Libra and Aquarius - compatibility of a man and a woman. Libra and Aquarius Compatibility

The element of both Aquarius and Libra is Air. Representatives of both signs are light, like a breath of spring breeze, but can turn into violent hurricanes. Their similarity makes the union so harmonious that everyone wants to imitate such a relationship, but at the same time it poses a certain danger - if Aquarius and Libra enter the state of a hurricane at the same time, then even the surrounding houses are demolished. So Aquarius and Libra can both live a happily long life together, and ruin this very life both for themselves and for many other people. In order for the union of two air signs to be successful, they should lay a fairway in advance past the pitfalls that strive to dig into the bottom of a love, or even a family ship.

Compatibility in a love relationship Aquarius Libra is considered not easy good, but almost perfect. Representatives of these signs look at life in a similar way, they have common values ​​​​and goals, they perfectly understand each other (which is not surprising, because they are almost a mirror image of each other).

Already at the first meeting of Aquarius and Libra, an almost irresistible attraction is felt, this is just the case when it is not easy possible, but most likely. Representatives of the signs are a wonderful complementary couple: the constant fluctuations of Libra are perfectly balanced by the calmness of Aquarius, and the moral throwing of Aquarius calms down under the weighted influence of Libra.

Quarrels are rare for a pair of Aquarius and Libra. If a shadow of conflict appears on their horizon, they prefer peaceful negotiations to open confrontation, and usually such negotiations are more than successful, which only strengthens the alliance.

It should be noted that the relationship between Aquarius and Libra is more reminiscent of friendship than a passionate love affair, but this makes the marriage of representatives of the signs unusually strong. Sometimes it’s not even always clear what exactly connects Aquarius and Libra: whether they are just friends, or lovers. But representatives of the signs are usually completely satisfied with this state of affairs.

This quality is especially significant for Aquarius: all Aquarius are eager to preserve their individuality, but representatives of aggressive signs are trying to remake them in accordance with their ideas about the ideal, however, it is Libra who does not seek to change Aquarius, but accepts him as he is.

Other signs may recognize such friendship as a negative quality: from the outside it may seem that the relationship between Libra and Aquarius is somewhat cool, however, this is not so. In fact, the problem is only the eternal secrecy of Aquarius, which may not be very pleasant for Libra - Libra simply longs to share not only a bed with a loved one, but also deeds and thoughts, while Aquarius tend to hide their thoughts. If Aquarius opens up at least a little, and Libra does not demand the impossible, then the life of the couple will be perfect.

The romance of both air signs adds to the ideality of the love relationship of Libra and Aquarius - do not feed them with bread, but let your partner make life comfortable. As a result, they can reach sexual peaks that are inaccessible to other couples - both Aquarius and Libra want not only to enjoy themselves, but also to deliver it to their partner.

You need to know that compatibility in a love relationship Aquarius Libra is determined not only and not so much by the signs of the zodiac, but also by the year of birth (in accordance with the Eastern horoscope). It is believed that Aquarius should be born in the year of the Ox, Rooster or Dragon, and Libra - in the year of the Cat, Snake or Tiger.

The patron of Aquarius is Uranus, characterized by soft tenderness. The daughters of Uranus are feminine and sweet, they captivate with a transparent naivety and refinement of tastes. For them, material goods are secondary, although comfort is highly desirable. However, the daughters of Uranus prefer a romantic bouquet of daisies to a plump wallet, and are ready to go to the ends of the world for those who win their hearts.

The one who will claim the heart of the Aquarius lady should remember: passion, sex are not very important for her, but friendships and heart-to-heart conversations are much more important. The charming Aquarius lady craves moral support, she needs a strong shoulder on which she can lean, and a soft vest in which she can cry.

The romantic naivety of the Aquarius lady hides one of the solid pitfalls that can destroy both love and marriage relationships: the lady is quite freedom-loving and often gives rise to jealousy - and the Libra man is quite jealous, since Libra, in general, prefers balance and constancy . In addition, the sweet and feminine Aquarius loves parties, meeting friends and, in general, having fun. Well, the Libra man, having judged and weighed all the circumstances, prefers to sit at home with a book or in front of the TV.

However, such a difference in tastes can be leveled if both Aquarius and Libra wish it. Libra can give in to her beloved and go with her to a restaurant or even to a picnic - romantic Aquarius will appreciate this. Having acquired mutual friends, and especially married couples, Libra and Aquarius can spend time in their society, this will satisfy both Libra's passion for homelessness and Aquarius's thirst for spending time in the company. Well, joint trips to other cities and countries can make the relationship between Libra and Aquarius extraordinarily strong.

Interestingly, the Aquarius lady can be quite unpredictable - her behavior is determined by the moment of mood, the presence or absence of romance in a given second, and the Libra man is in a state of hesitation - he is constantly looking for balance. And these fluctuations of one and the other partner, oddly enough, make their connection even stronger, compatibility - more ideal. At the right moment, they hold hands and share their thoughts, at the next they calmly disperse to their corners and go about their personal affairs.

The Aquarius woman and the Libra man give each other enough space for comfort, and at the same time maintain an amazing intimacy both sexual and friendly.

The Libra woman is amazingly charming. She may not be the ideal of beauty, but she attracts hearts with femininity and openness. Such women are distinguished by intelligence, their intellect allows them to support almost any topic in a conversation, but at the same time they do not consider themselves omniscient and are capable of not only speaking themselves, but also listening carefully to the interlocutor - this character trait especially attracts the Aquarius man, who often longs to speak out, but restrains himself, not finding a worthy interlocutor.

The problem with this couple may be the lack of sentimentality of the Libra lady compared to the Aquarius gentleman. A man sees almost an ideal in his companion, she is both a friend, a lover, and intellectual relaxation for him, but the Libra lady can quite calmly break the ties that bind her to Aquarius - for example, wanting a closer love relationship, and not friendly handshakes.

But if the Aquarius man and the Libra woman marry, then this union has every reason to be long and happy. True, the spouses will have to learn how to negotiate, give in to each other, without necessarily insisting that they are right. It is advisable for them to hang a slogan in the living room: “Do you want to be right or happy?” - and look at him more often, since following this advice is the key to their happy life together.

Having married young, the Libra woman and the Aquarius man will quarrel quite often, but over time their relationship will improve, enter a calmer phase, especially when the spouses get to know each other better. They will be helped by the initial desire to give pleasure to a partner - this applies not only to sexual relations, but even to household amenities. Gradually, Aquarius will learn to listen to his charming wife, and Libra will not be afraid that her husband will have a romantic passion on the side (by the way, this may well be, but at the same time Aquarius is not inclined to leave his wife even for the most romantic woman in the world - if his wife it won't encourage it).

Aquarius will have to constantly remember that justice is not without reason portrayed as a lady with scales in her hands - the Libra woman has a heightened sense of justice, and it is this character trait that makes her constantly defend her opinion, even if it is not very beneficial for her and leads to a scandal . If Aquarius can give in to his beloved, wanting to be not so much right as happy, and bring happiness to his wife, then no one and nothing can destroy this marriage.

The Libra woman will have to constantly keep the slogan of rightness and happiness in front of her eyes in order to learn how to stop at the right time. In addition, in order to provide her husband with comfort and happiness, she will have to learn how to deal with everyday life and manage the household. She needs to take into account that the Aquarius man wants to have an ideal wife, and the list of virtues of this ideal includes housekeeping, cooking pies with her own hands, cooking borscht and pickling cucumbers. Moreover, the Aquarius man strives for perfection in everything, including the appearance of the family nest - the presence of dust on the shelves is very important for him, and an unwashed cup in the sink can lead to a scandal. Given that the Libra woman is not a very good housewife and does not really like to solve domestic problems, she will have to try very hard to meet the requirements of Aquarius.

So, what do the stars prophesy for the pair of Aquarius and Libra? It's simple: an almost perfect life awaits this couple, but in order to build it, you will have to make some efforts. Alas, nothing is given for free, and especially family or love happiness. With all the makings of an excellent compatibility of Aquarius and Libra, they need to work daily, building their ideal family and love building.

Both Aquarius and Libra need to learn to show more attention to their partner (especially Aquarius, who are prone to secrecy and even sometimes sullenness). Libra will have to learn to hide their constant fluctuations, since Aquarius also needs moral support and a shoulder to lean on (and this applies to both women and men).

Aquarius and Libra need to remember that their quarrels should not reach a scandal - two hurricanes in a collision can destroy too much, which they will later regret, but it will be too late. Tenderness and mutual understanding is the key to happiness in the partnership of Aquarius and Libra, openness of feelings will help them support each other at any moment and bring the desired harmony and amazing happiness to the union.

And even if love arose between Aquarius and Libra from the first second, at first sight, they should not delude themselves: the relationships that arose instantly can also be instantly destroyed if the partners do not learn to appreciate them. And it’s even worth appreciating, since there are practically no signs that would be so potentially perfectly compatible as Libra and Aquarius.

By the way, most of the successful star couples who are happy in family life are Aquarius and Libra!

Libras have incredible social skills and are quite diplomatic. The Libra lover is a perfectionist and loves a luxurious lifestyle. Somewhat indecisive, Libras are sensitive by nature and love the arts and culture. With a sharp and logical mindset, Libras are attracted to beauty and intelligence. To attract Libra, be diplomatic. They love thinking people, so plan dates at quirky restaurants and chic social events. Libras want to be praised, looked after, and impressed. The first impression of a person lasts forever for Libra.

Aquarius is experimental by nature and is usually surrounded by unusual and unique people. He will cherish and love Libra, enjoying a natural mental connection with them. Aquarius can be indecisive, slightly aloof and rebellious. These traits can be carried over into love life as well. To attract Aquarius, you need to communicate with him a lot. Be a fun and independent person. Surprise Aquarius with a date, attend crowded sporting events and concerts. Stimulate his mind. Leave whining or complaining at the door.

Sexual Compatibility Aquarius and Libra

Aquarius has a creative approach to sex. He loves creativity and novelty in the bedroom. Aquarius will show Libra the way to the bedroom, but Libra is usually the most aggressive. This aggressive sexual behavior will help Aquarius to turn on the imagination and creativity in this love union. Aquarius loves spontaneous encounters. Libras are elegant and stylish and appreciate the same in their partner. Both of these zodiac signs have patience and open minds in their sexual relationships. Aquarius has enough resilience to meet all the needs of Libra.

Aquarius and Libra Marriage Compatibility

This successful love marriage is a mixture of energy, enthusiasm, love, beauty and freedom. Relationships will bring real pleasure to Libra and Aquarius, because they are interested in communication, the good of humanity and the pursuit of world progress. The best aspect of this love union is that they work together and achieve common goals.

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Despite the fact that both signs belong to the same element - Air, the very state of the elements is very different. The air of Libra is calm, and the air of Aquarius is explosive. Aquarius and Libra: Compatibility in love and intimate relationships between men and women of these two zodiac signs would seem impossible, but let's take a closer look. Independent and creative Aquarians are under the tutelage of Uranus. Libra is inherent in the desire for harmony, and Aquarius joyfully accept the world as it is.

Both signs are sociable, friendly and honest.

- very impressionable and sensitive personality. She always strives to surround herself with the most comfortable and aesthetically beautiful environment. Often the Libra girl is very attractive by nature, surrounded by the attention of men and their admiration. The Libra wife is excellent, only she always shifts the questions of an economic nature to her husband.

He often hears that he is a genius. But he knows how to distinguish between flattery and real admiration, and he himself knows that he is not a genius, but simply very smart and quick-witted. From a very early age, he knows how to communicate with the opposite sex, and is also surrounded by crowds of fans. Aquarius chooses his future wife very carefully.


The Libra girl often changes hobbies: having achieved success in one, she immediately takes up another. Variety is the key to a happy Libra life, and she tries to visit different places and events every evening. The Aquarius man also does not sit still: travel, photography, a do-it-yourself circle - wherever you meet an inquisitive Aquarius.

Libra and Aquarius can meet anywhere, but they immediately notice each other. Still, because they will both be in the spotlight, and at first they may even begin to compete for the audience. Of course, a spark will run between them, from which the flame of Libra and Aquarius compatibility in a love relationship will subsequently flare up.


Aquarius will decide that you won’t surprise such a girl with a simple restaurant, and he will be right. He will come up with something unusual. The girl suddenly decides that she urgently needs to eliminate the flaws in her appearance (visible to her alone) and will run to beauticians and beauty salons.

The girl will appear on a date in all her glory, but Aquarius, who ran around, preparing the situation for the meeting, can forget and come even in a tracksuit. But the Libra girl will be so impressed with the organization of the date that she will not attach importance to Aquarius' wardrobe embarrassment.

The couple will be so good and comfortable with each other that the meeting will go flawlessly.


Libra and Aquarius are definitely a bright couple. After the first intimacy, they realize that they are perfect for each other and will not part for a moment again. Aquarius will not hesitate to propose a hand and heart, and will do it unexpectedly. Maybe even in the first week of a relationship. Libra will not hesitate this time. It will be absolutely clear to her that they are made for each other.

Friends and acquaintances, perhaps, will lose for some time the Libra girl and the Aquarius guy, but when they see their happy faces and learn the news of the engagement, they will treat their relationship with understanding and joy.


The feelings of Aquarius and Libra can be called sublime. However, real life has not gone away, and you will have to return to work and to friends. Aquarius friends will be delighted with a sweet and charming girl.

Relatives and friends are already preparing for the wedding with might and main, but Aquarius and Libra doubted ... The fact is that both representatives of the signs are very freedom-loving and wayward. For example, Aquarius may be surprised to find that his girlfriend does not like to hang out in the kitchen for hours, and Libra will be upset to learn that Aquarius will not refuse to meet friends for her sake.

In this case, the stars are advised to live together: to find out what it will be like for them in everyday life. It turns out that Libra and Aquarius get along well together: they both find something to do together and separately. And they decide it's time to legitimize the relationship.


The guests will be delighted.

Libra and Aquarius will not involve the organizers to write a script for their wedding. The guys themselves are perfectly able to fantasize and know what they want.

The family life of a Libra girl and Aquarius will not bring surprises, and the main rule that they will have to follow is not to put any conditions on each other. Surprises, parties and pleasant surprises - that's what their marriage will consist of.

This can last at least a lifetime, and even the birth of children will not change anything: Libra and Aquarius have the same views on education, and children will grow up in love and attention, but not spoiled at the same time.


The Libra girl has no enemies: she is friendly, cheerful and sociable. Aquarius is smart beyond his years, but also very sociable and kind. Libra has not been naughty since childhood: she knows exactly what can be done and what should not be done. Aquarius is very active and likes to arrange practical jokes and various tricks.

If the Libra girl and the Aquarius guy meet, they will immediately make friends. They will have just a magical mutual understanding and support until old age.


Libras are generally accepted diplomats. There is always a calm and friendly atmosphere around them, and any boss is ready to fight for such an employee. Aquarius is always ready to help, although he rarely asks for help. Aquarius also has a heightened sense of justice.

As for partnership, here the stars promise a strong and reliable alliance. There may be ups and downs in such an alliance, but one thing will remain unchanged: these guys will always be true to each other and will support each other. Both of them are quite competent in managing finances and their tandem may well lead to success.

Compatibility of Libra Man and Aquarius Woman

From childhood, he is charming and sweet, and also has a sense of humor and cannot stand conflicts. It is very easy for women to communicate with him, and they also understand how good a husband he will be: conflict-free, caring and kind. The Libra guy can choose his life partner for a very long time, but when he finds it, she can be sure that she is very lucky.

Very smart, rational, but at the same time dreamy. How these qualities coexist in one girl, one can only guess. Although she has been surrounded by crowds of boys since childhood, it is quite difficult to become her chosen one.


Representatives of the signs Aquarius and Libra are very active, inquisitive and cheerful. In addition, outwardly they are both very attractive. They can meet in any situation at any time, the main thing is that the stars take care of this.


Not much time can pass between the first meeting and a date, but in these few days Libra and Aquarius have already managed to fall in love with each other and counted the hours until the next meeting.

The Aquarius girl should carefully prepare for the date: the appearance must be impeccable. The Libra man will think over the meeting to the smallest detail and will not forget about his wardrobe. Everything will go perfectly. He will not skimp on compliments, or on expensive dishes and wine, and the Aquarius girl will definitely appreciate this.


On a date, lovers will be so carried away by each other that they will continue in a more intimate setting and will not be able to part until the morning.

Sometimes the Libra man may not be decisive enough, but with the Aquarius girl, he will open up and stop being insecure. Relatives from both sides will be happy to meet their soul mates, because they made their little blood so happy.

Both Libra and Aquarius believe that everyday life and routine destroy all relationships. However, the relatives of both Libra and Aquarius will become so friendly that they will insist that the wedding does not need to be delayed. Although Libra and Aquarius are afraid of routine, but do not part after all! They decide to live together. Relatives will be happy at least with such a development of events.


At first, Aquarius and Libra will be simply fascinated, because they have so much in common in everyday life! Common hobbies, ideas about life and everyday life will do their job - for a long time there will be no conflicts, and if there are, then for various insignificant reasons, and lovers will immediately put up.

Libra and Aquarius trust each other very much, so when they go to different parties, they are sure that they will fall asleep together in the evening.


In the end, the pressure of relatives will be unbearable, and the guys themselves will want to legitimize the relationship. At the festival itself, the bride and groom look amazing. Of course, because they took care of their appearance properly. But the most important decoration - happiness and love - made them incredibly beautiful.

The appearance of children, which will happen very soon after the wedding, will only strengthen the compatibility of the Libra man and the Aquarius woman. They have exactly the same point of view on raising kids. Children will be kind, calm and obedient, love and mutual understanding will reign in the family.

Until very old age, this couple will delight each other with gifts and surprises, harmony will not disappear from their relationship for a minute.


A cheerful, cheerful and non-confrontational Libra boy is never alone at all, a company always forms around him. The Aquarius girl always has some ideas, new beginnings, and sometimes pranks. She is also surrounded by the attention of other children.

Aquarius and Libra will inevitably become friends, and their main function will be the struggle for justice and peace in the world. In addition, after a while they will no longer be able to do without mutual support. Even marriage will not destroy their friendship.


The Libra man knows how to create a comfortable environment around him: he does not need conflicts and disagreements in the team. The Aquarius girl is very versatile. Literally speaking, she can achieve success in any field of activity, except, perhaps, the one where monotonous work is required.

A couple of Aquarius and Libra can achieve great success if they work together: and they will, because it is in their nature. This team should not be afraid of competitors or betrayals: Libra and Aquarius are so charming and sweet, honest and fair that few people can dare to harm them.

The perfectionism of Aquarius and Libra will also serve them well: they will strive to have the best team, the best office and the best organization, the first among the first.

Both signs belong to the element of Air, which makes the compatibility of Aquarius and Libra one of the most harmonious in the zodiac circle. Partners born under these signs have similar outlooks on life, and the ability to support and understand each other is admirable.

Relationships in a pair of signs Aquarius and Libra develop very quickly, in most cases culminating in a beautiful wedding and a strong family. However, there are pitfalls in this union, the love horoscope will tell you more about them.

Aquarius and Libra Love Sign Compatibility

The Sun passes through Aquarius from January 21st to February 18th, and through Libra from September 24th to October 23rd. Both signs belong to the air element, which makes their qualities similar. Similar character traits are also possessed by people who were born at the moment when the Moon was in these zodiac points. Judging by the reviews, the compatibility of lunar Libra and Aquarius is similar to the horoscope of solar signs.

From the first meeting between representatives of both zodiacs, not just sympathy develops, but mutual affection and love. The secret of the amazing compatibility of Aquarius with Libra lies in the similarity of their characters and worldview. Libra spiritually calms their partner, while they themselves are charged with reciprocal support and inspiration. This sign often hesitates and hesitates to make a decision, and Aquarius helps to find the desired balance.

Signs do not like to quarrel.

They do not radiate aggression like Aries or Leo, and do not avoid conflict like Taurus. Aquarius and Libra resolve quarrels through peaceful negotiations, and this tactic makes their marriage strong. In a couple, such partners are suitable for each other both spiritually and in family life.

In the relationship between Aquarius and Libra, not just love reigns, but sincere friendship. For the first sign, the kinship of souls is more important than sexual compatibility. They need a partner who has already grown spiritually and can accept a loved one as he is, without trying to change or bend for himself. And in this regard, hardly anyone is more compatible with Aquarius than Libra.

LIBRA + AQUARIUS - Compatibility -Astrotypologist Dmitry Shimko

Compatibility Libra Man and Aquarius Woman

Aquarius Man and Libra Woman Compatibility

psychology. Libra Compatibility with Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

Aquarius Compatibility

Compatibility Horoscope - Libra

Compatibility Horoscope - Aquarius

The negative aspects of the pair of Libra and Aquarius include the emotional restraint of the latter. Often they put friendship above love or intimate relationships, so they seem detached and cold. This hurts Libra, it is extremely important for them to be in close contact with a loved one, to divide both deeds and thoughts into two. If Aquarius begins to show more sincerity and warmth in love, and the second partner is able to accept his secrecy, then, according to the compatibility horoscope, Libra and Aquarius have every chance to live a long and happy life together.

Both partners are very romantic and love to surprise their loved one, making his life pleasant and comfortable.

This quality allows Aquarius and Libra to achieve perfect compatibility in sex. A man and a woman intuitively feel each other's desires and realize them with great tenderness. Both love to experiment in bed and find new sources of pleasure. Which only increases the percentage of compatibility of Aquarius with Libra.

Please note that mutual understanding in love relationships is determined not only by the zodiac symbols of partners, but also by the years of their birth according to the Eastern horoscope. So, the best compatibility in the marriage of Aquarius and Libra will be if the first is born in the year of the Ox, Rooster or Dragon, and the second in the year of the Cat, Snake or Tiger. Under these combinations, the most successful in love famous couples of show business were born.

Aquarius woman and Libra man

A woman in this union is patronized by soft and kind Uranus. She is feminine, sophisticated, sweet and slightly naive. Unlike a man under the sign of Libra, an Aquarius woman will not think long about choosing a life partner if he manages to win her heart. No other benefit can affect the choice.

In love, for such a girl, it is not passion that is important, but sincere friendship and the opportunity to talk with a partner about everything in the world. Stronger than sexual passion, she needs moral support and spiritual intimacy. If a loved one will tell her the right direction in life, help with advice and be able to listen, then couples can hardly be more compatible than Libra and Aquarius.

However, such a union will require considerable endurance from a freedom-loving girl in order to cope with the jealousy of her zodiac chosen one. For him, constancy is important in everything, and even more so in love relationships.

Another obstacle that can affect the compatibility of an Aquarius woman and a Libra man is the domesticity of the latter.

He would rather stay in a cozy home nest than go to a party with friends. But the Aquarius girl, unlike the Libra man, wants to have a good time than to sit at home.

Such a difference in hobbies is unlikely to cause serious discord in the romantic relationship of these signs if they manage to satisfy the needs of both. The following entertainment will help strengthen the emotional connection in a pair of Aquarius women and Libra men:

  • Joint trip to the cinema;
  • Romantic dinner outside the home: in a restaurant, cafe or outdoors;
  • Gatherings with mutual friends;
  • Tour of an unfamiliar city;
  • Participation in a carnival or masquerade.

If the partners spend more time together, then the question: is the union of the Libra man and the Aquarius girl compatible - will disappear by itself.

A man in such a pair is not even afraid of the unpredictability of his partner, who herself does not understand the true background of her actions. This girl can be feminine soft, and masculine demanding, tough. Her partner also often fluctuates from plus to minus. This feature of the couple forms the compatibility of the Aquarius girl with Libra: today they enthusiastically share their thoughts with each other until morning, and tomorrow they will scatter into different rooms.

And yet there is no doubt whether Aquarius and Libra are compatible. Certainly yes. Their love is strong and boundless so much that the Aquarius woman will be able to become calmer for the sake of her beloved Libra man, showing herself as a caring and economic wife. Her chosen one, in turn, will try to provide the freedom she needs, while at the same time spending a lot of time together.

The sexual compatibility of the Aquarius girl with Libra can also be called ideal. For both, passion and ingenuity in bed are not as important as emotional connection. They enjoy communicating with each other, without attaching too much importance to bed comforts. Which gives one more reason to consider the union of the Aquarius girl and Libra as the best combination of signs.

Aquarius man and Libra woman

The femininity, open smile and charm of the Libra woman attracts the independent and reserved Aquarius man. The girl is very smart, she is interested in many things and can support any conversation with dignity, and this quality is liked by an intellectually developed man.

The compatibility of the Aquarius man and the Libra girl in friendship cannot be called ideal. If a guy sincerely values ​​​​this relationship and seeks to see in his life partner first of all a friend, and then a lover, then a woman is not so sentimental and breaks friendships without regret if for some reason they ceased to suit her.

As for the compatibility of the Aquarius man and the Libra woman in marriage, it can be high if the spouses learn to admit mistakes and give in to each other.

Whatever it was, but these qualities are hardly compatible with the young couples of Libra and Aquarius. Although they can be developed in the family life of more mature and accomplished spouses.

But even the lack of tolerance for each other will not prevent the Libra woman and the Aquarius man from establishing a happy family life. Spouses are attracted to each other, they like to spend time together, especially if both are busy with the same thing. And even a man’s need for personal freedom that arises from time to time is not capable of frightening a Libra woman or breaking compatibility if Aquarius does not forget to listen to her partner and support her morally.

A man in such a union should remember the acute sense of justice in his beloved. She is ready to defend her opinion to the last. Her love for disputes is generated precisely by the desire for justice, and not by egocentrism, as it might seem from the outside. Therefore, the Aquarius man needs to learn how to maintain the precarious balance of the Libra woman in order to achieve perfect compatibility.

The girl in this pair should not strive for the palm and meekly give up leadership to her partner. Such an act will significantly strengthen the love compatibility of the Libra girl and the Aquarius man. Moreover, the man of this sign, thanks to the patronizing planet Uranus, is endowed with greater masculinity and fortitude, which will allow him to become a worthy husband and head of the family.

But the Libra woman, in order to ensure high compatibility with the Aquarius man, will have to prove herself a good housewife. This will not be easy to do. A girl of this sign often remains a child in her soul and requires more care in relation to herself than she can give it to her loved ones.

The role of the ideal wife is given to her with difficulty. If you do not make every effort to manage the household, then even excellent compatibility in love relationships can be destroyed by the spouse's remark about her eccentricity and laziness. At such a reproach from the beloved, the girl will certainly be offended and may break off the relationship. It is interesting that representatives of this sign most often have conflicts in the daughter-in-law-mother-in-law pair.

So that love does not break into everyday life, and compatibility in a pair of Aquarius with Libra is admired, partners should look for approaches to each other, openly show the most tender feelings and together maintain calm in relationships. Then, in terms of the strength of feelings and harmony, this union will not be equal, and the question “are the Aquarius guy and Libra girl compatible enough” will be resolved in the best way.

Two zodiac signs that are perfect for each other are Libra and Aquarius. These are similar souls and characters. Instantly starting relationships often end in a wedding. They only dream of calmness, because both do not tolerate stagnation in life.

Libra and Aquarius see the world in the same colors - that's why they have good compatibility. These zodiac signs also share common goals in life. In life, these are two friends who can help out a partner in trouble. In a love relationship, they have good sexual compatibility. The horoscope for partners predicts a boring life. Libra and Aquarius do everything to make their union successful.

Sex life is different from most zodiac signs. They have a spiritual closeness, do you need something else? Romance brings a fairy tale into their sex life, where the prince and princess are madly in love with their soul mate. This makes their sex life rich and wonderful. Good sexual compatibility. They value intelligence in a partner, and physical attractiveness recedes into second place. This gives rise to the beginning of a love relationship.

Libra man and Aquarius woman - family and relationships

Here we meet a couple, about which we can say that the two halves found each other. They have excellent marriage compatibility. A man and a woman in most cases adore each other. They are admired, imitated - people envy the couple's happiness. Love reigns in their home.

The union welcomes the disclosure of the talents of partners. A man is ready to sacrifice a lot to please his beloved. A woman is ready to give up many things in order to unlock the potential of a man. This strengthens their marriage and mutual understanding.

Both partners love independence and harmonious relationships. Although they allow their partner to enjoy freedom, this does not mean that they use it to the fullest. This is not about going to the side, but about the opportunity to live happily. Happiness is living the way you want. Do not depend on the opinions of people, on material values ​​and success in life. Be happy, live happily. What else is needed to strengthen love?

Conflict is a taboo subject in a couple. Everything is resolved peacefully, without scandals and raised tones. For Libra, peace in the family comes first.

Libra and Aquarius do not like everyday problems. Repair, cleaning or washing dishes. A man will try to help a woman, and she will help him. So they will quickly cope with them, which means they will be able to enjoy life. This all increases the overall compatibility of these zodiac signs.

A woman in union increases the spiritual development of a man, directs, maybe be his muse, which opens up the best facets in a partner. A man tries to preserve peace and harmony in the family. The horoscope advises such a man to develop talents.

Such unions are among creative professions: artists, singers, actors. If this is a creative couple, then cheating in it is a fairly common occurrence. Children in such a union are a cross on their career, and therefore they are in no hurry with heirs.

These two are sociable, quickly find new friends, have non-standard thinking.

An ordinary couple quickly has children, whom they try to raise in an intellectual environment. According to the horoscope in this married couple, harmony and happiness.

Aquarius man and Libra woman - family and relationships

In a couple they will always find a common language, which plays to increase the compatibility of the union of these zodiac signs. When a guy and a girl meet, they understand from the first seconds that they have a lot in common and the wedding is just around the corner. The horoscope is also on their side.

Marriage for Aquarius men and Libra women is a business union, a creative couple, a cell for a breakthrough into the world. They are able to accurately emphasize, enhance the strengths of their partner, which leads to success in society.

Aquarius is sometimes stubborn, which creates additional problems for Libra. Libra has to direct its half in the right direction. This can lead to many quarrels. Although it is more likely not a conflict, but an intellectual discussion. As they say, "truth is born in discussion." This is what brings together and increases the overall compatibility of signs. After going through the stage of the dispute, they understand what they really need and what they need to give up. New goals are found, family harmony and love increase. So, according to the horoscope, such discharges are sometimes needed for these signs of the zodiac.

In such an alliance, in most cases, the Libra woman takes a leading position - she becomes the head of the family. Everything is simple here - this woman is smart, stable, thorough in her actions. She makes decisions. This does not mean that the husband obeys his wife, he just takes a break from making important decisions. Or he just doesn't know how to make decisions - it doesn't matter. If she does it better, so be it. Although some individuals perceive this position as a stone in their garden, which offends their manhood. Such individuals may leave the family to find other relationships where they will dominate in a couple, in sex and love.

If a woman does everything right, then a happy and long married life awaits the couple.

In such a pair, the horoscope advises the woman to be patient, take a closer look at her husband, his interests.

Libra and Aquarius - friendship, business and business relationships

To work in pairs, they are ideal partners. For Libra, there is no better assistant than Aquarius. The horoscope predicts success in common projects for such partners.

Dexterity, intelligence, eloquence are common features of the signs of the zodiac. The horoscope recommends that such people work in the field of intellectual work in order to achieve good luck in business. The horoscope does not advise Libra to work with Aquarius in a business where a lot of money is spinning and an analytical mind is needed. Here, artistry will not cover the cost of projects.

When they have a business relationship, Libra and Aquarius become good friends. They immediately understand that they are ready to help their partner. For Libra, friendship is sometimes more important than financial gain.

In friendship, Libra and Aquarius value freedom - this is their credo, slogan. In friendship, these zodiac signs have good compatibility. It doesn't matter if a man is friends with a man or with a woman. They have a lot in common, so the floor is in the background.

There is no encroachment on personal freedom, on the opinion of another person. Tolerance and respect for other views. They like to travel or party together. Libra and Aquarius are devoted friends.