Gold standards for teachers of foreign languages. Practical recommendations for realizing the role of a foreign language teacher


for foreign language teachers

Foreign language teacher

Ilyushkina I.A.


With the adoption of a new professional standard, approaches to teacher education will change. According to the new professional standard, a teacher must have a higher or secondary vocational education, be able to analyze and plan lessons, organize excursions, maintain a business-friendly atmosphere in the children's team, objectively assess students' knowledge, protect their interests and dignity.

Also, the new standard assumes that every school teacher will be fluent in a foreign language, use foreign language sources of information together with students, be proficient in teaching methods for migrant children, gifted students, as well as socially neglected children and students with disabilities. According to the new standard, a teacher must also be able to work with students of different age categories and have excellent computer skills (understand social networks, conduct Skype lessons, conduct presentations and video conferences).

According to experts, not all teachers can meet the requirements of the professional standard. It is necessary to make sure that professional teachers leave pedagogical institutes.



Independence in decision making

Ready for change

Ability for non-standard activities


1) methodical

2) psychological and pedagogical

3) communicative

4) design and research

There is a need to fill the professional standard with new competencies:

1. Work with gifted children;

2. Work in conditions of inclusive education;

3. Work with children with developmental problems;

4. Work with deviant, dependent, socially vulnerable children with serious deviations in behavior.


Invariant - knowledge of the subject, knowledge of information technology.

The variable part is new professional competencies.


1) Training

2) Education

3) Development

These three components form an inextricable link, depend on one another in the modern conditions of the new professional standard.

The most interesting aspect is "Development":

1. Acceptance of different children, regardless of their behavior, mental and physical condition. This point is very controversial in my opinion, since the modern school (especially in the face of students) is not prepared for this kind of loyalty, and connivance in terms of behavior is also unacceptable, as this will lead to a deterioration in the overall situation in the class (chain reaction effect).

2. Providing assistance is and has always been an integral part of any educational process. It is important to create close interaction in the student-student, student-teacher system.

3. Interaction with a psychologist and doctors. In a modern school, a teacher-psychologist is a very important specialist who helps to solve various issues related to the upbringing and internal state of the child. It is the psychologist who is able to correctly guide the participants in the learning process and find a common language with "difficult" children.

4. The program of individual development is difficult, since the school is an institution of mass education, and often the teacher simply does not have enough time to pay attention to everyone, it is also problematic to track the development dynamics of each child.

5. Protecting someone who is not accepted in the class. An outcast child is not able to become a full-fledged member of society, and his psycho-emotional state can adversely affect his studies. The task of the teacher is to help such a student to join the team, to establish relationships with peers. Often, a positive attitude from an adult can elevate an outcast child in the eyes of classmates and change their attitude for the better.

6. Safe environment, comfort. The current situation in the country and the world makes us pay special attention to security, not only actual, but also virtual. In a modern school, emergency evacuation training is regularly conducted. The task of the teacher is to warn students from the threats of the virtual world. As for comfortable learning conditions, this does not always depend on the teacher directly. For example, there is a problem of lack of classrooms, and the teacher is forced to conduct lessons in a non-core room, move from classroom to classroom. Also, classrooms do not always have the necessary equipment. There is a problem of overcrowded groups, uneven distribution of students in foreign language groups (when divided into English and some other language, for example, French or German).

7. Additional education becomes an integral part of the educational process. It helps to reveal the child's abilities or develop them. Now without additional education is not enough for any school.

As we could see, the “development” aspect is a very important component of the new pedagogical standard, although some of its points are still quite controversial and raise a number of questions. They force a change in the approach to learning in general, not only teachers, but also the school administration.

"The use of the Federal State Educational Standard in the work of a foreign language teacher."

Since September 2012, teaching a foreign language according to the new standard began in the 2nd grade. A foreign language "along with the Russian language and literary reading ... is among the subjects of the philological cycle and forms the communicative culture of the student, contributes to his general speech development, expanding his horizons and educating his feelings and emotions"

The introduction of a new standard of general education into the practice of schools means that our students during the years of study in high school should not only acquire the amount of knowledge and skills in a foreign language, but also master the ability to study, organize their activities, and become owners of certain personal characteristics.

“The purpose of teaching a child is to enable him to develop without the help of a teacher,” wrote Elbert Hubbard, an American writer and philosopher. These words well reflect the essence of the work of the modern teacher.

It is planned to introduce compulsory education according to the Federal State Educational Standard:

at the level of basic general education from 2015-2016 academic year;

at the stage of secondary (complete) general education from the 2020-2021 academic year.

The transition to the Federal State Educational Standard can also be carried out in stages, at the levels of general education after the approval of the relevant Standards and as educational institutions are ready for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard: in 5 grades, starting from the 2012-2013 academic year, and in 10 grades - from the 2013-2014 academic year.

Therefore, the task of teachers is to thoroughly study all the provisions of the Federal State Educational Standard and begin to gradually put them into practice.

The federal state educational standard is a set ofrequirements, mandatoryfor execution in the implementation of the main educational program, including, includes state requirements for material, technical and other conditions for its implementation.

The standard imposes new requirements on the material, technical and informational equipment of the educational process. According to the new standard, the active use of information and communication technologies by the participants in the educational process is envisaged.

This requires significant changes in the equipment of the teacher's workplace and the entire classroom, as well as the constant use of the English language by the teacher in the lessons of electronic educational resources. Electronic educational resources are the means of modern information technologies. Their main qualities are: obtaining information, practical exercises, monitoring educational achievements. In our school, along with books, printed handouts, English language teachers widely use media materials that allow for interesting and effective classes.

Today, foreign language education is going through a difficult moment. During the period of modernization, our country needs highly qualified specialists who are fluent in one or more foreign languages. The introduction of the most effective teaching methods and the involvement of all students in creative activities can reveal the internal reserves of the educational process, and the student's personality itself..

The introduction of the GEF of general education also requires that English teachers have a different level of qualification, be ready to organize the educational process in the modern information and educational environment, so that they implement the requirements of the GEF and achieve the development of the main educational program based on a system-activity approach, which is a methodological the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard.

System-activity approach suggests:

Education and development of personality traits

Transition to a social design strategy

Orientation towards educational outcomes

Recognition of the decisive role of the content of education

Accounting for the individual characteristics of students

Ensuring the continuity of education

Variety of organizational forms

Guaranteed achievement of planned results

To the basic concepts and requirements GEF include:

a) (UUD) Universal learning activities

b) Participants in the educational process and the social contract;

c) Social design and construction of the pedagogical activity of the teacher and the educational activity of students;

d) Civic identity of younger students;

e) System-activity approach

Thus, the achievement of "the ability to learn" involves the full development of all components of educational activity, which include: 1) learning motives, 2) learning goal, 3) learning task, 4) learning activities and operations (orientation, transformation of material, control and evaluation)

The FSES of the second generation formulates the results of education in English at three levels: personal, meta-subject and subject. In addition, students form the following types of universal learning activities:





Personal UUD - This:

Self-determination (internal position of the student, self-identification, self-respect and self-esteem)

Meaning formation (motivation, boundaries of one's own knowledge and "ignorance")

Moral and ethical orientation (on the implementation of moral standards, the ability to solve moral problems on the basis of decentration, evaluation of one's actions)

Regulatory UUD - This:

Managing your activities

Control and correction

Initiative and independence

Cognitive UUD - This:

Working with information

Working with training models

Use of sign-symbolic means, general solution schemes

Performing Boolean Operations





Establishing analogies

Submission under the concept

Under communicative actions mean:

Planning for Learning Collaboration

Asking questions

Conflict resolution

Partner behavior management

Control, correction, evaluation of own actions

Ability to express your thoughts

Presentedthe following requirements to mastering UUD

in English language:

1. Acquisition of initial communication skills in oral and written form with native speakers of a foreign language

2. Mastering the initial linguistic ideas, expanding the linguistic horizons

3. The formation of a friendly attitude and tolerance towards native speakers of another language

Today, foreign language education is going through a difficult moment. During the period of modernization, our country needs highly qualified specialists who are fluent in one or more foreign languages. The introduction of the most effective teaching methods and the involvement of all students in creative activities can reveal the internal reserves of the educational process, and the student's personality itself.

According to Article 47 of the Law on Education in 2012, the legal status of teachers is changing. Beforethe teacher was part of the state education system and the quality of the education system depended on his quality. Teacher training was the task of the state.

Now the teacher is an independent applicant for the implementation of the state and public order in education and its compliance with the quality of this order becomes his personal problem.

Schools must now be accredited in order toquality control of education. And for this purpose, English teachers should draw up work programs, maintain a teacher's portfolio,on the personal websites of teachers, where they post their methodological materials to help teachers and students, notes, assignments for students. Thus, a modern English teacher should use in his work

elements of distance learning support (have tests, virtual lessons, materials for self-education on the site).

The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" dated 10.07.1992 No. N 3266-1 in Article 32 speaks of the competence and responsibility of an educational institution. The competence of an educational institution includes the development and approval of work programs for training courses, subjects, disciplines.

Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 “On Education in the Russian Federation” (adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on December 21, 2012) in Article 28 defines the competence, rights, duties and responsibilities of an educational organization. Paragraph 7 refers to

development and approval of educational programs of an educational organization

What does the Federal State Educational Standard of basic general education say about the work programs of educational subjects? Clause 18 defines the requirementsto sections of the basic educational program of basic general education. According to this document, the planned results of mastering the main educational program of basic general education by students should be a meaningful and criterial basis for the development of work programs for academic subjects and educational and methodological literature, work programs for extracurricular activities courses, meta-subject courses, education programs, as well as a system for evaluating the results of mastering students of the basic educational program of basic general education in accordance with the requirements of the Standard.

What is a work program? What are its goals and objectives?

A work program is a document developed by an educational institution.

The purpose of the work program is planning, organization and management of the educational process for the study of the academic discipline.

The tasks of the work program are to determine the volume of content, methodological approaches, the procedure for studying the academic discipline, taking into account the peculiarities of the educational process of the educational institution and the contingent of students in the current academic year.

There are exemplary English language programs for textbooks by different authors, which English teachers can refer to.

Sample Curriculum - a document of a recommendatory nature, which discloses in detail the mandatory (federal) components of the content of training and the quality parameters of the assimilation of educational material in a specific subject of the basic curriculum.

Exemplary programs cannot be used as working ones, since they do not set the sequence for studying the material and distributing it by grade or year of study.

Teachers also have the right to write their own author's program.

Author's program is a document created on the basis of the state educational standard and the Model Program and having the author's concept of building the content of the training course, subject, discipline (module). The author's program is developed by one or a group of authors.

The Author's program is characterized by an original concept and content construction. The introduction of the Author's program into the practice of general educational institutions is preceded by its examination and approbation.

Working programm - this is a curriculum developed by a teacher on the basis of an exemplary one for a specific educational institution and a specific class (group), which has changes and additions in the content, the sequence of studying topics, the number of hours, the use of organizational forms of education, etc.

The work program must answer three questions:

    For what? The goals-results of education are structured key and subject competencies of the student, personal, meta-subject and subject results, taking into account the specifics of the subject.

    What? The content of the educational material, its structured image for solving problems of various types. Didactic units of the content of education and the logic of assimilation of educational material in the context of activity.

    How? Types of activities of students when working with educational material to achieve educational goals-results, diagnostic materials.

The work program has the following mainfeatures:

    Regulatory: control of the passage of the program, control and other work.


    Methodical: methods, technologies, personal, subject, meta-subject results.

    Organizational: forms of interaction, teaching aids.

    Planning: requirements for the graduate, for the final certification.

Approximate content work program is as follows:

Title page

Explanatory note.

Educational and thematic plan

Content of the work program

Calendar-thematic planning

Requirements for the level of training of students

Control of the level of training (a package of control and measuring materials)

Norms for assessing the knowledge, skills and abilities of students (criteria for assessing the level of students' preparation)

Resource support of the program

play an important role in the development of the programthe results of mastering the subject

They represent learning outcomes expressed in the actions of students (operational) and actually identifiable with the help of some tool (diagnostic).

This list of learning outcomes includes personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering the training course program by year of study and in general.

The basis for highlighting the requirements for the level of training of students is the Federal State Educational Standard, an exemplary basic educational program and an exemplary program of a subject, on the basis of which a work program is being developed.

Development results subject must:

Described through the actions of students (“to learn” and “to be able to learn”);

Indicate a certain level of achievement;

Be achievable and measurable;

Describe in a language understandable to students.

Educational, methodological and logistical support programs are:

    Library fund (normative documents, programs, textbooks, teaching aids, scientific, popular science literature, reference manuals, teaching aids for teachers)

    printed manuals (tables on the subject, portraits, etc.)

    Information tools (multimedia educational programs, electronic textbooks, electronic databases, etc.)

    Technical training aids (computer, projector, interactive whiteboard, etc.)

Thus,modern English teacher in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, it must:

Master the content of foreign language education in new conditions;

Include in the educational process productive forms, methods of learning a foreign language, health-saving technologies, ensure the mastery of a foreign language, taking into account the individual characteristics of students, including gifted and talented children;

To form a holistic foreign language educational space in the unity of classroom and extracurricular activities;

To form universal learning activities: personal, meta-subject and subject competencies in the conditions of personal-semantic, system-activity approaches to teaching a foreign language;

Master new technologies of the system-activity approach, diagnose and evaluate new educational results,

Organize the educational process aimed at achieving the planned results.

Multidimensional professional competencies of a teacher

foreign language in the context of the transition to new standards of the Federal State Educational Standard.

As part of the implementation of the national educational initiative "Our New School", in connection with the transition of the school to the federal state standards of the new generation, the disclosure of the personal potential of children, raising their interest in learning and knowledge, and preparing them for professional activities have become priority tasks of education. The process of developing the personality of a student cannot be carried out in isolation from the development of the personality of the teacher himself. The multidimensionality and multifunctionality of the professional competencies of pedagogical workers entails the presentation of special requirements for the personality of the teacher. The professional standard of pedagogical activity and pedagogical competencies are put in the basis of the system of formation of the teacher's competence.

The competencies that ensure the successful solution of professional tasks include the goals and objectives of pedagogical activity; motivation of educational activity, providing the information basis of pedagogical activity; development of programs and adoption of pedagogical decisions, organization of educational activities.

The new standards put at the forefront the educational results of a super-subject, general educational nature. The application of the knowledge gained by students in practice and the developed critical thinking of students are the main indicator of the teacher's success. In many ways, this success depends on the choice of educational and methodological kits. A complex combination of teaching materials with effective teaching aids allows you to create a new learning environment that provides high quality training for students not only in the subject, but also at the level of inter-subject and over-subject communications. Implementing the new standard, the teacher must go beyond his subject, thinking about the development of the child's personality, the need to form universal learning skills, without which the student cannot be successful at the next stages of education. A new approach requires painstaking work of the teacher on himself.

Raising the level of qualification of a modern teacher consists in restructuring the already established professional activity, which involves the inclusion of a new action in the formed activity, a new module of the profession or new professional tasks in the structure of professional activity, changing motivational attitudes or giving them a new meaning, changing professional self-assessments, mastering new methods of professional thinking.

But, unfortunately, school teachers often do not accept tasks for restructuring due to the prevailing stable stereotypes of thinking and confidence that their method is correct and meets the standards of teaching methodology. Today at school we observe both traditional forms of exchange of experience that have been rooted for decades, as well as changed approaches to teaching a foreign language, new goals and objectives, new programs and textbooks. The restructuring of the essence of professional activity is possible provided that professional retraining of the teacher is organized, which would stimulate his development. Despite the different levels of methodological skill of the teaching staff of the school, effective close cooperation between experienced and novice teachers, successfully combining the basics of traditional domestic pedagogy and new technologies, methods and techniques. Having a close-knit team of teachers is the key to success in your ultimate goal.

The new school needs a new teacher. The professional activity of a person is not predetermined for the entire period of his professional career and requires continuous education and self-education, constant improvement of his professional competence. A modern teacher can fully realize himself as a person, achieve effective fulfillment of learning goals, organize effective educational cooperation and pedagogical communication, only realizing his professional and personal qualities and wanting to improve them. The activity of the teacher, based on self-knowledge and self-analysis, is a way of self-development. This means that the whole process of forming self-educational competence is aimed at such qualities as "qualification", "innovation", "mobility", "success", "productivity" and "representativeness", that is, the multidimensionality of the personality of a modern teacher and his professional personality traits.

Professional competence is realized through psychological-pedagogical, methodical, communicative, philological, general cultural, informational, social and managerial competences. The multidimensional professional competencies of a foreign language teacher express the unity of his theoretical and practical readiness to carry out pedagogical activities in the context of the introduction of second-generation standards.

A foreign language teacher, possessing all the qualities inherent in a teacher of any other academic discipline at school, is also determined by specific features: the ability to find, choose a subject of communication, direct it in such a way that students do not feel superior either in knowledge, or in age, or in the social role of the teacher. Moreover, a foreign language teacher, being a communication partner, should be interested in the process and result of this communication.

Thus, introspection of pedagogical activity, systematic work of the teacher to restructure his own thinking, the ability to conduct several types of activities at the same time, the skillful use of traditional and innovative methods of teaching and education in the classroom, impeccable command of information computer technologies, the need for constant self-education and readiness to create new values and making creative decisions, the ability to integrate different areas - are components of the multidimensionality of professional competencies of a foreign language teacher, introducing new standards and solving the problems of a modern school in the framework of the ongoing cardinal changes in the Russian education system.


1. Babansky Yu.K. Methods of teaching in a modern comprehensive school. - M.: Enlightenment, 1985.

2. Barannikov A. V. Self-education and competence-based approach - a qualitative resource of education: Theory and practice. M.: Moscow Center for the Quality of Education, 2009. P.60.

3. Blinov, V.I. How to implement a competency-based approach in the classroom and in extracurricular activities / V. I. Blinov. - M.: ARKTI, 2007. - 132 p.

4. Methodology for assessing the level of qualification of pedagogical workers. Ed. V. D. Shadrikova, I. V. Kuznetsova. M. 2010.-S.8.

5. Nikolaeva G.D. Modern teacher.// Nikolaeva Galina Dmitrievna. - 2012. - http://nikolaeva-

6. Sivkova S.I. Improving the professional competence of teachers of foreign languages ​​English teacher.//Festival of pedagogical ideas: Teaching foreign languages.-2011. - .

7. Khalzakova L. A. A model for the formation of self-educational competence of an English teacher / L. A. Khalzakova // Young scientist. - 2012. - No. 3. - S. 423-427.

8. Yusupova N.V. Mastering the standards of the new generation as a condition for improving the quality of education in the English language.// Social network of educators.

Based on the material analyzed above regarding the role of a foreign language teacher and the modern requirements of the new educational standard, we can offer the following practical recommendations for realizing the role of a foreign language teacher:

  • 1. When developing a lesson, the teacher needs to comprehend it as an element of the foreign language teaching system, as a new stage in achieving the main goal. Designing a lesson should begin with determining the role of this lesson in the structure of studying a topic, section, course.
  • 2. At the initial stage of designing a lesson, the teacher should set a clear goal, formulated in such a way that it is easily diagnosed, and its achievement is verified at the end of the lesson.
  • 3. The teacher must be able to correctly apply a student-oriented and activity approach, using his creative abilities, to create a situation in which the student in the class will be able to formulate his own goal regarding the given topic of the lesson, choose the pace of mastering the material and methods of work that suits him. Almost all topics of the school foreign language course (Family, Friends, Nature, Travel, etc.) have a huge personal potential. It remains for the teacher to help the children find their own perspective on a given topic of discussion, their own problem, which he would consider it necessary to solve within the framework of the topic.
  • 4. In order to interest students and immerse them in the atmosphere of solving real situations and problems using language experience, the teacher should build his lesson on solving real, not fictional, not outdated tasks and problems. Most of the UMC (Universal Methodological Kit) offered to schools invites students to solve somewhat outdated problems, the views on which have changed over time, the tasks set in the topics are now irrelevant. Consequently, articles, audio materials, texts torn off from modern reality do not cause students to dialogue, do not cause a desire to discuss the problem, to find a solution. A modern teacher can and must deal with this situation, finding a solution in the use of modern technologies. Thanks mainly to the Internet, it is possible to find and apply fresh articles from English-language newspapers, audio recordings of popular songs, interviews with famous personalities, and videos of real events in teaching. In addition, the Internet allows you to start communication, correspondence, or a real conversation using web equipment with foreign students of interest. Based on the above, we can confidently say that the use of modern information technologies will increase the motivation of students in learning a foreign language.
  • 5. Relying on the communicative orientation of the process of teaching a foreign language, the teacher is recommended to use the whole variety of forms of organization of the educational process. To create communication situations that are relevant at a particular stage of the lesson, and also depending on the nature of the tasks being solved, the teacher can organize a role-playing game, a theatrical performance, a project presentation, a quiz. The situation of communication as close as possible to reality will help students find and use various ways of solving language problems with the greatest motivation for activity. In addition, the teacher can promote the production of informational newspapers in English, the organization of holidays, song and recitation competitions, and research conferences. Using a creative approach and organizational skills, the teacher should guide children to independence, disclosure of personal potential, initiative and responsibility.
  • 6. It is important for a teacher to directly participate in the process of communication, to be open and sincere with students in the process of discussing a particular problem. To be an equal participant in the dialogue, to be able to defend one's point of view, to listen and accept the student's point of view, without moving away from the situation of communication. As a result, students will have a clearer understanding of the topic of discussion, more feeling its reality and relevance. You should not watch from the outside, you should be an active participant in the situation, show your own example of initiative, challenge students.
  • 7. In order to stimulate the development of students' communication skills, one should not be afraid to use non-traditional types and forms of lessons that can help maintain the fruitful and effective activities of students. Non-standard lessons include all the variety of forms of activity and teaching methods, especially such as research, project activities, problem-based learning, abstract study of the material. By applying non-traditional lessons in the educational process, the teacher helps relieve stress in children, revive their thinking, and increase interest in the subject as a whole.

Consider the possible types of non-standard lessons:

  • 1. Lesson game. You should not replace learning with play, you should try to synthesize play and work. At such a lesson, an informal atmosphere is created, the game develops the intellectual and emotional abilities of students. The learning goal is a game task, the lesson is subject to the rules of the game, students have an increased interest in the topic of study.
  • 2. Lesson-fairy tale, Lesson-journey. This lesson is based on the development of children's imagination, is based on a folk or literary fairy tale, or is composed by a teacher. The form of a fairy tale is close and interesting to children, especially those of primary school age.
  • 3. Lesson-competition. This type of lesson can be completely compiled by the teacher, or have the basis of a popular television competition. Quizzes allow you to control the practical and theoretical knowledge of students on a chosen topic at a good pace.
  • 4. Lessons based on imitation of the activities of any institutions or organizations. For example, Lesson-court, Lesson-auction, Lesson-interview, Lesson-research, Lesson-reporting, Lesson-excursion and so on. Students are required to solve tasks with the help of their creative potential, solving problem-search problems. The proposed lessons offer to try on one or another profession, bearing a career-oriented bias, and also develop the artistry of students and originality of thinking.
  • 5. Lesson performance. To improve the phonetic skills of students, create communicative, creative, cognitive and aesthetic motivation. Preparation for such a lesson develops the individual abilities of students, activates their speech and thinking abilities, motivates them to read literature, get to know the culture of the country of the language being studied, and also activates knowledge of vocabulary and helps to strengthen it.

Conclusions on the second chapter

Based on the results of the study of the practical implementation of the role of a foreign language teacher, we can draw the following conclusions:

The new federal educational standard sets clear requirements for learning outcomes and calls for a fresh look at the modern lesson, embodying the creative ideas of the teacher and student.

Proceeding from this, the novelty of modern Russian education requires the personal beginning of the teacher, who develops, encourages, introduces, recommends and guides the child. Using a student-centered approach, the teacher aims to develop students' ability for objective self-assessment of reflection.

A foreign language teacher should be able to design a lesson within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard, being able to successfully combine the classical structure of the lesson with the active use of creative developments, using traditional techniques and methods along with modern technologies in a new way, directing this activity to solve modern educational problems.

The use of project activities is the most important method of working with students within the framework of the new standard, its implementation contributes to the inclusion of students in intercultural dialogue, as well as motivation for independence, initiative, responsibility, and the development of creative skills.

In addition, project activities require the teacher to create conditions for expanding the cognitive processes and interests of students, the possibility of their self-education and practical application of knowledge and experience.

It is important for the teacher to create positive motivation, a special mood in the classroom, to set up students to enjoy the educational process and project activities in particular, and also to rejoice at the results and successes achieved with the children.

The application of the above recommendations for the practical implementation of the role of a foreign language teacher, compiled on the basis of the study, should help maintain the interest of students in the subject being studied, increase their motivation, develop key competencies, which, accordingly, is aimed at forming a personality capable of with the greatest success and comfort take their place in modern society and be active.

education teacher foreign teaching


The article is devoted to the study of a number of issues related to the formation of the competencies of English language teachers in connection with the introduction of a professional teacher standard. The structure of the professional standard is analyzed, the main competencies necessary for teachers of English are highlighted. The possibility of using professional exams of the University of Cambridge - TKT (test on the methods of teaching English), CELTA (certificate in teaching English as a foreign language) and DELTA (diploma of teaching English working with an adult audience) as an effective tool for the qualitative formation of identified based on a professional competency standard. The levels, formats, structure and content of these exams are presented in detail, as well as the key competencies formed in the process of learning under these programs, which fully meet the requirements of the professional standard and contribute to the further professional development of English teachers.

professional standard of a teacher


international exams

Professional Development

1. Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of December 25, 2014 No. No. 1115n “On Amendments to the Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated October 18, 2013 No. No. 554n “On approval of the professional standard “Teacher (pedagogical activity in the field of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education) (educator, teacher)” [Electronic resource]. – URL: (date of access: 20.09.2017).

2. Kuzminov Ya.I., Matrosov V.P., Shadrikov V.D. Professional standard of pedagogical activity / Ya.I. Kuzminov, V.P. Matrosov, V.D. Shadrikov // Bulletin of Education. - 2007. - No. 4. - P. 20–34.

3. Mandel B.R. Modern and traditional technologies of pedagogical skills: a textbook for undergraduates / B.R. Mandel. – M.; Berlin: Direct - Media, 2015. - 260 p.

4. Yamburg E.A. What will the new professional teacher standard bring to the teacher? / E.A. Yamburg. – M.: Enlightenment, 2014. – 175 p.

5. Bulletin about the sphere of education. Reform of the school education system (domestic and foreign experience). – Analytical Center under the Government of the Russian Federation, Vol. 10, December 2016. - 36 p.

6. Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. - Educational Service Australia, 2011. - 28 p.

7. “How to make the teaching profession the profession of the future! Lessons from all over the world. Analytical report of the international summit dedicated to the teaching profession. - St. Petersburg: Department of Operational Printing NRU HSE - St. Petersburg, 2011. - 144 p.

8. Professional standard of the teacher [Electronic resource]. – URL: (date of access: 20.09.2017).

Currently, in modern Russian society there is a tendency to put forward new requirements for the education system, which is considered as one of the most important components of the economic growth and well-being of the nation, as well as the stabilization of the country's social life. At the same time, in the concept for the development and modernization of national education, special attention is paid to the quality of Russian education and its compliance with international standards.

In this regard, it should be noted the relevance of introducing a new legal document - the professional standard of a teacher, which was approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of October 18, 2013, No. 544n. Initially, this standard was planned to be adopted from January 1, 2015, but subsequently it was decided to postpone its introduction to a later date, designated as January 1, 2017 (order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated December 25, 2014 No. 115n).

V.D. Shadrikov, one of the creators of the concept of the professional standard of a teacher, explaining the essence of the concept of a professional standard, draws attention to the following: “Under the professional standard we will understand the system of requirements for the qualities (competence) of the subject of activity, which in their entirety determine the possibility of occupying a particular position and determine success in activity".

The professional standard of a teacher defines new requirements for the professional competence of a teacher, put forward in the course of the process of modernization and development of education in a rapidly changing world. This inevitably leads to a revision and subsequent change in the curricula for the training of specialists - teachers in universities, as well as their further retraining on the basis of advanced training centers. Thus, the standard becomes a benchmark that indicates the need for qualitative changes in the process of teacher training.

It is well known that, on average, knowledge is updated every 3-5 years, while "it is believed that 5% of theoretical and 20% of professional knowledge that any specialist should have is updated annually" . Thus, it should be noted the special role played by the system of advanced training and retraining of teaching staff, taking into account the requirements of the professional standard. As one of the creators of this document, E.A. Yamburg, "training and retraining of teachers is the main condition for the transition to a new professional standard". The introduction of a new teacher standard should entail changes in the professional development programs for teachers that contribute to the mastery of certain competencies to solve functional problems and fill certain professional deficiencies.

At the same time, the further improvement of the teaching corps will be facilitated by "the formation of a national system of teacher growth and the implementation of a comprehensive program to improve the professional level of teachers in general education organizations" .

It should also be noted that the professional standard motivates teachers for further professional development and self-improvement. This will be facilitated both by the transition to "effective contracts" and the currently widely discussed system of possible introduction of various positions for the teaching staff, presented from a teacher's assistant to a mentor and an expert. Such innovations will create conditions and opportunities for career growth of the most successful and ambitious representatives of the profession.

In this regard, the experience of standardization in education in Western countries is interesting, in which the standards also provide for ranking within the professional field. In the structure of Western standards, one can single out from two to four levels of pedagogical excellence.

For example, in Australia there is the following division:

Basic level (Graduate teachers) - have teachers with basic pedagogical education;

Professional level (Proficient teachers) - awarded to teachers who have been certified in accordance with the requirements of the standard;

Lead teachers are experts who have achieved the highest degree of pedagogical excellence.

In Singapore, the teacher is given the opportunity to choose three career options:

Leading teacher (Master teacher);

Specialist in curriculum development and research (Specialist in Curriculumor Research);

Administrator (School leader) .

A professional standard is impossible without the development of professional competencies of a teacher. Let's consider the main competencies presented in the standard in relation to teachers of a foreign language. Based on the analysis of this regulatory document, we have identified a list of general pedagogical competencies that a foreign language teacher should have.

So, in accordance with the requirements of the standard, the teacher must:

Determine the best ways to train and develop students;

Plan a specialized educational process, taking into account the specifics of the composition of students on the basis of existing standard programs and own developments;

Apply modern educational technologies;

Conduct classes using achievements in the field of pedagogical and psychological sciences, as well as modern information technologies and teaching methods;

Plan and conduct training sessions in accordance with the main general educational program;

Develop and implement problem-based learning using modern pedagogical technologies of a competency-based approach, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of students.

For the qualitative formation of competencies identified on the basis of a professional standard, it seems possible for us to refer to the international experience of professional training of teachers of English and, accordingly, consider the highly specialized exams of the University of Cambridge - TKT (test on the methods of teaching English), CELTA (certificate in the field of teaching English as a foreign language) and DELTA (Diploma in Teaching English to Adults). At the same time, it should also be noted that these international certification exams in law can be considered as an element of an external audit embedded in the professional standard, which is carried out by independent certification centers that have highly qualified experts with high authority in the global professional community.

At the present stage of development of professional linguistic education, new approaches are required to assess the quality of teacher training and the implementation of pedagogical activities in accordance with modern educational standards. In this regard, it seems relevant to refer to international qualification exams, which allow for a valid assessment of the formation of the professional competence of foreign language teachers.

The level of subject and methodological training of foreign language teachers is of particular importance in connection with the introduction of the main state English language exam (OGE) in 2020 and the compulsory foreign language exam (USE) in 2022, similar in format and structure to the corresponding foreign exams, determining the language level.

Let's consider the levels, formats, structure and content of each of the "three pillars" of teaching professionalism.

The exam for teachers of English TKT (The Teaching Knowledge Test) has a theoretical focus and gives a complete picture of the modern methodological base necessary for teaching English, and also tests knowledge of this technique. The purpose of the exam is to provide an opportunity for an English teacher to obtain a basic theoretical basis for work and subsequent professional training.

The exam has a modular structure and consists of three main modules:

Module 1 - "Language and background to language learning and teaching";

Module 2 - "Lesson planning and use of resources for language teaching";

Module 3 - Managing the teaching and learning process.

Each module consists of 80 questions. The exam is held in writing, the type of tasks is closed-type questions, the answers to which are automatically processed.

Teachers will learn various techniques and methods of teaching the language, will be able to plan lessons and structure their stages in accordance with the goals and needs of students, as well as choose the most appropriate forms of current and final control in accordance with the stage and goals of teaching a certain group of students. Moreover, teachers will master various ways of organizing learning activities in the classroom with the aim of activating it, adaptive technologies, and the ability to correctly select additional manuals and materials for the course of study.

After analyzing the training course for preparing for the TKT exam, we come to the conclusion that it provides proper methodological training for an English teacher in accordance with modern requirements.

The more advanced CELTA and DELTA exams require both deep theoretical knowledge and the ability to effectively apply it in practice. Preparation for these exams includes theoretical and practical courses.

The CELTA (Certificate of English Language Teaching to Speakers of Other Languages) qualification course is today a widely used and internationally recognized initial qualification for teaching English as a foreign language. Every year, more than 10,000 people around the world are trained under this program.

The CELTA program is an intensive course that integrates theory and practice. It introduces students to the theory and methods of teaching English, gives the basic principles of effective work, and offers practical options for solving various situations.

The curriculum of the course consists of five sections:

Section 1 - "Interaction between a teacher and a student in the context of methods and forms of teaching and learning" (Learners and teachers and the teaching and learning context);

Section 2 - "Language analysis and awareness" (Language analysis and awareness);

Section 3 - "Basic types of speech activity: reading, listening, speaking and writing" (Language skills: reading, listening, speaking and writing);

Section 4 - “Planning and resources for different teaching contexts”;

Section 5 - "Developing teaching skills and professionalism" (Developing teaching skills and professionalism).

Thus, upon successful completion of the CELTA course, English teachers will be able to:

Effectively diagnose the level of language competence of students and plan their further education, taking into account their individual needs;

Have knowledge of the language system in general and modern teaching methods;

Use adequate methods of teaching receptive and productive speech skills;

Plan and conduct lessons that contribute to the development of the general language competence of students;

Use different teaching methods and techniques;

Possess technologies for selecting, acquiring, using and updating knowledge, as well as the skills of reflection, self-assessment and self-control.

The next step in the professional development of English teachers is the international diploma DELTA (Diploma of English Language Teaching to Adults), which is one of the most significant and professionally significant qualifications in the field of teaching English, which is confirmed by the issuance of a diploma, not a certificate.

Studying in accordance with the DELTA course contributes to a significant expansion and deepening of both theoretical and practical skills in teaching English. This training program is designed for experienced teachers who already have an initial qualification (for example, Cambridge CELTA) or equivalent and who want to improve their skills and expand their professional experience.

The required course program includes 120 hours of classroom work and 10 hours of English teaching practice for an adult audience. Independent work is about 300 hours. This time is devoted to the study of educational literature on the course, research work, as well as the implementation of written assignments.

The DELTA course program consists of three modules, with the last module having two options.

Module 1 - "Understanding language, methodology and resources for teaching". This module discusses in detail the following questions:

Theoretical perspectives of language learning and teaching;

History of English teaching;

Use of various methods and approaches, including current trends;

The system of the English language (grammatical, lexical-semantic, phonetic structure), as well as linguistic problems associated with its study and teaching;

Checking the understanding of the language skills and abilities of students, as well as diagnosing problems in their formation;

Selection of resources and materials for language teaching;

Key concepts and terminology used in language testing.

Module 2 - "Developing professional practice" focuses on the principles and practice of planning and teaching in the classroom with the effective use of educational resources. It includes the following sections:

The context of language learning and the student as a participant in the educational process;

Preparation for teaching adults who learn English;

Analysis and principles of selection of educational materials;

Modern methods and organizational forms of learning management;

Evaluation of the preparation and teaching of the lesson;

Observation of the lessons of other teachers and their evaluation;

Professionalism and opportunities for further professional development.

Module 3 - "Further improvement of teaching practice through the choice of specialization" (Extending practice and English language teaching specialism) provides two options:

Option 1 - extended practice and specialization in teaching English, which may cover the following areas of teaching: teaching children, teaching language as preparation for language exams, teaching academic English;

Option 2 - management in the field of teaching English.

Thus, having considered these exams in the light of the possibility of forming a number of competencies necessary for English language teachers, taking into account the requirements of the professional standard, it can be noted that, differing in the degree of complexity of the educational material, these exams and preparation for them can be fully considered as an effective means of forming the above competencies. At the same time, it should be noted that the presence of an international Cambridge certificate (Cambridge ESOL) testifies to the undoubted recognition of the professionalism of its owner and the high level of formation of his professional competencies, which significantly increases the self-esteem of such a teacher, motivates for further self-improvement and largely contributes to his professional growth.

Tasks formed on the basis of the materials of these training programs can be successfully applied both in advanced training courses for teachers and used as an individual program for professional development and self-improvement. The use of active forms and methods of teaching in the educational process, the direct connection of theory with the practical application of the acquired knowledge in the educational process contributes to the satisfaction of professional deficits and stimulates further educational and cognitive activity of teachers on the path of professional development.

Bibliographic link

URL: (date of access: 02/01/2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"