Aquarius and Aquarius - compatibility in a relationship. Compatibility in a relationship between two Aquarius Are Aquarius and

Gender relationships are often a puzzle. If the goal is not flirting, but also the creation of a family, it is important to listen not only to your heart, but also to find out what the stars say about your compatibility. Perhaps such information will help not to take a rash step in life.

Taurus and Aquarius - who is stronger?

Sometimes the question is relevant, what is the compatibility of the constellations Taurus and Aquarius. If we talk about them as a couple, then the story of the acquaintance of these two personalities is special and even exciting. They probably met at a time when one of them had a lover, or was completely married (married). This situation is unlikely to serve as a good basis for a trusting relationship in the future, because each of them will want to know where the other is at any time.

Winter people are much more sociable than those born in the spring. If the latter prefers kisses and hugs behind closed doors, then the former likes to demonstrate manifestations of his feelings to the whole world. Such people like to have fun, but parties in their own house are more acceptable for them. It is not so easy to answer the question of who is stronger Taurus or Aquarius. Each of them has strengths and weaknesses. The question is whether such people are suitable for each other in various areas of life.

Are Aquarius and Taurus right for each other?

People born in winter and spring may be interested in Taurus and Aquarius fit together or they have absolutely nothing in common. Astrologers assure that such people cannot be called a successful couple. Spring and winter birthdays are complete opposites of each other, and therefore it is difficult for them to find common ground in different areas of life.

Those who were born in winter are used to living one day and not thinking about what will happen tomorrow. Representatives of this constellation often doubt that the future can come for them. It is very difficult for those born in the spring to understand such logic, since they are practical people who love clarity in everything. Uncertainty and dubious pursuit of happiness are definitely not for them. Because of this, conflicts often arise between them.

Taurus Woman Aquarius Man Compatibility

In a couple where he is Aquarius, she is Taurus, compatibility is not very successful. Such a lady always treats her partner frivolously. She often seems to him too difficult to communicate. However, there is a chance that the relationship between these very different at first glance personalities will still develop harmoniously, but on the condition that he is dependent on his chosen one.

The lady does not consult with her partner, because she does not consider it necessary. But he is a strong and independent person. If neither of the two parties has a calculation in the relationship, then conflicts often arise between them, which in the end can lead to a break or, alternatively, endless confrontations, from which nothing favorable can be expected either.

Taurus man Aquarius woman compatibility

Good or bad compatibility and Aquarius woman is definitely not so easy to say. For a representative of the stronger sex, she is a fickle and even windy person. If these people have a common job, then he will try to do everything so that there is little that unites them with such a lady. Simply put, he doesn't want to have any business dealings with her at all.

If we talk about their compatibility in love, then it is much more optimistic. However, for a spring person, such a connection will become serious after a while and, moreover, imperceptibly. At the very beginning, he will not have specific plans for such a lady. Whether such a union will be happy or unhappy depends largely on the desire of the partners themselves, their wisdom and even patience.

Aquarius and Taurus Love Compatibility

It is definitely impossible to say whether the constellations Taurus and Aquarius are suitable for each other in love. According to classical astrology, this couple has little chance of creating a strong happy family, since they are very different. However, there are exceptions to the rule in life. The horoscope assures that such individuals can have a love affair and even a strong family if they can find a language that is understandable to both and accept the otherness of a partner.

People born in January and February are far from conventions and do not accept restrictions in their lives. They live in their own special world, where they feel comfortable, in which it is unrealistic for others to get into. Internally, such individuals are closed to others. People who come into the world in spring and want to join their fate with a winter person will have to come to terms with this fact. Such people have good compatibility in love if they manage to interact on the same territory for two.

Aquarius and Taurus - marriage compatibility

Before getting married, it is important to seriously think about whether such a union is possible if the man is Taurus and Aquarius is a woman. Those born in April and May can often withdraw into themselves and have their own secrets. Such people love home comforts more than winter personalities. The latter can leave everything at any time and go on the road if they receive an interesting offer. While those born in January and February dream of adventure, the spring person thinks of ordinary things. Therefore, in such constellations Taurus and Aquarius, marriage compatibility is not very favorable.

The union of people born in winter and spring can hardly be called successful. However, if two have made a serious decision to link their lives, their union may have a chance to be happy. Moreover, spring birthdays have a special feature to make almost every place a cozy warm home, and therefore, with such a special person, everyone will find their happiness if they wish.

Aquarius and Taurus - compatibility in sex

The constellations Taurus and Aquarius in bed have their own formed approach to sexual life. Often, the latter had sexual intercourse before marriage, unlike the former, who can remain virgins for a long time. For people born in January and February, diversity in different areas of life, including in bed, matters. For others, intimacy is not so important, and constancy is quite satisfactory. The compatibility of Taurus and Aquarius in bed is cold, because they have different approaches to sex.

Aquarius and Taurus Friendship Compatibility

If an Aquarius woman is a Taurus man, they will develop a strong friendship. The only drawback of such connections is a small number of topics that are interesting for both. Among the virtues of friendship between them is loyalty to each other. There is no doubt about such people, they will never reveal the secrets of another. Friendship can last if they are always open with each other on all topics.

Taurus and Aquarius - work compatibility

They believe that it is important for them to work very hard to get what they want. These people will be able to achieve what they dream of if they interact. However, due to their stubborn nature, insisting on their own, they can sometimes conflict. The difficult nature of the spring birthday man often prevents him from moving up the career ladder. People born in January and February always set goals for themselves and, against all odds, go towards them. The relationship between the constellations Aquarius and Taurus at work can be very strained.

He is an Aquarius, she is an Aquarius. What is the compatibility of these two people? Is a relationship possible at all when two such very interesting and peculiar signs of the zodiac are combined in a pair?

Personalities with golden character

There is such a popular expression: "Aquarius has a golden character, and therefore heavy!" Is it true? Well, it’s worth briefly talking about what qualities distinguish these personalities from representatives of other signs of the Zodiac. The first thing that distinguishes them is their special vulnerability and sensitivity. Aquarians are very sociable, they have a lot of acquaintances and friends, but there are very few real friends. They rarely trust anyone with their experiences. And, as luck would have it, unbalanced people are attracted to them, as if by a magnet, for whom reckless actions are the norm.

Aquarians are those people who choose friends (as well as enemies, by the way) once and for all. By the way, such personalities are sometimes even obsessive - if a person is very sympathetic to them. Aquarians also almost never change their minds about others. They are also very curious, especially like to be interested in what captures them. Generally speaking, Aquarius is a sensual person who loves to communicate, but prefers to keep people at a safe distance.

Compatibility with your "mirror"

What is a couple in which he is Aquarius, she is Aquarius? This is a very unusual and unpredictable combination. Both the man and the woman will simply strike each other on the spot with their singularity and ingenuity. Their relationship will take over both. The main thing is that the spark does not fade. It is also worth noting that sexual relations play a significant role in this couple. If they are not, then the union will soon lose its fortress. And besides, the novelty in the relationship will disappear.

The similarity of the characters of these personalities is very great, so the prospects for their union are appropriate. Of course, there are some downsides. He is Aquarius, she is Aquarius, which means that they love to argue and stubbornly defend their opinions. If these people disagree on something, it is quite possible that a scandal cannot be avoided. Anyway, boring, dreary and routine relationships are not about them. They are filled with vivid emotions and impressions, although an outsider will surely call their union strange.

Disputes and conflicts

Well, the couple "he is Aquarius, she is Aquarius" has great prospects for the development of relations, however, some nuances that may interfere with them are observed. These features include what was mentioned above - conflicts. This is not uncommon, but, despite its presence in a relationship, two Aquarius are very good and comfortable together.

It is worth noting that both of these people live in this moment and at a particular moment, without thinking about what will happen tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. There is no one to solve problems. And therefore, if the day comes when it will be necessary to deal with them (this is usually the most extreme case, when it is simply necessary to find a solution - there is no other way out), mutual accusations will begin. Both do not know what exactly they need, they can change their goals and plans, rush from one extreme to another, which often causes disagreements and a wide variety of claims. But the most interesting thing is that both of them are satisfied with it. They are really comfortable when there is no stability.

Diversity guaranteed

Aquarius compatibility with a person born under the same zodiac sign is ideal. Why? Because absolutely for all Aquarians, the strange is normal and vice versa. These people enjoy the flow of life and change with it. Their actions and feelings are unpredictable, and therefore each of the days they live is unique.

Their marriage differs from the rest mainly in that Aquarians never think ahead. These two people absolutely do not care about generally accepted rules. They will never be bored, and their lives will be full of adventures. What else can be said about such an extraordinary union? If two people who are adherents of free relations have already sealed their bonds in the registry office, then this means only one thing - their marriage was made in heaven.

By the way, two Aquarians will make excellent best friends. For them, friendship is sacred. So they will always support each other and never refuse to help.

Emotion conflict

Speaking about the compatibility of Aquarius with another person, it should be noted that he often contradicts himself. What is meant? The fact is that the typical Aquarius believes with all his heart in sincere friendship. Relationships of this kind are sacred to him. But love and other bright feelings are unusual for him. Not that they are alien - he considers them something not entirely necessary. However, this is how Aquarius argues until this feeling covers him with his head, as often happens. After that, falling in love does not seem to him a clouding of reason. As a rule, Aquarius completely surrenders to his passion, for the sake of the object of his love, he is ready to do the most crazy things, which sometimes smack of adventurism.

The horoscope of Aquarius says: if he meets his love, he will give himself to her completely and forever. If two people of this zodiac sign meet, and suddenly a spark flares up between them, this is for a long time, if not forever. Both of them will completely belong to each other, it will not be difficult for them to do without their suitors or fans. Even friends may cease to be a necessity for them. If you believe what the Aquarius horoscope says, then the other half will become for him not only a wife or husband, but also a reliable friend and faithful "vest". What else is needed for complete happiness?

Aquarius man and his features

Representatives of the strong half of humanity, who were lucky enough to be born under this zodiac sign, is a separate issue. Such a man expects everything from his chosen one at once. His girlfriend should be perfect and versatile. This is a caring wife, and a passionate lover, and a neat housewife, and a skilled cook. However, if the Aquarius man decides to connect his life with a woman belonging to the same sign, then everything will be just fine. Both Aquarius will charm each other so much that they will be ready for anything for their soul mate. Soon everything will become common for them - classes, affairs, friends, plans.

By the way, if it was easy for both partners to arrange each other in the spiritual and intellectual spheres, then everything will be fine in terms of physical intimacy. This side of the relationship will be very unexpected, spontaneous, explosive and passionate. You can say this: instant desire - instant gratification.

About girls

Their horoscope can tell a lot of interesting things about people. Aquarius woman - what is she like? Charming, graceful, interesting, versatile and always has a bright appearance. Such young ladies are straightforward, not shy about expressions of various kinds, which often discourages other people. However, Aquarius men like it, they feel a kindred spirit in such a person and, on a subconscious level, strive to get to know her better. Which is confirmed by both life and the horoscope. The Aquarius woman is a person who will strive for her goals. She thinks creatively and interestingly, but rarely shares her plans with any outsider. When it comes to close relationships, this is an unpredictable dark horse. The Aquarius girl can be arrogantly cold, even somewhat arrogant, and sometimes, on the contrary, very gentle and affectionate.

But there are some nuances with marriage. A woman born under this zodiac sign will in no case be in a hurry. She needs to think carefully, weigh all the pros and cons before deciding to take a step that will "take away her freedom" - in any case, she sees this event in such a formulation. So a man should not be upset if the lady of his heart is slow to respond.

Secrets of the elements

Joint life of two Aquarius

Gifts and pleasant surprises are what people born in the month of February love. Aquarius really enjoys unexpected things that can make them content and happy. In addition, he himself loves to prepare unexpected surprises for his soulmate. And in fairness it should be noted that both the preparation and the presentation of gifts are excellent for him. In the union of two Aquarius, every day is a complete surprise. But seriously, both of these people know how to keep secrets and secrets, so surprising is their calling.

Interesting statistics show that the most difficult period in a relationship is either the fourth, or the seventh, or the eleventh year. Despite the fact that Aquarians feel each other perfectly, their relationship will be unpredictable. But this thread of mutual understanding, which stretches between them at first sight, is worth it. After all, what could be better than understanding your loved one at a glance, and sometimes even without words at all?

Chinese horoscope

To feel a person better, it is not enough to know that he is an Aquarius (dates: January 21-February 18). For a more complete picture of his character, one should also be aware of who he is according to the Chinese horoscope. Here, for example, Aquarius-Tiger: he fiercely supports the idea of ​​​​equality, absolutely cannot imagine relationships without this quality. Strives to meet the ideal, and this is typical for both the Tigress girl and the Tiger guy. Such people will do everything to be perfect and unique.

But Aquarius-Snake has some other features. Often he is favored by luck in financial matters - money is attracted to him. He's doing great in business. And thanks to powerful motivation and endless energy, such people often reach great heights in their careers.

But perhaps the most mysterious combination of the zodiac sign and the Chinese symbol is Aquarius-Rat. You can call it double. Neither the Rat nor Aquarius like to show their feelings and emotions. And here is such a combination! It is unlikely that anyone will be able to guess what such a person has in his soul - unless he himself wishes it. But do not think that Rats-Aquarius are closed and closed from the rest. No, on the contrary, they just love noisy companies and easily find a common language with other people. Such individuals have a complaisant character, and it is pleasant to communicate with them. But to become a friend of such a person, or even someone big, you have to try.

Business compatibility

Representatives of the zodiac sign Aquarius, whose dates of birth are located towards the end of winter, are born entrepreneurs. Such a person will be able to do both what he likes and what will simply bring profit. Journalism, tourism, restaurants, cars, photography, sports, computers, trade - in these and many other areas such individuals can find themselves and succeed. And if two Aquarius unite in a common cause, then the profit will simply flow like a river. They both love money and moving forward, so they will always support each other and motivate. However, there should not be too many mutual contacts - otherwise it tires them. They are used to focusing entirely on work - the only way to achieve productivity.

Sexual horoscope

What can the zodiac say about this area? Aquarius in terms of close bodily relationships also manifests itself in a special way - not quite the same as other signs. These people love everything unusual, exceptional, exotic. They like originality and what can impress them. Not all signs of the zodiac can satisfy Aquarius, who is sophisticated in bed. But here is his meeting with the same as he is - it will be something. Finally, he can allow himself to be what he is, and completely indulge in oblivion. By the way, Aquarius is very easy to seduce if done right. Despite the fact that he does not show it, a real hurricane is raging inside him. If an Aquarius man gets a seductive photo of his lover in lingerie, then he will go crazy, that's for sure.

In general, the relationship with Aquarius is something unique, exciting and completely absorbing. These people can drive you crazy, win your heart, make you think about yourself all the time. And if you manage to start a relationship with such a person, then you should hold on to them. Life is definitely full of surprises and unpredictability.

Aquarius zodiac sign compatibility: Aquarius what zodiac sign in love, sex, family; what zodiac sign suits Aquarius; compatibility - problem solving

The love of Aquarius is of a humanistic nature; any novel fades before his philanthropy.

Relations with Aquarius are remembered primarily by intellectuality, confidential conversations, and then by passion.

Aquarius can not be said that he surpasses everyone in love - he is already one hundred percent sure of the originality, uniqueness of his person, considering this the most valuable. But in sex, although they are inventive and feel their partner well, they often simply lack endurance, and not always physical, but emotional.

Aquarius usually chooses a partner from those who are indifferent to him.

Aquarius is not interested in easy prey, but in order to win an impregnable or keep an elusive partner, Aquarius will show miracles of charm, demonstrate a variety of sexual talents and come up with a lot of interesting things - there will be enough strength for everything.

Aquarius is sensitive to beauty, he can even point out to his lover the flaws in appearance. At the same time, he is inclined to accept the chosen one as is. After all, Aquarius is looking for mind, kindness, openness, independence of thinking in a partner.

Aquarius is sometimes tactless, but it requires a particularly careful attitude towards itself. Aquarius is actually not amenable to other people's influence. He imposes his opinion gently. Sometimes uses psychological without even noticing it.

Aquarius is capable of great love, but usually does not show it. He can languish with passion, outwardly maintaining such indifference that even the most insightful will not understand anything.

Aquarians are not jealous, and can not stand someone else's. They rarely change, but often remember their first love, keep in touch with past lovers, sometimes fantasizing - how would a romance develop with them.

Aquarius yearns for the perfect romance all their lives. But even falling madly in love, he tries to save time for loneliness, knowledge of the world, a certain secret of experiences. He would like to balance his two strongest desires - to have a loved one and remain free.

The personal happiness of Aquarius is often hampered by the false impression of his impassibility, coldness. However, the one who manages to understand Aquarius will not remain indifferent to him: Aquarians are extraordinary, bright personalities, capable of many things and not knowing obstacles.

What zodiac sign suits Aquarius

Aquarians are known for their all-encompassing love. This is the influence of Saturn, Neptune, Uranus. However, Aquarius is not very capable of creating a strong family: too eccentric in nature, they want incredibly much from life, they do not like monotony, and therefore duration in relationships.

What zodiac sign suits Aquarius badly

Aquarius is Air, and an alliance with the Earth (Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus) or Water (Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio) is unpromising: air with water or earth is not an appropriate combination.

Zodiac sign suitable for Aquarius is so-so

An alliance with the same air sign (Aquarius,) would be nice due to reliability and friendly feelings, but Aquarius does not consider them dominant.

In order to be understood for a loved one, Aquarius needs to stop, at least sometimes, being a “mystery”.

The other side of the problem is the property of Aquarius to talk a lot. If the partner is impatient, he will not be able to choose important information from a variety of secondary ones. Aquarius himself needs to simply, concisely explain the essence of the problem, not hiding it behind the beauty of words and the complexity of logical constructions.

Often it is the simplest words that help mutual understanding, and Aquarius himself will be able to understand himself better.

We often quarrel

Aquarians do not give the impression of tyrants, but often achieve that everything is done according to their desire.

Paradoxically, Aquarians will not be happy with those who unquestioningly submit to their whims. Aquarians intuitively guess about this and choose strong partners who can resist them.

A struggle begins, bringing both discomfort. The situation is heating up. Any little thing can explode with a bomb. At first it seems that after quarrels it is not difficult to put up, but gradually it all turns into an underwater iceberg that destroys relationships.

There is something mysterious in the pair of Aquarius and Aquarius - this is expressed in the reflection of all the best and negative qualities with a certain refraction. Despite the external similarity, the character of the representatives of the signs differs depending on the gender. In some areas, there may be a complete divergence of interests.

Characteristics of the sign

Each of the people, depending on gender, has a different approach to solving life problems and sees the world through their own prism. Woman and man Aquarius perceive everything differently. Their relationship with other signs of the horoscope also differs.


If they met, nothing will become an obstacle to relations. Aquarius and Aquarius signs compatibility in love is always incredible. They quickly realize that they are made for each other and try to give the best to their partner. Both are able to show tenderness, be affectionate and incredibly sexy.

Aquarius Man and Aquarius Woman find each other incredible from the first minute and are ready to build a relationship from the moment they meet. The first intimacy for them is an easy step, often it happens already on the second date.

The publisher of the famous book "Zodiac Signs or Astrology with a Smile" Linda Goodman has always treated the union of Aquarius and Aquarius with love and awe, looking for positive aspects in the compatibility of these signs. As the astrologer noted, the Characteristics of the couple in which he is Aquarius and she is Aquarius will become more accurate if you make natal charts by date of birth for both partners. According to her horoscope, the two Aquarius are compatible, but in their youth it will be more difficult for them to be together. Representatives of this zodiac sign are not recommended to marry early. Ideal relationships are possible only in the middle of life, after 35-40 years.

The more carefully they work, the more favorable their future existence will be.

The first thing Aquarius needs to remember is that he looks in the mirror. What he likes and brings pleasure is also suitable for a partner. Freedom, eternal parties, a large number of friends, admiration and intellectual conversations - all this suits two.

It cannot be said for sure that the Aquarius + Aquarius pair does not have disagreements. They are, but they always end in a passionate reconciliation in bed or a fun pillow fight.

Marriage prospects

The union of Aquarius with Aquarius is very promising if both work on themselves.

They understand what they want from life and will never throw a noisy celebration, rather they will go on a romantic trip together. He will always let his wife go for a walk with her friends, and she will let him ride tomorrow with friends around the night city. In marriage, Aquarians will never be jealous of each other, they will always solve complex issues together and come to an understanding. And this is an example of an ideal relationship.

But sometimes they lack something in family life, changes are required. The birth of a baby will change everything. As soon as he appears, they will stop taking marriage lightly and begin to change for the better together.


Sexual compatibility in a pair of Aquarius with Aquarius -. Both of them are passionate lovers, ready not only to enjoy, but also to satisfy their sporting interest. They constantly want something new, they boldly fantasize and make their dreams come true. This couple are frequenters of sex shops, here they are bought in full. Such diversity in intimate life helps to overcome its main vice - inconstancy. Having played enough in bed with their spouse, they are unlikely to want to go to the side.

Compatibility in business and friendship

Since childhood, the kids of this sign show genius and ingenuity, they are set as an example to everyone. If a relationship is started at an early age, it will last a lifetime. The compatibility of Aquarius and Aquarius in friendship is as high as in the love sphere.

Aquarians do not like conflicts, they strive for harmony and fun. They will always find a compromise, both of them are peaceful. In such a relationship there is no place for dirty thoughts and sexual desire, they sincerely give themselves and perceive a friend as a relative.

Representatives of this zodiac sign are very inquisitive, constantly improving their knowledge. They move up the career ladder quickly thanks to the gift of a speaker and a sharp mind.

As a subordinate, this zodiac sign is not entirely reliable. He takes on several cases at once and tries to find profit everywhere. Sometimes such works do not give positive results.

As a boss, Aquarians are brilliant leaders who can inspire subordinates to great deeds. Easily find themselves in individual entrepreneurship or team activities.

If both of these signs meet in work, their union will bring only positive results. But they don't need to work on a joint project. It is better to do different tasks and help each other in solving difficult problems.

Positive features of the union

Any union has its pros and cons, having studied which, you can achieve the perfect combination. This couple has positive qualities on the surface:

  • common interests in all spheres of life;
  • the same character traits and habits;
  • even dissimilar partners lead an almost identical lifestyle, like to go to the gym and travel a lot;
  • both hate scandals and noisy showdowns;
  • appreciate equality and harmony, love independence.

Negative traits of a couple

In any union, there are negative points that prevent them from moving on. This couple also has them:

  • if there are no children in the marriage, partners can leave at any time if they encounter difficulties;
  • such a couple rarely experiences strong emotions, they happen only in the initial stages, but do not last long. After a few years, passion is only in the intimate sphere;
  • both partners are irresponsible, they may forget to buy food for the house or medicine for the spouse;
  • sometimes complete unpredictability intervenes, which can lead even the most ideal relationship to a standstill;
  • lack of interest in everyday problems and complete unwillingness to solve them.

The combination of two absolutely identical signs of the zodiac, according to astrologers, is not always ideal. Both Aquarians are irresponsible and rarely enter into long-term relationships, although they have much in common in different areas of life. A harmonious combination will favorably affect the union. The most favorable union is friendship. Here they support each other and remain faithful for life.

5 /5 (7 )

Compatibility between representatives of signs, where both partners were born under the constellation Aquarius, is full of surprises. Therefore, unpredictable relationships are possible in a couple. Nevertheless, Aquarius and Aquarius Compatibility above average with a mutual desire to maintain and develop further existing relationships.

Aquarius Woman and Aquarius Man Compatibility

Being people who were born under the same constellation of Aquarius, the partners get along very well. They have a lot in common in character. In a mutual society, they experience lightness, comfort. Charming people of the air sign have the ability to win over other personalities, inspiring confidence. Although the partners are of an easy nature, the couple often finds out the relationship.

In addition to the advantages, the spouses have a number of disadvantages. Each of the partners looks for unsightly qualities in the other spouse and does not notice them in himself. There are no mutual claims when the signs are not united by too much. In this case, there is no threat of separation. There are various situations, knowledge on how to build relationships between partners can be useful.

Watch the video. Compatibility Aquarius and Aquarius.

In love

When a boy or girl with the same signs of the horoscope shows interest in a representative of a similar sign, then it will not be difficult to arrange the object of sympathy for the interested half. This sign is unpredictable among the zodiac constellations. Only another Aquarius is able to understand the desires of a person born under a similar sign. Young people, even without speaking, can understand each other.

85% Aquarians are not interested in other people's problems

Aquarians do not tolerate boredom, monotonous events, therefore, in a mutual company, they are always interested. Each of the partners does not like to strain the other with their problems. He deals with them on his own. This is the correct method, because the representatives of the sign do not want to solve someone's problems, troubles.

Everything goes smoothly initially when the couple meets. With joint management of the economy and rapprochement, opinions may change.

In a relationship

People of the Aquarius sign are very demanding when choosing a chosen one. If the couple is together, then a common language has been found and the partners suit each other. Both love adventure, show curiosity, so the spouses will be interested together. Aquarians have many friends. Air signs need communication. But when the house is constantly filled with other people's things: coats, bags, it's hard to build relationships. You should sometimes be distracted from society, find time for closure, being at home only together with a partner. Then entertainment will bring more benefits, pleasure.

The compatibility of the signs of the two Aquarius is difficult, both spouses have incredible stubbornness.

They stubbornly reject other people's requests, advice, do what they consider to be a necessary fact. And the most unpredictable thoughts arise with a note of extremeness. If partners disagree, it is difficult for them to agree, each of them will never give in to the other spouse. Collisions happen frequently. It is difficult for partners to agree, but with characteristic ease they switch to a more pleasant subject.


The couple does not quarrel in public, does not take trouble out of the house, therefore, radiates harmony, causing approving glances from the environment. The woman and man of this constellation have a similar character, so there is mutual understanding between them. Both spouses love to travel, they are united by the desire to spend leisure time outside the home. They love to visit, go hiking, love to meet their friends.

THIS IS INTERESTING! Modern astrology: juicy details of the compatibility of the Aquarius woman.

Spouses do not like routine, do not burden themselves with work and do not require this from a partner. They do things together when needed. At first, in intimacy, everything is fine with them. Common desires unite partners, there is a feeling of complete compatibility. However, each of the partners focuses only on their desires, and is not interested in the sensations of the other person.

In addition, there is a danger that partners will soon feel bored, satiety in intimate relationships. When entering into a marriage based on passion, he will not last long. However, sexual relations for Aquarius do not play a major role. With deep feelings, the family is not in danger.

in friendship

A rare situation where strong friendships between a man and a woman are possible. Two identical signs understand each other well, their friendship can last for many years. Sexual relations between them are unlikely to arise.

7 out of 8 couples understand each other perfectly

Partners communicate like old acquaintances, even if they met recently. There are no reproaches between a young man and a girl of this sign. Each of them will not sacrifice the last shirt for another partner, but they are perfect for spending leisure time and communication.

In sex

Aquarians often go against the rules. They don't like standards, romance. Most people think of intimacy as a warm disposition towards a partner. For the partners of this sign, she is a product of the mind. The prelude of intimacy consists of a heated argument. They express mutual thoughts and desires, are able to understand each other in this matter. No one should care what they do in private. The wife brings the life regularity to the bedroom. Delighted by the appearance of a woman, the husband rushes into her arms. After intimacy, freshly ironed sheets and the flickering of candles are remembered in his head.

The chosen one is not a supporter of erotica, for her joy is communication. A woman of this sign is an excellent partner for a man seeking peace and attention. The sexual demands of a man are minimal. He has enough rare connections. A man is attracted not so much by sensations as by the fact of possessing an attractive woman. The husband does not pay attention to the partner's experience. The sexual behavior of a man is influenced by reading literature, movies. You can’t call him sensual, but otherwise he is a cheerful and interesting person.

THIS IS INTERESTING! Sex with an Aquarius man.

In work

Partners of two identical signs can be employees at work or partners in business. They feel great among employees if they do not have close communication with each other. If necessary, they can make contact, give mutual consultations and advice. The man is hardworking, but he has periods of apathy and inactivity. However, during the period of Uranus, he is able to perform mountains of work for a whole month. Sometimes experiencing periods of uncertainty, replaced by enthusiasm. A woman, like a man, loves to work, does not tolerate strict requirements.

Aquarius make excellent scientists, architects, writers, actors.

In percentages

A couple can live a fun life until they get bored with each other. Compatibility will last as long as partners are interested together. Spouses should pay more mutual attention, exclude showdown.

The percentage of compatibility is 60%, which is an average.

Psychological compatibility

The originality of Aquarius is known to them and their environment. Individualism is a feature of their life, they are proud. The man and woman of this sign belong to the type of individuals who are satisfied with their lifestyle. Meeting, these signs experience a feeling of closeness of a kindred half, a spark runs between them, mutual understanding arises. They are happy to start communicating with people who lead a similar lifestyle, strive for knowledge, understanding.

Aquarians value friendship, which is strengthened when a man and woman move from friendship to intimate relationship. Friendship means more romance for them, involves openness to another person. Aquarians do not need much time for mutual understanding. They quickly begin to work together as a couple. Aquarians show independence while in marriage, they act even more independently than during courtship. Being next to a person who is able to understand and objectively evaluate their actions causes a comfortable state for the spouses. The common people find this kind of relationship strange.

Pluses in the union of an Aquarius woman and an Aquarius man

Partners love an active lifestyle, have an inquisitive nature, love everything unusual. The house has an unusual atmosphere and order. Friends and acquaintances love to visit spouses, although they consider them eccentrics. Aquarians are hospitable.

Watch the video. What kind of man suits an Aquarius woman?

But no one guesses that they have misunderstandings in the family. They hide it even during quarrels. The couple does not value material wealth, and are irresponsible about finances. Aquarians have a lot of envious people who envy the couple, their connections, education, and the availability of money. The man and woman of this sign have a goal in life, which they strive for. Aquarians do not have a passion for things. Among these signs are many lovers of mysticism, philosophers.

Cons in such an alliance

The problem of the compatibility of the union lies in the manifestation of mutual stubbornness. After marriage, spouses will find that none of the partners is inclined to make concessions. Although the couple have a lot in common, but not to that extent. Even the fact that representatives of the same sign are a man and a woman affects relationships and differences in views.

90% of Aquarians are too principled

When a controversial issue concerns one of the partners, the second will not argue. If it concerns both spouses, problems arise. Here, no one wants to make concessions.

Especially there are battles on the basis of rational nutrition or what to cook for dinner. Partners uphold passions and principles. The next challenge is that Aquarians become more buddies than lovers. After the time has elapsed, when the first wave of passion subsides, the spouses begin to live out of habit. This will last until one of them meets true love. The partner will not look at the family connection, he will rush to a new feeling, nothing will keep him from breaking off relations.

What you need to know about the union of two Aquarius

You should know that Aquarians can irresponsibly destroy their family. Sometimes they are so caught up in their own ideals that they overlook practicality. They are convinced that marriage is based on equality. Beyond the threshold of family relationships, this can become for someone a mouthpiece of hope. The husband organizes a noisy company to maintain equality. This will take a lot of time. Therefore, the native wife will have to cook, clean, take care of the children, run around on business herself. Where is the justice? If the partner takes it into his head to complain, he will be criticized for not understanding the views, even if the ideas are translated as damage to the family. Aquarius sometimes needs to look at themselves from the outside and illuminate the dark depths of the personality.