In a dream, covered with a wave of what. Why dream of white crests of a wave? See a tsunami in a dream

The sea and waves in night dreams are a sign of changes both within a person and around him. Such a dream can speak of the personal growth of the sleeper. However, a muddy and restless sea is a bad sign. Perhaps the dreamer is in for a stormy showdown or a serious danger. In order to understand exactly what the subconscious is talking about, sending this or that dream, it is important to remember all the details of night vision and turn to the dream book.

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      Who is the dreamer

      The same dream seen by a man and a woman can mean completely different things. This is especially true for such an ambiguous symbol as the sea.

      Dream Interpretations give different interpretations for men, married women and unmarried girls.

      Why spring is dreaming - interpretation from dream books


      If a married woman dreamed of big waves or even a tsunami, then quarrels will begin in family life. Perhaps the sleeping woman has a rival. But if the wave has not overtaken the woman, then she will be able to keep the warmth of the hearth.

      • An unmarried girl dreams of huge waves for an imminent wedding.


        Huge waves covering the dreamer with his head promise a man a new romance. Soon he will be seized by violent passions.

        Seeing a storm in a dream from afar - to success in business and promotion.

        What were the waves

        The determining factor for the correct interpretation of night vision, in which the sea was present, is the size and color of the waves.

        The dreamer could get into a storm or watch calm and clear sea water.


        A calm sea with small waves promises the dreamer a calm and measured life. All changes will take place peacefully. In addition, such a night vision speaks of the dreamer's desire for personal growth. In the near future, it will be useful to expand your horizons, start learning a foreign language or take refresher courses.

        If in a dream a small surf barely touched the feet of the sleeping person, then he will travel to another country or to unknown corners of his native city.


        A storm in a dream is an ambiguous symbol:

    1. 1. The raging sea dreams of upcoming unrest and experiences. A stormy life awaits the dreamer, filled with experiences and emotional upheavals. Such a night vision symbolizes the throwing of a person. He is overwhelmed by various feelings: jealousy, fear, resentment, hatred. To overcome all obstacles, one must not allow emotions to take over the mind.
    2. 2. Seeing huge waves or tsunamis in a dream - to impending danger. If the sleeper managed to escape, then the threat is exaggerated.
    3. 3. If the dreamer was directly inside the sea storm, then trouble awaits him.
    4. 4. Watching a storm from the shore or from a cliff means that fate is favorable to the sleeper. Troubles will pass him by. Moreover, the farther a person was in a dream from the surf line, the more secure he can feel.
    5. 5. To see yourself sailing on a ship on high waves - to a fun life. In the near future, the dreamer will not be bored.
    6. 6. If in a night vision I happened to see a tornado on the sea, then the sleeping person will face unexpected and dramatic changes that will completely turn his life upside down. These transformations will not be easy. The dream book recommends not to give up, and then the dreamer will surely win in the struggle for happiness.

    Foam on the crests of large waves in a dream symbolizes the doubts that have been nibbling on a sleeping person for a long time. It is worth being more decisive and making an important decision.

    Clean or dirty sea

    Clean and clear sea water is almost always combined with calm. Such a dream promises the sleeper peace and harmony. In the near future, you should not expect any negative changes or violent passions. Life will go on as usual, rocking the dreamer on the waves.

    It is rare, but it happens to see clear water in a storm in a dream. Such a vision speaks of the purity of the thoughts of the person himself and the people around him. The dreamer chose the right path, on which he would not encounter major troubles.

    Muddy waves dream when the sleeper is dishonest with himself. He does not live the way he wants, but the way society dictates. It is recommended to strongly defend your point of view. Also, a sea with muddy water in a dream is a signal of the intrigues of competitors.

    Wave color

    The sea in night vision can take on a variety of shades:

    1. 1. The clear blue sea promises happiness to the sleeper. Especially good is a dream in which the sun's rays penetrated the blue waves. But if in a dream there were many birds flying over the water or sitting on the shore, then the sleeping person subconsciously experiences fear and anxiety. If in a dream a ship or a boat was sailing on blue water, then the dreamer will have a quick journey.
    2. 2. Blue waves in night vision symbolize that the solution to the problem is known to the sleeper, but hidden deep in his subconscious, as in the depths of sea water. It is worth being alone and thinking.
    3. 3. The dreaming black sea promises a sudden unpleasant meeting, if in a dream it was stormy. However, a calm sea of ​​​​a dark shade, reflecting the moon and stars, portends the sleeper a happy and long life.
    4. 4. Waves of green portend a favorable completion of affairs in real life. After the sleeper, a long-awaited vacation and a pleasant pastime awaits.

    Sometimes you can even see the Red Sea in a dream. It symbolizes a long-term relationship. Soon the question will arise - to move to a new stage or finish the novel.

    The plot of the dream

    Usually the sea in a dream is a symbol of emotional experiences and seething feelings. But in order to accurately interpret the dream, the sleeper will need to remember his actions.

dream interpretation waves on the sea

Watching waves in a dream means taking a step towards some kind of knowledge, reflection, which will become more significant over time. However, it depends on the purity of the waves. If the waves are dirty and raging during a storm - a sign that you are making a fatal mistake.

waves on the sea in a dream

Pure waves in a dream speak of achievements in any kind of knowledge, like yourself or the outside world.
Storm waves warn of possible mistakes made by you.

waves on the sea according to the dream book

Seeing waves in a dream means going on a long journey, most likely unexpected; feelings and anxieties, new experiences.
The wave is dirty, overwhelming - the inevitability of a serious quarrel or health complications, illness.
Waves beating against the shore speak of the speedy resolution of difficulties.

dream interpretation waves on the sea

Waves on the sea coast - warn of future experiences and difficulties.

dream interpretation waves on the sea

Sea waves according to this dream book symbolize changes in the lives of sexual partners, often they lead to a break in relations.

waves on the sea in a dream what is it for

If you see waves in a dream, it means that you have a growing desire to achieve new goals, to improve yourself in your professional activities.
Pure waves indicate that fate is favorable to your desires and will help in their implementation.
Waves during the curtain promise anxiety and obstacles in your path.

why dream of waves on the sea

Waves on the sea - this dream will tell you that your affairs will find some difficulties, and it will take a lot of effort to deal with these obstacles. The higher the waves in a dream, the more you have to try.

dream interpretation waves on the sea

Waves on the sea are a sign that new achievements and victories await you, advancement in business, perhaps there will be a struggle for success.

waves on the sea in a dream

According to this dream book, stormy waves symbolize a flurry of deep feelings.
Waves "small lambs" dream of an unplanned short road.

waves on the sea in a dream

Watching clean waves on the sea means gaining strength and positive energy. High waves speak of possible unpleasant events, anxieties and experiences.

Did you see a raging sea or some other body of water in a dream? Do you want to know why such a plot is dreaming? Often, waves predict difficulties and obstacles in business. The dream interpretation advises not to solve complex issues in the near future, not to conclude agreements with business partners and not to create a business.

Big and restless

If in a dream a wave covers the head, it means that illness or major troubles threaten. If you manage to swim out - an early resolution of difficult life situations.

Why remove large combs explains Grishina. Dream Interpretation Grishina believes that, first of all, these are major changes in life. Depending on the color of the water, changes can be both positive and negative. The brighter and more transparent the water seen in a dream, the more favorable the events in real life will be.

If you dreamed of a huge wave, it predicts cardinal changes in life. The universal dream book advises to be prepared for the most unexpected events.

A tsunami seen in a dream portends problems. Pay attention to your health or well-being of people dear to you.

Storm waves portend anxiety and anxiety. This is a sign that, having overcome many difficulties, you will achieve everything you want.

If you are interested in what excessively high waves are dreaming of, contact Miller's interpreter. Miller's dream book will answer this question. Height determines professional activity. The higher they are, the more work to be done in the near future. The cleaner and clearer the water, the easier it will be for you to cope with business.

peaceful waves

If the waves in night dreams peacefully roll ashore, a calm and measured life awaits you.

If you dreamed of quiet sea waves, expect an unexpected journey. Soon you will have to go on a long journey.

If in a dream water splashes quietly at your feet, it means that you will be given a chance to change a lot in life. If they roll with noise, Aesop's dream book predicts a lot of talk and unfounded gossip around your person.


If you dream that you are floating on the waves in your nightly dreams, this is a joy. In the future, many achievements and pleasant events await. All wishes will come true. Dream Interpretation of Wanderers predicts success in the professional field.

Why such a dream is also explained by the Universal Interpreter. Swimming in the waves means getting rid of all worries and hardships. Problems will go away, conflicts will be resolved, harmonious relations will develop with a loved one.

Various interpretations

If in a dream you are standing on the shore and see a surging sea, pay attention to your state of mind. Loads and stresses can unsettle life.

To dream of waves - to obstacles in business, efforts and the struggle for success.

If the waves are clear, then you will gain new knowledge that will help you better decide in life.

Dirty waves portend a mistake fraught with irreparable consequences.

River or lake waves - to peace of mind and self-confidence, sea waves - take a trip.

Sea waves rolling ashore during a storm - anxiety and a gloomy mood will take over you.

Sailing in a dream on stormy waves - to tame the unbridled temper of the one who will then begin to worship you.

Drowning, choking in the rising waves - soon get rid of the danger.

The blast wave that lifted you into the air and threw you away predicts that friends will violate your rights by abusing the trust you have placed in them.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Wave

Wave - there will be a desire to gain more knowledge, to improve in their professional activities.

Clean, small waves - fate will help you fulfill your dreams and desires.

Storm waves - difficulties and problems on your way.

Interpretation of dreams from

Waves are both a dangerous and exciting phenomenon that can be watched for hours. As in life, dreams in which big waves are dreamed have an ambiguous meaning in dream books.

What do they portend

Most interpreters decipher the waves in the sea or the ocean, seen in a dream, as a symbol of creative insight and spiritual impulse, energy. However, a more accurate definition can be obtained by remembering the nuances of the dream.

  • The sea wave with dark water captures with the head - difficult times. During this period, it will be difficult for you to take control of feelings and instincts;
  • To be on the crest of a pure wave carrying to the shore is a series of brilliant victories and prosperity;
  • Waves on the sea - the power of emotions and experiences, a whirlwind of feelings;
  • Waves in the river - obstacles in business;
  • Big foaming waves - false hopes;
  • Waves in the ocean - soon there will be an opportunity to get rid of rivals;
  • A huge wave - you are full of energy, increased physical activity is manifested. Perhaps it is worth thinking about how to direct this surge of strength to the good;
  • A storm with waves on the sea - feelings and emotions will take over you;
  • Riding big waves is a pleasant evening that will end with sexual pleasures;
  • To run away from the wave - you need to be careful and cautious in relation to strangers. Do not trust strangers;
  • An uncontrollable wave takes you to the open sea - soon events will get out of control.

In any dreams where, one way or another, water appears, it is important to understand whether it is clean or dirty. Clear blue water represents success, prosperity and health, while muddy and dirty water represents illness and adversity. Not the last role in the interpretation of sleep is played by the feelings and emotions that you experience when you see a big wave.

Watch the waves in a dream

Most often in night dreams we find ourselves eyewitnesses of some events and phenomena, without taking part in the action itself. Large waves that cover with your head and do not allow you to float to the surface always predict failures and failures in business. Often a dream with such a plot is a harbinger of long and serious illnesses. However, if you dream about how you watch with interest and even curiosity how the waves beat against the shore, flirting is probably waiting for you.

Seeing pure azure waves against the backdrop of a beautiful sunny day is a sign of a fateful meeting with the chosen one. If the rolling water hits you with all its might, it means that communication with bad people awaits ahead, but, unfortunately, you will not be able to avoid this unpleasant conversation.

  • Looking at the rolling waves of dirty and muddy water is a big mistake;
  • Waves carry garbage with them or destroy settlements - an important event that will leave a negative imprint on your future life;
  • A large wave in the pool - small problems and worries that will concern any one area of ​​\u200b\u200byour life.

What does it mean to swim in the waves in a dream

A dream in which you not only dream of big waves, but you swim in them, takes on a completely different meaning.

  • Sailing on strong waves - overcoming and even, possibly, subjugating enemies to oneself;
  • A powerful wave throwing into the air - your friends or relatives are abusing your trust. Take a careful look at your surroundings and don't let them take advantage of you;
  • Swimming among dirty waves with foam is a health problem. They will follow you long enough. Another interpretation predicts a protracted conflict with someone close;
  • Do not be afraid of a big wave - an early marriage or marriage. By the way, the marriage will be very harmonious, long and happy for both.

In the event that, at the sight of huge waves in a dream, you experienced genuine fear and horror, you should take what you see as a warning. Perhaps in life you should show more restraint and patience, learn to control your emotions. Otherwise, your excessive emotionality can only harm you, causing negative consequences. For a person, a family vision, in which big waves appear, signals the beginning of the collapse of the relationship. It's time to take up the restoration of the union with the second half. If you really value this relationship, try to show more attention and care to your loved one.