Zarema Butaev's family. Telyakavov Muslim Pashaevich

Who is the most likely candidate for the next special flight to Moscow? Which of the Dagestani officials are being "pushed" by Chechen politicians and what is the connection between the election of the rector of the DSMU and the Ministry of Labor and Social Development? Read the answers to these and other questions in this article.

Almost six months have passed since the resignation of R. Abdulatipov from the post of head of Dagestan. The unexpected removal from office, albeit with a vast field for maneuver, did not allow him to cooperate and clean up the "tails" of numerous wards. As a result, having hastily left the region, he forgot his numerous luggage in the homeland, which, as it turned out, was not indifferent.
Abdulatipov's luggage is, first of all, dozens and dozens of random souls. As we already know, some of this baggage was hastily disposed of by the competent authorities. However, there is still a lot of luggage left, which continues its, to put it mildly, inactive activity to bring the republic out of the protracted crisis. Along with this, there is a firm belief that the team formed in the last five years will be removed from their positions in a rational manner.

In this case, when talking about “forgotten baggage”, there is no address listing of all persons. There are, perhaps, quite a few worthy workers among them. Let's touch on the most hyped personalities from the point of view of the public.

The biggest irritant for the Dagestan media in all this company is the "newly minted" Minister of Property Relations of Dagestan Ekaterina Tolstikova. The newspaper "Free Republic" with its Ghoul in the title role is distinguished by the sharpest attacks against her. “You don’t have to go far for compromising information on Tolstikova — they are in plain sight — in the public domain on the net. So, it is known about her that, having got dirty in corruption schemes at her previous place of work in the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, she was removed from her post due to being involved in a criminal case, which led to a loss of confidence on the part of the leadership. It is difficult to guess what Abdulatipov was guided by when hiring this citizen to work in Dagestan, but there were more than enough reasons to talk about her inadequacy. A considerable period has passed since the deployment in Dagestan, but as time has shown, the efficiency remains conservative at the same time - at a zero level. The benefit of her Dagestan career is numerous and overlapping meetings in the regional Ministry of Defense. Moreover, as it becomes clear from conversations with people who crossed paths with her, the number of meetings here is not an indicator of a large amount of work, but an elementary lack of knowledge. Former colleagues remember and share with each other a variety of pearls regarding Tolstikova. So, at one of the working meetings, she completely inappropriately cut off something like: "Caviar would be black here." Katya screwed up! And considering that she is not local and is registered in another region, we can conclude that in addition to her salary, the long-suffering budget of the republic is also responsible for renting her housing in Makhachkala. And it is absolutely certain that her living space considerably exceeds "Shuvalov's 20 meters." In general, go home, Katyunya!

A practical and visual double of Tolstikova is another lady “pulled out” from Moscow - Tamara Chinenaya. True, unlike the newly minted Minister of Property, her vague past is not reflected in open sources. But in narrow circles it is reliably known, and such information surfaced in the compromising field, that Chinennaya was under the tutelage of the former deputy minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and now the head of the security service of the Dagestan branch of the Russian Agricultural Bank, M. Ismailov. - Agree, a mess and nothing more. In general, a distinctive feature of Abdulatipov's rule is the interference in the politics of the region by many gray personalities. Why was Ismailov Chinennaya? - We answer the question: he was busy collecting compromising evidence on Abdulatipov with subsequent leaks in the media. It is possible that Chinennaya is still someone's recruited agent in the White House. The information, or rather the clue to its solution, lies in the printout of her phone calls. This information has not yet been fully verified and it is not entirely correct to post it in the article.

Women are women, but in the end, both Chinennaya and Tolstikova are fish of a rather small level. A fatter fish, more likely even a whale, is the brother of the ex-head of the region Rajab Abdulatipov - the Gray Cardinal of the Abdulatipov period and an informal "personnel manager". Almost any personnel issue in the republic was carried out not without his participation. Now everyone knows that the promotion to high positions did not take place without his financial interest. The ex-head of the city of Buynaksk Gusein Gamzatov and the former head of the Leninsky district of Makhachkala Gadzhiyav Darbishev can tell about this in more detail. Both did not hide to whom and how much they paid. As a result, both were simply thrown: first, giving a green light, and then suddenly turning on a red one. It is possible that the arrested members of the government, given the spinelessness of yesterday's partners, will unanimously merge it in their testimony. With an extremely high degree of probability, we can say that the brother of Ramazan Abdulatipov is the next candidate for a special convoy to Moscow. Don't believe? - Well, do not believe it. Of the arrested members of the government, too, no one believed in such an end.

Smoothly moving to the cabinet of ministers, we will touch on other persons who have found themselves in their places solely at the behest of the husbands from the Abdulatipov clan. First of all, probably, it is worth touching on the first vice-premier of the government of Dagestan Ramazan Aliyev. In his competence questions of taxation and property relations of the republic. As we know, the first question has practically not moved from the dead center during the entire period of its work. The concept implemented by Aliyev concerned only the least solvent categories of the population. As for the owners of large businesses, they have solved their problems and continue to solve them bypassing the established order. Land and property issues of the republic look no less disastrous here. It is difficult to imagine that a purposeful collapse of state unitary enterprises was carried out without his knowledge. One of the latest examples is the Makhachkala Passenger Motor Transport Enterprise No. 2 ″. In an incomprehensible and impudent way, 7500 sq. m. of land and transferred to a certain citizen Imanmagomedov, who lives in the village. Niklid Tlyaratinsky district of Dagestan. According to sources, and this can be easily verified, he is connected with Aliyev. Today, this entire territory is divided into small plots and transferred to private individuals on a reimbursable basis.
The substantiation of this and other “cuts” lies in the private house of the First Deputy Prime Minister (pictured), which recently came into the view of caustic Dagestan bloggers. There is also information that a cottage near Saratov is also under active construction, from where, in fact, Aliev was invited by Abdulatipov to Dagestan. The corrupt nature of the activities of the First Deputy Prime Minister is easily seen if we compare expensive real estate with the fact that he has never been engaged in business. So, the property just "fell from the sky."

Among the vice-premiers, the person of Bilal Omarov also draws attention. He may not be very popular in the media. - As it is known from open sources, earlier the republican prosecutor's office made a presentation about his dismissal. But, as information on the official website of the government shows, he continues to hold a high position. The former security guard and man of mystery ended up in the government of the republic not by chance. A well-informed source notes that his candidacy was recommended to Abdulatipov by State Duma deputy from Chechnya Adam Delimkhanov. In this regard, it is not difficult to guess whose mission Omarov is performing in Dagestan. It seems that Artem Zdunov in the foreseeable future will order his dismissal due to unsuitability. Exams and tests are not required for this. It is enough just to argue with him the multiplication table.

Among the ministers of the Abdulatipov era, there are also many people with a very vague past. In this number, the most incompetent minister of the entire modern Dagestan era attracts attention. A person who is not only not familiar with the multiplication table, but even, it seems, reads by syllables. Surely you guessed that we are talking about the Minister of Labor and Social Development Rasul Ibragimov. The story of how a young guy suddenly ended up in a ministerial chair is well known in the camp of his countrymen. The story begins with the election of the rector of the Dagestan
medical academy. On the eve of the election of the rector, in January 2016, the notorious owner of the Moscow vegetable warehouse in Biryulyovo Igor Mikhailovich Isaev (aka Gadzhiev Ibragim Magomedovich) came out with a proposal to promote his man to the post of rector. The patronage of the desired rector cost a certain amount. As we already know, the candidate of Abdulatipov and Isaev failed in the election of the rector. They did not return the money to Isaev, promising something of equal value in return. As a result, not without the intervention of Radjab Abdulatipov, Khasbula Gadzhigishiev, who had previously bought this position in a banal way, was removed from the post of Minister of Labor. As a result, to work off the amount received from Igor Isaev, his son-in-law, Rasul Ibragimov, was appointed to the post of minister. Nobody says that Ibragimov is a rogue or a scoundrel. He may be a good guy, but only the level of his intellect draws the maximum for the guard of this ministry.

Well known to the inhabitant of Dagestan and Minister of Culture Zarema Butaeva. In order not to be too rude, let's call her the "civil wife" of Radjab Abdulatipov in a vague way. In 2013, when Ramazan Abdulatipov was forming the government, brother Rajab asked to appoint Butaeva as Deputy Minister of Culture. Six months later, she became the head of the Ministry of Culture. The benefit of its activities fell on the anniversary of Derbent. The Naryn Kalu fortress, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, was restored for the anniversary events. The money was allocated from the federal budget. They walked along the line of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. Actually, in Dagestan, the work was controlled by Butaeva's department and the Derbent-2000 organizing committee, which was directly related to the arrested Abdusamad Gamidov. Nezavisimaya Gazeta described how this very restoration was carried out: “They did not put rough rubble stone into the destroyed fragments of the fortress wall, as in the “mother” masonry, but freshly sawn brick from the nearest quarry. From above, the masonry was covered with an icteric solution, the seams between the “mother” blocks were smeared with the same solution. According to the observations of the correspondent of the newspaper, the citadel was "rejuvenated" by sandblasting, which led to the loss of the centuries-old cultural layer. Nezavisimaya Gazeta also reported that, according to independent experts, the amount of stolen budget funds for the Naryn-Kala fortress amounted to at least 200 million rubles out of the allocated 610 million.

Approximately the same breed and the former secretary Rabiyat Zakavova, whose professional skills include the ability to quickly brew tea. Selected for the post of Minister of Tourism and Folk Artistic Crafts, she is still marking time and has not formulated how she will develop the Dagestan tourism cluster. The website, which is related to law enforcement agencies, reports that Zakavova is the love interest of Khizri Shikhsaidov. Not to the chagrin of the young talent of the Dagestan show business Munika, who recently gave birth to Shikhsaid's son. In addition, there is nothing more to say about Zakavova, since the activities of the department entrusted to her are zero and it is completely unclear what she is doing there.

The slogan "Purification and whitewashing", which Ramazan Abdulatipov flaunted at the dawn of his leadership, turned out to be the most natural profanation. But the benefit of the philosopher was prematurely torn off from the Dagestan trough and removed to the post of "wedding general." As a result, the circus left, but the clowns still remained. Vladimir Vasiliev, who has already gained respect among the Dagestan people, has a choice whether to send Abdulatipov's luggage after him, or to place this luggage in a storage room. In this case, the places are not so remote.

Rajab Abdulatipov and Zarema Butaeva are the “assistants” of the head of Dagestan for culture as a festival

When Ramazan Abdulatipov, a philosopher by education, came to power in Dagestan in 2013, the residents of the republic were told: “We must not lose sight of our culture… this is what preserves the people.” It was then that serious work began to preserve the people: friendship holidays are replaced by festivals, festivals - by concerts, concerts - by exhibitions, etc. And it does not matter that the level of subsidies in Dagestan is above 70 percent and that no Russian region received more subsidies than Dagestan - 46.7 billion rubles - in 2016. The main thing is that the culture is at the proper level. And, like ancient Greek Atlanteans, two people close to the head of Dagestan, Radzhab Abdulatipov and Zarema Butaeva, hold her on their shoulders.

Made in FMS

In general, "the main ones in culture" have long been indirectly related to it. Butaeva received a conservatory education and taught briefly at the Makhachkala Music College in the 1990s. Abdulatipov in the late 1980s worked for about four years in the Tlyaratinsk regional library. The future Atlanteans of culture met in the Dagestan ... FMS. Rajab Abdulatipov headed the migration service, and Zarema Butayeva worked under him as a press secretary. In 2013, when the acting head of the republic, Ramazan Abdulatipov, was forming the government, his younger brother Rajab advised him to appoint Zarema Butaeva, Deputy Minister of Culture. This was then reported by the "Caucasian Knot", referring to sources in the government. Six months later, Butaeva became the head of the Ministry of Culture. And in September 2016, Radzhab Gadzhimuradovich also put his shoulder to the Dagestan culture. Unexpectedly for the public of Dagestan, the former head of the Federal Migration Service headed the Committee on Education, Science and Culture in the People's Assembly of the new convocation. It is in the State Duma that it is customary to distribute portfolios to writers and directors, where the writer-historian Nikonov chairs the Committee on Education and Science, and the director Govorukhin chairs the Committee on Culture. The Dagestan parliament has its own laws, it’s enough to just be the brother of the philosopher Ramazan Abdulatipov…

Odious shots

Atlantes are Atlanteans, only scandals in the cultural sphere of Dagestan have not subsided since 2013. No less is heard about them than about numerous festivals. Maybe this is because portfolios are given away "for dessert"?
At the end of 2015, Minister Butaeva dismissed the general director of the Dagestan State United Historical and Architectural Museum (DGOM) without explanation. Tamerlana Hajiyeva. Doctor of Historical Sciences, Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic Hajiyev has been suing the Ministry of Culture for several months. In February 2016, he achieved reinstatement as museum director. However, in March, one of the branches of the DGOM, the house-museum of the Lezgin poet Suleiman Stalsky in the village of Ashaga-Stal, burned down. The investigation was inclined to the version that the house was deliberately set on fire on the night of Yaran Suvar (celebrated by the Lezgins as a spring holiday). However, Minister Butaeva again raised the issue of Gadzhiev's dismissal.

T. Hajiyev

- All my activities ... are aimed solely at defending the interests of the republican museum association entrusted to me,- says T. Hajiyev. But the task of the Ministry of Culture is the same. And the program "Development of Culture in the Republic of Dagestan for 2015-2020" refers to the need to ensure "a qualitatively new development ... of museum business." Is professional staff hindering such development?
Hajiyev still managed to defend his director's chair. And here is the head of the Derbent State Historical, Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve Kulam Isakov, who, according to him, did not go “with cakes to the Ministry of Culture”, was left without a job in 2013. In place of Isakov, on the eve of the celebration of the 2000th anniversary of Derbent, the minister put an odious personality - Ali Ibragimova. They say that once the Deputy Minister for the North Caucasus Odes Baysultanov, who visited the museum in Derbent, asked about Ibragimov's past place of work. Hearing that he was the director of the collective farm, he only remarked: "It can be seen".

A. Ibragimov

In an open letter addressed to Ramazan Abdulatipov, human rights activists from the Equality and Justice organization presented a whole dossier on Ibragimov back in 2013. They said that before he led the SPK them. Kazimov and came under investigation for forging documents of the agricultural cooperative. About the fact that he brought the headed SEC to bankruptcy by illegally selling land and other property. “At the end of 2010 ... A. M. Ibragimov drew up deliberately fictitious documents about the damage allegedly caused to the collective farm as a result of the drought, after which he received money from the state in the amount of 10 million rubles. and appropriated. On this fact of fraud on an especially large scale, the investigating authorities of Dagestan initiated a criminal case, "- human rights activists wrote. They recalled that in 1998 A. Ibragimov was tried for hooliganism and that in 2009 one of the "authorities" stabbed him during a criminal showdown. To put it mildly, an atypical biography for a museum worker.
For some reason, the authorities of Dagestan did not hear human rights activists, well, or pretended not to hear ... And soon a new figure appeared in Ibragimov's submission - the director of the Museum-branch of "Battle Glory" Albina Idrisova. According to some reports, she is the wife of that same crime boss Rafik Idrisov nicknamed "Mole", about whose connection with Rajab Abdulatipov "Black List" spoke earlier. This only confirms the version about the criminal nature of the "loss" of millions of rubles during the reconstruction of the main object of the Derbent Museum-Reserve - the Naryn Kala citadel.

Criminal reconstruction

The Naryn Kala fortress, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, was put in order for the 2000th anniversary of Derbent, which was celebrated last September. The funds were allocated from the federal budget. They walked along the line of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. The work on the spot was controlled by the department of Z. Butaeva and the organizing committee of "Derbent-2000" headed by the same A. Ibragimov.

Nezavisimaya Gazeta described how the so-called restoration was carried out: “In the destroyed fragments of the fortress wall… they did not lay rough rubble stone, as in the ‘mother’ masonry, but freshly sawn brick from the nearest quarry… the masonry was covered with an icteric solution on top, the seams between the ‘mother’ blocks were smeared with the same solution.” According to Nezavisimaya Gazeta, the citadel was "rejuvenated" by sandblasting, and the centuries-old cultural layer was irretrievably destroyed. “According to the assumptions of independent experts, the amount of stolen budget funds for the Naryn-Kala fortress is at least 200 million rubles out of the allocated ... 610 million ...”,- wrote the publication. Already after the celebration of the anniversary of Derbent, A. Ibragimov, apparently expecting the continuation of the banquet, sought the status of a federal state institution for the museum. “This will give an incentive to… protect monuments at the federal level. And the protection of monuments provides for the allocation of funds for restoration work,”- so he directly stated in an interview with the OTR television channel at the end of 2015.
However, officials from the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, related to the restoration of federal monuments, in early 2016 “fell down” on corruption. The defendants in the criminal cases were Deputy Minister Grigory Pirumov, Director of the Department of Property Management and Investment Policy Boris Mazo, Head of the Directorate for Construction, Reconstruction and Restoration Boris Tsagaraev, Director of the Center Restoration Federal State Unitary Enterprise Oleg Ivanov. A wave of arrests from Moscow may soon reach Derbent. In October, RIA Derbent, citing Andrey Shishkin, deputy presidential envoy to the North Caucasus Federal District, reported that the museum-reserve and its director Ali Ibragimov were expected to undergo serious inspections. And there it’s not far to Makhachkala ...

False holidays

So what will the Dagestanis from the reign of the philosopher Ramazan Abdulatipov and his cultural Atlanteans remember - festivals or scandals? Perhaps the second. By the way, the holidays, of which there were actually many, often caused misunderstanding, irritation, and questions among the inhabitants of the republic. For example, why do the Avar events prevail on the cultural agenda of the multinational republic? Somehow: a play about Rasul Gamzatov based on the play by Abdulatipov himself at the Avar Music and Drama Theater; the change of one anthem - authorship of Shirvani Chalaev - to another, to the music of Marad Kazhlaev and the verses of Rasul Gamzatov; opening of the Poetry Theater "From Pushkin to Gamzatov" in Makhachkala. The Avar roots of the head of the republic made their way even in a gala concert dedicated to the 2000th anniversary of Derbent ... Or why does the same appointee of the Ministry of Culture Ali Ibragimov allow himself pro-Azerbaijani propaganda while in the position of a Russian official? “It is no secret that Ali Ibragimov serves the interests of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Derbent,”- Milrad Fatullayev, editor-in-chief of RIA Derbent, said not so long ago. The director of the museum is also reminded of cooperation with scientists and TV people who promote Derbent as a “historical city of Azerbaijan”, and drunken tirades on the topic “who is the boss in South Dagestan”. And recently, Minister Z. Butayeva said in an interview with Interfax that an Azerbaijani theater would be built in the ancient city. Such a message is still fuel for ethnic tensions in Derbent.
Well, what can you do, what a chapter - such Atlanteans, what Atlanteans - such a culture ...

This text was published last year. We believe that now law enforcement officers of the republic will pay closer attention to the facts presented in it. Moreover, the case of the restorers, headed by Grigory Pirumov, has already been considered by the court, and the story of the restoration of the citadel in Derbent has not been set in motion.

Having fairly frightened Dagestan with checks, detentions and searches, the interdepartmental commission of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation and the TFR outlined the main directions for further work for the regional supervisory agency. And although after breaking the old clan system, the nature of management reforms has become more constructive, another wave of new criminal cases, dismissals and arrests is expected in the republic. "" figured out which of the Dagestan officials was at risk. The unprecedented "cleansing" of the ruling elite of Dagestan passed into the next phase last week. According to the source "", the seconded employees from Moscow remained in organizations and departments, but the nature of the inspections became different. The searches and seizures of documents (which all Dagestan ministries and departments stubbornly denied) have been completed, the institutions are operating normally. Only from time to time, inspectors, studying the documentation, call employees for conversations. Further work to restore order in the republic is gradually taken over by the prosecutor's office of Dagestan, the new head of which Denis Popov On February 10, the Prosecutor General presented to his subordinates Yuri Chaika.

The beginning of a new stage of the anti-corruption operation was announced by the chairman of the TFR, who visited Makhachkala the day before Alexander Bastrykin, which held an expanded collegium of the department with the participation of employees of the central office of the Investigative Committee and the leadership of the Main Investigative Committee for the North Caucasus Federal District. And on Friday, February 9, the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation reported on the work done in less than a month. At a meeting in Makhachkala, in the presence of Acting Head of the Republic Vladimir Vasiliev and Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Yuri Chaika, the scale of violations of the law in recent years, discovered by the interdepartmental commission of the Prosecutor General's Office and the TFR in almost all state structures and departments, was announced in figures. And although Dagestan was previously known as a region prone to clan, the first results of inspections impressed not only the federal center, but also the Dagestanis themselves. there was no special need - the local elites of the era of government corrupted by their impunity Ramazana Abdulatipova they didn’t particularly try to cover their tracks, according to a Kompromat GROUP source in one of the public organizations in the North Caucasus. What can I say, when retired police colonel-general Vladimir Vasilyev, who arrived in Dagestan after Abdulatipov's resignation, was tried to hand over an envelope with unknown contents in the hope of a national grant to the local media right at a meeting with journalists on January 13. “In other words, they completely lost their fear,” the public figure concluded.

Lose the fear - reap the storm

Starting from mid-January, the prosecutor's landing party from Moscow inspected 19 ministries, various departments of the republic and five municipalities. Based on the results of the inspection in the near future, except for those arrested on February 5, the interim prime minister Abdusamad Gamidova, his two deputies and the ex-Minister of Education, dozens more officials of various levels will be under investigation. Law enforcement officers who have not noticed all sorts of violations for years will face the same fate.

In total, the joint commission of the Prosecutor General's Office and the Investigative Committee, as of February 13, 2017, revealed about 2.5 thousand violations of the law, initiated more than 70 criminal and 433 administrative cases, follows from the report of Deputy Prosecutor General Ivan Sydoruk, who led the inspections. The fact of mass concealment of crimes by Dagestan law enforcement officers was discovered in order to improve performance. The Commission reported on the identification of 70 such crimes, 3 of which were of a terrorist nature. As an example, Sydoruk cited the criminal case of the chief architect of Makhachkala Magomedrasula Gitinova, which was initiated only at the request of the Prosecutor General's Office, although the authorities knew that Gitinov had abused his powers six months ago. Officials who allowed connivance towards him in the service will be punished. Prosecutors revealed the fact of serious and numerous violations in the field of public procurement. The heads of the Agency for Road Facilities, the State Institution "Directorate of a Single Customer-Builder" and the Housing and Communal Complex of Makhachkala, who signed contracts without bidding for 3.8 billion rubles, may soon become defendants in criminal cases. On February 13, a criminal negligence case was initiated against employees of the republican branch of the Federal Treasury, in which prosecutors discovered facts of illegal management of state funds when concluding state and municipal contracts in the amount of 2.4 billion rubles. At the Ministry of Labor and Social Development, the commission revealed the fact of spending 740 million rubles to pay for contracts concluded with a relative of one of the employees. There were facts of embezzlement of funds when allocating grants for the development of the agro-industrial complex and small businesses, as well as budget money for providing employment and compulsory health insurance. Criminal proceedings also threaten the heads of the Rosprirodnadzor department, who turned a blind eye to six long-existing sewage flows into the Caspian Sea. Sewage is dumped into the sea right in the city, which causes infectious diseases of the population. they are also waiting for their colleagues from Rosreestr. The commission uncovered mass cases of illegal registration of the rights to contracts for the sale of non-residential premises and land plots, which were concluded without bidding, and also did not pass the state cadastral registration - less than half of the land in Dagestan was registered by Rosreestr. Numerous facts of squatting and illegal transfer of land to third parties, illegal issuance of permits have been revealed. According to Ivan Sydoruk, the damage from the poor work of Rosreestr exceeded 143 million rubles - real chaos reigns in the field of cadastral registration of the republic. The head of the supervisory department, Yuri Chaika, drew attention to the mansions of the first persons of the republic and other high-ranking officials in the water protection zone on the coast of the Caspian Sea, blocking access to the coast for many kilometers. Illegal constructions on the coast were legalized by a majority vote of the People's Assembly of Dagestan under the President Muhu Aliyev.

In particular, according to RIA Derbent, on the seashore between the Caspian and Makhachkala there are luxurious mansions of Abdusamad Gamidov, the acting head of the government of Dagestan, and the former Minister of Education Shakhabas Shakhov, who were arrested on February 5. In the same area is the house of the ex-head of Dagestan Ramazan Abdulatipov. It is a well-known fact that in November 2017 Abdulatipov’s armed guards did not let representatives of the ONF to the seashore through the territory adjacent to the site of the former head of the republic.

During the inspection of law enforcement officers, more than 350 violations of anti-corruption legislation were also recorded. For example, seven high-ranking officials holding the posts of deputy minister, six advisers to senior officials and 14 other officials of various ranks were convicted of running their own business. According to Yury Chaika, the facts of filling positions in state and municipal services on the basis of subordination and control by persons who are in close family relations should be excluded.

Seven on the benches

And although the blow to Dagestan was initially of a supra-clan character - for this purpose, the former security official from Moscow, Vasiliev, was sent by President Putin to the republic - the most serious "purge" awaits the clan of the ex-head of Dagestan Ramazan Abdulatipov, social activists say. After all, it is his representatives and their allies who have occupied key positions in the republic for the past few years. Kompromat GROUP made inquiries about which of them will have a restless sleep in the near future.

Ramazan Gadzhimuradovich Abdulatipov - the head of the Republic of Dagestan from September 8, 2013 to October 3, 2017, an Avar, a native of the Tlyaratinsky district. The first specialty is a medical assistant. Since 1973, in the party work. In 1975 he graduated in absentia from the Faculty of History of the Dagestan University. Then he studied at the graduate school at the Faculty of Philosophy of Leningrad State University named after A. A. Zhdanov. Professor, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. Since 1988 - at the deputy and diplomatic work in Moscow, from 2005 to 2009 - the Russian Ambassador to Tajikistan. Since 2011 - Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the VI convocation from the United Russia party. In January 2013, he was appointed and. O. President of Dagestan, since September 2013 - the head of the republic. On September 27, 2017, he resigned from his post. The official reason for his resignation is his age (Abdulatipov turns 72 this year) and the Kremlin's policy of rejuvenating personnel. According to political analysts, a combination of factors influenced Abdulatipov's resignation - an extremely low rating (only 16% of the republic's residents approved of his work), numerous economic conflicts and a high level in Dagestan. Since October 19, 2017 - Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for humanitarian and economic cooperation with the states of the Caspian region.

The ex-head of the republic has a large family traditional for the Caucasian republics - only eight brothers and sisters. All of them have adult children, and some of them have already grown grandchildren. According to Ramazan Abdulatipov himself, there are at least 100 of them. Not to mention numerous relatives by marriage, cousins ​​and just fellow countrymen. However, they all found a place - if not in government, then in affiliated business structures. For example, the 34-year-old eldest son of the ex-head of the republic was appointed vice-mayor of Kaspiysk 2 months after his father headed Dagestan. Jamal replaced in this position the nephew of the main political opponent of his father at the time, the former mayor of Makhachkala Saida Amirova Yusup Dzhaparova, after that, uncle and nephew were convicted of preparing an assassination attempt on the ex-head of the FIU in Dagestan Sagida Murtazalieva.

In December 2017, the FAS opened 12 antimonopoly cases against the administration of Kaspiysk on the fact of violations of the law when changing the type of permitted use of 12 land plots with a total area of ​​​​more than 30 thousand square meters. m. In addition, during the inspection of the prosecutor's office, violations were revealed in the development of high-rise buildings in Kaspiysk and the mayor's office, at the request of the supervisory department, had to cancel amendments to the general plan of the city. Jamal's younger brother - Abdulatip Abdulatipov in 2013, he became an adviser to the head of the administration of the head and government of Dagestan at the age of 26, when he was still a student. Currently works in the republican representation in Moscow. He is known as the unspoken owner of the cleaning monopoly company Eco-M, which became the object of a scandal in 2016 after water from uncleaned landfills entered the city water supply system during the rainy season. No one was held responsible then, however, according to a Kompromat GROUP source, the company, which is on state and municipal contracts, may now have troubles - both through Rosprirodnadzor and on public procurement issues.

The son-in-law of Ramazan Abdulatipov is the head of the executive committee of the Strategic Council under the head of the Republic of Dagestan.

For some time he worked as the head of the All-Russian Exhibition Center (VDNKh) in Moscow, where he became the hero of a scandal after he sold Yuri Gagarin's spacesuit abroad, which is now stored in the US National Museum of Astronautics. As head of the executive committee of the Strategic Council, he redistributed property and financial flows, dealing with priority projects. According to some information, the old criminal case of 2014 was recently resumed against Musaev on the facts of embezzlement of 899.4 million budget rubles intended for education. Funds were allocated for meals for students of the republican multidisciplinary lyceum and for the supply of computers as part of the School of the Future project. Until 2016, the brother of the ex-head of the republic led the FMS in Dagestan. Currently, the chairman of the Committee on Education, Science, Culture, Youth Affairs, Sports and Tourism, deputy of the People's Assembly of Dagestan of the 6th convocation, member of the regional political council.

In early February, the Dagestan public and local investigative journalists asked Radjab Abdulatipov questions about the embezzlement of state funds by officials of the regional Ministry of Culture, intended to finance the reconstruction of historical monuments. Abdulatipov Jr. is suspected of joint actions with the acting head of the Republican Ministry of Culture Zarema Butayeva. The reason for suspicion was the large-scale reconstruction project of the Naryn-Kala fortress for the 2000th anniversary of Derbent, during which, according to Nezavisimaya Gazeta, officials could embezzle about 200 million rubles. Nephew of Ramazan Abdulatipov Askhabali Abdulatipov since 2013, he headed the Avtokhozyaystvo GKU (the former garage of the Dagestan Council of Ministers). Currently under investigation. Employees of the UEBiPK Ministry of Internal Affairs for Dagestan suspect him of fraud. According to the security forces, Askhabali Abdulatipov, in collusion with officials of the same institution, in the period from February to March 2016 and in July 2017, by compiling fictitious documents, embezzled budget funds allocated for the maintenance of official cars. Niece's husband's uncle Magomedrasul Gitinov was the chief architect of Makhachkala. In January 2018, he was arrested on suspicion of abuse of power following the mayor of Makhachkala Musa Musaev, a representative of the allied clan of Abdulatipov, the Mekegin clan of Abdusamad Gamidov. The husband of Ramazan Abdulatipov’s niece is currently the head of the Makhachkala Education Department. According to the publication "Chernovik", the security forces suspect him of employing "dead souls". On February 6, during the operational activities of the UEBiPK, together with the employees of the FSB, it was established that fictitious employees were registered as drivers Shamila Abdulkadyrova And Rasula Gazalieva. And their salary in the amount of 537.3 thousand rubles, according to the operatives, was received by Mansurov and his deputy.

According to sources, the clan of Ramazan Abdulatipov included not only his relatives and countrymen, for example, a representative of the Charodinsky clan Shakhabas Shakhov, former Minister of Education, arrested on 5 February. Many of the “Abdulatipovites” continue to hold their posts and are still beyond suspicion. However, according to a source of Kompromat GROUP among Dagestan public figures, the fact that they did not fall into the first wave of “cleansing”, and some even joined the new government, does not mean that they will not be covered by the second. Calm may be apparent. After all, on the eve of the arrest of Abdusamad Gamidov, the acting head of the republic, Vladimir Vasiliev, also positively assessed his report, although, according to an RBC source close to law enforcement agencies, he learned about the top of the government immediately after his appointment. As one of such examples, another source "Compromising GROUP" names the Acting Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Dagestan - Minister for Land and Property Relations Ekaterina Tolstikova.

Arriving in Dagestan from Moscow in 2016, where she served as Deputy Minister of Education of the Russian Federation, Tolstikova worked as Abdusamad Gamidov's deputy until the resignation of the government in October 2017, after which she became acting. In January 2018, the post of head of the Ministry of Property was added to this position - the former minister was fired by Vasilyev with the wording "for ugly work" along with Shakhabas Shakhov.

Tolstikova appeared in the republic with the support of the former Deputy Minister of Education of the Russian Federation Marat Kambolov, who lost his post in 2014 after a corruption scandal and promoted Tolstikova to him.

The official quickly plunged into the Caucasian realities, joining the team of Abdulatipov and Gamidov. In Dagestan, it was even rumored that she would take Shakhov's post at the Ministry of Education, and he would be offered another position, but another post was found for Tolstikova. As Gamidov's deputy, Tolstikova, as before at the federal level, supervised the sphere of education familiar to her in Dagestan, but she entered into a confrontation with republican teachers on a number of issues, as a result of which she was repeatedly accused of incompetence.

On February 13, a memo got into the media, from which it became known that new criminal cases would soon be initiated against the arrested Gamidov, Shakhov, Yusufov and Isaev. Supervising the sphere of education, Tolstikova could not be unaware of corruption schemes in the structure of the republican Ministry of Education, the Dagestani source of Kompromat GROUP believes. In addition, her involvement in other criminal cases within the framework of the “Dagestan storm” is not ruled out - nothing is done in the republic without kickbacks, and on February 10, the former head of the additional education department of the Ministry of Education and Science of Dagestan, Muslim Gamzatov, was also put on the federal wanted list. Suspected of embezzlement and extortion of bribes, Gamzatov is the nephew of the arrested Minister of Education Shakhabas Shakhov. It is not yet known whether the criminal cases of the uncle and nephew, with whom Tolstikova took part hand in hand in all processes and activities of the Ministry of Education of Dagestan, are connected.

A wake-up call for Tolstikova has already sounded - after Shakhov's resignation, her protégé from Moscow, Deputy Minister of Education of Dagestan Alexei Karpukhin, also lost his post. Previously, he was the director of a Moscow school, and in this position, according to Chernovik, he established himself as a "great strategist." The publication believes that his resignation was an echo of the official's work in the capital.

The relative stability of Tolstikova at a time when none of the officials of Dagestan, where she has become almost a part of the national culture, no one feels safe, can be explained by powerful support from the federal center. Against the backdrop of a grandiose “cleansing” in Dagestan, according to a Kompromat GROUP source, questions about appointment to republican positions may arise with Artur Zavalunov, a former employee of the Department for Civil Service and Personnel of the Presidential Administration, and now the head of the legal department of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation, a native of Derbent .

By whistle

Most of the initiated criminal cases against Dagestan officials - representatives of the Abdulatipov clan are distinguished by one common feature. They are connected with crimes 2-3 years ago. Novaya Gazeta, citing an interlocutor close to, notes that their materials were collected by the regional UFSB long before the “cleansing” began. However, if all of them “surfaced” at the same time, then the corresponding command came from the federal center. A Kompromat GROUP source links the start of the campaign against the Abdulatipov clan with the possible intervention of the former head of the PFR branch in Dagestan, Sagid Murtazaliev, who was arrested in absentia in 2015 on charges of financing terrorism and ordering the murders of several officials and law enforcement officers.

By “surrendering” the corrupt elite of the republic, Murtazaliev could have tried to “close the issue” with the criminal cases initiated against him and, in the future, return to his homeland, where, after the overthrow of the Abdulatipov clan, new political horizons loomed for his longtime opponents.

Sagid Murtazaliev is a Russian freestyle wrestler, public and political figure. Born in 1974. By nationality, like the ex-head of Dagestan, Ramazan Abdulatipov, is an Avar. Honored Master of Sports of Russia. Olympic champion in 2000 in Sydney, world champion in 1999, European champion in 2000, champion of Russia, winner of the Goodwill Games in 1998. Member of the People's Assembly of Dagestan, from 2010 to 2015 he headed the PFR branch in the Republic of Dagestan. The sportsman and politician is known for his troubles with the law. In 1996, he was detained on suspicion of a businessman - the head of the Makhachkala police school of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Gadzhimagomed Gadzhimagomedov, but the criminal case against him was closed, and Gadzhimagomedov himself was killed in 2000. In 2002, during a quarrel with two Chechens in the sauna of the Orlyonok hotel in Moscow, Murtazaliev shot two Chechens with a PM pistol, one of whom managed to injure him with a knife. Murtazaliev's actions were qualified as self-defense. In 2015, Murtazaliev was arrested in absentia and put on the wanted list on charges of financing terrorism and organizing several murders. Currently hiding in the UAE.

As the Caucasian media wrote, Abdulatipov at one time actively used Murtazaliev to fight his most powerful political enemy, the mayor of Makhachkala, Said Amirov. When Amirov ended up behind bars on a number of charges, including plotting to assassinate the head of the Dagestan FIU (according to investigators, Amirov’s people were supposed to shoot down a civilian plane in which Murtazaliev was flying with a MANPADS), Sagid Murtazaliev turned into a most dangerous opponent.

According to an official from Murtazaliev's team, the ex-head of the Tarumovsky district of the republic, Marina Abramkina, Murtazaliev was a member of the so-called "Northern Alliance", which included prominent political and public figures from the most economically developed regions of Dagestan.

When Abdulatipov began to act against Murtazaliev, Abramkina became the first of his team to lose her post and later became a defendant in a criminal case under three articles of Part 2 of Art. 286 (“Exceeding official powers”), part 4 of Art. 159 (“Fraud”) and part 3 of Art. 160 (“Assignment or waste”) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Despite the fact that the case against her has not yet been closed, until February 15, 2018, Abramkina held the position of acting. Deputy Minister of Tourism and Folk Crafts of Dagestan and was fired "due to the reduction."

Then, in 2015, following Abramkina, the prosecutor's office of Dagestan brought charges against another person Murtazaliev - the director of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Pyatigorsk LLC Adilkhan Ganakaev, the former head of the Babayurtovsky district. And after the arrest of Murtazaliev's "right hand" - the head of the Kizlyar district Andrei Vinogradov and the head of the Dagestan FIU himself became a defendant in a criminal case.

However, Ramazan Abdulatipov himself, although he is sure that “they won’t knock on his door” and without the help of long-standing enemies, there is no special immunity to the security forces, Dagestani public figures believe. Firstly, the public recognition of the head of the republic in giving bribes to employees of Rosobrnadzor has not yet been forgotten. Earlier, he himself stated in public that he had committed a corruption crime so that the university he led would be certified. The Prosecutor General's Office gave the republican department to check the head of Dagestan for illegal actions, but the results of the check were not reported. Secondly, people in Dagestan believe that the head of the republic was unlikely to remain ignorant of the illegal acts going on around him. In addition, in all criminal cases that have already been initiated, "identified and unidentified persons" appear. And then, in the same certificate revealing corruption ties, information from which got to the editorial office of RBC, the arrested Minister Shakhov is called a "close connection" of the former head of Dagestan. What she meant by this, Abdulatipov himself has not yet commented.