Female beauty in Islam: is it possible for Muslim women to paint. Everything you wanted to know about sex in Islam, but were afraid to ask How Islam differs from Christianity

Appearance of a Muslim woman. Can perfumes and cosmetics be worn in public?

Should I let my 15 year old daughter wear makeup, perfume and jewelry?

My daughter is 15 years old and, praise be to Allah, she attends an Islamic school where she wears a Sharia-compliant school uniform - there, of course, it is forbidden to wear makeup, use perfume and wear jewelry. But recently my daughter started asking me for permission to wear perfume, make-up and jewelry in her free time outside of school, but I can't let her because I don't do it myself. Once I saw that she painted her lips and nails, and strictly forbade her to do this, but she still continues to resist me, and I'm already tired of all this. In addition, she wants to wear a hijab (head covering) shorter, and I think that such a short hijab will not look modest enough. Now I buy her modest plain khimaras up to the wrists, but she does not want to wear them. Jazakum Allahu Khairan.


Dear sister!

I pray that you and your family are healthy and stay in a state of iman and closeness to Allah Almighty.

As far as I understand, your daughter is an adult.

If so, then you should try to make her hijab as appropriate to the high status and nobility of a Muslim woman as possible. However, I want to emphasize that your daughter is not yet an adult woman, so you can be flexible in what you allow her and what you don't. For example, she may not yet be ready to wear a wrist-length khimar. But there are other types of hijab that meet the general requirements for modesty, but at the same time allow a young girl to show some creativity.

How about going shopping together? Your daughter wants to feel that she, too, has some input in the choice of clothes she wears. You show her what you like. Then let her show what she likes. And try to find a compromise. For example, let her choose a scarf that is not as long as usual, but instead insist on buying a wider blouse. Perhaps a tippet as a hijab will suit her. It can be draped with taste, looks feminine and covers the bust very well.

Praise be to Allah, you are very lucky that your daughter comes to you with her problems. The most important thing for you is to show steadfastness, explain to your daughter what the wisdom of hijab is, and show some flexibility within the framework of Sharia.

As for decorative cosmetics and perfumes:

1. The question of whether it is permissible to use spirits requires close attention, because there are very strong hadiths regarding the prohibition of this. I understand that your daughter wants to smell good. But there are other ways to smell clean and fresh (for example, deodorant, etc.) that do not contradict Shariah. Spirits can have a very strong effect on members of the opposite sex. For this reason, your daughter should avoid being smelled of perfume when she is outside, etc.

2. Makeup.

It is very important to instill in our daughters a sense of beauty that is NOT based on how physically attractive we are. A Muslim woman is naturally beautiful, because she has the light of Iman in her, and that is why a special radiance emanates from her.

Makeup does not make a woman beautiful. Cosmetics are used to emphasize the features of a woman's face, so it is impossible to apply intense makeup to go out. I say "intense" because there are two types of decoration that are permitted and are sunnah, they are antimony and henna. What the Qur'an and Sunnah explicitly forbid for a woman is showing herself. There is a difference between modesty, elegance and eye-catching jewelry. As a mother, you must teach your daughter to see this difference.

3. Jewelry.

Jewelry is different. It all depends on what kind of jewelry it is and how many of them are on your daughter. Perhaps a compromise could be reached here as well. Make sure your daughter avoids any type of jewelry that draws attention to her, such as ankle bracelets. But if we are talking about a ring on a finger or a bracelet on the wrist, this is allowed.

I pray this answer is helpful.

And Allah knows best.

Is it forbidden for a woman to use decorative cosmetics and antimony?


With the name of Allah, Merciful to everyone in this world and only to believers - in that.

All praise be to Allah. Peace and blessings of Allah be upon His Beloved Messenger, his family, Companions and those who follow them.

Dear sister!

The use of antimony is a sunnah of the Prophet. This is allowed for both men and women. You are allowed to use antimony, except in cases where this may cause excessive attention to you from others.

Makeup is different. In Surah An-Nur, Allah Almighty says:

“Say (O Prophet!) To believing women that they are ordered to lower their eyes and not look at what Allah has forbidden to look at, and, protecting their chastity, avoid illegal intercourse and not show bodily beauty that seduces men - places where a woman wears jewelry: chest, neck, shoulders, except for the face and hands. Tell them (O prophet!) to cover the places that are visible in the neckline of their clothes, like the chest and neck, throwing their head coverings over them. Let them not show their beauty to anyone except their husbands and relatives, whom they are forbidden to marry according to Shariah: fathers, fathers of their husbands, their sons, sons of their husbands from other wives or their brothers and sons of their brothers, or sons of their sisters , or female girlfriends (Muslim women), from free or slaves, or their maids - free or slaves, or servants from men who do not need women, for example, very old male servants, as well as children who have not been attracted to women. Require them also (O prophet!) not to do anything that might draw men's attention to jewelry hidden under their clothes, such as kicking the floor so that the sound of bracelets on their feet hidden under clothes can be heard. Turn (O believers!) to Allah with repentance and ask His forgiveness for what you have violated His instructions and laws, and follow the moral edifications of religion so that you are happy in your next life and in the hereafter!”1

Scholars elucidate the injunction not to show one's beauty and adornment beyond what is normally seen with the terms "ordinary adornment" and "additional adornment". Ordinary jewelry (antimony, henna or a finger ring) is allowed to be worn in front of strangers (on the street, etc.). And additional decorations (perfume, lipstick, bright eye shadow, etc.) are forbidden when a woman leaves the house. In short, all kinds of self-decoration that can make a woman more sexually attractive to others and cause unnecessary attention to her are prohibited, because this is contrary to the meaning of the hijab as such.

And Allah knows best.

* 1. Koran, sura 24, verse 31.

Can a Muslim woman marry a non-Muslim?

We bring to your attention the answer to the question about the permissibility of the marriage of a Muslim woman with a Christian from the site of a respected sheikh Muhammad Salih al-Munajid May Allah preserve him, Islam Question and Answer. https://islamqa.info/ru

Question :

I am a young girl. I am 20 years old and I love a Christian foreigner who does not speak Arabic. Can I marry a Christian if I am confident in the security of my religion and confident that he will not affect it in any way? If the answer is no, could you please tell me how to call him to Islam? Do you have Islamic call circles for him to join?

Answer :

All praise belongs to Allah!

Muslims are unanimous that a Muslim woman should not marry an unbeliever, a Jew or a representative of other faiths. Because Allah Almighty says (meaning):

وَلا تُنْكِحُوا الْمُشْرِكِينَ حَتَّى يُؤْمِنُوا وَلَعَبْدٌ مُؤْمِنٌ خَيْرٌ مِنْ مُشْرِكٍ وَلَوْ أَعْجَبَكُمْ أُولَئِكَ يَدْعُونَ إِلَى النَّارِ وَاللَّهُ يَدْعُو إِلَى الْجَنَّةِ وَالْمَغْفِرَةِ بِإِذْنِهِ وَيُبَيِّنُ آيَاتِهِ لِلنَّاسِ لَعَلَّهُمْ يَتَذَكَّرُونَ

“Do not marry Muslim women to pagans until they believe. Of course, a believing slave is better than a pagan, even if you like him. They call to the Fire, and Allah calls to Paradise and forgiveness with His permission. He explains His signs to people, so that perhaps they will remember the edification" (Sura "Cow", ayat 221).

Allah Almighty also says (meaning):

فَإِنْ عَلِمْتُمُوهُنَّ مُؤْمِنَاتٍ فَلا تَرْجِعُوهُنَّ إِلَى الْكُفَّارِ لا هُنَّ حِلٌّ لَهُمْ وَلا هُمْ يَحِلُّونَ لَهُنَّ

“If you find out that they are believers, then do not return them to the unbelievers, for they are not allowed to marry them, and they are not allowed to marry them” (Sura “Tested”, verse 10).

Sheikh-ul-Islam, may Allah have mercy on him, said: Muslims are unanimous that a non-believer does not inherit the property of a Muslim, and that a non-believer cannot marry a Muslim woman.(See Al-fatawa-l-kubra, 1\130).

Because " Islam is exalted and nothing rises above it as the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said. Narrated by Ad-Darukutni and Shaykh Al-Albani called it good in Sahihu-l-Jami' (2778).

A man has dominion over a woman and it is not allowed for an unbeliever to have dominion over a Muslim woman, because Islam is the true religion, and all other religions besides it are wrong. Therefore, if a Muslim woman marries an unbeliever, knowing the position of such a marriage, she will be an adulteress, and her punishment will be the punishment for adultery. If she married him out of ignorance, then she is justified, and the marriage between them is dissolved without divorce, because the marriage was basically invalid.

Therefore, a Muslim woman who has been honored by Islam and her guardian should beware of this, stopping at the boundaries set by Allah and be proud, cherish Islam. Allah Almighty says: Whoever desires power, then power belongs entirely to Allah."(Sura "Creator", verse 10).

We advise this woman to end her relationship with a Christian, as a Muslim woman is not allowed to have relationships with strange men. But if he accepts Islam voluntarily and consciously, then there is no problem for her to marry him if her guardian agrees.

We ask Allah to correct her situation and guide her to the true path!

The use of decorative cosmetics in Islam has a special attitude. This religion, perhaps more than any other, approves the desire of a woman to look beautiful and attractive. To take care of herself, to emphasize her beauty, a Muslim woman is not only able, but also obliged. The only question is for whom this beauty is intended, and what means should not be used for this. Can Muslim women use cosmetics and make-up?

The beauty of a Muslim woman is only for her husband

In fact, all the possibilities of modern cosmetology are available to a Muslim woman. She can paint her eyes and lips, apply foundation and blush on her face, she can use perfume. She does this for the same purpose as the rest of the women around the world - to give her beauty even more expressiveness. But if an ordinary woman puts on makeup before going out into society, then a Muslim woman, on the contrary, puts on makeup at home, for her husband - the only man for whom she wants to become the most attractive and desirable. Muslim makeup can be bright if the husband likes it. In this form, it can appear in front of household and a certain circle of people. But before going outside, if her face is open, a woman must wash off the defiant, bright makeup from her face. Too expressive perfume will be regarded as a desire to attract an outsider and equated with adultery, so choke, but do it in moderation.

What is prohibited?

To change something in your appearance at your own will means to be dissatisfied with what Allah has given you. Therefore, Islam does not approve of interference in women's appearance. For example, it is strictly forbidden to pluck and change the shape of eyebrows, remove hair between the eyebrows, get a tattoo, and grind teeth for beauty. There are authentic hadiths about this. In addition, it is forbidden to paint your nails brightly. Nail polish is not allowed for another reason. During ablution, the surface of the nails remains covered with varnish, and such ablution cannot be considered valid. we wrote a separate article, if you are interested - be sure to read it.

There are two different opinions about the ban on plucking the eyebrows. In the hadiths where this is mentioned, this procedure is indicated by the word "nams", which means "plucking, removing hair on the eyebrows." At the same time, some scientists believe that other actions do not fall under this concept, for example, cutting or thinning too long, thick eyebrows. In this case, their natural shape does not change, and the eyebrows are given a neater, neater look. Most likely, the hadith warns women not to make themselves very thin, coquettishly curved eyebrows, thereby not likening women of easy virtue in pre-Islamic times.

“Nur” on the face is the best decoration

Nothing adorns a girl's face like sincerity, a friendly smile, eyes that radiate love for the world around her. But if a Muslim woman still wants to hide small imperfections on her face, she has the opportunity for this. It is allowed to paint the eyes, using antimony and henna for this. These are natural substances, not only not harmful, but also beneficial to health. You can dye your hair if there is gray hair, but dyeing black is not welcome. In addition, a Muslim woman can use unlimited medical cosmetics and face and body care products. The main thing is that they do not contain substances prohibited by Shariah. Instead of conventional perfumes containing alcohol, a Muslim woman uses essential oils and other aromatic products based on natural herbs and oils.

What cosmetics to use?

Not everything that the global beauty industry offers is suitable for use in Muslim makeup. Alcohol-containing cosmetics, as well as preparations that contain substances of animal origin, should not be in her cosmetic bag. No matter how scanty the amount of these substances is, they still enter the body through the skin. Therefore, Muslim women try to choose a special