Learn the language of the Atlanteans and Lemurians. Atlantean language

The Formula of Absolute Power is the frequency Matrix of the True Language (the language of Atlantis).

ETNAH, YAH, YEKH, PTAH, PARRAH, URRKH, SHAKH - the mantra in the Unified Cosmic Language is the sound version of the Matrix of the Universe, the basis and root of all languages ​​of the Earth.

It consists of 13 letters, which correspond to the numerical vibrations of the Universal Mathematics of the Universe from 1 to 12, which is based on the duodecimal number system.

The sound "X" in this formula corresponds to zero and is the source and basis of all sounds and numbers. The sound "X" destroys boundaries, splits vibrations and substances, empties, nullifies, purifies, splits, liberates, lightens, connects, balances, and also, with special combinations of sounds, enhances, concentrates, spiritualizes, fills, rounds, heals, multiplies, transforms and gives perfect forms to physical creations.

Mantra is a living instrument and user at the same time. Connecting with the will and consciousness of the practitioner, it transforms into new mantras, formulas, words, sounds, vibrations, aspects of sounds and vibrations. Reaching the cellular memory of the physical temple, the mantra awakens memories of past incarnations and True Destiny on Earth. It reveals the meaning and essence of all phenomena, allowing you to trace and realize in yourself and through yourself the causes, consequences and interconnections of all events in the Universe, opens access to understanding the Single Principle of World Creation, painlessly and naturally connects the earthly consciousness of the practitioner to the information field of the Universe.

Here are some words that, after millions of years, have kept the living vibration of the True Language practically unchanged, and therefore store the Power and Knowledge of the entire Universe:


As well as the following sound sequences:


These are just some of them, a negligibly small particle of the whole Knowledge of the Universe. All words that are born from the multi-layered vibrations of the mantra are read both from left to right and from right to left, as well as when using certain forms of writing, they are read diagonally, from top to bottom and from bottom to top, in a spiral, etc. As one comprehends the meaning and essence of these words and sounds, a person acquires True Power.

By writing words in a certain way, for example, in the form of geometric figures, and by reading the formulas in a certain sequence, the practitioner will discover the essence of these sounds according to the level and dynamics of his maturation and growth. As a result, he has the Cosmic Possibility of Inexhaustible Unity and Co-creation with the Spirit, which allows him to consciously create both the multidimensional Universe and individual reality by controlling the universal energy flows.

These are words and sounds - transformers. They merge, transform into each other under the influence of Love and their own Magnetism, giving birth to more and more vibrations of awareness and essence of the Infinite Universe. The one who comprehends the sacred essence of all sounds and words will write down the entire Universe with them and cognize himself as the LORD-SOURCE, the True Creator of Everything, born from the Void, the Essence and Center of which is Divine Non-Being.

Master Surya, Master Kryon, Master Solomon, Master Semiander, Lord Sirius

Wandering the Web, I came across some strange creation "The ancient language of Atlantis is now known".

It all starts quite normally.

"The information below may seem incredible, but, fortunately, part of it can be verified. It is primarily about the reliability of the dates obtained using radiocarbon dating, the cause of errors in their determination and the two versions of the Atlantean language".

"This text can be used for copying without restrictions, since most of the text was received in an unusual way - telepathically. Therefore, naturally, the content of the text requires careful verification. The author is inclined to believe that the second version of the language was given by a third party intentionally to distort knowledge of the real language.The author is sure that in the process of working on the text there was not two-way, but three-way contact.Nevertheless, the author left the second version of the description of the Atlantean language alphabet for comparison, because the method of verification described later in the text should give final answer. The "complex", dissonant names of the Egyptian pharaohs and queens also raise doubts for the author".

In general, when reading this text, I had doubts: maybe this is such an evil banter? Already one schizophrenia was quite enough, and then it goes even cooler:

"So, a drawing from the Enluh papyrus, dating back to the XXXII century BC and currently stored in the Cairo Museum, according to one of the modern researchers of Ancient Egypt, depicts the healing effect of the obelisk on a person. In fact, this papyrus presents a sketch for a decorative painting depicting an Egyptian with a basket near the chicken coop at the moment when the hen laid the egg.

Obelisks in ancient Egypt were religious buildings and were intended for prayers to the god Ammon-Ra. Translated from the ancient language of the Atlanteans, Ammon-Ra means “God of the Sun”. The construction of obelisks began in Upper Egypt in the 15th century BC. in the city of Hi-Ku-Ptah, in the temple of the god Ammon-Ra by Pharaoh E ("Stuttering"). The name of the city Hi-Ku-Ptah, translated from the ancient language of the Atlanteans, means "Laughing egg-laying bird." Maybe that's why a modern explorer of ancient Egypt mistook a chicken coop for an obelisk?"

In fact, this image is remarkable in that (1) it clearly shows male y-chromosomes, (2) it can be unambiguously interpreted as a prayer for the return of the mummified pharaoh Ramses IV, who lived from 1682 to 1631 BC, in a new incarnation and (3) as an unconditional evidence of the penetration of the priestly science of Ancient Egypt into the secrets of DNA biology. Uzioz is the name of chromosomes in the Atlantean language. The word uzi means "snake", and the word oz means "magic". Therefore, the literal translation: "magic snakes".

As it will become obvious, the influence of the ancient Atlantean language on culture, science, art, and even on the life of any person using this language is enormously great. However, this is not a strange fact. On the contrary, it is such a significant moment that its significance cannot be overestimated.

This is precisely the "key" of the incredible economic and spiritual upsurge on our planet in the distant times of the existence of the civilizations of the ancient Atlantes. It also allows us to understand the causes of worldwide cataclysms and catastrophes on a global scale at that time.
The reason for global nuclear catastrophes was that people in power, in eras far from us, hid this knowledge from mankind and used it by force in their own selfish, far from humanity purposes.
And that is why the role of the ancient language of Atlantis is so great.
Any object, letter and even a thought created in a certain language is a source of a torsion field. The field created by objects and letters depends on their shape, configuration and size. This can be easily checked with a torsion field sensor. Any letter or text of the book has a certain "tie", which determines the parameters or energy of this field. The mystery of the Egyptian pyramids will be revealed if you study the torsion field of the body in the form of a pyramid.
A person who speaks English, Ukrainian or Russian is a source of a torsion field that has certain parameters and intensity. That is, if we speak the language of the ancient Atlanteans, then with our thought we generate a field of a certain quality. And this quality is different from the quality of the field created by the same person speaking the same thing but in a different language.
Another important “key” for characterizing the field created by the thought of each person, oddly enough, perhaps at first glance, is the qualities of the person himself, that is, the human biofield. The human biofield is a torsion field. The fields of people are different, because we are all different. And the defining parameter of the human biofield is its degree of spirituality. Those. the higher the spirituality of a person, the more powerful he is energetically. Having reached a certain level of spirituality, a person can begin to "create miracles." The psychic abilities of some people are well known, the secret of whose work should now be understood. Also, now we should understand the "acts" of people of high spirituality.
The physics of the torsion field has not yet been studied in sufficient detail, however, a source and a meter of the torsion field created by human hands already exist.
Academician Kozyrev was the first to prove the existence of this field and created a sensor to measure the magnitude of its energy flow. He used tungsten as the sensor material. He measured the change in its electrical resistance. To achieve a higher sensitivity of the torsion field sensor, a thin film of tungsten measuring 1 x 1 centimeter and about 2 or 3 microns thick should be used. The electrical resistance of this thin film in a torsion field depends on the power of the energy flow of this field according to a power law with an exponent of 3. Electrical contacts for measurements must be made of nickel with a chromium sublayer.
And now the most interesting. The language and alphabet of the Atlanteans represent the Ukrainian language and alphabet that already exist at the present time without any changes. Comparative measurements of the power of the torsion field of the letters of existing alphabets and thoughts in various languages ​​will convince you of this. The language of the Atlanteans is more ancient than Sanskrit, and indeed is a “sacred” language, since it most fully reflects in words the connection between meaning and form.
The second version of the ancient language of the Atlanteans
The alphabet of the Atlantean language has 25 letters and 10 additional characters. Of the modern languages ​​that have retained the influence of the Atlantean language to the greatest extent, English is the language. It is enough to remove the letter W from the English alphabet, and replace the letter E with the letter Ї from the Ukrainian alphabet - and we will see the ancient alphabet of our ancestors. Ten additional characters of the Atlantic alphabet are derived from the main letters and have a slightly different pronunciation. The main 25 letters have the same pronunciation as the letters in the modern English alphabet. 10 additional Atlantean characters exist in some modern languages. These signs are as follows: A A A A ? E E O O O. These are percussion, unstressed, mixed or longer pronunciation sounds.
In the language of the Atlanteans, there are names for the beginnings of God. In the language of the Atlanteans, Jehovah means the number “3” and the name of God, which combines three principles: izjeezh - “fire” (sounding close to the word “burn”), zhezi - “water”, zhui - “air” (similar in sound to the word "chew"). The word zhezi (“water”) as one of the beginnings of God from the language of Atlantes is transformed in the Old Slavic language into “who art” - “there is water”: “Our Father, who art ...”. It is clear that the separation and dedicated deification of one of the principles of God became the beginning of the pagan beliefs of man. In the language of the Atlanteans, "devil" means the number "2" and the name of the devil, which combines two principles: water and air.
The ancient Egyptian language is closer to the Atlantean language than English, but the alphabet of the ancient Egyptian language differs from the Atlantean alphabet to a much greater extent than English. You can find great similarities between the languages ​​- ancient Egyptian and English. It is interesting to note that the pharaohs, kings and queens of Egypt from the Ancient Kingdoms had names in the "sacred" language - the language of Atlantis. Here are some of their names: Ezz - "Air" (XLIV century BC), Hig - "Jehovah" (XLIII century BC), Tizan - "Sun", Tszioz - "Magic", Chizsh - " Joyful" (XXXVI century BC), Elekion - "Happy" (XXXV century BC), Isis - "There is the Most Beautiful" (XXXIII century BC), Khiz - "He", Sin - "Seer" (XXXII century BC), Hikiz - "He is", Caesars - "Caesar" (XXXI century BC), Knot - "Strong" (XXX century BC) , Shchezin - “She is Soulful”, Elizhl - “Everything is Jewel”, Fezoizh - “This is a source”, Kizhaf - “Dagger” (XXIX century BC), Iphotep - “Hot”, Chiya - “Slender "(XXVIII century BC).
One can easily see the similarities in the pronunciation of words: Tizan - the Sun, Jioz - there is Ozz, etc. In the ancient language of the Atlanteans, the names of the pharaohs Eizzhoyed (“Fiery”) and Chzheeg (“Tempered”), who lived in the XXXIX century BC, are derived from the word izzheyozh - “fire”. The connection of some words in the Atlantean language with the words in Russian (izheyozh - "heartburn" - "fire") and Ukrainian (Chiya - "shia" - "neck") is also clearly visible, and the name of the pharaoh Elekion shows a direct connection with the Greek word " amber". The name of the Queen Ekizhsch - "Royal" - is close to the Russian "Kizhi", and the name of the Queen Tsveshch ("Beautiful") is close to the Russian word "flower". The names of the pharaohs Chzik ("Happy"), Shizl ("Joyful") and Shizsh ("Happy") are the same root in the Atlantean language with the word "schizophrenic" ("happiness"). The word "fren" in the Atlantean language means "I" and is often part of the name.
The names of Pharaoh Yuz (“Practical”), Queen Win (“Winner”) and Queen Chip (“Compliant”) are preserved in English: use (“benefit”, “use”), win (“victory”, “win”) , chip ("chips", "chips"). The names of the ancient Egyptian queens Yuzzheb (“Family”), Yuzizh (“Chocolate”) and Yuzshchi (“Love”) are composite: Yuz-zheb (zheb - job - “work”), Yuz-izh (izh - “chocolate”) and Yuz-schi (schi - "life"). Obviously, the preservation of the sound of the word "shchi" in the name of the national Russian food, and the meaning of the word is preserved in the analogy: food is life. The name of the pharaoh Yuzim ("Disinterested") is also a compound word, the second part of which - them corresponds to the Russian word "others", "them", i.e. translation of the name of the pharaoh: “benefit to others”, “selflessness”. The second part of the word in English sounds like him ("him") - this is the second meaning of the translation: "benefit to Him", that is, "benefit to God."
The name of the Roman Colosseum also has its origins in the ancient language of the Atlanteans. The name of the pharaoh Elisey means "Honest", and the prefix ko means "common", "joint" and has retained its meaning in modern languages. Therefore, the Colosseum literally means "common honor."
The name of the ancient Egyptian queen Shier (“Tenderly loving”), who lived in the 16th century BC, passed into French: cheri means “dear, -th”, “tenderly beloved, -th”.

In chapter III we learned how, in the Platonic dialogue Critias, Atlas - the first-born son of the five pairs of twin sons of Poseidon - became the first king of Atlantis, and his twin brother inherited "the tip of the island [Atlantis] from the Pillars of Hercules, facing the area, which today is known as Ghadira.

Here we learned that in Greek the name of this twin sounded like Eumel, but "in the language of his own country he was called Gadir, and there is no doubt that his name gave the name to those lands."
These words contain very important facts. First of all, we must remember that the dimensions of Atlantis, indicated in Critias and equal to Libya and Asia combined, have nothing to do with the mainland, but only mean the territories over which the power of the kings of Atlantis extended. Secondly, Gadira, or Gades, is, of course, a Phoenician port city founded in southwestern Spain c. 1100 BC It is curious that Gadira is the only place, apart from the Pillars of Hercules, mentioned in connection with Plato's island in the Atlantic. This fact takes on special significance after the words “in the language of his [Eumela] own country [i.e. Atlantis] his name was Gadir." In other words, Plato thought that "Gadira" and "Gadir" were names in the Atlantean language. So how

can we explain this relationship between Gadira and Atlantis?
Gadira or Gadeira are the Greek variants of the original Phoenician or Carthaginian name for this port city. Pliny in the 1st century AD refers to him, calling him "Gadir", which, according to him, in the "Punic" (i.e. Carthaginian) language means "fence". Apparently, this word comes from the three-letter Semitic root g-d-r, which means "barrier" or "barrier of stones." So this name can be interpreted as "walled city" or "city of walls" like Gedera, an unidentified city of the Canaanites mentioned in the Bible, and Gedor, a city on the highlands of Judah. Both of these names come from the same root as Hades.
Since the names Ghadir and Ghadir are clearly Semitic in origin, this clearly indicates that “his language [i.e. Eumela or Gadira] of his own country" was not the language of Atlantis, as Plato thought, but Punic. In other words, the original language of the tradition of the legends of Atlantis was Carthaginian. Having accepted this conclusion, we must admit that those who introduced Plato to the legend of Atlantis used Gadira as a geographical landmark in order to better explain the extent of the sphere of influence of the kings of the oceanic Atlantis. But, mentioning Gadira, these narrators involuntarily gave themselves away, since, in all likelihood, the seafaring peoples who mentioned this Spanish port city as a landmark were the Phoenicians and Carthaginians.
Even though Gadira, or Gades, is only a geographical point mentioned in connection with the extent of the spheres of influence of the kings of Atlantis, we have evidence that the names of other Carthaginian settlements appear in the story of Atlantis. For example, Carthage itself has long been compared with the description of the city on Atlantis given by Plato. Both of these cities were located on low, well-fortified hills, and the location of the docks and water pipes that took place in Carthage turned out to be very similar to the description of the citadel of the capital of Atlantis. Now we know how close Plato's concept of Atlantis is to the Carthaginian port of Cerne, located on the west coast of Africa. This small island, presumably located either off the coast of Western Sahara or at the mouth of the Senegal River, is associated by Pseudo-Skylax with "regions" of the ocean "made impassable by silt and algae", which is an undoubted allusion to the Sargasso Sea. But why is Cerne associated precisely with this region of the ocean, if the ancient navigators who told
about all these dangers, did not die in a shipwreck and did not end their days on the legendary island?
Felix Berlioz, a French geographer of the 19th century, even came to the conclusion that Cerne was Plato's fabulous Atlantis. Based on the story of Diodorus Siculus about the Atlanteans (the Atlanteans of Herodotus), from among whom “mythology chooses heroes for the birth of future gods,” Berlioz suggested the existence of a powerful people of the Atlanteans, who appeared on Cerne and soon became a huge Libyan power.
It is more likely, however, that Cerne's association with the legend of Atlantis arose not because Plato's Atlantis lay near Africa, but simply because this Carthaginian island settlement was confused with other legends and stories telling about distant islands that can be seen in ocean after many days of sailing somewhere beyond the Pillars of Hercules. In all likelihood, it is for this reason that the real aspects of the voyages across the Atlantic intermingled with the core of the legend of Atlantis, including, apparently, the idea that even elephants were found on the island (i.e. Atlantis). Recall that elephants are mentioned in
report on the real voyage of Hanno, the Carthaginian commander, who committed approx. 425 BC sailing around Northwest Africa. Moreover, it was during this voyage that Hanno founded an island settlement on Cerne. But are these stories really mixed up to such an extent that African elephants, which can really be found behind the Pillars of Hercules, were transferred in one fell swoop from the reed swamps of Mauritania to the notorious Atlantis, the description of which clearly contains some elements that arose exclusively as a result of the contacts of the Carthaginians with the coast of Africa?
Alas, there is nothing clear and definite in this matter. And yet, if we have the right to point to those who really "brought" the legend of Atlantis into the Platonic ancient world, we will have to turn no further than the Iberian Phoenicians and their "accomplices in crime" - the Carthaginians. It is with them that we find a much earlier source of the legend.
about a sunken island located somewhere on the other side of the Western Ocean. The mystery surrounding the sinking of the Bahamas land mass and the fragmented fragmentation of the islands of the Caribbean archipelago simply begs the need for continued research if we are to know the truth about what could have happened in this tropical region many thousands of years before the appearance of historical chronicles. However, before dealing with this problem, we must go back in time many centuries ahead and see what was known about the true location of the lost Atlantis in the Middle Ages, more precisely, in the times immediately preceding the epochal voyages of Christopher Columbus.