Libra and Aquarius compatibility in love. Libra and Aquarius - compatibility in bed, love relationships, friendship and work

If Libra is lucky to meet her Aquarius, and Libra herself is mature enough to act in her destined role of “parent” and “teacher” in this pair, then everything will turn out well. Namely, a lot depends on Libra and their spiritual readiness to take such a high responsibility for Aquarius and for relationships in general. On the part of Aquarius, at the time of the meeting, a subconscious assessment of Libra for reliability and experience will take place in order to understand whether this “teacher” should be trusted. Still, the role of Aquarius paired with Libra is the role of a “child” and a spiritual “student”. Therefore, Aquarius expects to enter into a relationship with those Libra who will be more experienced than him, more mature as a person, stronger morally and wiser.

Aquarius is a rather complex person, and at the very beginning he can literally shock Libra. Aquarius is independent, has his own firm opinion, beats not with his fist, but with a word, and, what to hide, considers himself above the majority because of his outstanding intellect. Accordingly, the first kind of lesson for Libra will be to learn how to smooth out the sharp corners of Aquarius's temper. From the very beginning, Libra must learn to put himself as the first number in this pair, and only from this position begin to look for levers of control over the “child” Aquarius. But only not with the help of a “belt”, but trying to captivate, like a new toy, with a useful activity. Or gently push Aquarius to the right train of thought. All this Libra can do, you just have to try and remember that Libra is the best diplomat among all the signs of the Zodiac.

At first, Libra and Aquarius can even repeatedly converge and diverge while getting used to each other. But this will be just another test of the strength of these relations. For Aquarius, every departure (and in most cases on his own initiative) will only show dependence on his “parent”. Indeed, by nature, Aquarius, although he has extraordinary abilities, but due to incontinence and restless chaotic actions, he cannot choose his path in life for a long time. Libra, on the other hand, has the ability to see an unrecognized genius in Aquarius and help him realize his hidden potential. In addition, the task of Libra is also to bring harmony into the disordered life of Aquarius.

By nature, this pair of signs, representing the element of Air, has excellent mutual understanding, shares the same values ​​and sees the world approximately the same way. The common element is always an excellent foundation for long-term and harmonious relationships. In everyday life, Libra and Aquarius know how not to notice minor problems, in communication, even if it seems to others somewhat conflicted due to the nature of Aquarius, they are able to enthusiastically seek the truth and discover new things, they are also good with each other in proximity, although representatives of air signs are usually more attracted platonic relationships and romance.

For Libra, these relationships are like consolidating the experience gained in life in order to transfer it to a worthy student of their own air "school" Aquarius. This responsibility contributes to the significant personal growth of Libra. But for Aquarius, getting under the wing of Libra gives a reason to relax. After all, Libra, as a rule, is not too strict and allows Aquarius almost complete freedom. But before the first "fried rooster". And this happens in a pair of air signs when they run aground. And here it is the turn of Libra to be surprised at the ingenuity and abilities of Aquarius to create successful business projects out of nothing.

What should be worked on in Libra's relationship with Aquarius?

It is worth repeating that we can talk about harmony if the partners are in their roles corresponding to their type of compatibility according to the horoscope. Any deviation from the assigned roles leads to inevitable problems.

For example, Libra, who has a weaker character and lower social status than Aquarius, will not be able to consolidate his authority in his eyes. And therefore, Aquarius will allow himself to act as a capricious manipulative child, exhausting the parent and forcing him to be, in fact, his slave and attendants. Paired with such an Aquarius, Libra does not have to wait for anything good.

In the case of parity of partners, when Libra will not clearly dominate due to something, many problems are also outlined. Where Aquarius decides that he can disobey, he will not do this. Where he can show his character, he will. And the life of this couple in the absence of hard levers in the hands of Libra will turn into complete chaos.

There is also a certain category of Aquarians who consider themselves geniuses and the upper class, not created for physical labor, rough work and boring routine. And in order to bring such an Aquarius down from heaven to earth, Libra will need to have a character that is a multiple of that of Aquarius.

But not everything is so bad for Libra alone. There are also fears for Aquarius. After all, Libra themselves can also play control and punishment, and then turn from a “teacher” into an overseer with a whip. Oddly enough, Aquarius, on the contrary, can become even more attached to similar types. However, his personality next to such Libra will slowly collapse, and in the end he will lose even the remnants of his will.

Libra Woman and Aquarius Man

No matter how strange this couple looks in the eyes of society, it has every chance of creating a truly strong union: a mature Libra woman and an Aquarius man she adores, who has moved from close friends or young admirers to the status of a partner. This pair of extraordinary and bright personalities will be able to show society love that breaks all stereotypes.

If a young Libra woman falls in love with an Aquarius man of her age or older, she risks breaking her heart as soon as the first stage of falling in love passes. She simply will not "pull" this relationship.

Libra man and Aquarius woman

A wonderful sensual union for both. The Aquarius woman attracts the Libra man with her impetuosity and some unbridled temper. He, in turn, is ready for anything for the sake of one look from her. The conquest of the heart of the Aquarius woman will make a strong Libra man even stronger.

Many women would dream of such a life that the Libra man is ready to provide to his Aquarius woman: he is ready to free her from any work and fulfill any whim, if only she would decorate his life and bring joy.

Most of us read our horoscopes daily, trying to find out what the near future holds. Those who really believe in the power of the Universe turn to astrology to understand with whom you can build strong family relationships, in whom you can find a good friend, and who, according to the horoscope, is not at all suitable for either the first or the second.

So, the compatibility of Aquarius and Libra is considered one of the examples of a successful combination of signs of the zodiac cycle. In such an alliance, both partners feel quite comfortable, but at the same time, their compatibility in a love relationship depends on many factors.

Characteristics of temperament and behavior of Aquarius

Aquarius belongs to the air signs of the zodiac cycle. The Universe has endowed people born under this sign of the Zodiac with communication skills, good intellectual and intuitive abilities. Along with this, Aquarians have great sensitivity, curiosity and ingenuity. Such individuals strive to comprehend new knowledge and sensations. They strive to bring something new, better into the world around them, and therefore they are gaining the attention of many people. But for family life, they choose only one, the only one, as well as build strong friendships with only a few people.

Anything can be expected from Aquarius, especially if a person is a Tiger, Rooster, Dragon or Snake according to the eastern horoscope. They can impress their relatives and friends with not quite adequate actions. But it looks like this only from the outside, because before committing such an act, Aquarius will think it over carefully, weigh it, calculate it, and only then do it in such a way as to strike everyone around on the spot. Many famous people who are used to living a social life are born under this sign of the Zodiac.

Aquarians are not used to obeying anyone and do not always give what is given to our ancestors, not paying due attention to the older generation. They do not demand anything from others, but at the same time they do not promise anything themselves.

Aquarius feels comfortable in any company. But at the same time, from time to time he needs solitude in order to engage in contemplation and knowledge of the universe.

Advantages of this sign of the zodiac cycle:

  • good intuition and mental abilities;
  • sociability;
  • the ability to quickly navigate in difficult life situations;
  • unselfishness.

As for the shortcomings, the irresponsibility, laziness and distraction of Aquarius do not play into their hands.

What characterizes Libra

Libra, like the previous representative of the zodiac cycle, belong to the air signs. But unlike active, public Aquarius, Libra is consumed by a passion for the knowledge of beauty. Due to their high intellectual abilities and sociability, such people make excellent and pleasant interlocutors. They will never enter into skirmishes and aggravate conflict situations. And their natural diplomacy will help solve any, even the most complex problem, with minimal losses.

In the event that the opinion of others goes against their own, they will in no case become angry and offended, but will try to make every effort to understand and take the side of the interlocutor. The main thing is not to force Libra to blindly obey someone else's opinion. Such actions may not reflect well on their inner state of mind.

The Universe has endowed this sign of the Zodiac with activity, but at the same time, they are characterized by the regularity of everything. Libra will not make hasty decisions, before doing or saying anything, they will carefully consider everything, weigh all the pros and cons, and only after that they will make a decision that will definitely turn out to be correct.

Libra is characterized by sudden mood swings, especially if a person according to the eastern horoscope is Leo, Ox, Cat.

The behavior of this representative of the zodiac cycle is affected by the Moon, or rather, its activity. But often this can be associated with their subconscious desire to master complete harmony. So, if the Libra man just had fun, laughed and had fun, then for the balance of the universe you need to be sad. It is this logic that guides Libra.

Financial stability occupies an important stage in the life of such people. It's like the sun for optimists. This shows their material essence. Libras cannot be relied upon in abandoned cases, as they very quickly lose interest in their hobby or task. In their professional activities, they do not strive to take a leading position, but prefer to sit quietly on the sidelines, playing solitaire on a computer.

The positive qualities of this representative of the horoscope include good mental abilities, kindness and justice.

Libra Disadvantages:

  • laziness;
  • lack of patience;
  • irresponsibility.

Compatibility of Libra Man and Aquarius Woman

Compatibility Libra man Aquarius woman is excellent. These two representatives of the zodiac cycle belong to the air element, so it will not be difficult for them to find common ground. These individuals are interesting to each other, they have the same views on life and common goals. The couple Aquarius woman and Libra man do not have a clear leader.

Building love relationships

Aquarius and Libra compatibility in love is perfect. The fair sex, born under the sign of Aquarius, attracts a young man with a light and laid-back temperament. She keeps herself well in her hands, without showing excessive aggressiveness, has a strong restraint, which plays into the hands of a partner who brings out her excessive emotionality.

The Libra guy requires personal space and does not tolerate regular control by anyone, be it a girl or parents. In turn, his chosen one gives him this freedom, and, moreover, without forcing himself to do it, but on his own initiative. She fully trusts her chosen one, and he appreciates such an attitude, which is why she will not allow herself anything extra. Aquarius woman and Libra man have a touching relationship filled with awe and tenderness. This love union can last long enough.

Aquarius girl and Libra guy will not be able to build a love relationship if she infringes on his personal space.


The compatibility of Aquarius and Libra in terms of building family relationships is ideal. In most cases, these representatives of the zodiac cycle approach the creation of a family with all seriousness, and therefore they are in no hurry to register the union. If both Aquarius and Libra mutually desire to tie the knot, then only in this case they decide to officially seal the union, holding a modest celebration.

In marriage, an Aquarius woman and a Libra man have a friendly atmosphere. The wife, as well as the husband, maintain a calm atmosphere in the relationship, because prudence and reliability come from both partners of the couple. There are no loud quarrels, daily showdowns and serious conflicts in their relationship.

As for life, then in this man Libra woman Aquarius woman Libra man Aquarius agree in one opinion. Due to the fact that both partners do not like to clean the house and are not first-class cooks, they prefer to do it together in order to quickly cope with unloved things. In the event that a girl or a guy fails to fulfill the household duties that were assigned to him, then the partner will not start scandals on this basis, as happens with many couples, but will try to help the soulmate.

LIBRA + AQUARIUS - Compatibility -Astrotypologist Dmitry Shimko

Aquarius Man and Libra Woman Compatibility

Compatibility Horoscope - Aquarius

Compatibility Horoscope - Libra

Compatibility Libra Man and Aquarius Woman


This union is completely satisfied with its intimate life. Given that neither Libra nor Aquarius have a high need for sex, they prefer romantic walks and dinners.

In most cases, compatibility according to the horoscope Libra and Aquarius predetermines one official marriage that can last a lifetime, since in this pair both partners realize that it will be extremely difficult for them to find the best person for family and life together. They are each other's best.

The compatibility of the signs of Libra and Aquarius in terms of building friendships is excellent. They trust each other, perfectly understand the life position of their partner, have common interests, similar temperaments, so strong friendship for them is a very real goal. And for a trusting relationship, they do not need to devote much time to each other, since they are able to intuitively feel a partner at a distance. This strong, sincere friendship will last for many years. Moreover, the longer they will be friends, the stronger and thinner will be the level of their mutual understanding.

Aquarius Man and Libra Woman Compatibility

Regardless of what relationship unites this union, the Aquarius man and Libra woman easily find a common language. Their communication takes place at an intelligent level, and brings pleasure to both partners. A pair of Aquarius and Libra has the same life position, and will always find something to talk about.

Building love relationships

The compatibility of Libra women and Aquarius men is excellent. The relationship between Aquarius and Libra, as a rule, is tied up at the initiative of the girl, since the young man is immediately to her liking, and she sets out to win his attention.

Women in love with Libra and Aquarius men do not prefer constant joint pastime, and even more so they do not like to interfere with each other to spend time with friends. The representative of the stronger sex cannot stand it when he is limited in freedom, and his passion will in no case do this. They build their relationships on trust, so they know that there is nothing to fear.

The compatibility of a Libra woman and an Aquarius partner may be in jeopardy due to excitement on the part of the fair sex, as she may think that her lover is not serious enough. But this is by no means the case.


Compatibility man Libra woman Aquarius woman Libra man Aquarius in marriage is an excellent combination. Such an alliance can exist for a long time, since both partners have the same goals, life positions and principles.

For the sake of love, they do not criticize the shortcomings of a partner. Aquarius Man and Libra Woman do not arrange loud showdowns, but in a calm tone, intelligibly explain their position to their partner, without resorting to insults and carefully, without interrupting, listening to the opponent.

The sexual life of this union is quite diverse, but at the same time they do not strive to experiment in bed with particular zeal. Sex, as a rule, becomes a pleasant end to a romantic evening.

Building friendships

The compatibility of the signs Libra and Aquarius in terms of friendship is good. Their heterosexual friendship, despite the speculation of outsiders, is based on mutual understanding, and does not cross the boundaries of what is permitted. The fair sex, born under the sign of Libra, takes care of her friend as if he were her own brother, and the young man will never leave his friend alone with problem situations.

Despite the fact that the compatibility of Libra and Aquarius does not need to adjust the behavior of one of the partners of the couple, astrologers still give some advice on how to maintain a good relationship:

  1. Libra and Aquarius are perfect for each other, but the idyll in a relationship can be destroyed by the stubbornness of the first. Therefore, in order to prevent this, Libra must fight with their negative qualities.
  2. The love union of these representatives of the zodiacal cycle also depends on Aquarius, who must accept a partner with all his shortcomings.
  3. It is good if the Aquarius-Libra couple has children who can further strengthen family relationships.
  4. Despite the fact that these two zodiac signs are perfectly compatible, this is not a reason to relax and let everything take its course. Relationships, whatever they may be, are a constant mutual work of a couple. It is only through effort that relationships can be maintained and improved.

Take care of yourself, and may luck, happiness and love accompany you in life!

The relationship between these two people is developing very rapidly. According to the compatibility horoscope for Libra and Aquarius, both signs are made for each other. They have similar personalities and therefore they get along well with each other.

When meeting, Libra and Aquarius are ready to fall in love with each other at first sight. Their relationship very often ends in marriage. Both signs do not like calmness and therefore their life is full of adventures and turbulent emotions. In life, they have the same goals and their outlook on life is very similar. This makes the couple's life harmonious.

They will never be bored together, because Libra and Aquarius come up with various adventures to make their life fun. They are ready to help each other in any situation. Each solution of one of the partners is supported by the other. The relationship of these signs can be described as friendly, as they always share problems with each other, solve important issues together and always feel spiritual closeness.

Both signs share common goals in life and views of the world. Such spiritual intimacy helps to build strong relationships in a couple. From the outside, it may seem that Aquarius and Libra are the embodiment of eternal love, and in order to remain friends, they will need to keep their distance.

One of the partners is able to make the other more elevated and teach him to conquer the peaks. Libras are always easy going. It is easy for them to find a common language with any sign, but as soon as they meet Aquarius on their way, they forget about everything in the world.

Joint life of two signs

The compatibility horoscope of Libra and Aquarius indicates that there will be no violent quarrels and disagreements in the pair. They do not like conflicts and always try to find compromise solutions in any issues. Tantrums are not for them. Each of the partners tries to understand each other, so their relationship strives for perfection.

For Aquarius, friendship plays the main role in relationships, and only then - intimate relationships. They are looking for a mature partner who can accept him for who he is. On the first date, he pays attention not to the external beauty of the partner, but to his sociability and intelligence. And if we talk about their relationship, then in a pair of Aquarius - Libra, the compatibility of the signs of the zodiac is 100 percent.

This sign does not like casual acquaintances, and if he chooses a partner for creating a family, he tries to hide his emotions and focus on the spiritual qualities of the interlocutor.

For Aquarius, the representative of the Libra sign is the ideal partner. In this pair, the latter always need the support of a partner, which gives confidence in the right decision. This is especially expressed in the case when Libra hesitates for a long time with a choice, weighs all the pros and cons and cannot find the right solution in any way.

In a pair of Libra and Aquarius, partners not only love each other, but also experience friendly feelings, which helps them become real partners in life. They will reveal their loved ones in a new way and open for them the most interesting aspects of a happy relationship.

In the ideal relationship of these two signs, there may be some roughness. But if they learn to accept all the flaws of their partner, they can make concessions to each other, there will be no serious grievances in their family. Both signs love romance and do everything to make their crush feel loved. Even in intimate life, they guess the desires of a partner without words.

The relationship of these two signs can be called ideal. Gradually, love develops into real feelings. They become not only loved ones, but also associates, allies, friends.

Compatibility Libra Woman - Aquarius Man

If we talk about the love compatibility of the signs of the zodiac, partners have every chance in their relationship to find harmony and mutual understanding. They are attracted to each other by intelligence, but if a man is smarter than a woman, this will annoy Libra.

Despite the great similarity of the characters of a woman and a man, some dangers will still lie in wait for their relationship. The Libra woman is able to create comfort in their home, she pays special attention to everyday life. A man, on the other hand, will carelessly treat the family hearth, which will make his partner doubt the choice of a loved one. This situation can become a bone of contention in a relationship.

In some matters, a woman under the sign of Libra will make decisions for the whole family. A real man may not like this, but over time they will find a compromise way out of this situation and the relationship will improve.

Compatibility Libra Man - Aquarius Woman

Both partners can easily find mutual understanding. At first sight, they will be infatuated with each other. They are very similar, and this couple will not be bored. The only sharp corner in a relationship can be a family hearth. The Libra man is too reverent about the house. Aquarius woman is a little frivolous, her interests are more related to work and career. And if a man can come to terms with this quality of his beloved, and will not limit her freedom, they will become even closer to each other.

Two zodiac signs that are perfect for each other are Libra and Aquarius. These are similar souls and characters. Instantly starting relationships often end in a wedding. They only dream of calmness, because both do not tolerate stagnation in life.

Libra and Aquarius see the world in the same colors - that's why they have good compatibility. These zodiac signs also share common goals in life. In life, these are two friends who can help out a partner in trouble. In a love relationship, they have good sexual compatibility. The horoscope for partners predicts a boring life. Libra and Aquarius do everything to make their union successful.

Sex life is different from most zodiac signs. They have a spiritual closeness, do you need something else? Romance brings a fairy tale into their sex life, where the prince and princess are madly in love with their soul mate. This makes their sex life rich and wonderful. Good sexual compatibility. They value intelligence in a partner, and physical attractiveness recedes into second place. This gives rise to the beginning of a love relationship.

Libra man and Aquarius woman - family and relationships

Here we meet a couple, about which we can say that the two halves found each other. They have excellent marriage compatibility. A man and a woman in most cases adore each other. They are admired, imitated - people envy the couple's happiness. Love reigns in their home.

The union welcomes the disclosure of the talents of partners. A man is ready to sacrifice a lot to please his beloved. A woman is ready to give up many things in order to unlock the potential of a man. This strengthens their marriage and mutual understanding.

Both partners love independence and harmonious relationships. Although they allow their partner to enjoy freedom, this does not mean that they use it to the fullest. This is not about going to the side, but about the opportunity to live happily. Happiness is living the way you want. Do not depend on the opinions of people, on material values ​​and success in life. Be happy, live happily. What else is needed to strengthen love?

Conflict is a taboo subject in a couple. Everything is resolved peacefully, without scandals and raised tones. For Libra, peace in the family comes first.

Libra and Aquarius do not like everyday problems. Repair, cleaning or washing dishes. A man will try to help a woman, and she will help him. So they will quickly cope with them, which means they will be able to enjoy life. This all increases the overall compatibility of these zodiac signs.

A woman in union increases the spiritual development of a man, directs, maybe be his muse, which opens up the best facets in a partner. A man tries to preserve peace and harmony in the family. The horoscope advises such a man to develop talents.

Such unions are among creative professions: artists, singers, actors. If this is a creative couple, then cheating in it is a fairly common occurrence. Children in such a union are a cross on their career, and therefore they are in no hurry with heirs.

These two are sociable, quickly find new friends, have non-standard thinking.

An ordinary couple quickly has children, whom they try to raise in an intellectual environment. According to the horoscope in this married couple, harmony and happiness.

Aquarius man and Libra woman - family and relationships

In a couple they will always find a common language, which plays to increase the compatibility of the union of these zodiac signs. When a guy and a girl meet, they understand from the first seconds that they have a lot in common and the wedding is just around the corner. The horoscope is also on their side.

Marriage for Aquarius men and Libra women is a business union, a creative couple, a cell for a breakthrough into the world. They are able to accurately emphasize, enhance the strengths of their partner, which leads to success in society.

Aquarius is sometimes stubborn, which creates additional problems for Libra. Libra has to direct its half in the right direction. This can lead to many quarrels. Although it is more likely not a conflict, but an intellectual discussion. As they say, "truth is born in discussion." This is what brings together and increases the overall compatibility of signs. After going through the stage of the dispute, they understand what they really need and what they need to give up. New goals are found, family harmony and love increase. So, according to the horoscope, such discharges are sometimes needed for these signs of the zodiac.

In such an alliance, in most cases, the Libra woman takes a leading position - she becomes the head of the family. Everything is simple here - this woman is smart, stable, thorough in her actions. She makes decisions. This does not mean that the husband obeys his wife, he just takes a break from making important decisions. Or he just doesn't know how to make decisions - it doesn't matter. If she does it better, so be it. Although some individuals perceive this position as a stone in their garden, which offends their manhood. Such individuals may leave the family to find other relationships where they will dominate in a couple, in sex and love.

If a woman does everything right, then a happy and long married life awaits the couple.

In such a pair, the horoscope advises the woman to be patient, take a closer look at her husband, his interests.

Libra and Aquarius - friendship, business and business relationships

To work in pairs, they are ideal partners. For Libra, there is no better assistant than Aquarius. The horoscope predicts success in common projects for such partners.

Dexterity, intelligence, eloquence are common features of the signs of the zodiac. The horoscope recommends that such people work in the field of intellectual work in order to achieve good luck in business. The horoscope does not advise Libra to work with Aquarius in a business where a lot of money is spinning and an analytical mind is needed. Here, artistry will not cover the cost of projects.

When they have a business relationship, Libra and Aquarius become good friends. They immediately understand that they are ready to help their partner. For Libra, friendship is sometimes more important than financial gain.

In friendship, Libra and Aquarius value freedom - this is their credo, slogan. In friendship, these zodiac signs have good compatibility. It doesn't matter if a man is friends with a man or with a woman. They have a lot in common, so the floor is in the background.

There is no encroachment on personal freedom, on the opinion of another person. Tolerance and respect for other views. They like to travel or party together. Libra and Aquarius are devoted friends.

If you and your partner are ♎ + ♒ Libra and Aquarius, compatibility in love relationships, in general, in love and family life is quite high. How do Aquarius woman and Libra man get along? What happens to these zodiac signs? What if the girl is Libra and the guy is Aquarius. About everything in order.

The union of the romantic air signs of Aquarius and Libra is harmonious. Cheerful and active, they retain the ability to objectively look at the world even under the influence of emotions.

Both signs are interested in the same thing, which allows you to find many common topics for communication. At the same time, everyone has their own opinions, which do not always coincide. Experts agree among themselves that Libra and Aquarius are perfect for each other, but disagree on some details.

In the case when the woman is Libra, and the man Aquarius, she acts as a grateful listener. Both need to satisfy an acute intellectual hunger. If there are no additional intellectual contacts, dissatisfaction develops over time, which can make Aquarius disappear from the partner's field of vision. Such an act brings a lot of suffering to each of them.

If an Aquarius woman is trying to get Libra's attention, she needs to be as sincere as possible. Libras believe every word they say and value honesty incredibly highly. Balanced Libras prefer to see a reliable friend in Aquarius. In order to stop hearing about other women, you will have to develop complex tactics and never deviate from it.

From the outside, the romance of Libra and Aquarius seems like a short-term outburst of passion, but they know for sure that in addition to incredible physical attraction, they have real mutual understanding and the ability to work together to solve any problems. For a long happy family life, a couple must immediately learn to praise each other for every little thing.

The need to make decisions and be responsible for your actions can turn a gift from heaven into a real punishment. Attempts to protect the stubborn Aquarius from making decisions will provoke a lot of resentment and quarrels, while he should not be trusted with serious questions. If Libra manages to leave minor matters to the discretion of Aquarius, then all serious decisions will remain with them.

Libra and Aquarius can fall in love with each other at a glance. For the cheerful Libra, the original, enterprising and unpredictable Aquarius becomes a real magnet. They are fun and comfortable together, only in bed soft and gentle Libra can not cope with the destructive hurricane of Aquarius.

If Libra needs to be constantly spurred on, then Aquarius is not able to show his feelings at the first opportunity. If sexual relations become the basis of the union, then it will not last long. If Libra does not want to miss a partner with whom it is incredibly comfortable in all respects, then they will have to seriously study treatises on love in order to put this information into practice even in the most incredible and inconvenient places.

The combination of Aquarius's ability to look outside the box and Libra's ability to implement even the most incredible ideas promises a prosperous future for their union. The signs have a lot in common, including the ability to have fun, the ability to make friends easily, the love of home comfort. Each of them has its own intellectual and psychological base, but at the same time their thoughts move in the same direction, which does not allow disagreements to develop into conflict.

The tolerance of Aquarius and the calmness of Libra give excellent results if you listen to all the incredible ideas of Aquarius, admitted to the decision-making process as a consultant. Then the practicality of the partner allows you to translate all the prospects and dreams into reality.

Libra man and Aquarius woman

The compatibility of Libra and Aquarius is due to the stars themselves, who have prepared a couple of romantic adventures and many discoveries.

As soon as a man stops complexing before her hobbies, allowing imagination and wit to break free, he will discover the secret of obtaining the real joys of life. She is not at all embarrassed that her partner does not take his eyes off her. He likes to move with her in the same rhythm, while the man tries not to limit the love of freedom of Aquarius. He is incredibly flattered that she is extremely attentive to his every word. The sensitivity of this woman often makes Libra think that she sees right through him, but it is with her that this does not frighten him.

The Aquarius woman always strives for freedom, preferring to subjugate a new day than to submit herself. In combination with sincerity and honesty, a sparkling image is born that enchants Libra. He understands that he can never force her to give up her ideas and beliefs, but it does not occur to her to criticize him or try to change him. However, she is always ready to defend his theories, if anyone dares to encroach on them.

She likes his duality: honesty, a sharply developed sense of justice and at the same time romanticism. But due to her excessive energy and inconstancy, she sometimes begins to suspect her partner of pretense, but once again convinced of his predictability, she calms down. She is changeable and therefore knows how to appreciate a man who can create balance in the lives of both of them at once.

Libra woman and Aquarius man

The meeting of Libra and Aquarius will certainly fill the surrounding space with discharges of electricity. Her attentive look certainly makes him wary, but the first step will definitely remain with him. She likes to know that she is of interest to him. His intellect and pressure, a man accustomed to immediately move from words to deeds, lead her into a state of shock. But she knows how to sharply parry, which is especially liked by a man. Libra likes his unpredictability and sincerity. Aquarius appreciates in their communication that no one is trying to take possession of him, to subdue him.

Communication with a restrained woman who has her own opinion and principles is pleasant and even necessary for Aquarius. She needs an exalted relationship, and only for her he tries to create them. Each of them understands that, having fallen in love, they take a serious risk, but they are not going to run away at the first danger. Aquarius knows how to make neat compliments, allowing a woman to think that she causes fear in him. The ability of Libra to navigate perfectly in love affairs is worth making this small concession. At the same time, Aquarius is never going to linger with Libra's mistress. But the special magic of Libra does not allow him to leave. Even in moments of quarrels, he knows that she needs and this feeling does not bother him. He likes to impress her.

The Libra woman is able to guess every step of the Aquarius man, which in the end can cause him a constant feeling of a dirty trick. However, all her hints go unheeded. He prefers to move with his head held high in accordance with his own plan and image of the hero.

A woman will have to sacrifice a lot to be close to the Aquarius man, but it's worth it to find true happiness. Even your own experience can turn into a bad adviser, because Aquarius is too changeable. She must learn to perceive love as a holiday, so that the partner enjoys their union.

This is how the Aquarius and Libra man and woman are connected. Compatibility in love relationships, in love and family life for these signs of the Zodiac promises great happiness, but it still needs to be earned by trying to reveal the best qualities in oneself (namely in oneself) in the name of their union. Especially if the girl and the guy are still young. Be happy. 😉