Seeing a big shell in a dream. Why do seashells dream: a woman, a girl, a pregnant woman, a man - interpretation from dream books

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Why does the Shell dream in a dream according to 16 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Shell” symbol from 16 online dream books. If you did not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all the dream books of our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of sleep by an expert.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Shells - well-being and well-being will become your friends for a long time.

Search in the sand and collect shells- be more frugal and restrained in your desires, otherwise you will have to repent for a long time and regret the waste.

Big, beautiful shell- significant profit and satisfaction.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Shells in a dream - symbolize your hidden feelings and experiences.

Beautiful seashells- a sign of innermost feelings and secret dreams. If a dream leaves a bright feeling in your soul, then this portends you joyful moments.

Especially good if you found a shell with a pearl- this is a dream that promises true happiness and great love.

If the shells are inconspicuous- it promises disappointment. Perhaps you are too withdrawn into yourself, and therefore luck passes by.

Cut yourself on the sharp edges of the shell- a sign that your isolation and attempts to hide from problems can lead to even more difficult experiences.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

Shells - to increase the state.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Shells - the one who closes in himself, as in a shell, does not always receive help, because whoever does not call will not be heard.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Shells - to joint disease.

Miller's dream book

Shoals strewn with shells or algae- portend well-being and contentment, since the efforts you expended will be crowned with the fulfillment of hopes.

This dream portends loss, entailing despondency and mental confusion.

If you dream that you are collecting shells while wandering the shallows- this promises you trouble due to extravagance and passion for excess. Bitter remorse and regret for wasted time awaits you.

Chinese dream book

Shells - there will be no disease on the side.

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

Shoals strewn with shells or algae- portend well-being and satisfaction, your efforts will bring long-awaited results.

If you dream of desert sands- this is a harbinger of loss, entailing despondency and spiritual confusion.

If, wandering the shallows, you collect shells- expect trouble because of your extravagance and passion for excess. Save your time, don't waste it.

French dream book

If you saw shells in a dream- you have a long and exciting journey ahead of you.

If you dreamed of an empty shell- soon you will waste a lot of time.

If you saw a shell with a mollusk in a dream- you can hope for success.

Esoteric dream book

Shells in the water, on the sand- minor annoying interference in work or enterprise.

To lower - you interfere with your work with excessive fuss, if you lower it for yourself, and someone else, if for another.

Collect - invent difficulties for yourself, and then fight them.

Online dream book

The meaning of sleep: Shell on the dream book?

Dream Interpretation interprets shells- as a sign of good luck and prosperity that will accompany you in everything.

More interpretations

Collecting them - you are too careless.

Get hurt by them - you should not constantly withdraw into yourself and hide from problems, be bolder and more sociable.

Dreaming that you are choosing shells on the coast- do not complicate anything with your worries and fuss, and then the struggle with far-fetched problems will not distract you from the joys of life.

Video: Why is the Shell dreaming

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I dreamed of a Shell, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out what the Shell is dreaming of in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    I sat on my knees on the sand, on the seashore, ran my hands along the sand and suddenly I began to come across large bivalve shells, some open and empty, some full, I took them in my hand and threw them away (there were a lot of them), I crawled further hoping find the most unusual and beautiful shell (in real life I collect them - instead of magnets from different countries), then I found myself in the water, but I don’t remember seeing the horizon or the beach, as if I was looking at my feet all the time, but in the water a lot of people are splashing around, I met friends there, then as it turned out I was kind of like in some kind of resort (probably the cheapest one). But the sea (as I thought in a dream) was Black (ours).

    Hello! i dreamed that I was walking along the river with my husband, we go around dangerous flowers that spray poison when they are touched and I find a beautiful large shell as if made of gold and we hide it and go about our business, and then the dreams change and we are on the bus -husband kisses a girlfriend (wife of a friend) looking into my eyes and trying to cause some kind of my reaction .. but I calmly continue to go about my business, his friends start beating him and saying that I don’t need to do this and that I don’t care and he came up with it in vain ( cause me jealousy) and everything inside me turns upside down but I don’t show it

    I saw a large shell (rapan) in a clay bowl. When I tried to throw it out of the bowl, it was as if stuck. I shook the bowl, but the shell did not come off. Then my friend took the bowl and scraped (as if tore off) this shell. And before that, small grayish kittens appeared in a dream.

    I saw in a dream that I was in a large white shell and I saw a black thin snake crawl out of the hole and several times bit one girl who was not familiar to me, I could not save her, I was afraid and did not get out of the shell. she then swelled up and was taken away by an ambulance, and I said that she had 15 minutes left and if she did not get an injection before that time, she would die.

    Hello Tatiana. I walked. She came to an unfamiliar lake and stood on the masonry. The water is clear and shallow. I entered the water and began to collect shells as well as ready-made glass jewelry (a glass bracelet in the form of a snake) and a glass ring with a pattern. At the bottom there were many different shells and glass pieces, but I did not collect everything in a row, as if I understood that it was impossible. Then she brought this package and packed her suitcases somewhere for the journey.

    today I dreamed of a beach, the sea, it was like Miami, that I was walking on sand, and the sand was all in small shells ... I saw a coral reef ... everything was very colorful, such dreams are very rare ... why would it all?

    I saw a river in the middle of a sandbank strewn with shells, a lot of straight mountains and I walk along them, they are white, then a strong current carries me somewhere - I am in the arms of a handsome man and I really like him.

    I sat on the seashore with a friend whom I had not seen for a very long time and talked, the sea was very beautiful and clean, I look at each other from one side of the beach, people somehow fussed and a wave rose, and where we were sitting, the wave did not reach the shore and the sea remained calm, but very beautiful shells appeared near me, and one of them was double, I picked it up and looked at it for a long time

    Good afternoon! i dreamed of a souvenir shop, to which there were many varieties of shells. They were very beautiful large and small varnished, rich in color. with different inscriptions. I took a lot of them and put them in a woven bag. I don’t remember why, but I ran away with this product from the store and disappeared. tell me what this dream is about.

    I noticed several beautiful sea shells on the pavement, unusual colors - purple, purple, pink, red, blue, blue .... I began to collect them, which is interesting, they were all paired, except for one of the most beautiful .... I never found it ..

    I swam with a friend in the sea, then I abruptly ashore, I go and see a shell sooooo big, I picked it up and showed it to my friend ... darkness ... then we caught small sharks, but they were mutilated ... then we moved to the city, where we stood and discussed, with some models, how to go to some guy’s birthday ... then they went there and the dream ended

    Hello! I had a dream where I walked along the seashore and looked for full shells. It is marine, we do not have such. Like the ones with pearls. And then a fish swam nearby and ate another, small one with its gills. I began to catch this fish with my hands and woke up.

    At first I was at home with my mother. then somehow I ended up in the middle of the sea, the sea was clean and transparent. and when I wanted to swim, I started collecting shells, and my mother told me why you collect them, it’s better to buy them and then collect them.

    I dreamed about my ex-young man, he comes and gives me a shell, in the form of a vase and says forgive me for offending you, I came to poop with you, and I look inside this vase, and I tell myself the truth from the shell.

    Hello! I dreamed about the sea, it seemed clean and it threw out a beautiful large round shell with teeth. Seeing her, I got ahead of the rest and took, took her. Then I decided to swim, went into the water and saw that it had become muddy, there was mud below, but this did not frighten me and the turnout remained the same. Then the picture of the dream changed.

    Hello Tatyana! I recently left the hospital, but I still don’t feel very well, I met a woman there. And now, three weeks later, I have a dream. But it feels endless. The water is blue. Waves, but not very strong, run huge, very beautiful empty shells to the shore. And we don’t collect. which I was very worried about in a dream. And when I ran, I came across blood along the way

    1 dream; turned out to be in the garden, but somehow unusual ... a bridge of ice under it, it’s like water .. my sister is sleeping next to me, I’m sleeping on the bridge ... an invisible fly bites me .. a black dot appears at the site of the bite .. I start to squeeze liquid from there and worms form ..I start to get the worms...then I look at the hand in the little finger, a worm also appeared..I decide that I need to tear the skin and squeeze out the worm..but it is very active...and I tear off the finger with the pain. .I come to my parents and ask them to sew a fell

    Good afternoon! today I dreamed of the sea. at first it was restless, there were waves. that covered people with their heads. I got hit a couple of times too. but it was like a game. it was fun. then the sea calmed down. became transparent. I collected shells. large and unusually shaped, and then walked along the sea. dream in warm colors

    Hello! i dreamed that I took a shell out of the water (like a river), and there were a lot of white pearls in it (one, though it was big, pink). a little about myself: for the past 10 years, a married man has been cheating, from whom, by mutual desire, she gave birth to a daughter (1 year 8 months). Perhaps this dream is related to niche relationships?

    i dreamed of a frozen sea, then it turned gray, like in autumn on a cloudy day, after that I saw very large shells and began to collect and put them in a pile, I collected 6 or 7 pieces

    i dreamed that I was collecting shells under water in the sea with big waves from the bottom. I’m not scared, for some reason I want to collect more because of the waves, we are thrown towards the coast, together with my daughter, who is alive with me in a dream, but she died half a year ago

    Hello!!! i dreamed that I was walking along the shores of the Pacific Ocean and collecting large shells with a mollusk inside (rapan) under water in order to cook them and collected a lot, what would that mean, the dream was very bright and colorful

    i dreamed that I was on the seashore ... the water was clear and surprisingly calm ... without waves .... I somehow ended up in the water .... and began to look for shells .... diving for the first time, I was afraid to open my eyes and looked for them by touch ... and the second time I opened it and saw 2 very beautiful and large shells and some kind of figure lying nearby ... I raised them and was very pleased ... ... ... ... ...

    I dreamed that I found an open shell, it looked like a box, and next to it was a large pearl, but it was, as it were, dirty, marsh-colored. And I was going to give this find to my godson, a boy of 9 years old, to play with it. But woke up..

    Good afternoon, in a dream I was sailing in a boat through very muddy water, at some point I saw fish backs from the water, bright blue, I started fishing, some of them were caught and then a big barracuda fish with teeth swam under, I was scared, but she got caught on bait (blue fish), and she began to eat it, I was afraid in a dream that she would bite me. Then I saw how a big fish half-swallowed a small one curled up in a shell, then all the fish in the pond curled up into shells.

    Good afternoon. I dreamed that I was showing something while walking on the beach. The sand was all sort of turned upside down, that is, not a flat beach, there were some hills of sand near it. suddenly for some reason I bent down and saw 2 very large shells. Very beautiful. I took them, pressed them to me and decided that I would definitely bring them to me, although their export from the country is prohibited. And earlier, my beloved gave me a big beautiful shell, with whom we parted for six months, but he wants to meet, but I doubt it.

    I am on the bay. very deep, but the water is clear; a bathyscaphe is visible at the bottom and divers swim around it. I sit in shallow water and take out very bright purple shades of empty shells from the water, and I forget them on the shore, which upsets me.

    in a dream, I stood on the coast, and held a medium-sized shell in my hands, another small shell lay next to me, but for some reason I always held only the first one in my hands, I really liked it, both in color and in size, and form

    I dream of a transparent sea, I dive into it and collect shells, and there are white pearls in them, sometimes two pearls in one shell, I tear them off the shell, I take them out of them, and I don’t open some shells, but I just take them with me to land, myself the shells look plain, but the pearls are beautiful, then I see a girl selling pearls in the form of a bracelet for 750 rubles, and I want to sell my bracelet, it’s not so beautiful, but some kind of shabby one, they offer me 670 rubles, I don’t agree and leave him at home

    I dreamed that I was on some sunny little island in the middle of clear blue water that goes into the distance. The sun is shining and I see multi-colored shells of different sizes. I pick them up and look at them.

    In a dream, my husband and I were swimming and suddenly on the seabed I saw shells, first small, then large beautiful ones. I showed them to my husband, but when he wanted to take one of them in his hands and took it, all kinds of marine life crawled out from under them and swam in different directions, but not fish (the kayak is a nasty little thing)

    I dreamed of the sea, there was a storm, the sea was dark. and my loved one and I on the ship saved a drowning man, or rather, I saved. then we swam to the shore by swimming. the sea was turquoise in color and we saw our bodies (transparent), when we sailed, I wrote the word love on the sand with my foot, the wave washed away the word on the sand, and so several times. then we began to collect beautiful shells and shells with him, but they were empty, but whole and large!

    Hello, I dreamed of clean clear water. like it was the sea. and I wanted to swim so much that I went there in clothes. in jeans) there was very clear water and a white bottom, I saw a large shell, or rather there were several of them stuck together. I wanted to get it, but I was always afraid to dive and was able to sit down so that I reached for it and pulled it out. there were other people there, my husband, father-in-law, nephew. one of my friends. I climbed into my nephew's arms and went into the depths, I wanted to show him something. but there was some kind of fence, and through the gap you could see how someone was dressing killer whales. there were 6 of them and they carried out commands. I was very happy in my dream. I wanted to swim and not get out of the water.

    I dreamed about my ex-young man, we walked along the sandy shore and there were a lot of shells on the sand, he took the shell, but I didn’t see it, then he pulled something soft like a snail out of the shell and gave me an empty shell

    I dreamed that I was walking around the city after heavy rain, there were almost no people, I went into the studio, where there were no people either, and on the window in the fitting room I saw a beautiful blue-black sea shell. I stole it and took it away, wrapped in a newspaper, because. I didn't have any bag

    I fished for a bait on the seashore. For the first time I caught a turtle (on a bait), put it near me on the shore, it hid in its shell and lay. The second time I caught a mollusk in the shell. It had 2 shells, the first one was old and dry, and there was a young mollusk in it. I put it all in bags, filled them with water and carried it home. One of the packages was leaking heavily. I had to put 1 package in another. When I got home, my man was sleeping on a bed that looked like a quarter of a circle (I'm not sure if this is the same person I know). We discussed that when we have 12 children, we will buy 3 more beds and sleep all on one, round one. I do not remember that the pouches were still in my hands. Someone called me, I went out to talk on the phone in the corridor (as if my real man called me), we talked, and when I returned, this one was already asleep. My mother approached me and offered to go count with her. Counting (counting simple examples), we jumped on small indents from the walls. She jumped a little higher, but there the indentation was so small that she could barely stand on her toes. We agreed that she would jump to the bottom. I was very scared for her. She was horrified at the thought of being hit. But she jumped off without a problem. I jumped after. It didn't hurt.

    Hello, my best friend and I went to look for a shell for a gift and dived into the ocean. The ocean was crystal clear and we found an unusually beautiful small shell. She looked more like a stone and was some kind of symbol (the picture was clear). But then we walked back, and my friend walked along the sand. when I went down to it, I saw scorpions (small ones), and they started to climb on us, but then I shouted loudly and a car arrived, I knew that the scorpions were very afraid of the light, and all, as one, crawled away.

    Well, I’m dreaming of a camp ... I’m chatting there, playing with friends, when suddenly I’m transferred to the balcony, beautiful, so snow-white in the shape of a square like a room, and suddenly I see 3-4 beautiful shells, I’ve never seen such shells, I remember especially the last one so long, purple The shade turns into pink, well, very beautiful. I took these shells. I come to the camp, and my mouth is full of those little shells. I try to stick them out and they crawl even deeper into my throat. It got to the point that I swallowed them (Strangely true = D) and I started to cough. Then I woke up feeling like I had swallowed them in real life. I was scared that I swallowed something while sleeping ...

Seashells seen in a dream are heralds of health and success. However, what mollusk shells dream of does not always have a positive interpretation in dream books. The general meaning of the dream is formed depending on the plot and the appearance of the shells.

External Features

The dream interpretation explains why the dream of shells is dreaming, hidden sensations and experiences of a sleeping person. Beautiful shells in a dream are a sign of innermost feelings and secret dreams. If a dream vision leaves behind light emotions, then in reality you will have many joyful minutes.

Nondescript shells seen in a dream promise disappointment, broken ones are harbingers of failures and deceived hopes. Perhaps the dreamer is very closed in on himself, which prevents him from fully enjoying pleasant moments and scares away good luck.

Seeing multi-colored shells of extraordinary beauty in a dream portends luck on the love front. A dreaming vision for a man speaks of the opportunity to conquer the lady of the heart, for a woman - a meeting with the young man of her dreams.

A large seashell in a dream symbolizes a favorable period to show your talents, which will be appreciated by others. Another meaning, why any plot with a big shell is dreamed of, is offered by Bitch's dream book, promising a solid profit and satisfaction - moral and sexual.

Freud's dream book compares the image of a shell in a dream with female genitalia. Filled, it speaks of the health of the genitals, empty - signals problems in bed or poor health.

Also, the dream image of a sea mollusk can be interpreted by Freud as the dreamer's excessive passivity in bed. Perhaps, in order to unlock your erotic potential, you need to strongly trust your partner and talk frankly with him.

Seeing shells in water or on sand, according to the Esoteric dream book, indicates minor troubles and minor interference in work.

According to the Wanderer's dream book, an empty shell represents a lack or loss of trust. Seeing in a dream a beautiful and full house of a marine inhabitant predicts success and good luck in previously considered goals.

lucky find

Searching for and collecting shells on the sea, the shore of which is strewn with them, warns of the thoughtless and aimless extravagance of a sleeping person. Perhaps you should save some money for a while by avoiding large purchases.

According to the Women's Dream Book, what dreams of collecting "houses" of mollusks reflects the wrong disposal of one's own time. For a sleeping person, empty deeds that do not bring benefits are of great importance, and if he does not correct his daily routine, very difficult times will soon come.

Esotericists associate a dream in which you have to collect shells with the dreamer's excessive vanity, as well as the ability to invent difficulties for himself and then fight them.

Finding a shell with pearls on the sea is a great happiness and mutual love. A French dream book interprets a dreaming shell with pearls as the opportunity to visit distant lands, learn or see something new.

What do we do with them?

Cutting yourself in a dream about the sharp edges of a shell warns that attempts to hide or ignore the problems that have arisen will lead to severe feelings and depression.

As children, we all collected them while playing on the beaches. In them we listened to the sound of the sea. Shells are a pleasant symbol, and dreams with them usually leave a pleasant aftertaste in the morning. The interpretation of night visions with their participation in most cases is also positive. The dream book will help you find out what shells are dreaming of, and predict upcoming events, influence them in the most favorable way.

A night vision in which a sleeping person happened to observe multi-colored unusual shells in a dream portends good luck and success in matters of the heart. For a man, such a dream promises an opportunity to fall in love with a woman he likes, and for a woman - a meeting with a partner of her dreams.

If the dreaming shells were inconspicuous, dull, the dreamer will be disappointed, and if they were broken, troubles, violation of promises, deceit. There is also a possibility that the sleeping person is too closed, cannot open up to other people, which negatively affects the realization of his dreams.

A dream in which a large sea shell appeared is a good omen that portends a favorable life period. In the near future, after this dream, you can safely demonstrate your talents and skills - they will be appreciated by society. Also, such a dream portends an improvement in material well-being. Thanks to this, the dreamer will be able to acquire what he has long dreamed of.

A good sign is a dream in which a person observed a shell with a pearl. This portends good luck in a romantic relationship. For lonely people, a dream promises a pleasant acquaintance with a future partner. People who are already in a union can rejoice at the harmony that is coming in their relationship.

Interpretation by actions

The correct interpretation of the dream will depend on what exactly the dreamer was doing in it, and how he interacted with the object of his dream.

  • If in night vision you happened to not only see shells, but also admire them, in real life you rejoice at your victories and achievements. Your pride is fully justified, and worthy deeds will be well received by an authoritative person for you.
  • A dream in which a sleeping person collected shells portends an improvement in the financial situation in reality. A dream in which many shells were found portends success in business and any endeavors related to the working and business sphere.
  • A good sign is a dream in which it was possible to find a shell with pearls. It portends a new feeling that the dreamer has not experienced before. Perhaps it will be love. Also, after such a dream, you can expect a passionate romance.
  • A dream in which a person tries to find shells, but fails, personifies vain efforts in real life. Perhaps too many resources are invested in some unpromising business.
  • Looking at many shells and choosing the most beautiful of them - to the emergence of new sources of income. It is possible that a profitable and not difficult part-time job will appear. The main thing is to overcome laziness.
  • Those who drank from a shell in their dream should take a closer look around. Such a dreamer probably has several admirers, but he does not know about all of them.

Interpretation for other details

A favorable omen is the shells seen at the bottom of the sea. It portends the opportunity to radically change your destiny. If, moreover, you managed to get it, you can safely expect a generous reward for any merit. However, if you sailed past it, there is a chance to miss a good opportunity.

A dream in which a sleeping person was presented with a shell promises to receive a present in real life. If in a night vision you showed this item to your loved one, a long and strong union awaits you.

If you happen to break a shell in a dream, you should expect financial losses, and if you have collected a beautiful collection of shells, you will soon find yourself in a friendly and pleasant company. Collecting any craft from sea shells is a new interesting activity.

A night vision in which the dreamer had a chance to take pearls out of a shell portends mutual love. If the dreamer observed pearl beads made with his own hands, the existing romantic relationship will last a long time and bring a lot of positive emotions.

Do not be afraid of a dream in which you cut yourself with a shell, even if you saw a lot of blood. The interpretation of such a dream is very encouraging - pleasant chores are expected associated with the arrival of long-awaited guests or other joyful events.

Miller's dream book

According to the interpretation provided by this dream book, the shells with which the sea shallow is strewn portend prosperity and well-being. The resources that the dreamer invested in various activities will return in multiples.

Walking along the coast and picking up shells is an unkind sign. You will regret wasted time and money, as your lifestyle is full of extravagance and craving for luxury.

Dream Interpretation Kananita

To see shells under water or on the sand - in reality to deal with minor, but very annoying interference in work or another project. Stringing on a thread, collecting beads for yourself - interfere with the implementation of your idea with excessive fuss. If you were preparing beads for another person, in reality you will interfere with someone from the environment. The dream in which he had a chance to collect shells suggests that the dreamer first comes up with problems for himself, and then he has to solve them.

French dream book

Sea shells, appearing in dreams, promise a long and exciting journey. An empty shell portends an irrational waste of time, its loss. The shell, inside which the mollusk was located, portends good luck and success.

Shellfish shells in dreams are a very auspicious sign that promises good health and success.

You can find out why shells are still dreaming of in almost any dream book.

What did the seashells look like?

Some interpreters interpret shell dreams as a reflection of a person's true experiences and hidden emotions in real life. Helping to deal with the state of the inner world is quite simple: you just need to pay attention to the appearance of the dreaming shells.

  • Beautiful shells - secret feelings and dreams. If such a vision leaves pleasant sensations after itself, it means that happy moments await you in reality;
  • Unattractive or broken shells in a dream are a symbol of failure and deceived hopes. Perhaps excessive isolation prevents you from fully surrendering to emotions and feeling good luck;
  • Seeing colorful and unusual mollusk shells is a success in your personal life. For a man, this dream promises a chance to conquer the woman of his dreams, and for a lady - a meeting with a handsome prince;
  • A huge seashell is the perfect time to show off your talents and skills. Be sure that others will appreciate them.

In general, most interpretations regarding what shells dream of, especially large ones, have a positive meaning. One of the dream books considers such a dream as a symbol of receiving a substantial sum of money and moral satisfaction in reality.

Shells in different dream books

And although each interpreter gives his own prediction about a dream with shells, you can see some similarities between them. However, some dream books stand out for their unusual and even bold interpretations. So, for example, Freud compares the shell with the female genital organs.

If in a dream it was filled, it means that the girl has no gynecological problems, and if the shell is empty, this is a warning about potential problems in intimate life or feeling unwell. The esoteric dream book interprets the dream of shells as a sign of minor troubles and minor obstacles at work. According to the Wanderer's dream book, a shell is the personification of the absence or loss of trust of a loved one. But to see a beautiful shell in a dream, on the contrary, means success and good luck for the purposes considered by the dreamer earlier.

Find a shell - what predicts

A dream has completely different interpretations, in which the dreamer has to look for mollusk shells. Collecting or looking for them on the sea coast means nothing more than a warning about the thoughtless and aimless waste of money. The dreamer should soon abandon large and expensive purchases in order to save the budget.

  • Collecting shells in a dream is a mismanagement of your own time. Most of your life is occupied with empty activities that do not bring any benefit. It is worth adjusting your daily routine, otherwise a very difficult period in life may come;
  • Cut yourself on a shell - attempts to run away from problems or ignore their presence. In reality, this can cause prolonged depression or difficult experiences for the dreamer;
  • Making a necklace from shells - excessive fussiness prevents you from turning your plans into reality;
  • Finding a shell with a pearl inside in the sea is happiness and mutual love.

The French dream book considers a shell with pearls as an opportunity to visit distant countries, learn and see something new in reality.

Wangi's dream book about shells

The famous fortune teller Vanga believed that a shell in a dream is a good and very good sign for any person. Knowing what shells dream of, you can significantly improve your real life. According to the dream book of the Bulgarian soothsayer, if the shell was filled in a dream, it means that your life will very soon become like a full bowl: for a long time you are guaranteed a comfortable existence. Let us turn to other interpretations of Vanga's dream book about shells:

  • The sink turned out to be empty - financial loss or excessive spending. This may reflect badly on your material well-being;
  • Seeing the sea coast strewn with shells is a favorable ending to business, as well as receiving a reward for your labors;
  • Shells sparsely scattered on the sand - you should be more careful about expenses. Refuse to spend money on unnecessary things in order to avoid feelings of remorse later.

Dream interpretation shells

As the dream book assures, shells in dreams carry both favorable interpretations and negative meanings, warning of danger hanging over the dreamer's head. To deal with the symbolism of night visions, a complete restoration of the general picture of dreams in memory will be required. Remembering how the "houses" of the inhabitants of the depths looked like, you can learn about the state of the body and spirit, open the veil of the future.

Whole sea shells in dreams speak of good health, portend longevity, calm old age in the circle of relatives.

If a closed shell is seen, then good luck will accompany any undertakings, an open shell with pearls promises profit, success.

General value

According to the small Velesov interpreter, empty shells found on the coast hint at a loss of trust. A living mollusk is identified with long-awaited changes for the better. What other popular meanings of dreams about underwater inhabitants exist?

Find a beautiful one on the coast

  • Since in reality the shells filter the water, the dreamer's subconscious, showing a similar plot, hints that you should not take everything on faith, trust the words.
  • Finding a beautiful shell in a dream means gaining faith, meeting love.
  • As the interpreter for lovers says, if you dream of shells on the shallows, then the person will be disappointed in the perfect choice.

Modern interpreters equate beautiful mollusks with well-being, nondescript shells will remind you of a feeling of loneliness, emptiness, sadness.

What various interpreters will tell

When dreams are filled with images of all kinds of algae, mollusks, crabs on the shallows, Miller's interpreter assures that a lot of profitable offers will follow a series of failures.

Which sea dweller portends happiness, and what dreams will make a sleeping person shed tears?

  • For people born in the fall, a plot vision with eating shellfish means an increase in fortune.
  • If you dream of a hollow shell without traces of life, the interpreter of May-September birthday people warns that you should not close yourself in, refuse help.
  • The meaning for those born in winter is simple: they found a mollusk in dreams - the disease of the joints will worsen.
  • As the French dream book says, shells dream before moving, an exciting journey.
  • The esoteric interpreter considers the shell lying on the sand as a signal of obstacles that have arisen on the way.

I dreamed of a huge living mollusk

The interpreter of Bitch associates a huge clam in an iridescent shell with the fulfillment of a cherished desire.

Plot Features

The human subconscious is unique in nature, but there are images that have been known since childhood. Thanks to the work of memory, associative links in the brain and interpretations provided by dream books, the dreamer will select the appropriate meaning.

When a sea shell of a bizarre shape was on a dish, then in reality you will find yourself “on a horse”, the fate of people will depend on the decisions you make.

A shell that cannot be opened will hint at complexes that do not allow one to show talents and decide on changes.

The size and appearance of the sink

The modern dream book compares shells broken, turned by the wind with an upcoming streak of bad luck. You should not fall into despair, quit halfway through the work you have begun, because unexpected bad luck will not accompany you for long, especially if the water in a dream gradually washes the inhabitants of the oceans into the sea.

A living "house" in dreams symbolizes prosperity: for entrepreneurs - business expansion, for housewives - this is a sign of a calm life, a happy marriage, for young ladies, an inhabited home will tell about entering a university, the beginning of their own path.

Actions in dreams

When figuring out what clams dream of, pay attention to your own actions.

So, wearing a keychain or pendant in the form of a shell in a dream is a harbinger of love adventures.

The lost shell in the story promises changes, and what kind they will be, it will be possible to understand thanks to the emotional state. If the event saddens you, then you will soon say goodbye to your lover. Having experienced relief in dreams, you will be able to feel euphoria, a rush of adrenaline.

The female interpreter warns those who are lucky enough to collect the necklace, since a vision of this kind hints at wasted time.

How did you get the clam

Look for hollow shellfish houses to listen to the sound of the sea - a sleeping person is surrounded by lies, enemies spread gossip behind their backs.

Why dream of collecting gifts of the deep sea, the meanings from the dream book will tell you:

Collect in a dream and find a pearl in them

  • It's time to fight superstitions, - the interpreter calls when he dreams of the aimless process of collecting shells on the coast.
  • Collecting shells and finding pearls is a good sign, love will be mutual.
  • Too wasteful is the person who constantly dreams of walking along the shore strewn with the remains of mollusks.

To create a beautiful necklace in dreams means excessive fussiness, useless experiences that only spoil the nervous system.

watch the shells

If the dreamer acts as an outside observer of catching mollusks, then in reality a similar fate awaits him, where all important events will pass by.

A shell in the water will tell that the sleeper feels confident, is in his place.

To throw the found "house" back into the sea - it will be possible to compensate for the damage caused, to restore justice.

Unexpected interpretations

Ignoring the problem is not a way out, - this is how the dream book interprets the shells, about which, according to the plot, the visitor to the kingdom of Morpheus cut himself.

Multi-colored shells speak of a riot of vital energy, a great desire to work for the benefit of mankind.

A person who opened a mollusk with a pearl with his hands will soon be able to visit the fabulous beauty of the place.

Vanga's interpreter equates shells without inhabitants to an empty wallet, that is, hard, moneyless times will come.

The English interpreter, on the contrary, associates hollow space with limitless possibilities for further personal growth.

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