Stamping liquid. Stamping in manicure - what is it

The modern beauty industry offers representatives of the beautiful half of humanity a variety of ways to design nails.

One of the most sought after is stamping, which is easy to use.

Stamp in translation from English means "seal" or "stamp". The name speaks for itself, since stamping is based on drawing a picture using a special form (template).

This way of decorating nails was borrowed by Russian stylists from American colleagues and quickly gained popularity among the fair sex.

This is explained the following reasons:

  • the possibility of using at home;
  • speed and convenience;
  • democratic cost of sets;
  • the complexity of other nail art techniques.

As a rule, this process requires the purchase of a kit from a professional store, which includes tools such as a disk with miniature thematic drawings, a rubber stamp and a device for removing excess varnish (scraper).

Stamping varnishes

To create an original and durable pattern on the nails, you need to know varnish requirements.

There is a misconception that stamping can be done with regular nail polishes. However, they do not have the properties required for professional design. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the choice of a suitable tool.

One of the recognized manufacturers is the Korean company Konad, which produces a whole series of acrylic-based stamping products.

Note that a high-quality varnish should have such characteristics as a thick consistency, rich and deep color, as well as a high degree of pigmentation.

If use varnish with such characteristics, then you will be provided with a stable and clear pattern that will remain on the nails for up to 2 weeks.

Stamping discs

The disk included in any set for drawing is a metal circle on which several engraved ornaments are located. At the same time, fragments of the disk are combined according to the thematic principle, which allows you to quickly select the best design option.

Miniature flowers, animals, labels of famous brands, geometric shapes, butterflies, cartoon characters, oriental-style paintings - all this can be seen on stamping discs.

Also on sale are widely represented rectangular discs with three-dimensional images. However, they cost significantly more. Discs can be reused, not forgetting to thoroughly disinfect and clean them after nail art.

It would be useful to purchase such a convenient device as a disc holder. With it, you can fix the disk in one position.

How to use?

The process of creating a unique manicure using stamping involves the following actions from you:

  • Remove old varnish with an oil-free liquid.
  • Apply the desired color to the entire surface of the nail plate. It is better to give preference to pastel colors. However, light ornaments will look spectacular on a dark background.
  • Degrease all tools (disc, die, scraper). This is necessary so that the varnish can easily penetrate even the smallest parts of the engraving and lay down evenly on the nail.
  • Quickly cover the surface of the drawing with varnish. It is enough to make 2-3 wide strokes. Otherwise product will start to dry. and will not be completely printed on the stamp. It is recommended to shake the bottle thoroughly beforehand.
  • Remove excess varnish from the disc with a scraper. If you neglect this stage, you can ruin the entire manicure, since only a clear image should remain on the stamp.
  • Take the seal and press firmly against the pattern on the disk. The contact time of the varnish and the stamp varies from 3 to 5 seconds.
  • Gently apply the stamp to the nail plate and make sure that the image is evenly printed and dense in texture. Followed by remove excess polish from the skin of the hands.
  • Cover the surface of the nails with a colorless strengthening base.
  • Wait for the varnish to dry completely.
  • Wipe down all instruments with a disinfectant solution and put away until next use.

Stamping with gel polish

In salons, the technology of applying a pattern is actively used not only on a regular base, but also on gel polish, as well as shellac. Do this stamping better from a specialist who knows all the intricacies of the procedure.

The advantage of using gel polish as a base coat is that a damaged or smudged image can be easy to remove with regular acetone, and then make a new one without damaging the main tone.

The process of stamping on gel polish practically does not differ from the standard one.

The only difference- the final coating of the nail with a top and subsequent polymerization under the lamp.

Nail design

The stamping kit will allow you to create unique images and unusual combinations. It all depends entirely on the flight of your imagination.

Modern nail art trends offer fashion options such as zodiac signs, abstractions, a variety of symbols, floral, animal and romantic prints, hieroglyphs, snowflakes, and images of people.

A rich imagination, knowledge of the basics of stamping, appropriate materials and the ability to correctly combine a variety of colors - recipe for success original design on your nails.

Every year in the field of nail art, the number of ways to create drawings in the manicure process is growing. Stamping has firmly won the position of the most versatile technique, as it does not require significant financial costs, it is practical and makes it possible to experiment.

A neat manicure and well-groomed hands always stand out against the background of the whole image of a woman. But since the most missing resource for a modern woman is time, visiting a salon is increasingly becoming a problem. In this case, you should think about how to make a beautiful manicure at home with minimal time and effort. For example, you can apply stamping for nails. Even a child will understand how to use it. The drawing technology is quite well developed and simple. In fact, this is nothing more than transferring the stamp to the nail plate.

What is nail stamping: reviews

Modern technologies and the constant development of nail art make it possible to create real masterpieces. One of these innovations is stamping for nails. How to use it and what tools are needed for this are the primary questions that lovers of beautiful and original manicure face.

This technique allows you to apply patterns on the nail plates. This method differs from the usual drawing on the nails, since the pattern on all fingers will be absolutely identical. Thus, possible mistakes that can be made in the process of drawing with a brush will be excluded. Many women have already tried the stamping technique and are satisfied with the results.

In addition, this technique is quite realistic to use even for beginners. Of course, there is a possibility that the first time a clear and identical pattern on the nails will not work. But after several attempts, you can get quite a decent result.

Advantages of this technology

Creating a design using a stamping kit has a number of advantages and disadvantages:

  • First of all, it should be noted that you do not have to waste a lot of time visiting the salon.
  • The application process itself is simple and easy.
  • A variety of stamps makes it possible to make a variety of designs.
  • With the help of such stamps, the pattern is created very clear, the same on each nail plate and in the color that you prefer.
  • It is quite acceptable to do stamping for nails with gel polish.

It is possible that the result that you imagined will not work from the first procedure. But we can say for sure that after several procedures you will easily understand how to use stamping for nails, fill your hand, and the prints will turn out better and better.

Stamping kits. What are and what they consist of

The standard set for stamping is a scraper, a stamp. Some sets also include plates with various patterns and patterns.

The scraper, in turn, can be of two types: with and without an iron insert. Which one is more convenient for you is an individual question. Some people prefer a scraper with an iron insert as it cleans the surface of the die better. But at the same time, some scrapers with such an insert can leave damage (scratches) on the surface of the stamp.

There are also double-sided tools that are used as a stamp on one side, and a scraper on the other side. Also scrapers differ in size. They can be small (around 4-5 cm), but the size in this case should be selected from personal preferences.

The stamp is the most important tool that is used to stamp your nails. How to use a stamp? The question is simple. The main thing is to choose it correctly, having decided on the size. For example, for long nails, it is best to use a stamp with a rectangular soft plate. In addition, with this form it is easiest to navigate how best to apply a drawing on a nail. If you need to transfer small drawings and patterns, then you should pay attention to stamps with small pads.

What to look for when buying a stamping kit

First of all, when choosing, you should beware of ordinary fakes. This is especially true for disks and platters. For example, discs from Konad have thousands of lower quality counterparts from Chinese manufacturers. They are made of soft metals, which is why scrapers can easily scratch their surface and damage the pattern itself.

Pay attention to brand names and holograms. Also not the last indicator is the price of products. Original sets and plates for stamps simply cannot cost less than 200 rubles.

Preparing for a manicure

More and more hearts of fashionistas are winning nail stamping. Reviews about him are very positive. However, to make beautiful nails, it is not enough just to purchase a special kit for this nail art method. You need to properly prepare the nails and hands. The first step will always be a relaxing bath, cuticle treatment. Nails must first be degreased, and then apply a base coat.

Stamping for nails: how to use

The photos clearly show that with the help of the described method, the most daring ideas can be realized. Each of us is constantly looking for fresh nail design ideas to have our own unique style. Therefore, sooner or later we think about how to do stamping for nails. The whole process takes, of course, more time than conventional coating, but it's worth it. The first step is to apply foundation and wait for it to dry. After that, you can take a plate or disk with patterns and proceed directly to creating a stamp. On the selected pattern on the plate, you need to apply a layer of varnish so that it completely covers the pattern. Excess must be quickly removed with a scraper.

Next, you can already take the stamp and attach it to the plate with the pattern. The stamp must be held for literally 2 seconds, and then check whether the entire drawing has been printed. If everything is in order with the drawing, quickly apply the stamp to the nail plate. It is very important not to move or pull the stamp once again so that the drawing is not smeared.

After that, you should wait a while until the pattern is completely dry, and use the finishing fixer.

Stamping varnishes

After you have purchased a set, you can think about the question of what kind of nail polish you can take for stamping. And here the question is not only in choosing the right palette. The main thing is to choose the right varnish, which will have good viscosity, the optimal amount of pigment. Such varnishes are unlikely to spread or dry out on the plate. Conventional varnishes immediately after opening have a more liquid structure, do not dry out immediately after being applied to the plate, but may spread after transferring the pattern to the stamp. After some time of use, such varnishes thicken, do not spread, but begin to dry out very quickly.

You should also pay attention to the pattern or pattern that needs to be applied. If the lines on the plate are very thin, then the varnish will dry even faster. Accordingly, for large and wide designs, it is better to choose a slightly thicker varnish so that the pattern does not spread or smear.

What are stamping plates?

Stamping plates and discs are also essential tools for creating beautiful nail art. If you use discs of poor quality, then neither a good stamp nor a scraper will save you. With a large number of fakes that can be found in our stores, you can be completely disappointed in this process. However, if you choose good quality tools, then the nail art on your nails will always look unforgettable.

The main parameter that determines that a plate or disc is of high quality is the correct engraving of the pattern. Moreover, the engraving should be deep over the entire area of ​​the drawing, without drops and well filled with varnish. At the same time, the varnish layer should be sufficient so that it cannot dry out during the process of removing excess varnish, and not be too large so that the varnish does not spread after it is transferred to the stamp.

In shape, you can find hexagonal, round and rectangular plates. Hex discs are less in demand, as their quality leaves much to be desired. The most valued are rectangular slabs from MoYou London. They will delight not only with excellent quality, but also with a large assortment of designs, as well as cheerful packaging.

When creating nail art using a stamping kit, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • When choosing plates, pay attention to the length of the motifs. For medium and short nails, disks and plates with small patterns are enough. For long nails, the length of the motifs should be selected more carefully, since the pattern may not be large enough.
  • The choice of varnish is also an important issue if you are going to do nail stamping. Everyone who has ever done a manicure knows how to use varnish, but stamping has its own secrets of his choice.
  • It's no secret that during the application of the base on the nails, various holes can occur where the varnish gets on the skin. Therefore, after applying the base, adjustments should be made and such defects should be removed. To do this, a toothpick with a piece of cotton wool wound around it, which is wetted in nail polish remover, is suitable.
  • For stamping and other types of nail art, a liquid is becoming very popular, which protects the cuticle and skin around the nail from varnish getting on them. It is also called liquid tape. It is applied to the skin around the nails, after which it dries quickly enough and takes on the appearance of a film. After the manicure is completed, it can be easily removed.

The art of modern nail art does not stand still. Thanks to constant innovations, you can easily create a beautiful and high-quality manicure without resorting to the services of a specialist. One of these innovations is a technology called "stamping", which has gained a huge share of popularity among lovers of original and fashionable manicure. It should be noted that the usual manicure is radically transformed through the use of stamping. This method is quite easy to use, since it does not require any special skills, which is why its popularity is increasing every day.

What it is

The concept of "stamping" in translation from English means "stamping". This is the printing of drawings by copying patterns from a special plate. In general, beautiful and original drawings are created thanks to a stamping design kit in the form of a plate, scraper, stamp, varnishes and a fixer. The printing of drawings is carried out as follows: the stamp transfers the pattern from the plate, after which the picture is reproduced on the nail. Stamping design technology using stamping allows you to easily transfer different images with the smallest details.

To learn how to make clear drawings, you need to practice, so most girls prefer to make their first creations in stamping on gel polish, which makes it possible to remove damaged drawings in the future without fear for the main coating.

Patterns transferred from the plate can be tried to be transferred as many times as necessary to achieve the desired result, because the gel cannot be erased with simple acetone. But thanks to him, you can remove the image, which is performed using ordinary nail polish. Thus, thanks to the gel coating used as a background, you can gain experience for quickly printing images. With a good mastery of this technology, you can start doing a manicure using absolutely any varnishes, both for drawings and for the background.

The set for stamping with gel polish includes:

  1. Stamp;
  2. Scraper (scraper);
  3. Plate with engraved images;
  4. Drawing fixer;
  5. Thick varnish or acrylic paints;
  6. Gel polish applied for background image.

Design examples

A variety of drawings with stamping can please even the most fastidious persons. After all, the patterns that are engraved on the plates can be easily selected for each image. Changing drawings on gel polish is not difficult, since the background coating of the nail in the form of a gel cannot be erased with acetone, but requires special methods to remove the gel coating. Therefore, the printing of patterns can be changed at least every day, while the background of the nail will remain unchanged for about two weeks.

Ornaments on the disks are in the form of patterns, lines, geometric shapes, inscriptions, flowers and various animals.

You can find designs on the New Year theme. Disks with emoticons are very popular.

Most often, dark shades of varnishes are used for printing drawings, for example, burgundy, black and blue. But in this case, it all depends on personal preferences, since a manicure, first of all, should be pleasant for its owner, which means that even the most daring decisions can be created, because all innovations are born in this way.

How to do a manicure

With the help of stamping, you can create a variety of patterns in a matter of seconds, even without special drawing skills. The technology of stamping with gel polish is practically the same as applying drawings using conventional ones. The main thing is to take into account the specifics of the gels in the work, and then a stunning result in the form of a beautiful manicure will not be long in coming. Before you start applying stamping, you need to follow a simple instruction.

  1. First you need apply a colorless gel polish to the prepared nails and dry it thoroughly under the rays of an ultraviolet lamp.
  2. Further it is necessary paint your nails in two layers of the color you want to use for the background and dry after each application.
  3. Then cover your nails fixer or top and use the drying lamp again.
  4. Next, remove the sticky layer from the top coat using a regular cotton pad pre-moistened in the solution.
  5. To move on to the drawing process, it is important to prepare a set for stamping and wipe each item with nail polish remover. This will help the pattern print more clearly.
  6. The next step involves applying a decorative varnish. on a plate with a pattern. The tool is evenly distributed over the surface of the pattern, and the excess is removed with a quick and sharp movement of the hand with a scraper.
  7. Finally, copy the pattern from the plate to the stamp with a light and rolling motion. and try to quickly transfer it to the nail. All minor flaws can be easily removed with nail polish remover without damaging the base coat of the nail at all, because, as mentioned earlier, acetone does not affect gel polish.
  8. In the event that the ornament turned out as it was intended, then you can safely apply an additional layer of fixative. This method will help the drawing to remain intact for as long as possible and delight with its beauty and grace.

Such a design with stamping on gel polish can last up to two weeks, which will allow you not to worry about the appearance of the manicure and enjoy its original patterns.

An important point in working with stamping: the steps must be quick, and after creating a pattern on each nail, you must use nail polish remover and thoroughly wipe all items to create stamping.

Most people naively believe that gel polish can be used in stamping when printing drawings. This opinion is deeply erroneous, because for stamping technology, you can use the gel as a background for the nail, and not for printing patterns. The thing is that gel polish is not designed to perform such tasks. Its consistency does not allow the tool to be imprinted on the stamp, which means that it is beyond its power to transfer the pattern from the plate to the nail.

The most suitable option for creating beautiful and truly high-quality drawings using stamping are traditional viscous varnishes and special acrylic varnishes. With their help, you can create real masterpieces. A little practice and a bit of imagination will help every girl to easily translate her ideas into reality. With acrylic paints, all the small outlines of the pattern are quite well preserved. All its thin lines and details pass from the plate to the nail. A dense shade of varnish will help create a colorful pattern that will look gorgeous on the nails of its owner.

By the way, a manicure looks quite impressive when the stamping is applied only to the ring fingers, and a monochromatic gel polish remains on the rest of the nails.

Master classes

Stamping fashion trends do not stand still, because this unique method has become one of the most sought-after nail designs among most girls. Women of fashion, who perfectly mastered this technique, did not stop at the achieved results and rapidly improved in these matters. Such experiments were not in vain, because today a new type of stamping has appeared, which is called "reverse". Until relatively recently, this technology was familiar to few, but today it is the main trend in nail art.

Reverse stamping is a color manicure design, which is initially created not on the surface of the nail, but on stamping.

The painted pattern should harden well, and only after that should the resulting film with the ornament be removed and carefully glued to the nail. This method is translated from English as "reverse". This name turned out for a reason, but because the film with the pattern lies on the wrong side of the nail. For a more detailed consideration of this issue, a step-by-step study is needed.

The technique for transferring drawings to nails is quite specific and differs markedly from the usual printing of images with stamps. Application technology requires accuracy and perseverance at all stages of creating this unique manicure. How to use reverse stamping, you can learn from the following instructions.

  1. To start you need to apply on the nails that shade of varnish that will go well with the pattern.
  2. Next, you need to apply acrylic varnish on a plate with patterns. Having chosen the drawing you like, you should fill it with paint.
  3. Then with a scraper you need to remove excess varnish, evenly distributing the paint over the pattern.
  4. Now you need to transfer the drawing to the stamp. With a smooth movement, you need to touch the disk with an ornament and lightly press it with a stamp.
  5. Further actions will be performed only on the stamp itself. Having opened colored varnishes for coloring patterns, apply two drops of each such paint on any flat surface.
  6. Using a brush, you need to paint over the entire drawing, smoothly filling in all the details of the picture.
  7. After drawing the pattern, it is necessary to apply a transparent varnish thick enough layer.
  8. To understand that everything is done really right, you need to wait until the varnish dries well. Carefully lifting the formed film with a pattern with tweezers, you can judge the state of the image.
  9. In the event that the varnish is dry, carefully separate it from the stamp. This is done as carefully as possible so as not to damage the film with the pattern. It should be borne in mind that it is quite fragile and can break with sudden movements. The transfer should be smooth and accurate.
  10. The finished slider is transferred to the nail. The varnish on the nails themselves must be fresh so that the film can adhere well. In case of drying of the varnish on the nails, you need to paint it again with a colorless agent. The film will not be able to stick to a dry base. The resulting sticker must be carefully smoothed so that it fits well on the nail.
  11. While the film is firmly on the nail, you can use scissors to cut off the excess edges. Often, many girls use a brush dipped in nail polish remover instead of scissors. This method will also allow you to get rid of excess varnish along the edges of the nail. In this case, everyone stops their choice on the option that is the most suitable.
  12. At the end of the reverse stamping, apply a fixer to the resulting pattern.

Reverse stamping is quite difficult to perform, so you must follow all the rules for its implementation.

Lessons for beginners will be a great help at the beginning of learning this difficult technology for creating a manicure. Such a manicure is perfect for creative people who love to create this kind of masterpiece. The technique of applying a reverse stamping design will give unforgettable emotions from an interesting creative process, and a manicure will not go unnoticed by others.

You will learn more about the technology of applying stamping on gel polish from the following video.

Graceful drawings on the nails, having the correct shape and the same size, seem to us the pinnacle of skill. But now it can be performed not only by the masters of the beauty salon, because stamping for nails has appeared! With it, you can create interesting nail prints at home! Stamping pushed stickers into the past. The technology is not that complicated. And tools and materials can be bought in almost every cosmetics store.

In simple and understandable language, this is stamping patterns on nails. This is a complex drawing with a simple technique! Original manicure in a minimum of time! Flight of fancy and standard sizes!

What tools are needed for stamping?

  • Metal plate with engraved drawings. On one disk, as a rule, several patterns or prints can be placed. Choose the one you like the most!
  • A special stamp designed to transfer images to the nail.

  • A scraper is a scraper used to remove excess varnish from the plate so that the lines of the pattern are clear and even.

Tools can be purchased as a set or individually.

What tools are needed for stamping?

  • base coat;
  • varnishes for the base and for applying images;
  • transparent fixer;
  • nail polish remover (oil-free).

Think about the pattern and color combination in advance. The correct selection of shades is very important in stamping.

Kits from Konad are an exciting journey into the world of original manicure.

According to experts, Konad's kits consist of very high quality instruments. It is much easier to learn stamping with them. If the perfect manicure does not work out, then the matter is in the wrong application technique, and not in the quality of the tools.

The set contains five disks with 5-7 images on each, a scraper without notches and sharp ends, a convenient stamp. Also in the composition there are three varnishes with increased density.

Read also: Hardware pedicure at home

How to replace varnishes if you need a different color for a drawing? In addition, funds run out at some point ... Ordinary varnishes with a thicker structure will do. This will prevent the drawings from spreading over the surface of the nail.

Color stamping for nails step by step

  • Be sure to wash your hands in warm water before stamping.
  • Dry your hands with a tissue or dry them thoroughly with a towel. Degrease the surface of the nail with acetone.
  • Apply base coat. Make sure it's completely dry, otherwise the drawings won't be clear. When performing the following steps, the varnish may curl, wrinkles will appear.

  • If you are using the disc for the first time, remove the protective film from it.
  • Choose varnishes. Suitable specialized or ordinary bright varnishes. Choose shades depending on the pattern. Consider also the style and color of clothing.
  • We apply varnish to the plate, covering the entire surface of the stencil.
  • With a quick movement, remove excess varnish from the disc. The scraper should be held at a 45 degree angle. How hard to press down on the scraper? Enough to take away everything you don't need. So soft that the varnish still remains in the recesses. Practice will tell everything.
  • We press the stamp to the plate, rolling over the surface. We do everything quickly so that the varnish does not have time to dry. Check if the print is good.

  • If the image on the stamp is not clear enough, it is not completely printed, then it is better to erase it and start over. After all, the result on the nails should be perfect! If you do not have time to transfer the drawing, the varnish dries quickly, then wipe the disk with acetone first. Small droplets will remain there, the varnish will dry more slowly.
  • We press the stamp with the pattern to the nail. We roll it over the surface, from edge to edge. If the image is partially displayed, then the varnish has had time to dry or the surface of the nail is oily.

  • If the varnish is imprinted on the skin, wipe it off gently with a brush or cotton swab.
  • Clean the disc and stamp of ink particles.
  • Fix the image with transparent gel. The drawing dries quickly, you will not have to wait long. Just do not smear the finished result. Apply the fixer quickly, in one stroke. Do not press the brush on the nail, just distribute the drop over the surface.

Read also: Hand massage during manicure: technique and basic rules

How to use nail stamping: the main secrets

  • Practice stamping the foundation which you are about to shoot. It is unlikely that your first attempts will be so successful as to immediately make prints on a fresh, just prepared base. Soon you will master all the moments, discover your little tricks. And now - conduct a test application on an old, cracked base, which is not a pity to erase. Stamping does not immediately turn out perfect, such as in the photo from manicure lessons. Stock up on patience.

  • Choose the right nail polish remover from the plate. Products containing oil are not suitable. The drawing is either not printed or blurred.
  • Not recommended for base coat lacquers with mother-of-pearl and glitter. On them, the images do not look so clear, not so contrasting.

  • Paint on a scraper necessary after use wipe immediately paper napkin without waiting for it to dry.
  • The varnish on the disc dries in a few seconds. On the nails, it hardens more slowly. Therefore, it is necessary to quickly print the pattern on the surface of the nail plate. At a high temperature in the room, the air conditioner is running, near the open window, the varnish on the disc dries even faster. Therefore, exclude additional movements of air masses in the room where you are doing the stamping.

  • Apply paint to your drawing quickly confident movements, over the entire surface of the stencil. If you apply varnish to the edge of the image, and then distribute it with a scraper to the desired part of the disk, then you are unlikely to be able to evenly fill all the recesses.
  • think it over at what angle will you place the picture in advance so that the stamp with the printed pattern is not twisted before applying to the nail for too long, allowing it to dry.

Decorating your nails without visiting the salon is the dream of most fashionistas. Today, a new “trick” has appeared in the arsenal of nail design: nail stamping. Prints are created using a special rubber stamp, a metal disc and acrylic paints, which eliminates the use of stickers and hand painting. The device is simple, and the application technology is so simple that you can put your nails in order in 10-15 minutes. The use of stamping significantly reduces the cost of the services of a nail art master.

Spectacular Express Manicure

Modern girls need to create an attractive manicure as quickly as possible. And besides beauty, fashionistas are interested in how to save money. In this case, stamping is the perfect solution. The tool allows you to:

Nail stamps rationalize the use of your free time. But you need to acquire tools and master the technique of work.

Tools needed for drawings

A standard set of nail stamping is sold at any cosmetics store. It usually includes:

When choosing a set, check the quality of the materials. Discs and plates must be sufficiently hard, and scrapers must be absolutely even, without roughness. Look at certificates, holograms. A good stamping kit cannot be cheap.

In addition to the basic materials, take care of the presence of a base coat, base and decor products, nail polish remover, and a top coat.

It is quite difficult to make a drawing with ordinary varnishes. Their structure can be watery, so it is recommended to use shellac or a product with a gel-like structure.

Technology Features

The technique of applying stamping on nails covered with gel polish is similar to working with a conventional decorative tool. A beautiful nail design is embodied as follows.

Application of gel polish


Stamping for nails with gel polish is good because the pattern can be adjusted. But the gel coating acts only as the main tone, it is poorly printed on the nails. Use special acrylic paints or regular varnish.

Be sure to remove the dispersion layer. If you don't like the result, you can always fix it - just wipe it with nail polish remover. This must be done before drying in a UV lamp.

Stepping for nails (video)

Stamping tricks

Any manicure requires practice. The first time you will not get a beautiful print, so you need to be patient. Nail art experts recommend the following:

A high-quality and neat stamping nail design is possible if you choose the right coloring compositions. Stop on acrylic varnishes - the drawings will be colorful and voluminous.

How to choose the right varnish?

Usually, a stamping kit already includes paints based on acrylic or gel. If they run out or you purchased a set without paints, look for an alternative to them. When choosing a varnish with which you will make patterns, pay attention to the following:

  • consistency. A thick product will ensure the clarity of the drawings, will not spread and prevent blurry prints.
  • pigmentation. Play on contrasts: a manicure should have clear boundaries between the pattern and the background. By choosing varnishes that are close in shades, you risk getting a blurry design.
  • basis. A glossy finish is acceptable, but a matte background looks best.

Do you want to work with paints? No problem! Decorative coating allows you to create patterns of unprecedented beauty. Acrylic compositions are relatively inexpensive and are sold in sets. There is no need to look for a bright tube, they are sold in all cosmetics stores.

Keep in mind that large drawings are easily transferred with acrylic paint. Thin lines and miniature elements are easier to transfer with varnishes.

Fashion accents

When choosing the color of the coating, be guided by the trends of stamping nail design. Nude tones are in favor, which give the manicure neatness. Stop at beige, pale coral, powdery, nude, matching it to your skin tone.

The classic of manicure is scarlet color in all its variations. Do not refuse wine, scarlet, burgundy, pink or terracotta. At the peak of nail art fashion - neon. Experiment with acidic combinations of yellow, pink, blue and green.

Coating textures also matter. Stamping can be created using velvet matte products, using them as a base. Combine it with metallic tones, but avoid pearlescent structures.

Drawing for nail stamping modern fashion trends offer the following:

  • Thoughtful geometry. Strict stripes, triangles, squares and shapes look modern and unusual.
  • Exquisite vintage. Lace patterns, openwork nail plate, flirtatious fragment on the tips of the nails at the height of fashion.
  • Predatory animation. Animal print is back in fashion, which will delight lovers of manicure a la zebra, tiger or leopard, and even snakeskin imitation.