Weller after the scandal on the echo. Mikhail Veller made a new scandal live

Mikhail Veller splashed water on the host of Ekho Moskvy during the broadcast.

The radio station ceased cooperation with the writer

Aleksey Venediktov, editor-in-chief of Ekho Moskvy radio station, announced that the radio station is ending cooperation with writer Mikhail Veller until he apologizes to presenter Olga Bychkova for the hysteria he threw on Thursday, April 27, during the Special Opinion program. Weller, furious that Bychkova interrupted his monologue with her remarks, threw the microphone on the table, grabbed a mug of water, splashed water on the leader, and then threw the mug aside and left the studio.

"Echo of Moscow" terminates its cooperation with Mikhail Veller until he apologizes to Olga Bychkova," Venediktov said on his Twitter. To the radio listener's objection that the presenter interrupted the interlocutor, Venediktov replied: "Throw dishes at your girls if they allow you."

With another tweet, Venediktov, just like the editor-in-chief, apologized to Echo of Moscow listeners, RTVi viewers and Olga Bychkova for Mikhail Weller's act.

Echo's first deputy editor-in-chief Vladimir Varfolomeev wrote: "Mikhail Veller is one of the most interesting and brightest guests of Echo. I would like him to return to our broadcast after apologizing to Olya Bychkova."

Weller, 68, caused a stir after the presenter interrupted his answer to a radio listener's question about the French elections, which sounded like this: "Why would the Nazi Le Pen's rise to power on Putin's budget save France?"

The conflict began at the 10th minute of the program, when Weller said: “If you have not read the programs of her party, if you have not read the programs of Macron, if you are not familiar with the ongoing processes, then you are a club and a chaff head. And propagandists are in this chaff head invested ready-made thoughts."

Bychkova clarified that perhaps the person who asked this question read the programs of the candidates, but Weller scolded her: “Please don’t interrupt me. It knocks me down, annoys and interferes. don't help." Bychkova listened to the complaint with a smile and replied: "We are in dialogue. I am listening further."

"This is not a dialogue, this is a shut-up. I did not need any replicas. And I did not ask any questions," the writer objected. "But we don't know if Fedor read the program?" the host insisted.

"Be kind, do not harass me, because the best thing you can do is not interrupt me. I do not need your help and ask you not to interfere with me. I repeat ..." Weller continued, but Bychkova interrupted him again: "I'll ask questions from time to time, sorry."

After that, Weller grabbed the microphone standing on the table, threw it to the side, then grabbed a cup of water with both hands and poured it towards the leader, as it turned out later, splashing his glasses. Throwing the cup aside, across the table to the floor, he left the studio with the words: "Stupid beast! I don't know you anymore."

"Excuse me, please, I'm very ashamed of Mikhail Weller. This is a little not the right behavior. I think he got a little excited," Olga Bychkova said after Weller left.

“It’s good that he hasn’t thrown this cup at me yet. At least,” she added later (the text transcript is also available on the Ekho Moskvy website). man. Well, I beg you. I don't throw cups and I don't throw microphones."

Radio listeners remembered the long-standing conflict between Weller and Bychkova

The opinions of radio listeners who spoke about the conflict on Venediktov's Twitter and in the comments under the video on YouTube were radically divided. Some pointed out Bychkova that she could simply "apologize and continue the transfer, but for some reason she began to swoop down, heating up even more" the elderly man.

Others, on the contrary, praised the presenter for her endurance, who reacted to the hysteria calmly and with a smile, saying: "Well, Mikhail Veller tore out the microphone, threw the cup. Apparently, we will have to continue the transmission in some other way."

The discussion continued on social media. "If anyone suddenly communicates with Weller, tell him from me that he is a beast. But I recommend not to communicate," Olga Romanova, executive director of the Rus Seated organization, wrote about this on her Facebook page.

Its commentator and constant listener of "Echo" Mikhail Sherman noted that the conflict between Weller and Bychkova has a long history, and Weller, because of Bychkova, did not appear in "Special Opinion" for more than a year, and Venediktov, knowing that they have a conflict, "doesn't care put her to lead the program with Weller."

Deputy chief editor of "Echo" Vladimir Varfolomeev in his Twitter challenged the prevailing opinion of many that Bychkova purposefully "finished" Weller.

Bychkova was supported by journalists widely represented in social networks. “Still, there is nothing worse when years bring a person not talent with prudence, but narcissism with hysteria. It also breaks through me, God forbid, to live to such a point. Poor Weller. And the heroic Olga Bychkova,” the former journalist and Director of the AIDS Center Foundation Anton Krasovsky.

"Today's exit from your "emergency" should simply enter the textbooks of professional skill. It seems that if you were a pilot, you would land a falling plane on the Hudson. And Weller's fate, of course, is sad. Degraded," supported the leading publisher and journalist Sergei Parkhomenko.

Journalist Grigory Pasko also sided with Bychkova: "Certainly, a Professional with a capital letter: calmness, tact, endurance, stamina, self-control ... And most importantly - as a journalist, she gave absolutely no reason to a psychopath to behave like a psychopath."

Weller remembered breaking a glass at the TV Center

The network publication "TV-Center-Moscow" noted that this is not the first such hysteria Weller. In mid-March, on the air of the Right to Vote program on TV Center, he lost his temper and broke a glass of water, throwing it off the table. At that time, as BaltNews wrote, this happened during a discussion about the situation of Russians living in the Baltic countries. Weller did not like that the presenter Roman Babayan supported the opinion about the violation of the rights of Russians in these countries.

According to an eyewitness, human rights activist Dmitry Linter, the writer picked up a glass of water and threw it at the host. “Fortunately, Babayan got off with a wet suit, the glass shattered on the floor, and Weller left the studio, swearing and cursing the program and all of us,” Linter said. On the record, it looked a little different.

Weller Mikhail should have turned around and left for a long time, but he was sucked in by the vile swamp of Russian politics, where a talented, honest person, and even a Jew, nothing to do.

Moreover, a vile and deceitful swamp in the space of almost all media.

By some miracle, Yulia Litynina manages to survive, sometimes, L. Radzikhovsky says something worthwhile, and on the one hand, the Kremlin propagandists, on the other, a stupid demshiza (raised by a anti-Semite and Nazi Sores).

An honest journalist in Russia is so lonely that it is time not only to throw cups, but also to howl at the moon.

Mikhail Veller and the broken microphone

The "Special Opinion" program is traditionally broadcast on the Internet, so this time the audience became eyewitnesses of the scandal live. Weller did not like that the presenter Olga Bychkova interrupted him several times. As a result, the writer became furious, tore the microphone out of the rack and launched the mug at the wall.

The editor-in-chief of the radio station, Alexei Venediktov, said that cooperation with Weller would be suspended until he publicly apologized to the employee.

The solution is very simple: until Mikhail Veller apologizes to Olga Bychkova on the air, he will not be on Echo. We suspend cooperation with Mikhail Iosifovich

Alexey Venediktov

Alexander Plushev and an unsuccessful tweet

The carelessness shown by the journalist Alexander Plyushchev in his Twitter in 2014 almost cost him his career. In his microblog, he asked the question of whether the tragic death of his son Sergei Ivanov is proof of the existence of higher powers. The post was removed soon after.

I'm ready for death from the moment I'm born. And I'm always ready for resignation - this place is not smeared with honey

Alexey Venediktov

He left slamming the door

With a loud scandal, the founder and first editor-in-chief of Ekho Moskvy, Sergei Korzun, left the radio station. According to him, the blog of Venediktov's assistant Lesya Ryabtseva, and in particular, the article "Demokrakly" became the reason for leaving. Korzun could not stand the fact that such materials were published under the name "Echo", and decided to leave the radio.

I don't work for Ekho Moskvy radio anymore. That "Echo", which we started in 1990, is gone. The body is still working, but "brain death" has already come. This is my personal value judgment.

Sergei Korzun

Korzun is sure that the editors have betrayed their audience of thinking people, for whom the radio station was created. In addition, he accused the authors of the fact that their materials are more like trolling, which used to be in the comments under the publications.

"Get that chicken away!"

The posts of Lesya Ryabtseva often caused scandals at the radio station. One of them was the publication addressed to Mikhail Kasyanov:

If you, a politician, piss in front of uncomfortable questions and harsh answers and dream of calm airs and "warm water", you definitely shouldn't stay in politics. "Echo", politician, not for people like you

Lesya Ryabtseva

This publication caused a wave of indignation on the web. Literally in one day, several prominent public figures, including writer Boris Akunin, economist Konstantin Sonin, bloggers Andrey Malgin and Oleg Kozyrev, and Ryabtseva's teacher Nikolai Svanidze, expressed their negative attitude towards what was happening. All this fueled the already unabated dissatisfaction of readers with the unprofessionalism of the employee. Many even suggested boycotting Ekho Moskvy until Ryabtseva was kicked out.

Repression good for society

Archpriest of the Russian Orthodox Church Vsevolod Chaplin was excommunicated from Ekho Moskvy in August 2016. The reason for this was statements justifying the repressions of Stalin and the massacre of people.

The decision not to allow the former speaker of the Russian Orthodox Church to air was personally made by the editor-in-chief of Ekho. Alexei Venediktov did not share the opinion of the archpriest that the commandment "Thou shalt not kill" is optional for a certain circle of people.

The stupid and scandalous scene between me and the presenter Bychkova that happened yesterday in the program "Special Opinion" on the radio "Echo of Moscow" was an absolutely unexpected and extremely bitter incident for me. Those who wish can watch the video on the Internet, as the presenter does not give a damn about the opinion of the guest, which he was going to present to the audience, and the guest explodes and leaves very expressively. Yes, yes, something flew somewhere and the characteristic sounded.

I have been fortunate and honored to work with Echo since 1993, when Matvey Ganapolsky invited me to his program for the first time. And for several hundred broadcasts of various formats, there was nothing like it.

In those days when I studied journalism, the ability to interview a telegraph pole, a theoretical physicist and a deaf-mute football player was considered professional in working with an interlocutor. It was considered professionalism to find a common language with an African pygmy. Let the person feel after five minutes of conversation that you are his friend, like-minded and competent colleague. To be able to look at the world through his eyes and provoke him to lay out all the ins and outs. Split into a heart-to-heart conversation of anyone. Start a conversation with a silent enemy - and end it with a talkative friend.

Journalistic skill is: a gloomy closed person is in a hurry about his business, you make an acquaintance with him - and after two hours you hand over all the necessary information to the drop. You interest an inaccessible star in yourself - and you get an interview where they offer you a drink and stop looking at your watch.

The feeling of a partner is the most important quality of a journalist, we were taught. Understand a person, feel: know how to like, inspire confidence, fall in love with yourself!

A journalist is an actor, a spy, an interrogator, a provocateur and a seducer. The quarrel and exposer of the ideological enemy is a separate role.

You will have to be an erudite, pick up a thought on the fly, hide your ignorance and demonstrate competence, we were instructed. Learn constantly, smarter.

The remarks of a journalist should resonate with the thoughts and desires of the interlocutor, exciting and pushing for the collapse of an avalanche of information from his memory and mind. With a real journalist, the interlocutor becomes smarter and more aware of himself: the efforts and desires of the two add up.

To hide oneself from the reader (viewer, listener) and to reveal in full the interlocutor, laying out what is most valuable and interesting to learn from him - this is the skill of a journalist, we were taught in those days. And this is not an easy task, who understands.

Times change. Looks like I'm out of touch with life. Now the norm has become the active designation by a journalist of his presence and the assertion of his own position. Sometimes at the expense of everything else.

The reason I asked Venediktova about the invitation to "Special Opinion" - it is the only one of the programs of "Echo" that is received in a television format abroad: and if at least one French voter of Russian origin, having heard my arguments, voted not for Macron, but for Le Pen, I would have made even an insignificant contribution, like an indistinguishable speck of dust, to a cause of great world significance. To prevent the death of Europe and our civilization. I didn't get to say it.

Listeners of "Echo" did not hear about the spiritual father of the French presidents Jacquet Attali and his famous program of globalization, about the calculated prospect of the entry of Muslim migrants, about the purposeful erasure of state sovereignties and the creation of a wealthy cosmopolitan elite, ever higher breaking away from the impoverished marginalized lower classes, changing their ethno-cultural identity; about the unity of the ruling leftists with the financial circles and about the cynical methods of discrediting Le Pen, supported by hard workers, about her real views and plans. The main thing in those processes is hidden pitfalls.

Thank you very much for your request and the opportunity. If I had known what would come out, I wouldn’t have asked for a damn thing, of course.

It seems to me that to conduct the program in such a way that a devoted “Echo” and a competent guest who has something to say and who has known you for a long time make a scene and leave the live broadcast with swearing - this is not professionalism. The measure of work is the result.

Brain work on structuring a huge amount of information into a logical chain of semantically clarified and grammatically linked sentences, which takes place in the format of improvisation and is adapted to the possibilities of the public online - this work is done at a very high, "working" level of adrenaline. In the mode of strong overexcitation of some parts of the cerebral cortex. The ability for such overstimulation allows one to achieve success in a single complex process of thinking, designing semantic blocks, building phrases and mastering the audience. In this state, the speaker (actor, improviser) is like a bomb on alert: he is overexcited and reacts very sharply to any stimulus. From the artist and speaker at work - shock! And in the normal position, the bomb is on the fuse, as an object is safe. So in handling your working material, you must follow basic safety precautions. Don't stick an egg in a fan.

I have the deepest respect and great friendly sympathy for Alexei Alekseevich Venediktov. I will repeat once again that he is a brilliant editor-in-chief, solely thanks to whose inhuman abilities Ekho Moskvy continues to exist and broadcast what no one else succeeds (it is not allowed). There is only one point where our points of view differ. The guest is the journalist's working material, and in case of any failure, the journalist is always to blame. The ability of a journalist is to work with completely uncomfortable people. A guest is a given, like dough or a block of wood: baking bread and chopping firewood is already the business of a journalist. If the runner knocked down the barrier with his heel, they work with the runner.

"Echo of Moscow" - the elite of Russian journalism, to speak here considers it an honor and luck for intellectuals with clear brains and suspended tongues. It is easy to work with them - they will build an answer to any question in any form, they do not need the help and support of the facilitator, because of which the facilitator may have a feeling of their uselessness, redundancy. It's not for you to torment an interview with a tractor driver about plowed hectares. But! If the guest speaks interestingly and meaningfully, the professionalism of a journalist is not to interfere until he is needed. Stumbled, fell silent - lead, point, disperse. If the transfer is going well, you've done well. The professionalism of a journalist is not measured by the ratio of the words of him and the guest - but only by the end result. A bad result is a bad leader, a good result is a leading fellow.

There can be more skill in silence than in words. It is not enough to be able to speak - one must be able to be silent.

The guest does not exist for the journalist - not at all: but the journalist as a professional form together with the guest as a carrier of information create a single media product. The guest has information by definition - it is the journalist's task to make material out of it. If the guest stays with his information, but the journalist does not produce material, his task is not completed, that's all. If the guest could not give the information being pulled out, the guest is of poor quality and difficult. If a journalist fails to take the information given to him, the journalist is of poor quality.

Information is primary - processing is secondary. The one who possesses it brings it, the one who processes it is spurred on.

This is how the old people used to teach us. It was a long time ago. Perhaps things are different now. In any case, the editor-in-chief determines the channel's policy, this is understandable.

My deepest respect and sincere love for the "Echo of Moscow" remain unchanged; I am inexpressibly grateful for the cooperation received from me, for so many times given the opportunity to speak freely on any topic.

Until an apology is brought to me for the offensive behavior of the presenter, I, with great regret, in turn, have to release Ekho Moskvy from my services.

Writer who doused the host from a cup regretted not leaving the program earlier

The writer Mikhail Veller commented on the scandal at the Ekho Moskvy studio when he was the host of the broadcast, Olga Bychkova. The reason was that Weller was prevented by her remarks. The head of "Echo" on the termination of cooperation with Weller until he apologizes to Bychkova.

Mikhail Iosifovich, you have probably already moved away from yesterday's scandal. And you can calmly look from the side of the incident that did not occur. What do you think?

Even yesterday, half an hour later, I could calmly comment on this idiotic scene that took place on the program "Special Opinion" on "Echo of Moscow" between me and the presenter. In this case, I want to say that it is important to understand some things about journalism.

I myself worked in a newspaper, I was a normal "prostitute", which I confessed to. I worked for a government that I did not like and did not believe in. But, nevertheless, there have always been truths in the newspaper: a professional journalist is an actor, director, psychologist, provocateur. A journalist must be able to interview a telegraph pole. A good journalist has a cow talking, a bad one has a shepherd mooing.

A journalist must look at the world through the eyes of the interlocutor, be imbued with his feelings, reach his level, then he will open up to you, tell you everything, and even grab your sleeve to continue. Any failed work is the fault of the journalist. The journalist must put the interlocutor at the forefront.

There is a different point of view on Ekho Moskvy. There the journalist is more important than the interlocutor. This, when a guest tells a lot of interesting things, and then leaves the air, can only happen to a bad journalist.

When a person keeps a lot of thoughts in his head, tries to build a logically connected text - this work is done on the release of adrenaline and an increase in blood sugar levels. When a speaker makes a speech in front of a crowd, he sweats, his jacket gets wet, he is in an inadequate state. And time for him is compacted, he reacts sharply to external stimuli. A person becomes a continuous naked nerve. Don't touch it at this point. The ability to remain silent is more difficult than the ability to speak.

The result of a journalist's work is how good the final product is.

I regret not leaving sooner...

Also today, Mikhail Veller said that he expects "an apology for the host's offensive behavior."

Obviously, not having time to move away from the shock after the broadcast in one of the programs on Echo, Mikhail Veller had already managed to “make some noise” on another radio.

Today, April 3, on the air of "Moscow speaking" on the journalist's question about whether Weller was going to apologize to his colleague Olga Bychkova, Mikhail Weller said that you need to maintain a sense of self-respect, after which he abruptly left the studio.

“We are all present in this world temporarily. I wish you to speak the truth and maintain a sense of self-respect. All the best to everyone." — At this phrase, the air broke off. However, there are still some details that are somehow connected with the opinion of the political scientist about the conflict with Bychkova and other radio stations in particular.

According to the philosopher, what happened on the air of "Echo" is not worth a damn.

“You speak of this as some kind of event that cannot be named. I take this with great sadness. By itself, this little story is not worth a damn. But it leads to various considerations, because any action that looks like a scandal is actually just the tip of the iceberg.

“There is what I call lackey rudeness. This was owned by many Soviet waitresses in the old days. When the presenter begins to harass the client with the fact that “no, it’s not like that, no, you didn’t do it, no, we don’t have that” - professional journalists call this to bring to emotion. A skilled journalist can bring to emotion almost any client within five minutes. If you lead a person to an emotion, bring him to a nervous breakdown, then he is in a state of nervous breakdown, an inadequate state to which you brought him, and the standards of a person who performs rationally meaningful actions are not applicable to him.

He said that in a “calm state” he never did anything like that.

“You can have the kindest affectionate domestic good cat, you love him, so you didn’t give him to be castrated. And you let him out a couple of times a year to run outside to look for cats, where, naturally, he fights with other cats. And you hear wild screams, go out to drag your cat. And, behold, you pull your cat away, and the cat sticks its fangs into your hand, tearing it apart with the claws of its hind legs. The cat is in the race, he is now in an inadequate state. When he comes to, he will lick you and everything.”

Finally, Mikhail recalled that the UKRF has an article "Inciting to suicide." What exactly he meant is not entirely clear.

“But you can only drive halfway to suicide, to depression. In the same way, you can bring to a nervous attack. A lot of husbands know that their wives gave them heart attacks. Look at these remarks, look at this cute, fighting, joyful smile of the presenter - this is the smile of a Soviet waitress, in front of which the client rages, and she says to the administrator: “You see, this is hysterical, I didn’t say anything bad to him.” There is such a technique, and this is what happened. The meanness is that it was completely unexpected.

Well, Weller ended with an explanation of why he left the Ekho Moskvy program

"I left fast enough not to injure anyone."