Sagittarius woman born in the year of the snake. Sagittarius-Snake man horoscope in Family and Marriage

The writer and poet Nikolai Nekrasov (“Who is it good to live in Rus'?”) was a versatile person in literature. He published Sovremennik, Otechestvennye Zapiski, painted a realistic picture of the Russian countryside. Together with Panaeva, his common-law wife, he wrote adventurous novels. Nekrasov courted Panaeva for a long time and unsuccessfully, but won her favor only after the death of her husband and his colleague Panaev. His passion broke up with the writer after he refused to pay his debts. Nekrasov was also a reveler, a gambler, a great lover of horses and entertainment on the side.

Sagittarius-Snakes constantly move in life from Gustave Flaubert's "Education of the Senses" to rhetorical questions like Nekrasov's "Who should live well in Rus'?" If Sagittarius strives for justice and professes "Confusion of feelings" by Stefan Zweig, then this is a subtle soul and a romantic. The very same master of psychological novels and romanticized biographies of Tolstoy, Balzac, Dostoevsky committed suicide, protesting against the barbarity of war, the decline of morals and the collapse of culture. If he implements "serpentine" pragmatism in the state field, then he uses the principle of "divide and conquer", like the philosopher, educator and jurist Charles Montesquieu ("On the Spirit of Laws").

And here is how the Snake manifests itself in “personal” matters: the sensual-erotic artist of the “World of Arts” Konstantin Somov (“Book of the Marquise”) said: “The women in my paintings are languishing, the expression of love on their faces, sadness or lust is a reflection of myself , my soul ... " Actor John Malkovich embodies on the screen strange, marginal and perverted types, he is called the devil-tempter or a fallen angel who fell into a trap set by himself.

In politics, it is easier for Sagittarius-Snakes to criticize than to lead, and it is even easier to be military: field marshal, hero of the war of 1812, minister of war, Prince Mikhail Barclay de Tolly; diplomat, foreign minister, marquis, duke, and big dandy whose name has come to mean the cut of a military uniform, Armand Caulencor; ideologist of the Don Cossacks Mitrofan Bogaevsky.

In literature, as we already know, our heroes are ready for anything, but mostly they denounce vices, describe passions and fight injustice: a science fiction writer, a great optimist, the author of the idea of ​​​​satellite communications in orbit and "Space Odyssey 2001" realized in reality Arthur Clark; President of the Bavarian Soviet Republic Ernst Toller ("Extinguish the Boilers"); screenwriter, accused of communist views, Dalton Trumbo; Gavriil Troepolsky ("From the notes of an agronomist"); writer Lawrence Stern ("Sentimental Journey"). We also have writers Heinrich Bell and Vasily Grossman.

In science, Sagittarius-Serpents are attracted by physics and chemistry, measurements of the exact sciences and invention: an astronomer, the inventor of the thermometer and the temperature measurement scale Leader Celsius; the inventor of lighthouse lamps, Niels Dahlen; the chemist who discovered the elements iridium and osmium, Smithson Tennant; chemist, rector of St. Petersburg University Alexander Voskresensky; the physician who determined the cause of yellow fever, Carlos Finlay; physicist, founder of electron optics Alexander Lebedev.

The group is represented by: linguist Ferdinand Saussure ("Course of General Linguistics"); athlete Valery Spitsyn; film director Iosif Kheifits (“Deputy of the Baltic”); composer Gaetano Donizetti ("The Favorite"); actor Vitaly Solomin (Dr. Watson, associate of Sherlock Holmes); sociologist Thomas Marshall; realist artist Yuri Pimenov ("New Moscow"); musician with attempts at the prophet Boris Grebenshchikov; Kremlin PR and political strategist Sergei Yastrzhembsky; life-loving pop musician Andrey Makarevich ("Time Machine"), who simultaneously contains both the song "Candle" and the TV program "Smak"; historian, journalist, media magnate Alexei Venediktov.

Horoscope women Sagittarius-Snake

Energy, courage, independence, enterprise, adventurism, eroticism, "bodily attachment". Such is Madame Bovary, who should have everything over the edge, brighter and more diverse. Actress and "golden lady of erotica" Kim Bessinger ("Nine and a Half Weeks") "does not look like a nature from which erotic vibes come, on the contrary, she has a lot of masculinity." After all, once at a beauty contest she received the title of "Miss Pagan". After meeting with actor Alec Baldwin, she quit drugs and alcohol, became an exemplary wife and mother and a fanatical advocate for animals.

The founder of the Wax Museum, Madame Marie Tussauds, was born in the French outback on December 7, 1761. The girl could not come to terms with this state of affairs and quickly got married so that at the age of 19 she would find herself in Paris due to a famine in the provinces due to the revolution. The revolutionaries, meanwhile, were fond of chopping heads on the guillotine, and Marie, who was prone to modeling, received her first order, an order - to fashion a death mask from wax. The revolutionaries liked the wax product, and Madame Tussauds business went uphill.

However, there were no opportunities to turn around in full force in the devastated country, besides, she also had the prospect of ending her days in the Bastille, where she had to visit. Therefore, Marie left the hungry and dangerous Paris, the economy, and in 1795 left for London with her first traveling exhibition. It was a milestone year in her life. Firstly, the British gave her an engagement to transport an exhibition of wax figures throughout the country, secondly, Marie became an Englishwoman in 1802, and thirdly, the mistress of the world's first stationary museum in London, which was opened in 1832. What happened to her husband is probably known to narrow specialists.

And such “wrapping” on the body and shape is characteristic of all Serpents, and, as you can see, even the Sagittarius Serpent. Well, the passion of Sagittarius for constant moving and adventures is known to everyone.

An outstanding athlete, figure skater and fashion model, "the uncrowned beauty queen of the ice palaces" Katharina Witt was born on December 3, 1965 in Germany. She began skating at the age of 5 and soon attracted the attention of sports bosses who took up the young talent: Katarina trained according to a special program with the best coaches. In 1981, Witt won the East German national championship, and then she only won, bringing to the ice "a new style of sensual elegance of theater on ice." She is a four-time world champion, six-time European champion, two-time Olympic champion.

After the final world championship in 1988, Witt turned professional, and after finishing her sports career, she began an even more successful artistic career. So, in 1990, she took part in the show "Carmen on Ice" and received a television award "Emmy". In the same year, she moved to America and joined the professional ballet Stars on Ice. After 4 years of professional skating, she returned to the sport and participated in championships, but with less success. Katarina is known for her extravagant antics and statements, hatred of socialism, independent disposition, lack of husbands and nude photographs.

Actresses: Elena Maksimova ("Quiet Flows the Don"), Angelina Stepanova ("War and Peace"), Tatyana Kravchenko ("Vassa"), Natalia Krachkovskaya; the first wife of the English king Henry VIII Catherine of Aragon; supermodel Bridget Hall; TV presenter Zhanna Agalakova.

See also the characteristics of the sign-year:

The character of men Snakes - Sagittarius: These are extraordinary personalities who subtly feel the beauty of the world around them. They also know how to appreciate other people, their talents. These are leaders by nature who can achieve all their goals. The price they pay for their achievements may be the highest, but they cannot understand it. They will always prove their self-sufficiency to the environment in order to become higher for them. Such an erroneous understanding of relationships accompanies their whole life.

By nature, these are stubborn and despotic men, who at the very beginning of a relationship appear to be subtle and romantic natures. They are creatively gifted, but this does not prevent them from showing authoritarian character traits. They are prejudiced against other people, which can seriously offend loved ones. Due to their controversial and complex nature, these men often turn out to be outcasts, as society loves uniformity, not bright outbursts of emotions.

Snake Men - Sagittarius in Love and Relationships: Relationships with these people are always difficult to build. It will never be easy and simple, even they know how to present conflicts in such a way as to make another person guilty. They love quarrels and disputes, which allow them to show their oratory skills, to suppress a partner. That is why relations with them are rather complicated, since they do not know how and do not know how to behave correctly, mistakenly believing that a partner may like disputes.

Snake Men - Sagittarius in Finance and Career: They will easily make a career if they choose a profession related to the creative field. They have a rich imagination, the ability to see beauty, which allows them to quickly and well advance. The financial side of life may not concern them, or become a real fetish for them. They love beautiful clothes, delicious food, they are ready to do anything to get it all. That is why they are often illegible in the methods of achieving their goals.

Snake Men - Sagittarius in the family and marriage: The family relationships of these men are not easy. They are harsh and intemperate, which leads to the fact that their loved ones are often offended by their attacks. In the family, they will take a leadership position, even if the partner does not like it. Frequent quarrels and disputes will accompany them constantly. But after the birth of children, they can slightly reduce their demands on their partner and become more tolerant and softer.

Advice to men Snakes - Sagittarius: These men should constantly engage in self-development. Well-developed intuition can help them in the correct construction of communication. Only inner work will make life easier and more enjoyable. It is necessary to analyze your attitude towards other people and change it so that they can accept them. It must be remembered that friends are simply necessary so that in difficult life situations they become real helpers.

These women are pioneers. They can create new businesses that will always bring a lot of income. The creation of enterprises is based on the global idea borne by these people. But at the same time, they like being alone more, as this allows them to draw inspiration for any business. They should develop organizational talent, which will manifest itself exclusively in professional activities.

The nature of these women has a variety of contradictions. On the one hand, these are strong personalities who can achieve a lot in life. On the other hand, they are often subject to melancholy moods. For these women, the start means a lot, as this is an important indicator for moving forward. If they can correctly build the first half of their lives, then the second will bring them the desired results.

Characteristics of the Sagittarius-Snake woman in Love

The romantic relationship of these women remains a mystery to the partner. On the one hand, they love the family, but on the other, they seek solitude. The complexity of the character leaves an imprint on the relationship of a personal plan. Most often, relationships at an early age end unsuccessfully. However, in adulthood, a fleeting romance can turn into a serious relationship. They should build their own value system, which will help maintain relationships with the opposite sex.

Sagittarius-Snake Woman Horoscope in Family and Marriage

These women often achieve financial success, and this cannot but affect their family. They create ideal conditions for children and partner. At the same time, they do not always expect reciprocal feelings. These women burn at work, so they have little time left for the family. Their children often do not know their parent, as they do not often meet him. But this does not prevent them from loving and understanding the parent.

Sagittarius Snake Woman - Career and Finance

These women always build excellent careers. This is due to their special qualities. First of all, it is respect for other people, humanity. Practicality and strong-willed qualities allow you to perform any work brilliantly, and this will certainly be noted by managers. Therefore, they always achieve excellent results. The financial side of the issue plays an important role for them, therefore, in order to achieve well-being, they can set goals.

For these women to go well in life, they should look for a spiritual core. By embarking on the path of self-development, these women can achieve a lot in life without much effort. Having achieved success, they should not lose their human qualities, since this is what often happens to them. At the same time, excessive false modesty and even shyness can lead to the loss of chances for a good life.

The character of women Snakes - Sagittarius: These women are pioneers. They can create new businesses that will always bring a lot of income. The creation of enterprises is based on the global idea borne by these people. But at the same time, they like being alone more, as this allows them to draw inspiration for any business. They should develop organizational talent, which will manifest itself exclusively in professional activities.

The nature of these women has a variety of contradictions. On the one hand, these are strong personalities who can achieve a lot in life. On the other hand, they are often subject to melancholy moods. For these women, the start means a lot, as this is an important indicator for moving forward. If they can correctly build the first half of their lives, then the second will bring them the desired results.

Snake Women - Sagittarius in Love and Relationships: The romantic relationship of these women remains a mystery to the partner. On the one hand, they love the family, but on the other, they seek solitude. The complexity of the character leaves an imprint on the relationship of a personal plan. Most often, relationships at an early age end unsuccessfully. However, in adulthood, a fleeting romance can turn into a serious relationship. They should build their own value system, which will help maintain relationships with the opposite sex.

Snake Women - Sagittarius in Finance and Career: These women always build excellent careers. This is due to their special qualities. First of all, it is respect for other people, humanity. Practicality and strong-willed qualities allow you to perform any work brilliantly, and this will certainly be noted by managers. Therefore, they always achieve excellent results. The financial side of the issue plays an important role for them, therefore, in order to achieve well-being, they can set goals.

Women of the Snake - Sagittarius in the family and marriage: These women often achieve financial success, and this cannot but affect their family. They create ideal conditions for children and partner. At the same time, they do not always expect reciprocal feelings. These women burn at work, so they have little time left for the family. Their children often do not know their parent, as they do not often meet him. But this does not prevent them from loving and understanding the parent.

Advice to women Snakes - Sagittarius: For these women to go well in life, they should look for a spiritual core. By embarking on the path of self-development, these women can achieve a lot in life without much effort. Having achieved success, they should not lose their human qualities, since this is what often happens to them. At the same time, excessive false modesty and even shyness can lead to the loss of chances for a good life.

French sculptor Anna Maria Tussaud. Russian writer and poet Nikolai Nekrasov. Russian TV presenter and public figure Oksana Fedorova. American actress Kim Basinger.
American actor Ben Stiller. Soviet and Russian musician Boris Grebenshchikov. Austrian poet and publicist Stefan Zweig. Russian figure skater Roman Kostomarov.
German poet and publicist Heinrich Heine. American boxer Fernando Vargas. Ukrainian singer Taisiya Povaliy.

In fact, these differences are brought into their lives by the Snake himself, who cannot sit still, constantly strives for change, for new emotions, easily succumbs to momentary desires. This person has his own view of the world, his own system of values ​​and a peculiar manner of behavior. The train of thought of the Snake-Sagittarius is difficult to predict, it is an unpredictable character who does not even suspect what will happen to him in the next minute.

Snake Sagittarius Man

The Snake-Sagittarius-man is ambitious, ambitious, dexterous in business. He easily copes with labor tasks, but he will never be overworked. He is perfect for work from call to call, with a fixed salary and a normalized schedule. The Snake-Sagittarius-man has healthy ambitions and great ambition, which make him move up the corporate ladder. With women, he is pleasant in communication, courteous, knows how to please. For this man, it will not be difficult to get acquainted with the girl he likes on the street, to start a casual conversation. In family life, the Snake-Sagittarius-man is demanding of his wife, needs cleanliness and comfort, loves home cooking, but at the same time he does not really like to do household chores.


Sagittarius woman is sociable, easy-going, impulsive. She works quickly, deftly, but tends to be distracted by trifles and then in a hurry to carry out assignments. She is burdened by monotony, this woman strives for interesting and exciting work, before she understands what she needs, she can change several places. With men, the Snake-Sagittarius-woman is in contact, it is always interesting and fun to relax with her. Despite the seeming ease, subconsciously she is always tuned in to a long and serious relationship, “sharpened” for a family and ready for marriage from a young age, therefore, feeling that the gentleman is not reliable or serious, the Snake-Sagittarius-woman will evaporate after several dates.

The Snake-Sagittarius is an aspiring person flying through life, immersed headlong in the abyss of life, searching, cheerful, striving to embrace and visit the entire globe.