Earnings on facebook your like page. How to make money on Facebook: Facebook page monetization schemes without investments

Making money online is easy if you know how. In the social network Facebook, you can very easily earn serious money just by leaving likes on the pages.

    • New project - earn on likes!
    • The cost of likes: what does it depend on?
    • Payment

No one will refuse additional earnings, especially if it does not need to spend a lot of time and effort. Today, almost everyone is registered on a social network, and, most likely, not in one, but it is there that you can earn very simply - no education and experience is needed here, which means that such a part-time job is within the power of anyone who knows how to use the Internet.

New project - earn on likes!

Relatively recently, it became known about a new likes exchange on the Facebook social network, where everyone can get a lot of money. For each “like” heart, you can get up to 50 cents, and instantly.

The cost of likes: what does it depend on?

The cost of your like will depend on how many people you have as friends. One cent per like will be given to those who have less than a hundred people on their friends list. In the event that the number of friends is from 100 to 200 people, the price per like will increase to 2 cents. Every hundred people on your friends list adds one cent per like to the cost.

Watch the webinar on ways to make money on Facebook

Grow your Facebook community wisely: Explore the Complete Guide to Making Money on Facebook

Accordingly, if you have 300 friends in your friends, your like can be valued at 3 cents, 1 thousand friends on the list - 10 cents per like, whoever has up to 5,000 thousand people in friends can earn as much as 50 cents on a like. With the maximum scenario (up to 5 thousand friends on the list) on Facebook, your earnings for 10 clicks will be 5 US dollars.


It should be noted that payment on Facebook is made instantly, and the received funds can be withdrawn immediately after receiving them. The minimum withdrawal amount is at least $5. Withdrawal of funds is made through the Webmoney system.

The whole process of earning takes place on the exchange - you will not need to follow links and various sites to complete the task. All that is required from the user is to like the site and earn money.

In order to start earning money, you first need to go through the registration process on the likes exchange. To enter the site, you must log in with Facebook. The advertiser chooses a button - "customer", those who decide to make money on likes - click "surfer". After that, you need to click on the "login via Facebook" icon.

How to create an online store on Facebook

Now you can go directly to earnings. A personal Facebook profile is processed automatically by the system, taking into account the number of people who are on your friends list, as well as activity on the site in question.

In your personal account, the price for liking your profile is indicated, as well as topics that interest you, which you are ready to like. For efficient and most effective work, we advise you to choose all topics. After choosing topics, you can start surfing, which shows all the likes available at the moment.

We recommend online earning course: Learn more than 50 ways to make money online, including ways to make money on Facebook

Likes are created by advertisers. Not robots, as many people think, but ordinary people who need to promote their group, website or community on Facebook. The cost of likes is set by the advertiser. For productive work and getting a good income, you need to check for updates several times a day, so you can get to interesting offers more often, while receiving additional income.

If you want to earn real money, you need to like everything that is offered, and not just expensive options. You need to understand that there are a lot of surfers and every day there are more and more of them, and the work can simply end at one moment.

The Internet is a virtual world where every inhabitant of the Earth lives from 3 to 24 hours a day. If the Internet has its own society and many social networks, communication, then why not make money on Facebook, in the virtual space, just like in reality.

One year of serious work and your income will reach 90-100 thousand rubles. If you work for a foreign audience, then your wallet will be replenished with dollars. Where to begin:

  1. First of all, determine for yourself whether you are ready to spend 3-12 hours a day on promoting your earnings for the first 1-2 months. Time is the main resource.
  2. Open a dictionary of computer terms and jargon in the search engine. Most ordinary users are not familiar with the slang of computer scientists and programmers. Find out what and how it is called.
  3. If you want to independently choose a way to make money on Facebook, look for those offers that do not require investments. Pay attention to the rest when you understand the system of sites and offers, and a lot of affiliate programs will not confuse your thoughts.
  4. In most earning offers, you need to have your own account and several groups. Groups should be interesting and aimed at a specific target audience. The theme should interest guests and attract more and more people. It is important to follow this and update the information at least once a week.
  5. If you want to promote your product on Facebook, choose the products that are most in demand by the audience. People are interested in products that are advertised on TV and instantly solve their problems according to advertising.
  6. If your group is sufficiently advanced and the page is promoted, then advertisers will find you and offer profitable cooperation.
  7. Creating an electronic wallet and mail is a prerequisite for working on the Internet.
  8. Patience and hard work will lead you to a stable high income. In a year, you may be earning so much that you can afford travel and an interesting lifestyle without wasting time sitting in the office.

Is it possible and how to earn money on Facebook without investments, you can see here:

Top ways to make money on Facebook

How to earn on likes

Until recently, a side income was offered to those who like to watch videos and photos. You won't earn much by liking them. But, for those who just love to walk on Facebook, this type of income is a prize for the time spent. The cost of one like is about 30 kopecks.

Now you can earn from likes from 10 cents to $ 5. To do this, you need to go through Facebook, for example, to the site Likke.ru, log in and follow the instructions. You will receive 10 cents for a like if you have 100 friends as friends. WITH Respectively, $5 - if you have 5 thousand friends. Real earnings, withdrawal of funds to Webmoney, minimum - $5.

Earning on your page

You can make money on your page if the page is sufficiently promoted and has a thousand or more subscribers. You can focus on the audience selected according to the principle:

  • geographic location;
  • gender;
  • age;
  • interests.

Most often they choose the USA, Canada, Spain. It is not necessary to know English. Choose the phrases you need and order their translation. The rest can be translated on Google.

By creating several pages dedicated to various topics, you will collect a large audience. The page should be "live", interesting. It should be clear that your soul, thoughts are hovering in it. The "dry" page does not attract attention.

You can create a business page and not focus on your personality. In this case, you will earn about 13-16 thousand and not stand out from other users.

Another way is to create your own unique brand. This method is successfully used by bright personalities, famous, public people and those who want to realize their ideas. In this case, earnings will be ten times higher.

It is important to fill the page with interesting news, recipes, tips, pictures and so on in order to attract visitors, increase the number of friends and subscribers. Against this background, you can promote and sell your products, advertising, games and applications.

For example, if you have 12 thousand subscribers, then placing one advertisement per day will bring you an income of 250-400 rubles from the advertiser. If you buy two places daily for a month, then your earnings will be about 18-20 thousand in 30 days. In reality, the income is usually about 6 thousand rubles. Some of the advertising sites are Lookery, Google Adsense, Userplane.

Sales generate more revenue than advertising. On your Facebook page, you can sell information products through affiliate programs. To do this, you need to find an interesting affiliate program for yourself (you can Adkombo - a sales affiliate program). ru.Aliexpress.com, like other large trading wholesale and retail sites, offers a wide range of affiliate programs.

Subscribers can be bought on various forums. Each will cost 3 - 5 rubles. Make sure these people really exist.

How to make money using the site Likke.ru?

Partner programs for information products

Partnership is a profitable way to earn money. The most important thing is to choose a product that interests a wide audience. In some cases, the producer prefers to pay a percentage per view, but more often than not, per sale. Be patient - someone will definitely buy.

If you yourself want to choose a site that provides an affiliate program for promoting an information product to your liking, then lookfreedom.ru is suitable for you, which describes in detail affiliate programs, methods of interaction, terms of payment and transfer of income interest. On the Internet, you can find lists of affiliate programs, and check the conditions of each.

Sales of information products - site e-pay.Club, Qwerty pay and others. It is important to choose the right product. For example, in e-pay.Club the quality of each can be traced. Don't grab something new right away. The administration will notify you by a message to your personal account if the product does not pass the test.

Facebook group as a source of additional income

Creating a group and its promotion takes time, effort and knowledge of the needs of the audience. If everything is in order with this, then, having gained more than 10 thousand subscribers, you can count on receiving tangible profits in several areas:

  • placement of advertisements;
  • sale of goods;
  • sale of services;
  • sale of information products;
  • placement of referral links. Attracting referrals is considered passive income if you just post links. You can add interesting text if it is stipulated by the contract and you are able to write attractive, not repulsive advertising;
  • promote the goods of your own online store;
  • advertise your business, services and products;
  • develop your own information product and successfully promote it yourself;
  • place links to your website, online store;
  • sell the ability to download movies, games, applications from your file;
  • many other ideas will come to you after you take the first step.

Features of the organization of work on the Internet

  1. It takes time to achieve high earnings. The more work you invest in the first 1-2 months. The sooner you reach a stable income.
  2. In order for Facebook to bring in money, you need to work the same way as in any other job - organize your working day / night.
  3. Open a plastic card, wallets online. Withdrawing funds from wallets is most profitable on their own cards, but when withdrawing money from an ATM, interest is charged. Choose the most advantageous option. How to choose a payment system for an online store - read.
  4. No need to calm down when you see your first dollar. Keep working with the same strength.
  5. It is possible to make money on Facebook, like in other social networks. The process is interesting and attractive, the disadvantage of such earnings is that it remains, nevertheless, additional. In addition to working at the computer, you will have to go to work. How long you will combine two types of activity depends only on your desire, abilities, skills.
  6. It's never too late to learn. If the Internet is a new activity for you, spend time and study - at home at the computer or in special courses.
  7. Fear and laziness are your enemies. Don't be afraid to start. The hardest part is organizing yourself. Schedule your whole day in minutes and strictly adhere to the schedule. You are your own boss and subordinate. Your earnings depend only on you.

- Read the step-by-step instructions in the article at the link. Business ideas for making money on the Facebook social network are discussed in detail in this video:

The global trend in the development of information technology is the transformation of social networks from entertainment services into users' income sources and business tools. The company "LookFreedom" predicted such a trend and even developed earnings in the social. networks, which has already proven itself in practice and found a positive response from the readers of our blog.

As for Facebook, many analysts today note that it is no longer so much a social network as a global platform for interaction between businessmen, advertisers and other market participants. We have chosen for you the most interesting and promising ways that allow you to earn money on Facebook and constantly increase your income.

1. Monetize your social activity (earnings on likes, reposts, etc.)

What does an ordinary user do while browsing the Facebook feed? Marks the publications he likes, shares them with friends, communicates in the comments. This is all done for fun and requires no effort. However, the same actions can be performed for money.

There are many services on the Internet that pay for:

To earn money, you need to register on one of the sites (ForumOk, SmmOk, Likee, etc.) and complete tasks, receiving a fee to an electronic wallet. It will not bring huge money, but as a source of additional income it will suit any user.

Customers are much more in demand active and "live" profiles with a large number of friends and subscribers.

2. Earn money on your Facebook page

The previous earning option is ideal for a personal profile. However, a personal account has a number of restrictions, for example, by the number of friends. But, the main thing is that it cannot be used for business purposes. This is the most flagrant violation of the rules of this social network, which leads to blocking the user.

Therefore, making a profit using your own business page (another name is a fan page) is a more promising and profitable method. Advantages:

If your Facebook page has a stable audience, then you can make money on. You post information about the product on the page, talk about the benefits, share your experience if possible, and post a link. An interested user follows it, and after the purchase, a certain percentage of the profit is transferred to you.

  • Consulting, coaching, training.

Gathering master groups, conducting paid live webinars, advising clients, negotiating - not a complete list of actions on Facebook that will bring you money. For the page - the most active channel for promoting their developments.

Advertising your own brand using Facebook can also be done by specialists who work offline. Event organizers, photographers, repair specialists and even doctors talk about themselves and their services, look for new clients, conduct preliminary consultations and earn money. However, here it is worth making an adjustment for geolocation. If you carry out your activities outside the network, it will be very strange when, for example, a cosmetologist from Krasnodar offers services to a user from Moscow.

Please note that a business page will become an effective tool and attract a wide audience (hence, earnings) only with a competent content strategy. It means:

  • regular posting of new materials;
  • alternation of formats (texts, pictures, photos, videos);
  • close interaction with the audience (responses to comments, polls, creating topics for discussion).

3. Earnings on thematic group

A Facebook group is different from a business page. In fact, this is an online community, an association of people according to certain principles or interests (a group of freelancers, mothers on maternity leave, fishing enthusiasts, etc.). They are designed to communicate and share information. Unlike a page, groups are difficult to advertise, promote, and it is impossible to scale a business with their help.

However, groups can generate serious income as they are effective advertising platforms. For example, a group brings together travelers. Therefore, this is an ideal target audience for travel agencies, ticket booking services, hotels, camping equipment sellers.

To start earning you need:

  • Choose a topic and create a group;
  • Constantly fill it with interesting information. Publish new content regularly;
  • Always try to attract as many new members as possible;
  • Stimulate their communication in the comments (active groups are more in demand by advertisers).

It takes some time, but all efforts will pay off with the money that advertising will bring.

In order for commercial information not to cause a negative reaction of the group members, it is necessary:

  • Firstly, strike a balance between useful materials and advertising;
  • Secondly, for sale, use the methods of native advertising (organic content) and storytelling (storytelling). That is, to talk about products on behalf of group members, to advise and recommend them, to share personal experience in using a product or service. This allows you to get away from open sales and increase trust.

Some group creators make money by selling their communities. Groups with a large number of participants and a popular topic (health, self-development, parenting, etc.) are in demand. However, it must be remembered that the official Facebook rules allow the change of ownership only with the consent of the administration.

4. Create your own online store

If you are the owner of a small business or a hand maker *, and decide to open an online store, then it is not necessary to spend time, money and create a separate resource for this. Online trading can be launched directly on the Facebook page.

* Handmader (English)hand made - hand work). This refers to a person who sells products made by himself.


  • You can create a store yourself using special services (including free ones) *;
  • For the sale, you do not need to transfer the percentage of this social network;
  • Selling to loyal subscribers is easier than constantly looking for customers.


  • The free version has restrictions on the number of products, so Facebook is “cramped” for a large project;
  • To expand the circle of customers, you need to deal not only with updating the assortment, but also regularly work on content.

*Services for creating and promoting an online store on Facebook:

- the most popular and simple constructor for creating a web store. Allows anyone without special skills to place and launch an online store on a Facebook page in a short time, which can then be transferred to another social network and to your own website. The free version has product limits.

Shopify- a service with wide functionality. Well optimized for mobile devices. Has a free two-week trial period.

shopScript- allows you to simultaneously create a store on a separate site. The interface will be fully adapted to Facebook's design. It has a free trial period of 30 days. Further - 399 rubles / month.

Bigcommerce- offers over 100 free design templates, has many settings, including the ability to recommend products to friends. More suitable for medium-sized businesses that will grow over time.

5. MLM Marketing

For independent agents who are engaged not only in the sale of products of certain brands, but also attract new partners to the sales system, Facebook opens up the widest opportunities:

  • Demonstrate products on the page, post their description (in other words, advertise), talk about new products in text and video format;
  • In comments to posts, provide consultant services, answer questions and turn a page visitor into a buyer;
  • Post information about opportunities and prospects for cooperation;
  • Communicate systematically with clients;
  • Constantly expand your target audience and customer base.

6. Attracting traffic to your own Internet resource

In the section with proven methods, we already talk about how to make money with your site. However, any resource for successful and productive work requires a constant influx of new users. Especially if the site makes a profit through contextual advertising (ads are shown to users in accordance with the subject of its queries in search engines).

On the Facebook page, in addition to any other content, you can post announcements or the most striking fragments of articles from your site. Interested friends or subscribers follow the link to the site, read the material, watch illustrations, videos. Their attention will also be attracted by the information of advertising banners, which means that someone will make a purchase, register, leave their data, etc., it all depends on your goal.

7. Earning on video

The amount of video content on Facebook is comparable to texts. Every day, users watch about 100 million hours of various videos and interest in them is only increasing.

Mark Zuckerberg made an ambitious announcement last year that he plans to move video hosting company YouTube from the top spot in the market. However, many were in no hurry to post the results of their creativity on Facebook because of the vague methods of monetization. Therefore, the owners of the network decided to insert ads into videos longer than 90 seconds and give 55% of profits to authors. Thus, you have even more opportunities for good earnings.

Video bloggers and those who constantly post visual content on YouTube should consider, if not changing the site, then at least expanding the scope of their activities through a Facebook page. Moreover, while this feature is at the testing stage, the competition will be lower than on advanced video hosting.

It's never too late to take action

In this article, we talked about the most reliable and proven ways to earn money using Facebook. Remember that you always have the opportunity to use several directions at the same time, but you just have to devote a little more time to this.

The number of active users of this social network is rapidly approaching 2 billion. In Russia and the CIS countries, this site is in 3rd place in terms of popularity, which cannot but rejoice. The expansion of the commercial functionality of the pages opens up many new progressive opportunities for making money on the Internet that you can easily use.

If you are looking for other ways to use the World Wide Web and do not want to become a victim of scammers, pay attention to useful information about proven ways to make money online. On our website, we place only reliable information and our readers about dubious online projects and services. For all questions, you can contact the support service of our company.

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top 5 ways to make money on facebook

  1. Promoting your business through Facebook;
  2. Building an MLM structure (multi-level marketing);
  3. Remote earnings via the Internet as an SMM specialist;
  4. Sale of goods from China;
  5. Creation of affiliate programs for the sale of information products.

SMM (Social Media Marketing) is an activity aimed at increasing the loyalty of the target audience to a brand or media person.

How to start making money on Facebook without investment?

A huge plus of Facebook is that with it you can start your business from scratch, without investments at all and without having any skills at the same time. To prove this theory, here is an example from Jim Graham in the first person:

How to earn on likes on Facebook?

“In 1988, I managed to create one of the largest car washes in the US. I have been in this business for 10 years, but, like most business projects, it required my attention 24 hours a day. In total, the car wash brought me over $50 million, but the net profit was much less, as most of the profit went to taxes, rent, etc. So I decided to sell the car wash.

And in 2007, after attending one of the online seminars, I completely changed my idea of ​​business. Only then did I get acquainted with all the possibilities of promoting a business on the Internet. I studied this topic for a long time: HTML, how to create a website design ... In general, everything that was required to create a successful business on the Internet.

But, having spent a huge amount of money and time on training, I realized that in order to create a selling website, you need a lot of money. In addition, creating a high-quality website is a very long process that does not allow you to create a business from scratch in a short time.

Watch Andrey Merkulov's free master class on three ways to make money on Facebook:

In search of an effective way to drive traffic, I tried a huge number of tools, but this was before I met Facebook. It proved to be a lifeline for me, which allowed me, using only my personal profile, to earn more than 720 thousand dollars in three years.”

One of the main advantages of Facebook is also that it is available for almost all age categories, as it is very convenient to use.

The four-step formula for successful Facebook promotion

“In order to start promoting your business on the Internet with Facebook as quickly as possible, I (Jim Graham) recommend using a simple four-step formula that will help you make the most money with the least investment.

  1. Optimize your Facebook profile;
  2. Optimize your Facebook page;
  3. Start promoting events;
  4. Create activity on this social network.”

How to start making money on Facebook if you don't have your own product?

“If you don’t already have your own product that you can promote with a personal Facebook profile or fan page, then you can start your online practice with affiliate programs, which allow you to receive commissions from the sale of other people's goods and services.

The affiliate market allows you to earn billions of dollars on the English-speaking Internet and tens of millions of dollars on the Russian site.

7 secrets of teaser advertising

The point here is that you can copy the graphic from the product author page and place the image on your fan page, while placing your affiliate link next to the "buy" button (leads to the seller's checkout site).

Using this simple method, I have personally earned $337 in commissions per day promoting a particular product on Facebook. And this is far from the limit. If you have the opportunity to devote more time to this scheme, then you can promote, for example, 5 products for $337 per day, which is $1600 per day. At the same time, if you engage in such promotion constantly, you can earn up to 100 thousand dollars a year.

Explore the Complete Guide to Making Money on Facebook

The record I've reached in terms of affiliate programs is $24,000 in two days of promoting a product through Facebook. I promoted a product called "Sky Builder" - a program that allows beginners with no special skills to create applications for the iPhone.

Thus, you can receive a stable income, doing almost nothing and without making much effort. But there is one nuance here: if you want to get a good result, then you need to act right now, without putting things off the shelf. The most important thing to understand about this method and making money on the Internet in general is that you must pay maximum attention to conversion. As you know, ordinary subscribers do not bring any income - buyers bring money. Therefore, you should not chase after all people, you need to collect only the target audience that your business is focused on.”

Have a nice day, everyone. In this article " Facebook Earnings» I will tell you how you can earn on likes on the Facebook social network. This social network has gained immense popularity all over the world, attendance is growing every day and today there are 1.32 billion registered users. Those who have their own Facebook page often like photos, interesting posts, and also join groups .

Why not get paid for these simple actions? You can earn on your account, for example, for one "Like" you can click on average from 50 kopecks to 1 ruble. What is stopping you from starting work today and receiving rewards to your WebMoney wallet or phone every day? If you don't have a Facebook account, you can easily create one, registration takes only five minutes.

Earnings on Facebook is similar to "". All work will consist of performing simple tasks, and money will be transferred to you for completing them. What tasks will you be paid for:

Do you think it’s not realistic to make money on Facebook by completing these simple tasks and you still have doubts? What prevents you from trying right now to start working and earn money online. A large number of users of this social network are already working while you are reading this article.

Who will pay me?

You will be paid by sites that have registered advertisers who pay for a certain type of task. Sites are intermediaries that take orders, and you fulfill them.

A lot of time has been spent to find the very sites that pay and do not cheat their performers. Only for you, sites were collected in one list for the convenience of registering on them.

Here is a list of sites I work on Facebook:

How to increase your income from these sites

I'll tell you a couple of secrets of how I increased my income from Facebook, thereby getting more and more tasks to complete.

Firstly, it's no secret that the main indicator for a page on a social network is the number of your friends, the more friends, the more tasks and more money received for them. How to add many friends, I personally didn’t do anything for this, since the applications came by themselves, and I had only to add friends. That's how many friends I added, and then I added only Russian people, more than 80% of the requests were from foreigners, I rejected them.

Second secret is to create several fake Facebook pages. Many sites allow you to work on several accounts at the same time, read the rules carefully.

Put these secrets together and earn real money on facebook effortlessly. You can work at any time convenient for you.