Inclusions of blood in the stool of a newborn. Feces with blood in the baby: blotches of mucus and hidden causes

Drops, streaks or blood clots in the feces of a baby can cause a real state of shock in parents. However, one should not rush to premature conclusions. Perhaps there is a temporary reaction to some stimulus. And sometimes the appearance of blood in the feces of a newborn is a symptom of the development of internal pathology, when it is necessary to sound the alarm as soon as possible.

Causes of blood in the stool in a newborn

Blood in the form of streaks or clots may be present directly in the feces of the newborn. And then parents easily identify it. However, blood from the internal organs of the digestive system does not come out with feces in the form of clots or veins; it stains the stool black or brown. Severe bleeding accompanies the entire process of defecation, and even after the release of feces, blood can still ooze from the anus. Such manifestations indicate the presence of serious problems with internal organs.

There can be many reasons for the appearance of blood in the feces of the baby. Only a qualified specialist can understand their origin. Conventionally, by origin, blood discharge from the anus can be differentiated into physiological and mechanical. In this case, the feces are formed differently. Diarrhea and constipation may also appear, replacing each other randomly. Important characteristics of feces that parents should constantly monitor are odor, texture, color, and the presence of undigested food fragments. It is extremely important for parents to timely monitor unusual manifestations in the feces in newborn babies.

Uncharacteristic symptoms indicate the development of dangerous pathologies:

  • hepatitis A;
  • hemorrhages;
  • sepsis;
  • adhesive processes in the intestine;
  • malignant tumors in the digestive tract;
  • intestinal volvulus;
  • helminthic invasions;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • ulcers of the stomach or duodenum;
  • perforation of the walls of the digestive tract.

A specific disease is Hirschsprung's disease. This is a congenital pathology that develops in the developing embryo in the womb.

Blackening of feces is often caused by the intake of certain pharmacological preparations, which include iron. Incorrectly selected adapted mixtures for formula-fed babies are often the root cause of variability in fecal masses.

Among the most common causes of bloody streaks in an infant up to a year old is a food allergy to cow's milk protein. This applies to children who are both breastfed and bottle-fed. The composition of adapted infant formulas for newborns includes cow's or goat's milk. In mother's milk, protein from the diet passes into breast milk and is then transported during feeding to the baby's body.

Allergic reactions in this case are very insidious. After all, against the background of an allergy, the mucous membranes of the small and large intestines become inflamed, and thin blood vessels begin to bleed. If measures are not taken in time to eliminate allergies, the risk of ulcerative formations is high. Parents need to carefully examine their baby if he is prone to allergic reactions. The development of comorbidities may be accompanied by unpleasant symptoms.

In infants who are gradually being introduced to complementary foods, specific reactions of the fragile mucosa of the digestive system are possible. Caution should be introduced into the diet of a newborn such vegetables as:

  • beets;
  • carrot;
  • apple;
  • blueberries;
  • tomatoes;
  • strawberries;
  • blackcurrant.

However, if the presence of blood in the feces is associated precisely with the intake of these products, parents do not need to worry. After a few days, the baby's stool should return to normal. The danger exists in cases where, along with red or black feces, there is a decrease in appetite, an increase in body temperature and other signs of intoxication.

The release of blood clots with feces in a child from the lower organs of the gastrointestinal tract indicates lesions in the area:

  • anal canal;
  • rectum;
  • large intestine.

Bloody discharge from the lower gastrointestinal tract has a bright red or scarlet color, as well as a glandular consistency. Internal bleeding in the digestive tract stains feces black or dark brown. This is a fact of damage to blood vessels in the following organs:

  • esophagus
  • stomach
  • duodenum;
  • small intestine;
  • liver.

Gastric juice enters into a chemical reaction with hemoglobin, which leads to the formation of hematin hydrochloride, which gives black color to the feces at the exit. Such manifestations should not be ignored by parents, as they represent a mortal danger to the life of the baby.

Permissible norms for the state of feces in newborns

In newborn babies, meconium is excreted in the first week of life, which is commonly called "original feces." It has a characteristic dark green color, and sometimes completely black, which can greatly frighten inexperienced parents, however, this phenomenon is considered a physiological norm.

After a few more weeks of independent life outside the mother’s body, “late melena” is released during defecation. Often, babies behave extremely restlessly and even painfully, which should alert parents. In any case, the coprogram will show the true state of affairs. Table No. 1 presents in detail the main indicators of fecal masses of newborns who are breastfed and artificially fed.

Table No. 1. The main indicators of fecal masses of newborns who are breastfed and artificially fed
IndexBreastfed babiesFormula-fed babies

Physical and chemical properties

Quantity 70-90 grams/day, 15-20 grams/single serving
Consistency Sticky and viscous putty
Color Golden yellow, yellowish greenish, yellow tan
Smell Sourish Putrefactive
Reaction Sour Sour
Bilirubin Present Present
Sterkobilin Present Present
Soluble protein Absent Absent
Medium pH 4,80-5,80 6,80-7,50
Microscopic characteristic
Muscle fibers Little or no amount
Neutral Fats single drops single drops
Fatty acid Small amount of small crystals
Soaps In a small amount In a small amount
Slime Fragments Often missing
Leukocytes Singles Singles

In turn, table No. 2 shows the allowable indicators of fecal masses in newborns. Significant deviations from acceptable norms require immediate hospitalization and inpatient treatment under the close supervision of specialists.

Table number 2. Characteristics of feces in newborns
IndexNewborn babies
Pathogenic enterobacteria 0
Total amount of Escherichia coli 3-4 x 106/g
Lactose-positive E. coli 107-108
Lactose-negative E. coli ≤ 5%
E. coli without enzymatic activity ≤ 10%
Hemolytic E. coli 0
Cytobacter ≤ 104
coccal microorganisms ≤ 25%
Bifidumbacteria 1010-1011
Lactoflora 106-107
Bacteroids 107-108
Enterococci 105-107
eubacteria 106-107
Peptostreptococci < 10
Clostridia ≤ 103
Staphylococci ≤ 104
Staphylococcus aureus 0
Yeast-like fungi (Candida) ≤ 103
Klebsiella ≤ 104
Enterobacter ≤ 104
Grafnia ≤ 104
Serration ≤ 104
Proteus ≤ 104

It is important to understand that normally bloody impurities in infants in the feces should not occur.

Symptoms in pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract

Symptoms of eating disorders are significantly different from signs of allergic reactions, injuries of internal organs. You should immediately seek specialist help when spotting occurs accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • repeated vomiting;
  • liquid stool;
  • increased gas formation;
  • general weakness;
  • tearfulness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • frequent false urge to defecate;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • weight loss;
  • pain during defecation;
  • itching and rashes in the anus;
  • dryness and peeling of the skin;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • lowering blood pressure and body temperature (with severe blood loss);
  • fever;
  • colic in the abdominal cavity;
  • constipation;
  • diarrhea.

Toddlers in serious conditions are on the verge between life and death. In no case should parents expect that the inflammation will go away on its own or proceed to self-medication.

Diarrhea of ​​infectious origin leads to a rapid loss of fluid by the baby's body, creating a critical condition in most cases.

Methods for diagnosing diseases when blood appears in the feces in infants

Unfortunately, it is very difficult to carry out any diagnostic methods in infants. Usually, specialists draw up a general picture of the child's condition from the observations of the parents. Diagnostic methods for the appearance of blood in the feces in newborns are reduced to the following measures:

  • rectal palpation;
  • sigmoidoscopy;
  • coprogram;
  • hydrogen test;
  • lactose test;
  • biopsy of the small intestine;
  • fibrogastrodeodenoscopy;
  • general analysis of blood and urine;
  • analysis of feces for "hidden" blood.

It is advisable to carry out diagnostics in stationary conditions in order to avoid complications.

Treatment and prevention

Therapeutic measures to eliminate bloody feces are prescribed depending on the diagnosis and the results of diagnostic methods. Even in the presence of minor bleeding in an infant, a visit to the doctor is mandatory.

When the intestine is twisted, the blood vessels are crushed and die off, which causes necrosis of significant sections of the intestinal walls. And this will eventually lead to death without adequate treatment. In such situations, specialists decide on the surgical elimination of the pathology. If the condition is not too advanced, experienced gastroenterologists perform a special procedure for straightening the wrapped section of the intestine using a device that blows air into the intestinal cavity.

Adequate therapy for the appearance of blood in the feces in infants is complex. Also, parents need to be patient and clearly follow all the doctor's prescriptions. If the staining in black or purple of the baby's feces is caused by the use of certain foods by the mother during lactation, then there is no cause for concern. Correction of the woman's diet should bring the baby's feces to an acceptable rate after a few days.

When intestinal infections are detected, special prescriptions are made for drugs that are acceptable at such an early age.

When the mother's bleeding nipples are the root cause of the appearance of blood in the feces in an infant, several measures should be taken to eliminate this defect. Breastfeeding should not be stopped, it is enough just to purchase special silicone breast pads and treat the affected areas with natural-based moisturizers.

Calendula ointment, sophora extract, ointments with the addition of an extract of chamomile flowers, sage, St. John's wort are ideal. In any case, even such appointments should be made by a specialist. Herbal infusions are easily absorbed into the blood, and the active substances are transferred to the baby, which, in turn, can cause various unforeseen reactions of the body.

When the cause is lactose deficiency, breastfeeding is stopped or corrected by the doctor. Often it is necessary to abandon mother's milk, replacing it with adapted mixtures without the content of dairy components. Also, mom will have to exclude all dairy products from the diet, including even hard cheeses and butter.

Constipation in infants is a fairly common reaction of the fragile mucosa of the digestive tract to the mother's diet and complementary foods. Many foods are capable of causing stool retention.

In principle, each specific case requires an individual approach and therapeutic prescriptions. Properly carried out diagnostic measures are the key to successfully overcoming the problem.

Caring for a baby in the first months of his life requires increased responsibility and vigilance from parents. Not only the state of health of the newborn, but often his life depends on the timely noticed dangerous sign. The resources in the body to overcome dangerous internal pathologies at this age are very insignificant. Therefore, the baby's immune system is not ready to fully defend itself. It will be impossible to do without medical help in case of serious pathologies. The most important thing is that it be provided as quickly as possible. Normally, blood in the feces of an infant is not detected at all!

Parents who notice the appearance of blood in the child's feces should pay attention to the color of the stool and its consistency, the general condition of the child, the presence of concomitant symptoms - vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, fever. An accurate diagnosis will require an examination of the child by a pediatrician, the results of stool and blood tests, information about the mother's condition during pregnancy and the circumstances of childbirth.

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    Common Causes

    In the feces of the baby, blood may be present in the form of red streaks or blood clots; appear during the process of defecation or stain the feces. In the first two cases, this may mean that the bleeding is localized in the lower parts of the digestive system (colon, rectum, anus), and the blood comes out undigested. In the blood flowing out of the stomach and small intestine (upper digestive tract), the main blood component, hemoglobin, has time to oxidize. The iron in its composition gives the stool a black color.

    Some substances can make stools dark, black, or red, and undigested pieces of food can be mistaken for blood clots. Such substances include activated charcoal, certain antibiotics, iron-containing foods and drugs; foods and drinks with artificial colors; beets, dark chocolate, apples, bananas, blueberries, blackberries, black currants, cherries, black cherries, black grapes, beef liver.

    Dark colored stools on the diaper after taking iron supplements

    Mother's nipple cracks

    In the first weeks of life the newborn actively suckles the breast, which leads to painful bleeding cracks in the nipples of the nursing woman. Blood, along with milk, enters the stomach of the baby and exits with feces in the form of thin veins. A woman needs to endure this period, lubricate the cracks with wound healing ointment (Bepanten), ventilate the nipples while the child is sleeping. Some breastfeeding mothers find silicone pads helpful. Gradually, the skin of the nipples coarsens, the cracks heal and the pain disappears.

    Treatment of the child is not required, the mother's condition should be normalized.

    Damage to the mucous membrane of the rectum and anus

    A common cause of bloody stools in a child is an anal fissure or, less commonly, rupture of the rectal mucosa by fecal stones due to constipation. The child during a bowel movement strongly strains, his face turns red; he is in pain, grimaces and cries. The blood in the stool will be fresh, superficial. You can find bright red droplets in a diaper and on a napkin during hygiene procedures.

    Fresh drops of blood in the stool and on the diaper with anal fissures

    Constipation and hard feces are unusual for breastfed babies. Even if the child does not defecate every day, but he is in good health, there is no vomiting and fever, then any color and uniform consistency of the stool are considered within the normal range. An important indicator of normal digestion is weight gain.

    With artificial feeding, constipation in children occurs frequently. Milk formula contains a large amount of fatty acids and a variety of additives. Such food is difficult for the baby's gastrointestinal tract to digest, especially when there is a lack of fluid. Trying to find the optimal nutrition for the child, parents often change the mixture, which negatively affects the work of the fragile intestines. Simple recommendations that have proven their effectiveness are given by Dr. Evgeny Komarovsky. It is necessary to lay the baby on the stomach more often, do a circular massage of the tummy, perform breeding and bending the legs. These exercises are aimed at increasing the tone of the intestines.

    Flexion and extension of the legs to improve intestinal motility

    If the child receives breast milk, then the mother needs to establish a diet by consuming liquid, sour-milk products, prunes and dried apricots. With artificial feeding, the child should be offered water, and the mixture should be diluted with more liquid than indicated on the package.

    After 6 months, the gradual introduction of complementary foods begins, which determines the functioning of the digestive system and affects the condition of the stool. Incorrectly introduced complementary foods can also cause constipation in a child on breastfeeding.

    When the stool after constipation acquires a normal consistency, the blood in the stool, caused by cracks in the mucous membrane, will disappear. The problem is eliminated with the help of wound healing suppositories or ointments. With severe pain, local analgesics are prescribed. Regular hygiene procedures are required. In case of irritation and redness of the skin around the anus, you should use a baby cream, wash the inflamed area with a decoction of chamomile, dry it by applying a clean towel, and not by wiping. The main treatment is directed to the normalization of the stool.

    You should not give your child drugs that improve the intestinal microflora. In the first year of life, microflora is formed in the intestines and immunity is developed. Intervention with probiotics is undesirable, they should be taken only as directed and in strict accordance with the dosage.

    Allergy to cow's milk protein (CMP)

    This is another common cause of bloody streaks in infant stools. A An allergy to cow protein can occur in formula-fed infants (it contains cow's milk protein) and in breast-fed infants (the protein enters breast milk from the mother's diet).

    Intolerance to cow protein occurs due to a lack of enzymes necessary for its digestion. The immune system perceives cow protein as foreign and triggers a defensive reaction. Dietary protein-induced proctocolitis (PIPD) develops - a disease caused by an immune response that causes rectal bleeding in infants. It is associated with inflammation of the colon mucosa: the vessels become thinner and begin to bleed. The blood loss is small. Blood in the stool may be hidden, mixed with mucus, or be visible as inclusions and streaks. External manifestations of this allergy are rashes on the cheeks, under the knees, in the elbows. First, dryness of the skin is noted, then weeping areas, crusts can form.

    The main treatment for CMPA is to eliminate the allergen - dairy dishes and products containing milk. It is necessary to carefully study the composition of the products on the packaging, since cow's milk protein is found in semi-finished products, sausage, and cookies. The doctor will prescribe therapeutic external agents for the treatment of inflammation on the skin. Most allergic children stop responding to cow's milk protein by the age of 6 years.

    lactase deficiency

    Sometimes confused with bovine protein allergy, lactase deficiency occurs when there is blood in the stool. Lactase is a special enzyme produced in the small intestine of a child for the breakdown and assimilation of substances that come with breast milk. Acquired lactase deficiency occurs when the breakdown and absorption of lactose (milk sugar) is partially or completely absent. Undigested lactose enters the large intestine in a significant amount, creating a nutrient medium for the reproduction of microorganisms. As a result, increased gas formation occurs, accompanied by pain in the intestines, liquefaction and acidification of the stool. Sour stools cause damage and bleeding of the intestinal walls. During and after feeding, the baby cries and expresses anxiety, presses his legs to his tummy.

    Lactase deficiency is accompanied by symptoms:

    • frequent, liquid, sour-smelling stools of a child (sometimes during feeding);
    • the presence in the feces of fragments of undigested milk;
    • increased gas formation, swollen abdomen;
    • poor weight gain by a child or its complete absence.

    The conclusion about the need for treatment and the appropriate diet is given by the doctor. Usually, it is not recommended to refuse breastfeeding, but lactase preparations (Lactase Enzyme, Lactase Baby) are prescribed, which are used with each feeding. Doses of the drug are selected individually, and as the condition improves, the dosage decreases.

    Condition after vaccination

    Parents sometimes note blood in the child's stool after vaccination. The gastrointestinal tract of an infant is still sensitive and unstable, so the vaccine can cause digestive disorders. Weakened pathogens contained in the vaccine can affect the intestinal mucosa. If the child had digestive problems before the injection (for infants, this is bloating, colic or constipation), then his intestines are weakened, and the vaccine can provoke loose stools. This condition should improve within a day when taking drugs that help with diarrhea (Bactisubtil, etc.), and you should not worry. If the color of the feces has changed or blood impurities have appeared, and diarrhea cannot be stopped during this time, you should consult a doctor.

    The introduction of any vaccine causes inflammation of a mild degree, and with a tendency to allergies, various reactions from the body are possible.

    peptic ulcer

    Disease of the mucous membrane of the stomach and (or) duodenum, when defects (ulcers) appear in it. Ulcerative lesions lead to constant, but insignificant blood loss. It is observed very rarely in childhood and infancy.

    If parents suspect a peptic ulcer in a child, it is necessary to visit a consultation with a gastroenterologist. An endoscopic examination may be ordered.

    Polyp of the rectum

    Another reason for the presence of blood in the stool is the proliferation of epithelial cells in the mucous membrane of the intestinal wall, in the form of a single or multiple outgrowth - a polyp. In children, polyps can be a congenital disease that is inherited, and it usually manifests itself at the age of 3 years. Polyps can be acquired after dysentery, intestinal inflammation or helminthic infection.

    If the polyp becomes inflamed, the child will be disturbed by discomfort and bleeding during bowel movements. The most threatening complication is the degeneration of polyp cells into malignant ones. To prevent all these complications, it is necessary to remove the overgrowth. The operation is scheduled as soon as the diagnosis is confirmed. In children, it passes under anesthesia.

    When is emergency medical attention needed?

    Bloody traces in the feces may indicate serious diseases and damage to the mucous membrane of one of the sections of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Intestinal intussusception

    This is the introduction of one section of the intestine into the lumen of another, causing intestinal obstruction (intestinal volvulus). It occurs mainly in children from 4 months. Begins suddenly with a fit of anxiety: the child cries, cries out, refuses to eat, his skin turns pale. An anxiety attack just as suddenly ends, pain and all unpleasant symptoms recede. Over time, "light" intervals become less frequent. 5-6 hours after the first attack, vomiting appears with food debris, then an admixture of bile and intestinal contents appear, which enters the stomach. Instead of feces, blood comes out with mucus, similar to raspberry-colored jelly.

    The introduction of one part of the intestine into another

    The disease requires immediate hospitalization at the first sign; home treatment will worsen the condition and take time, as surgery is required.


    One of the most common bacterial intestinal infections, especially among babies: older children try to follow the rules of hygiene, take foreign objects and fingers into their mouths less often. The disease is more common in summer and autumn, when not always washed vegetables and fruits, fresh milk, unboiled water are eaten, and the air temperature is favorable for bacteria to multiply. Bacteria enter the human body when hygiene rules are not followed, with food, water or when sharing household items. The incubation period for dysentery lasts from several hours to 7 days. The more microbes entered the body, the faster the disease appears.

    Inflammation of the intestinal walls disrupts its functions: peristalsis increases, stool becomes more frequent, mucus and blood appear in it, intestinal spasm and pain occur. In young children, the disease can cause a violation of metabolic processes and the activity of the cardiovascular system.

    Symptoms: the child feels worse, the temperature rises to 39 ° C and lasts for 2-3 days, cramping pains in the abdomen increase, there is vomiting. The chair becomes more frequent up to 10 or more times a day. The symptoms last for several days, and blood-streaked mucus is visible in the stools. Treatment of dysentery is carried out at home or in a hospital, depending on the severity of the disease and the age of the child.

    Treatment includes taking medications (antibacterial and symptomatic in the age dosage), diet, in the acute stage - bed rest. With symptoms of dehydration, it is necessary to give the patient glucose-salt solutions to drink: Regidron, Oralit (1 sachet of the drug is dissolved in 1 liter of warm boiled water). The volume of the necessary liquid will be prescribed by the doctor.

    The patient is completely cured after the disappearance of the symptoms of the disease, the normalization of the general condition and upon receipt of a negative result of bacteriological culture of feces. Complete recovery of the intestinal mucosa lasts up to 3 months, although the child is considered recovered after 3-4 weeks from the onset of the disease in the absence of complications.

    Hemorrhagic diathesis

    Congenital or acquired disease with a tendency to external and internal bleeding. In patients, bruises and bruises on the body appear for no apparent reason, and the size and number of bruises as a result of minor injuries and touches do not correspond to the damage. With this disease, the body lacks vitamin K, which is necessary for normal blood clotting. The liver of an infant is not yet able to produce it in the right amount, and its content in breast milk is not enough. Hemorrhagic diathesis is accompanied by gastrointestinal bleeding. The reason to consult a doctor (hematologist) and take tests (urine, blood - general and biochemistry) are the following symptoms:

    • bruising without any reason;
    • prolonged bleeding after minor soft tissue damage;
    • blood in stool and urine;
    • pallor of the skin.

    Skin manifestation of hemorrhages in hemorrhagic disease

    If left untreated, a life-threatening condition can develop. With numerous internal and external bleeding, there is a threat of hemorrhages in the brain and internal organs - the liver, adrenal glands, spleen. Vomiting of blood, pulmonary and intestinal bleeding may occur. The patient is hospitalized and inpatient measures are taken to stop bleeding and restore blood loss. With acquired forms of hemorrhagic diathesis, the underlying disease is treated. After relief of the condition, the manifestations of hemorrhagic diathesis disappear.

Blood in the stool of a child should not be ignored, because its presence can be a symptom of serious illness. In most cases, streaks of blood in an infant's stool are not a health hazard. There are situations when a comprehensive examination is required to find the cause and prescribe the correct treatment.

If blood is found in the feces of a newborn, parents need to ask themselves a number of questions. How much blood and what color is it? Does it have the character of veins or inclusions in the form of clots? What is the consistency? Is there an admixture of mucus? Does your child have constipation or diarrhea? What is the general condition of the baby? By the way, the doctor will ask the same questions when examining the baby.

What is rectal bleeding

By the color and nature of the blood in the stool, you can determine from which parts of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) bleeding. This is important for proper diagnosis and treatment.

  • from the lower gastrointestinal tract. The cause of bleeding can be localized in the anus, rectum and colon. The scarlet color of blood in the form of impurities and streaks in the feces is characteristic.
  • from the upper gastrointestinal tract. Possible bleeding from the esophagus, stomach, duodenum, small intestine. The stool has a pronounced black color, in medicine it is called melena. It is obtained by converting hemoglobin into hematin hydrochloride. This type of bleeding is considered more dangerous.

The original feces of a newborn (meconium) can be mistaken for tarry feces with bleeding from the upper gastrointestinal tract. Meconium is a black, tar-like, viscous stool that is odorless. It disappears 2-3 days after birth. If meconium appears again after a few weeks, you should definitely consult a doctor.

False alarm

What can affect stool color?

How to check that the reason is in the diet or medication? Cancel foods and drugs and observe the color of the bowel movements. If within a few days the color of the stool remains the same, you need to consult a doctor.

Causes of blood in the stool of the baby

Blood in the stool of the baby can appear for a variety of reasons and be an additional symptom of various diseases.

The causes of blood in a child's stool can be more or less serious. But you cannot ignore them.

What to do if you find blood in the stool

It is necessary to observe the behavior of the baby, adequately assess his condition and the level of his own anxiety.

  • Play it safe. Blood streaks in a child's stool are a common and in most cases harmless symptom. But even if the presence of blood in the feces seems insignificant, it is better to play it safe and see a pediatrician.
  • Dangerous symptoms. If, in addition to the admixture of blood in the feces, the child has vomiting, diarrhea, high fever, lethargy, pallor of the skin, you should immediately seek emergency help.

Do not self-medicate! It is better not to resort to folk methods of eliminating blood in the baby's stool, do not look for advice on non-specialized forums. Until the true causes are identified, attempting home-grown treatments can only worsen the situation. If blood in the stool of the baby is present for a long time, you should immediately seek medical help.

Diagnosis and examination: 7 important steps

The cause of rectal bleeding can be determined using laboratory tests. But first of all, an examination and questioning of a specialist is necessary.

  1. Pediatric consultation. A visit to the pediatrician is necessary in any case. The doctor will decide which tests to prescribe, give a referral to an appointment with narrow specialists.
  2. Allergist consultation. It is indicated if, in addition to blood in the stool, there are skin rashes, signs of atopic dermatitis. A specialist can help identify the causes of food allergies.
  3. Gastroenterologist consultation. It is necessary to exclude the possibility of bleeding from the upper gastrointestinal tract, as well as the presence of serious congenital pathologies of the digestive system.
  4. Hematologist consultation. It is indicated if there is a suspicion of poor blood clotting - hemorrhagic disease of the newborn.
  5. Analysis for lactase deficiency. It will help to identify the level of undigested lactose (milk sugar), which leads to bloating, colic, blood in the stool. Based on the results of the analysis, doses of enzymes are prescribed to facilitate the process of digestion and assimilation of lactose.
  6. Analysis for dysbacteriosis. Sowing for dysbacteriosis will show the composition of the flora, identify pathogenic pathogens.
  7. Worms analysis. It will help to identify if there is a helminthic invasion, and accordingly carry out treatment.

The doctors themselves assess the blood in the child's stool as a complex clinical case that is difficult to diagnose. Sometimes, during examinations, “hidden blood” is detected in the baby’s stool, that is, it cannot be seen visually.

Blood in the feces of a baby should not frighten parents and plunge into panic. The surest strategy is to see a pediatrician. If the blood in the stool is repeated many times, the child loses weight and feels unwell, an extended examination will be needed to find out the cause.


Any change in the baby's stool causes concern for parents. Many start to panic if they see blood in the feces of a baby. True, sometimes parents are just afraid of a dark stool, but in most cases it is absolutely not dangerous.

Discharge with blood

If you only saw changes in the stool once, then do not worry. But the regular appearance of mucus or blood may indicate a number of problems.

So, for example, a scarlet admixture most often indicates a damaged anus or rectal wall. Such a problem may arise due to the fact that the baby has constipation. Too hard feces for it can damage the walls of the intestine or anus and lead to a small local bleeding.

In this case, it is necessary to review the mother's menu if the baby is breastfed. Wrong introduction of complementary foods It can also cause blood to appear in the feces of the baby.

The reasons may lie in the use of a mixture that is not suitable for the baby. In this case, it will need to be replaced. But this should be done only on the recommendation of a pediatrician.

blood streaks

Some mothers are faced with the fact that incomprehensible strings appear in the discharge of the baby. They are darker than the rest of the stool. Most likely, these are streaks of blood. There are many reasons why blood appears in the feces of a baby in this form. The most common is cow's milk intolerance.

It is not necessary to introduce this product into the baby's diet for problems to begin. They appear even when the baby is breastfed, and the mother, on the advice of a pediatrician, drinks tea with milk to improve lactation. Also, cow's milk protein gets crumbs if a nursing mother eats butter, cheese, natural sour cream. When veins appear, all these products must be discarded. With artificial feeding, it is important to choose a formula that is not based on cow's milk protein.

Incidentally, most often fecal analysis shows a large number of leukocytes. If these two signs coincide, dairy products should be excluded as soon as possible. Of course, if the problem persists, then you need to look for other causes. But milk allergy is quite common.

Other causes of veins

If you notice changes in the stool, then it is advisable to check if there is hidden blood in the feces of the baby. This can be done using a special analysis.

Blood streaks may appear due to inflammatory bowel disease. This may be a sign of dysbacteriosis, colitis, dysentery, balantidiasis, amoebiasis. An accurate diagnosis can be established by the results of the examination. Most often, doctors recommend doing a coprogram.

In children older than two years, juvenile polyps formed in the large intestine may be the cause. As a rule, they do not cause any discomfort and are not dangerous. But in some cases, it is still recommended to remove them.

Blood in the feces of a baby in the form of streaks may appear with the progression of an intestinal infection. It occurs in children who begin to give adult food. An intestinal infection is accompanied by fever, vomiting, pain, and diarrhea.


If the discharge of the baby resembles raspberry jelly, then you should immediately go to the hospital. This is one of the signs volvulus. As a rule, this happens with children who are bottle-fed. It is difficult to miss this problem, because the symptoms of volvulus are always pronounced. The problem is accompanied by sudden anxiety, crying, a complete refusal to eat.

In this case, the child needs surgical intervention, so it is impossible to hesitate with the advice of specialists.

The appearance of mucus

Any impurities in the feces of children alarm parents. But at the same time, you need to know that mucus is a normal component of these secretions. Do not worry if you notice mucus and blood in the feces of a baby in the first days after birth. When meconium begins to change into other secretions, then you need to be prepared for any surprises. Lumps of mucus and other inclusions may appear in it. If these are isolated manifestations, then there is no reason to panic. If parents are worried about something, then it is better to pass a coprogram.

But it is worth knowing that mucus is part of normal feces. It is necessary in order to protect the intestinal walls from the effects of aggressive acids and alkalis. If it is not enough, constipation may occur.

But if there is too much of it, then you need to check the health of the baby. This may indicate problems, for example, excessive mucus production is observed with salmonellosis.

Dark highlights

Sometimes parents, when dark stools appear, begin to worry that this is blood in the feces of the baby. Photos of the feces in which it was found can only convince them that the baby has serious problems.

In fact stool color may become darker due to the use of a number of foods. For example, bananas, which many give to six-month-old babies, can give stools a reddish tint. In some cases, it is enough for a nursing mother to eat a banana.

In addition, in most situations, food that has entered the child's digestive tract for the first time is not digested. Be prepared for any color or shape of stool if you start giving your baby beets, chocolate, or gelatin-based desserts. In addition, do not forget that color change is often a side effect when using a number of drugs. These include activated charcoal, iron preparations (for example, Sorbifer Durules, which is often prescribed for low hemoglobin), some vitamins and antibiotics.

If the baby has black loose stools, then this is a reason for panic. As a rule, this is a sign of massive bleeding from one of the gastrointestinal tract. Under the influence of hydrochloric acid, the discharge changes its color to black. In this case, it is important to figure out as soon as possible why the baby has blood in the stool. The cause may be erosion of the stomach, ulcers, varicose veins of the digestive system. Also to the appearance black feces can lead to the use of toxic substances and certain drugs.

hidden blood

In some cases, in the absence of visible changes in the secretions, problems are still present. So, for example, with non-intensive chronic bleeding, there may not be any manifestations. But the analysis can detect hidden blood in the stool. True, the probability of detecting it in infants is quite small. It appears, as a rule, with cancerous diseases of the digestive tract.

Tumors that appear in the colon begin to bleed in the early stages, at a time when the disease is still asymptomatic. But also occult blood indicates peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, intestinal tuberculosis, typhoid fever, helminth lesions.

Necessary examinations

Noticing even a small amount of blood in the feces of the baby, it is better to consult a pediatrician. If she appeared only once, then it is enough just to monitor the baby and his secretions. But when repeating the situation, you need to figure out what examinations you need.

When scarlet blood appears, it is enough to examine the anus of the baby. If there are even small cracks, then they are the source. But the appearance of veins requires a more detailed examination.

It is better to immediately hand over the coprogram. If, according to its results, it will be seen that leukocytes are present in large quantities in the feces, then it is better to exclude products that contain cow's milk from the baby's (or breastfeeding mother's) diet.

The same analysis also reveals occult blood, if it is in the stool. In some cases, according to the results of the coprogram, it is possible to establish the cause of what led to bleeding. If helminth eggs are found in the test material, they can damage the intestinal walls and cause blood to appear.