Comfortable seats in the swallow. Martin

The Lastochka train (Desiro Rus) was developed for the Russian railway by Siemens AG. The Lastochka train is a high-speed electric train for short-range routes. The Swallow train has a maximum speed of 160 kilometers per hour. The structure of the Lastochka train consists of five cars (two motor cars). The composition of the train can be increased to 10 cars by linking two trains. The Lastochka train can only be operated in multiples of 5 wagons.

In 2013, the Lastochka train began to run on the route St. Petersburg - Veliky Novgorod. Cars No. 1 and No. 5 of the Lastochka train have two seats for wheelchair users. The Lastochka train can carry 443 passengers at the same time.

Scheme of seats of the first car of the train swallow

Train timetable Lastochka

The schedule came into effect on September 2, 2013. The Lastochka train runs daily on the route St. Petersburg - Bologoye - Veliky Novgorod. From the Chudovo-Moskovskoye station, cars from No. 1 to No. 5 (head) will go to Bologoye, cars from No. 6 to No. 10 (tail) - to Novgorod.

Train No. 171/871(daily)
Departure from St. Petersburg (Moskovsky railway station) at 07-11

Arrival in Bologoye (cars No. 1-5) at 10-23
Arrival in Novgorod (cars No. 6-10) at 09-50.

Train No. 872/172(daily)
Departure from Veliky Novgorod (train No. 872, cars No. 6-10) at 18-45
Departure from Bologoye (train No. 172, wagons No. 1-5) at 18-03

Arrival in St. Petersburg at 21-34.

Train Swallow No. 873/874 on the route St. Petersburg - Veliky Novgorod.
No. 873 daily
Departure from St. Petersburg (cars No. 1-5) at 20-40

Arrival in Novgorod at 23-55.

№ 874 daily
Departure from Novgorod (cars No. 1-5) at 06-30

Arrival in St. Petersburg at 09-33.

Schedule of the train Lastochka on the route Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod

The schedule is valid from August 1, 2013 to January 31, 2014. The train has the designation No. 175/176.
Train number 176. Departure from Moscow (Kursky railway station) at 14-15.

Arrival in Nizhny Novgorod at 18-15

Train number 175. Departure from Nizhny Novgorod at 19-10.

Arrival in Moscow at 23-15.
At all stations, except for the final ones (St. Petersburg, Bologoye, Veliky Novgorod, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod), boarding trains is carried out only through cars No. 2,4,7,9.

Fares on the train Swallow

Ticket price from St. Petersburg to Bologoye (adult / child) - 500 rubles. / 175 rub. The fare on the route St. Petersburg - Novgorod is 400 rubles / 140 rubles. The cost of a ticket on the route Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod is 830 rubles / 300 rubles. When buying tickets for the Lastochka train via the Internet, there is a discount. The seats on the Swallow train are numbered in the following order: at the window - odd seats, even seats - all other seats.

The Lastochka train is planned to operate in Sochi. It is planned to be used on the route Sochi - Krasnaya Polyana.

We traveled by Lastochka to Sochi in September 2017.

You can find out the schedule for the Lastochka train and buy tickets on the official website of Russian Railways.

Now Lastochka runs from Krasnodar to Sochi three times a day in the morning at 06:03 and at 07:22 and in the evening at 18:21 Moscow time. The journey to the Sochi station takes 4-5 hours.

Swallow to Rosa Khutor and the Imereti resort

The final station of the Swallow trains can be Central Sochi, the Rosa Khutor resort or the Imeretinsky resort. Therefore, depending on the place you need in Sochi, you can choose the Lastochka train that is suitable for this.

By train at 07:22 there is an opportunity to travel from Krasnodar immediately to Krasnaya Polyana and specifically to the Rosa Khutor station with its incredible cable-chair and cable-cabin mountain lifts. This train passes near the Sochi airport.

And by train departing from Krasnodar at 06:03 you can immediately arrive at the new comfortable Imeretinsky resort with the Olympic Park, located behind Adler.

Types of seats in Lastochka

Having chosen the time of departure of the train on the website, then select the car. Opposite each car, the types and number of free seats with their prices are written.

Types of places in Lastochka are: ordinary, places for the disabled and folding. Seats for the disabled are no different from ordinary seats, with the only difference being that they cannot be bought online for a non-disabled person, but they can be bought at the station ticket office an hour before Swallow's departure, if these seats are not sold out by disabled people.

The folding seat is different in that it is attached to the side wall of the car and you will have to ride sitting sideways to the direction of the train, which is somewhat inconvenient, or turn around in your chair, as in the photo below.

Grandma sits sideways in a reclining seat

Ticket prices and bad seats in Swallow

The earlier you buy a ticket before the date of the trip, the lower the price for it will be, for example, for a regular seat it is from 613 to 647 rubles. A folding seat costs less than 367 rubles. The worst places, in my opinion, are the folding seats in the middle of the car with the toilet - there is almost always a queue for the toilet and people are sitting half-side there.

Passengers in reclining seats by the toilet

But the worst of all are these two places - they are right next to the door to the toilet, probably these places will please people who like to be in the center of attention and watch others.

Two places right at the entrance to the toilet

How to buy a ticket and board the train Lastochka

The location of the seats in the Lastochka train car can be viewed on the diagram right there on the Russian Railways website and you can choose a specific place to buy. The number of the occupied seat is written in gray, the number of the free seat is written in blue, not too contrasting and rather small, but you can figure it out.

After buying Lastochka tickets online, you can print them out or copy the pdf file with them to your smartphone.

In the morning, when we approached the Lastochka car at the Krasnodar 1 station, on the platform we saw a long queue of 20 meters to board, and the boarding was made not in our car, but in the next one, since for some reason the door did not work in ours. Having checked the names from our passports with her list, the inspector let us into the car. Then, when the train had already started, for some reason the tickets were checked again.

Cons of the train Swallow

Most of the usual places in the Swallow carriage are in a very unfortunate location, it seems that the person who designed the Swallow carriages has never traveled in electric trains, it seems that his idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcomfortable travel is drawn from idealistic fantasies of human robots who sit face to face, smile and talk nicely for 5 hours in a row.

Places face to face

In reality, face-to-face places are extremely uncomfortable, unfamiliar random people have to either stare at each other or hide their eyes for 4-5 hours on the road to Sochi. It is impossible to stretch your legs, otherwise you will run into a stranger. Falling asleep is also problematic, as the backs of the seats do not recline. The armrests of the chairs are high and hard - uncomfortable, they can be removed, but without them it is even worse. The chairs themselves are also hard, uncomfortable, they just look beautiful.

Legs of passengers in seats face to face

The guy and girl to my right breathed a sigh of relief and stretched out their legs as the two guys in front of them went to the bathroom. Elderly women in the “compartment” to my left wondered how they could drive for several hours looking at unfamiliar elderly men. It's good that Olga and I bought seats opposite each other.

Hard uncomfortable armrests

In such a car, you can safely travel for distances of up to 1 hour, well, up to a maximum of 1.5 hours, why it is allowed to travel 5 hour distances, one Russian Railways knows.

The best seats in the car

However, there are a small number of seats in the car, located back to back, in my opinion these are the best seats in the Lastochka cars, but some of them are reserved for the disabled, and the remaining number of seats is primarily bought up by more inveterate and knowledgeable travelers, which you will become. you after reading this article.

If you haven't been able to buy back-to-back seats, then window seats are second best, as your neighbors won't bother you when they want to go to the bathroom. And if you are traveling together, then take seats not next to each other, but opposite each other, then you can comfortably stretch your legs and even sleep with your mouth open with a drooping stream of saliva. By the way, the windows in Lastochka are large, airtight, light, it is very convenient to watch the passing landscapes through them.

Large bright windows

Where to eat in Lastochka

Several times during the trip, flight attendants pass through the Swallow's car, rolling a cart with snacks and drinks: croissants in bags, cookies, chips, water, cola, tea, coffee.

The price for a small paper cup of coffee is 100 rubles. By the way, there are no tables that could be built into chairs, as in an airplane, and where would they come from if the seats in Swallow are located face to face. Therefore, cups of coffee are served in paper carriers, which, however, does not save people from pouring hot coffee on their laps, which we witnessed.

It is convenient that the passage between the rows is wide enough, and the cart with food is narrow enough so that, when the conductors roll it around the car, a person of average build can pass it. The cars are generally quite free, there is no constraint.

Garbage bin, security, toilet, air conditioning, sockets, luggage racks in the train Lastochka

In the center of the car there are two neat, but small-capacity trash bins, which quickly become clogged with garbage, and the conductors are in no hurry to clean them.

Miniature trash can in the center of the car

The car looks modern, there is a connection with the driver, security is on the train. There are toilets in several carriages. The toilet itself is spacious, you can wash your hands, it also works at bus stops.

Toilet Swallows

The car has an air conditioner that maintains a fairly comfortable temperature. There are sockets used by passengers to recharge smartphones and other devices. Under the luggage racks there are hooks for clothes.

By the way, there are very few sockets for a car with more than 100 people, and they are located extremely unsuccessfully at the top under the luggage racks, so you have to reach for them.

The guy plugged into the outlet

One gets the impression that the main task of the designer of the Lastochka carriages was to ensure that passengers collided and contacted each other as often as possible, made acquaintances, communicated, and made friends.

The luggage racks themselves are narrow, apparently designed for small backpacks and bags, a large suitcase from there can fall on someone's head.

Luggage rack

For bulky luggage in the Lastochka carriage there are only 2-3 not very convenient compartments, so the suitcases are piled one on top of the other and one after the other, it will be difficult to pull your own out from under the bottom. Therefore, suitcases are also located near the exits.

"Swallow" was developed by the German company "Siemens". The total number of cars is 5, and the length of the entire train is about 130 meters. This model can reach speeds up to 160 km/h. A regular train has two cars with a motor and three without it.

The high-speed electric train "Lastochka" is in demand and very popular among many residents of the Russian Federation. It runs in many directions, both between small towns and to the capital. Compared to other electric trains, Lastochka has a very attractive and modern appearance, a comfortable interior, comfortable seats, and the cars are equipped with clean and modern toilets. In addition, it has specially designated places for people with disabilities.

About the train

The Lastochka electric train began to run on its routes in the winter of 2013-2014, namely from the city famous for its white nights - St. Petersburg. The train was also awarded a very interesting nickname - "Olympic". Why exactly? Yes, because the period when the "Swallow" began its existence fell on the Winter Olympic Games taking place in the city of Sochi. Then it was decided that this electric train should carry passengers traveling to cheer for their national teams, as well as those people who came from other countries and cities.

In some period before the Olympics, Lastochka was in demand among those who participated in the Universiade, which was held in the city of Kazan in 2013. In addition, guests were transported by train from the local airport to the city itself and in the opposite direction - from the city to the airport. At the present time, the train still travels daily on this route.

Location of seats

If passengers want to quickly and comfortably get to a certain settlement, the Lastochka high-speed intercity train will help them, the carriage diagram of which is shown in the photo below, and tickets can be purchased at the station box office.

Description of wagons and operation

This train is operated in two versions:

  • 5 wagons - with a small flow of people.
  • 10 wagons (5 + 5 double train) - in the event that the number of people exceeds the norm and you need to add another train. This may depend on the direction of the Lastochka, or on weekends or holidays.

If the composition is not doubled, then the total number of passenger seats is 409, 30 of which have folding backrests, which makes it more comfortable to get to the desired point, and 4 of them are designed for wheelchair users.

In the first and sixth cars there are about 56 seats for ordinary passengers, and 2 seats are for people with disabilities, where wheelchairs can easily fit without interfering in the aisle. In addition, the cars have an additional 9 seats, the back of which leans back, and this makes it possible to reach your destination with even greater comfort.

In the second and seventh, third and eighth, as well as the fourth and ninth cars, the number of seats is 103. 99 are ordinary chairs with folding backs. The seats are arranged in two rows of three sections, each with 2 and 3 seats. The fifth and tenth cars repeat the scheme of the first and sixth cars.

High-speed train No. 732 "Lastochka", the scheme of which is shown in the photo, is comfortable for traveling. As already mentioned, the cars are equipped with toilets, places for luggage, seats for passengers and conductors. Also in the cars there are hangers and sockets (not at every seat), as well as vestibules with smoking areas.

"Swallow Premium"

There is a composition of the high-speed train "Swallow", made in a more improved version, called "Swallow Premium". The difference between the first (regular) train option and the second one is that the train has both economy class and business class cars. In the second type of car there is a slightly smaller number of seats, which are arranged in two chairs facing each other, and tables are located between them. Near each seat there are sockets, hangers and trash containers that are attached to the table itself. In addition, each carriage has enough space for luggage. "Swallow Premium" provides convenience to passengers during the trip.

The carriages of the "Lastochka Premium" are somewhat different from those of the regular "Lastochka" train, the scheme of which shows a total of 423 seats. There are 331 of them in the "Premium" train. This gives even more comfort and convenience to passengers during the trip. Each Lastochka Premium carriage has video monitors that show the air temperature in the carriage and outside, the day and date, the schedule, how much time is left before arrival at a particular point.


Every day, the high-speed train "Swallow" (the scheme of the car is in each of them) runs in different directions from early morning until late at night. Each direction has its own detailed train schedule, some changes may be made to it, but you can find out the exact time of departure or arrival of the train only by purchasing a ticket or contacting the information desk.

Trip to Nizhny Novgorod

The Lastochka train runs along routes with the aim of delivering as many passengers as comfortably as possible to their destination. The scheme of the train "Lastochka" (Nizhny Novgorod - the final destination) shows in which cars there are places for them, which places are with folding backs. Also in the timetable along the route you can see all the settlements that the train passes.

As you can see in the photo, the high-speed train "Swallow" (the scheme of the car is available to everyone for viewing) is quite spacious. The seats are arranged in 2 and 3, there are shelves for luggage, hooks for clothes and a scoreboard on which you can see where and where the train is currently leaving, as well as the date, time and other information.

Train tickets

At this stage, the Lastochka routes are carried out in the following directions:

  • From St. Petersburg to Veliky Novgorod.
  • From St. Petersburg to Bologoye.
  • From St. Petersburg to Petrozavodsk.
  • From Moscow to Nizhny Novgorod.
  • From Moscow to Kursk

The high-speed electric train "Lastochka", whose car layout shows the location of passenger and luggage seats, is also in great demand in the southern territory of the country. In the Sochi region, a 5-car train runs from the airport to Krasnaya Polyana. In addition, there are a number of cities that "Swallow" will help you get to with convenience: Dagomys, Lazarevskoye and Tuapse.

You can buy train tickets at any working ticket office of the station, or you can book any free seats via the Internet, and in the second case there will be a 5% discount. If a ticket is purchased via the Internet, passing control when boarding a train, it is necessary to have a passport and a printout of this ticket with you.

Road to Kursk

The scheme of the train "Lastochka" (Kursk) practically does not differ from the scheme of "Lastochka" plying in other directions. The schedule describes in detail the route from one end station to another. For example, leaving Moscow at 12 noon, a Premium class train passes 7 stations - Serpukhov, Tulua-1, Tula, Mtsensk, Orel, Zmievka, Ponyr - and reaches Kursk. Accordingly, the stations on the Kursk-Moscow route follow in reverse order. "Swallow" (the train map will inform passengers about the class of the selected car) is a quick and convenient way to get to the point you need.

Approximately, the average time between these stops takes from 25 to 50 minutes, and the journey itself from one end station to another takes about 5 hours and 30 minutes. During the movement, the train makes stops, the time of which is from 2 to 6 minutes. The price of a ticket on this route from the starting to the final station does not exceed the amount of 2600 rubles.

Special offers

Passengers who have bought a ticket for the high-speed train "Lastochka" (the layout of the seats will indicate where are even and where are odd) can take advantage of a 15% discount, which is valid from Monday to Thursday. On other days, the ticket price is slightly higher - this is due to the large flow of people who are in a hurry to go home, to the country house or to visit someone.

In addition, students who use the services of this vehicle can receive a 30% discount from Monday to Friday. On weekends, the ticket will cost at full price. Retirees and the disabled are also entitled to certain benefits.

Road to Smolensk

The scheme of the train "Lastochka" (Smolensk) will also give complete information about the composition and help you choose the most comfortable place. Leaving Moscow around 7 am, the train passes Mozhaisk, Gagarin, Vyazma, Safonovo and Yartsevo, then arrives in Smolensk around 11:30 am. The journey takes about 4 hours 30 minutes, the time of stops at the stations is from 2 to 17 minutes.

The train leaves Smolensk for Moscow at 7:30 and arrives at noon.

Electric train series ES1 "Lastochka" (Desiro RUS)

Electric train series ES1 "Lastochka" was manufactured by "Siemens AG" in the city of Krefeld (Germany) on the basis of the technical requirements of JSC "Russian Railways". This rolling stock was developed on the platform of the Desiro ML electric train. For Russia, the electric train was named "Desiro RUS" and is designed to provide suburban passenger transportation on sections of railways with a gauge of 1520 mm, equipped with high and low passenger platforms.

The maximum speed of the ES1 Lastochka electric train is 160 km/h. Power supply circuit from a contact network of 3 kV DC and 25 kV AC. There is an automatic mode for changing the type of current while driving (passing through areas with mixed power). The main composition of the electric train is 5 cars. It is possible to work on a system of many units (up to two trains linked together,controlled from the head cab of the leading electric train). The ES1 Lastochka electric train can be operated in the ambient temperature range from –40°C to +40°C.

The main technical characteristics of the electric train ES1 "Lastochka" are given in table 1.

Table 1. Main technical characteristics of the electric train ES1

Number of wagons

Number of seats

Total passenger capacity, pers.

Train length, m

Length of the head car, m

Intermediate car body length, m

Body width, m

body material


Track width, mm

Floor height above rail head level, mm

Height of platforms from the level of the rail head, mm

Passenger entry/exit device to low platforms (200 mm)

retractable steps

Rated voltage of the traction network, kV

3.0 DC and 25.0 (50 Hz) AC

Power, kW / hp

Acceleration up to 60 km/h, m/s 2

Operating temperature range, °C

Service life, years

Innovations implemented in the electric train ES1 Lastochka:

1. When developing this rolling stock, harmonization of Russian and European safety standards was ensured;

2. Application of asynchronous traction drive and control system;

3. Manufacture of the body from extruded aluminum profiles;

4. The use of air suspension of car bodies;

5. Increased interval between periodic repairs up to 45 days;

6. Easy maintenance due to modular design;

7. Possibility of power supply both from a 3 kV DC network and from a 25 kV AC network;

8. Possibility of non-stop passage of sections with mixed meals (for example, Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod or St. Petersburg - Petrozavodsk);

9. Recuperation of braking energy into the contact network;

10. The presence of a passive passenger safety system - elements of absorption of the energy of an emergency collision (crash systems);

11. Existence of system of external and internal video surveillance.

Electric train series ES1 "Lastochka" (Desiro RUS) in "Premium" version

The first results of the operation of electric trains ES1 "Lastochka" on interregional routes (St. Petersburg - Veliky Novgorod) showed that for this type of transportation, their adaptation is necessary in order to provide passengers in electric trains with more comfortable services. Based on the experience gained for this type of transportation, in April 2013, with the designers of Siemens AG, the development of the concept of an electric train of the ES1 Lastochka series, Premium version, began. A modified version of the internal layout of the cars of 9 electric trains ES1 "Lastochka" s (from No. 046 to No. 054) was developed in comparison with the standard layout. The layout of the cars of the ES1 Lastochka electric train of the Premium version provides for a different arrangement of passenger seats, the installation of additional toilets in the head cars, the installation of information video monitors, a wireless Internet system and service equipment in each car. The maximum number of seats in a Premium electric train is 322 and 2 seats for passengers in wheelchairs. Passengers standing are not provided.

Important technical features of electric trains of the ES1 Lastochka (Desiro RUS) series are:

1. The width of the bodies of the electric train cars is optimally adapted to the Russian building clearance. Thus, the minimum distance between the passenger platform and the car is ensured, which guarantees the maximum safety of passengers when entering and exiting the car;

2. A high level of safety for passengers is ensured due to the use of collapsible elements that absorb impact energy in a collision;

3. The equipment of the car meets the requirements of TSI-PRM;

4. The layout of the entrance (exit) zones in the cars of the electric train is designed for Russian boarding platforms with a height of 200, 1100 and 1300 mm;

5. The design of the undercarriage is designed taking into account the presence of curves of a small radius (for example, when shunting work in a depot);

6. The electric train is equipped with the Russian system for ensuring the safety of train traffic, oriented to the conditions of the Russian Railways railway network, an automatic train control system that ensures optimal movement in terms of energy consumption, comfort for passengers and travel time.

High-speed electric train "Lastochka" manufactured by LLC "Ural Locomotives" (Russian Federation)

In order to create an enterprise in the Russian Federation for the production of modern multi-unit rolling stock that meets the requirements of world standards, in September 2011 Russian Railways JSC and Ural Locomotives LLC signed a contract for the supply of electric trains for suburban passenger transportation.

In accordance with the agreement, LLC Ural Locomotives will produce and supply for JSC Russian Railways in the period 2015-2020. 1,200 electric train cars in various modifications (for suburban, urban and interregional traffic). At present, the basic project for the development and production of electric trains for passenger transportation, which is currently being implemented at Ural Locomotives LLC, is an EGE-type electric train - "city express electric train" (the series was called ES2G "Lastochka").

The electric train ES2G "Lastochka" has technical characteristics, body structure, arrangement of equipment and internal layout of cars, similar to the electric train series ES1 "Lastochka", manufactured by Siemens AG. The exceptions are: the power supply system is made only for 3 kV direct current, higher traction power of the rolling stock, the use of air vents in the cars and a modified internal layout.

The main technical characteristics of the electric train ES2G "Lastochka" are given in Table 2.

Table 2. Main technical characteristics of the electric train ES2G

Design speed, km/h

Track width, mm

Voltage, type of current

3.0 kV (DC)

Turnover section length, km

Main composition, number of wagons

Drive power on the wheel of the main electric train, kW

Traction force of the main electric train, kN

Maximum slope of the longitudinal profile, ‰

Height of platforms from the rail head, mm

Main train length, m

Wagon width, mm

Number of seats on the main train

368 fixed seats;

4 places for wheelchairs;

18 folding seats;

886 standing places

Climatic version, ambient operating temperature range, °C

U, from minus 40 to plus 40°С

Service life, years