a plane crash, but miraculously survive on an island inhabited by cannibals. And after the fall of your son, one and the cannibals are kidnapped, dragged away in an unknown direction. In previous versions of the game, it was impossible to find a son, but in update 0.51, the developers added this feature. In this article, we will tell you how to find your son in The Forest, as well as how the whole game will end.

son in the bunker

After taking out the necessary key and descending into a huge crater, you will find yourself in a cave that leads to a bunker. In general, the bunker is a huge base, its employees have all died and now it is teeming with cannibals and other creatures. In the video below, you can fully see how you will find your son, why the plane crashes and answers to other questions.

Timmy will be dead, but you will be able to revive him using an incomprehensible device. And here is Timmy himself:

After that, you will climb up and by pressing the button you will bring down another liner - this is how they recruited people for their research.

The game will end with the fact that you and your son get out of the island and find yourself on a show (something like Urgant or The Daily Show). At one point, the son falls to the floor and "probably" dies in convulsions. The game ends.

Summing up

Now you know how to find your son in The Forest. Of course, there are many mysteries left, such as why you got covered in paint (that's what the son's kidnapper looked like), how you got off the island and what happened to Timmy. Perhaps all these mysteries will be solved in other updates.

Teenagers, entering the so-called transitional age, can behave impulsively, show their will too vehemently, even leave home. Yes, this is all a transitional age, but parental education also plays a big role.

However, even a son can leave home, whose parents approach the upbringing process with full responsibility and seriousness. How to find a son if for some reason he left home?

He's probably with friends

So where could your son have gone? First of all, you should call or go around his close friends, because teenagers rarely leave home - they are afraid, especially if it is winter outside. Talk to your friends, and even better - to their parents, because the former do not always tell the parents of friends the whole truth, they may not give him away. Relatives, too, go around or call around.

Connect with your son's friends on social media

Of course, you should not go into the personal correspondence of a teenager - psychologists do not recommend doing this. But if the search for a son has not yet brought results, this is an extreme case, and therefore this option has the right to life. See who your son hangs out with most online to see if he has other friends or buddies you don't know about. And this is not excluded.

The problem is better to prevent than to solve

Whether you found your son, or whether he came himself, you should not be complacent about this, because this is most likely not an isolated case, and sooner or later you will have to look for him again, calling all your friends and the nearest hospitals. Need to establish a healthy psychological climate in the family, to prevent the unexpected departure of his son to no one knows where, eliminating the origins of the problem. After all, the fact that a child leaves home is often a protest, a response to your actions. The son wants you to treat him like an adult, and you cannot understand this and do not give what he wants.

The child grows up - accept it

Parents need to understand that their son is gradually becoming an adult. He no longer thinks like a child, but he still has no means of independent existence and work, which gives rise to some problems. You provide him with pocket money so that he has enough for gadgets, which, say, almost all of his friends have already acquired. But make sure that your son earns this money.

Become an employer

For example, you can motivate him to study by promising to pay for good grades, agree that he does some housework, again, for money. A teenager is not a five-year-old child who will definitely have in his head the fact that you must always take money for any help. Tell him, “You are not yet old enough to take a formal job, so for the time being we will pay you to do things like washing the dishes, cleaning, and so on. What do you think about that?". Rest assured, your son will agree.

To find out if your son goes to brothels, walks with the dregs of society, you can hire private detectives. However, he shouldn't know about it., otherwise your family relationships will suffer, and very much. You risk losing your teen's trust.

The topic of today's review is The Forest project. The question "How to find a son?" quite often asked by many gamers who have already experienced the whole intricate plot of the game in their own skin. Today we will talk with you what kind of toy it is and how you can answer the question about the search.

Tangled plot

Before talking about The Forest project, how to find your son and where he is hiding, let's see what kind of game this is. The plot begins with the fact that the main character (let's call him Ben) is flying in a half-empty plane somewhere with his offspring. At the same time, he is watching a horror movie on his laptop. Defunct film. Suddenly, the plane crashes. He is torn to pieces, but Ben and his son manage to escape. The protagonist sees how a native takes his child somewhere.

This is how The Forest starts. "Where can I find my son?" - a question that arises, as we see, from the first minutes. If you look around, you can see that the things of other passengers are lying around "our" wreckage of the plane. In total, about 130 people with the crew were supposed to be on board. Ben realizes that he found himself on the "almost" He has to look for his child. So, the main question of The Forest becomes the central idea: "How to find a son, and what happened to him?" But in fact, not everything is so simple.


Now you have to explore the crash site and look for your child. True, the task of finding all the survivors still arises (the dead are also counted). Places where people have already visited are the so-called camps. Each time Ben finds them, you will have an "indicator" indicating the number of survivors.

When you first appear in such a world in The Forest, where it will be very difficult to find your son, you will begin to find tennis balls that will accompany the player throughout the game. After a little wandering, you will be able to find a special card, thanks to which the secret of the balls will be revealed. In the young part of the island is the so-called place Tennis (they just took the boy from the plane).

We continue the review of the game The Forest. How to find a son? What needs to be done? With such questions, the protagonist rushes to the Tennis place and discovers the clue to the found balls there. Namely, the mutilated bodies of their friends and comrades in the game of tennis. Here it becomes clear that the whole team was on the plane, which was flying somewhere. For some fees. The plot starts to get even weirder. Let's see what's going on here.

Where is the boy?

Of course, the central question of The Forest is "Where can I find my son?". After Ben discovers the bodies of his comrades, the plot changes dramatically.

The fact is that the main character always wanted to have a family. However, he devoted quite a lot of time to sports, and he had practically no time for family affairs. So, one day the coach called him to training camps and competitions. Ben fell asleep on the plane - this is where our game supposedly starts. Thus, everything that happened before the crash is just a dream. There was no son named Timmy, and the illusions are confirmed by watching a non-existent horror movie. That is the answer to The Forest's question "How to find a son?" can be expressed in one word - "no way".

True, this option is just an assumption of some players. The only truth here is that Ben is a tennis player. The rest is hypotheses put forward by fans. The developers did not give any explanation. There is another assumption about what is happening here and how to find the boy.

Is the impossible possible?

Now it is only known that for the entire time of the existence of the game, no one has ever found the boy, and also did not see the final credits. It turns out that the players all this time just roam the world in search of adventure.

If you stick to the second point of view about the plot, then Timmy can be found. True, for this you need to perform a number of tasks. For example, to find all the passengers of the airliner. True, at the alpha testing stage there is no such possibility yet - the map is too small.

However, there are a number of suggestions about what to do after you have already searched the entire island. According to some players, all passengers must be found and killed, after which we find our son in The Forest, build a raft and flee away from the damned island. Thus, the opinions of the players are already divided.

In addition, you can also find such statements that say that the game does not have and will not have any plot at all. Unless the main character grows old and dies. Well, or the whole point will be in the most common survival among the natives and unknown creatures. So the question about the game The Forest: "Where is the son?" - is still open.